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Once the Supreme Court began to belatedly protect the First Amendment, some lefties began to get the clever idea to rebrand their particular horrible things as their religious practice. The Satanic Temple which, unlike the Church of Satan, is just a leftist movement that isn’t serious about human sacrifice, started bringing religious freedom cases, and there was a push to classify abortion as a religious practice.
Calling aiding illegal aliens invading America a religious practice protected by the First Amendment may top even that.
Government officials would be infringing on religious freedom if they were to restrict the Catholic Church’s work serving migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border, says a top U.S. bishop.
Archbishop Timothy Broglio, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, addressed the issue this week while in Louisville, Kentucky, for a USCCB meeting where migration issues, including the long wait for religious worker visas, came up repeatedly. He acknowledged recent targeting of faith-based border work by government officials, including the Texas attorney general’s attempts to shutdown a Catholic nonprofit that has operated a network of migrant shelters for decades.
“We obviously want to respect the law, but if that liberty is restricted, then yes, our religious liberty is being restricted because we can’t put into practice the precepts of the Gospel,” Broglio said during a news conference Thursday.
This doesn’t work for the same reason that classifying abortion as a religious practice fails the 1A test.
The First Amendment provides a wide cone of protection for religious practices, but you cannot classify crimes, abuses, and the invasion of America as a “religious practice” and a ban on it as a restriction on your religious freedom.
There have been various tests of the limitations of religious freedom when it came to substance abuses, such as Jewish and Catholic uses of wine during Prohibition, and the use of drugs by some Indian tribes.
Killing babies or invading America may indeed be your sincere religious belief (maybe both if you’re a follower of Mohammed) but since these acts cause harm to other human beings, they’re still illegal. Sorry.
Now to be fair to the Left, theirs is indeed a religion or a cult, just not one that they will admit to. Instead, they disguise themselves in the forms of actual religions while claiming that destroying the country is how they live out their moral values.
There are too many pro-invasion activists wrongly using Catholicism, Judaism or other religious beliefs as their shield.
But you still can’t invade America. Sorry.
That was a refreshing read, a crisp analysis from a different angle, a road less traveled. Very interesting.
Like Walt Whitman, yes?
“There are too many pro-invasion activists wrongly using Catholicism, Judaism or other religious beliefs as their shield.”
The fundamental moral code of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and socialism is ALTRUISM. The Jews and Christians on the Left have the interpretation of the morality of their religion correct, it is the Jews and Christians on the Right who are tragically mistaken.
Individual rights, private property rights, laissez-faire capitalism, the personal pursuit of happiness on earth, and selective immigration all rest on the secular foundation of Ayn Rand’s moral code of self-preservation and RATIONAL SELFISHNESS.
“America’s inner contradiction was the altruist-collectivist ethics. Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual rights. One cannot combine the pursuit of happiness with the moral status of a sacrificial animal….
From her start, America was torn by the clash of her political system with the altruist morality. Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society. Today, the conflict has reached its ultimate climax; the choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequences of freedom, justice, progress and man’s happiness on earth—or the primordial morality of altruism, with its consequences of slavery, brute force, stagnant terror and sacrificial furnaces.” – Ayn Rand
Altruism is not fundamental or even incidental to Christianity. Charity is voluntary giving of one’s time, resources or talent to help those who have need, principally one’s own family, neighbor or community.
What the Catholic Church and other Christian organizations are doing to open our borders to the invasion, receiving financial reward for doing so is deeply wicked and un-Christian.
Israel has never been asked by the LORD to open her borders to any other nation or people, or to send their monies out of Israel for the support of foreigners.
Prove me wrong and quote the Bible, in context.
Dear Kynarion, I have quoted the Bible in context many times, to you and others here, and you deny it!
You deny that what Jesus demands is your altruistic self-sacrifice.
The professional Christian theologians know full well that Christianity demands altruistic self-sacrifice for God and neighbor. That’s why the Roman Catholic Church, no matter the protestations of the Protestants or “Cafeteria Catholics”, is the most important branch and denomination of Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church has the most serious and consistent Christian theology of altruistic self-sacrifice for God and neighbor.
“All rights rest on the fact that man’s life is the moral standard [not God but man’s life]. Rights are rights to the kinds of actions necessary for the preservation of human life. Just as “it is only the concept of ‘life’ that makes the concept of ‘value’ possible,” so it is only the requirements of man’s life that make morality, and thus the concept of “rights,” possible.
All rights rest on the fact that man survives by means of reason. Rights are rights to the actions necessary for the preservation of a rational being. Only an entity with a conceptual faculty has judgment on which to act, volition with which to select goals, and intelligence with which to create wealth.
All rights rest on the fact that man is a productive being. Rights presume that men can live together without anyone’s sacrifice. If man merely consumed objects provided in a static quantity by nature, every man would be a potential threat to every other. In such a case, the rule of life would have to be that which governs the lower species: seize what you can be before others get it, eat or be eaten, kill or be killed.
All rights rest on the ethics of egoism. Rights are an individual’s selfish possessions—his title to his life, his liberty, his property, the pursuit of his own happiness. Only a being who is an end in himself can claim a moral sanction to independent action. If man existed to serve an entity beyond himself, whether God or society, then he would not have rights, but only the duties of a servant.” – Leonard Peikoff
Dearest THX, you are at 100% for twisting scripture. Never in context. Not even once. You always take your cues from “professional theologians” like Rand and Peikoff.
And Jesus gave His own life, that you might have His. It was not altruism. The cross’s appearance of death and loss was temporary. God glorified Himself (gain) and those who believe and love Him gain eternal life and joy – now and always.
Altruism how? Jesus went to the cross for the joy that was set before Him. Hebrews 12:2 “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Don’t be one of the perishing, THX. 1 Corinthians 1:18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
Power of God. Not altruism.
Dear Kynarion,
Objectivism is a philosophy for living on earth, here in the natural world, the only realm we know to exist, the only provable one, provable through the evidence of the senses; not for escaping life on earth for an imaginary, supernatural, utopia when you’re dead.
The personal pursuit of happiness means the pursuit of happiness here on earth. Rights mean the right to live on earth in peace, free from force or fraud of other men.
“What is meant by “the supernatural”? Supposedly, a realm that transcends nature. What is nature? Nature is existence—the sum of that which is. It is usually called “nature” when we think of it as a system of interconnected, interacting entities governed by law. So “nature” really means the universe of entities acting and interacting in accordance with their identities. What, then, is “super-nature”? Something beyond the universe, beyond entities, beyond identity. It would have to be: a form of existence beyond existence—a kind of entity beyond anything man knows about entities—a something which contradicts everything man knows about the identity of that which is. In short, a contradiction of every metaphysical essential….
There is no way to prove a “super-existence” by inference from existence; supernaturalism can be accepted only on faith. – Leonard Peikoff
Please, for the love of God, drop your Randian bullcrap about altruism. You’ll wake up the next day happier.
Either that or just get laid.
So many things wrong with his arguments it’s hopeless.
I came across a new to me line of thinking that the various rules of behavior were necessary for social cohesion. Like, if people are allowed to go around murdering, robbing and raping people, society falls apart. Which may be why the left encourages such things.
You’re so right. The old Soviet Union encouraged crimes like that and we both know what a shithole that country was. I forget why Lenin and Co thought accommodating criminals was a good idea, something about furthering the glorious cause, but it sure didn’t work out.
A country’s first duty is to it’s citizens.
Send all the Migrants to the United Nations after all thats the place where their most wanted by these Globalists
Move the UN to Saudi Arabia, where the delegates can roast in the heat.
Catholic Charities is doing more harm and damage and destruction to US citizens than either China or Russia.
Catholic Charities is directly supporting and financing the INVASION of America by illegal aliens.
Catholic Charities also shares responsibility for the murdering of more than 100,000 US citizens every year by Mexican manufactured drugs that are pushed into the USA by the Mexican cartels and the Mexican government.
Catholic Charities should be prosecuted by the US Justice Department for its criminal activity aimed against all US citizens.
I know, right? Illegal invasions of our country are supposed to be……illegaI…..but you wouldn’t know it from the No Border Bidumb regime.
I don’t know if you’ve read the Gospels Greeny, that could be a sin for you as a Jew. I don’t know much about Judaism except for the Shabbat and religious holidays. which I always pray for even though I’m not Jewish that I know of. Christians and Jews are brethren, you know. My Church congregation travels to Israel every year.
My birth name is Rininger, which is a variation of Reininger, which is Bavarian, or Rieninger, which is a full on Jewish name. One of these days I’ll take a genetic test, not that I care what the results will be.
I’ve read the Gospels though and there isn’t any precept about illegal invasions/immigration.
I hate when people use Christianity as a fake excuse for the invasion of America by wet backs. I especially hold Pope Commie Francis in contempt.
Weston La Barre did a lot of anthropological research on Peyote use by American Indians, which led to Peyote being legally accepted as a religious sacrament.
Unfortunately Weston seemed to have a Freudian viewpoint, though that was necessary to gain academic acceptance at that time.
What I keep wondering about is whether using drugs as sacraments in the New World played a role in the acceptance of human sacrifice in indigenous New World religions.
That’s an interesting question.
The Aztecs were cannibals, you know, and the Comanches, who called themselves the Snakes, were reputed to be cannibals too. Comanche meant “enemy” in some other Indian languages, I don’t remember which ones.
I wouldn’t want to run into any of those guys.
Shit. The latest black chick I picked up today was bad enough. She kept yelling at me. Shit. Take a chill pill, bitch. All I wanted was some pussy and a nice blowjob. But like I told you, you can’t ever call a black chick a bitch.
One thought to consider. Will the various Christian religions take responsibility for the harm they caused to other human beings that become victims cause by illegal aliens that they help? If you do your research as to all the crimes they commit, how does the church justify what they have done to those victims?
Illegal Aliens should not be help in any manner whatsoever. The vast majority are really not the best people to allow into the United States. They lie, cheat, and do whatever it takes to get into this country. Their phony excuse that they are in danger is a lie for 99% of them.
I had a quiet little bet with myself that Broglio was either a Jesuit or Jesuit educated.
Then I checked his bio, and lo and behold, a Jesuit high school.
The Jesuits, and in particular the New World Jesuits, fell hook line and sinker for the “Liberation Theology” cooked up by the KGB and spread by their tame Russian Orthodox delegates to the World Council of Churches (with their KGB minders alongside them at all times) during the ’60s.
The Jesuits were particularly vulnerable because of their concentration on dialectic rather than theology, and because the Russians were talking to them in dialectic they fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
So what you get now is 3 generations of Jesuit educated Catholics in America, some of them in the highest positions like Broglio, who don’t actually understand Christian, and especially Catholic theology, but always approach if from the viewpoint of “liberation theology”.
You only have to look at the garbage that comes out the the Pope’s mouth to see a perfect example of the problem.
Oh, Pope Commie is a full on Jesuit. I knew it before I checked when before he was anointed he would go on about poverty and illegal immigration. And I KNEW that cunt would choose the name Francis.
This article resonates with me. I believe that all illegal aliens should be deported, and that assisting them is a crime. Of course, the crime is not prosecuted and the government is breaking the law by allowing illegal aliens into the USA.
However, someone at my church started a ministry to assist “migrants,” e.g. de facto illegal aliens. I think the rationale is that Jesus said we should assist the needy.
Jesus also said “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and render unto God what is God’s.” I take this to mean that we have different obligations to God and to country, but if they conflict, our obligations to God take precedence. However, as a patriotic American, I think that breaking our immigration laws is wrong, and assisting illegal aliens is having a disastrous effect on our country.
I haven’t discussed this with anyone at the church, but my impression is that they are not red-pilled, and they more or less swallow what the Regime Media feeds them. I will not be volunteering for this “migrant” ministry, and if the church goes woke by supporting homosexuality, abortion, transvestism et cetera I will withdraw my support from the church.
I always disable ipv6 on my equipment!