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Democrats and the media love their “threat to democracy” messaging that depicts anyone who opposes them as a threat to democracy.
This requires redefining democracy to mean the power of their party. And not just their party. But its current leadership.
Take poor Rep. Dean Philips who, on seeing the terrible poll numbers, decided to do the unacceptable democratic thing.
As Rep. Dean Phillips ramps up his long-shot bid for president, his Democratic colleagues back in Washington are fuming at what they see as the Minnesotan’s betrayal of his party.
Gentlemen, this is the Democratic Party, there’s no democracy allowed here!
The basis for Phillips’ campaign is polling that suggests most voters — and even many Democrats — don’t want to see Biden as the Democratic nominee.
Most Democrats, guys. Also most carbon-based lifeforms. SETI has picked up alien signals conveying the message that there is an entire civilization in the Outer Magellanic Clouds who don’t want Biden back.
But that’s suspiciously democratic and there’s no room for that sort of thing in the Democratic Party.
Awkwardly, democracy is at war with the Democrats. This arguably makes Biden a “threat to democracy”.
Phillips started out praising Biden and framing his bid in strategic and philosophical terms, but he’s since grown willing to go negative — even saying Biden is a threat to democracy. Phillips told Axios his comments were not meant to label Biden himself as a “distinct threat to democracy,” but were instead a reference to the suppression of competition and cancellation of several state primaries.
Kind of hard to argue the point when the whole premise of the Democratic Party is that no one is allowed to run against their chosen candidate.
I’ve been reading about the Dark Ages. Seems like we are already in a new Dark Ages. Dark Age strategy and tactics were awful.
The Dark Ages? Was that before or after Sodom and Gomorrah? As we approach the Christmas celebration, I have just one question for Democ-rats: Was that Joe Bite-Me buggering that boy on the table of a U.S. Senate hearing room? You know, the boy staffer that Maryland Senator Ben Cardin fired because of who the boy loved. Whoever was on top of the boy took pictures of the anal battering and posted them on the Internet. Whatever else they may be, Joe Bite-Me and the Democ-rats are no threat to sodomy.
Your’s is a highly appropriate description. We are definitely in a modern Dark Age.
The Dark Age description is obvious when one ponders much of the logic and reasonableness of the woke in denying simple biology or science of planet weather, social sciences, etc. Universities here no longer are institutions of educating minds in centuries old traditional sense. In fact, universities here and now deny curiosity, logic, basic investigative values in order to push simple ignorance.
Thanks Luz Maria!
That is a spot on assessment. We may not be quite there yet but the world, at least the western wordl, is once again entering a period where we are economically, culturally, and intellectually in a decline.
Have a Merry Christmas, my friend.
The irony is palpable, but maybe Orwellian is a better choice of words in 2023. I mean…Democrat is their party name, for Pete’s sake. “An advocate for democracy, with the common people considered as the primary source of political power.” {American Heritage dictionary, 5th addition} If anyone thinks this describes the modern Democrat party, they probably did pretty well in public school.
I watched the Sunday morning network mouthpieces for the party say the American people were idiots for complaining about the economy and inflation. We’re just too stupid to see all the good they’ve done for us. Does that sound like the “common people considered as the primary source of political power” to anyone? ANYONE?!
…but to answer your question in a word: yes.
Yes he is a threat to the American way of life.
He is a WEAK and compromised vegetable.
He sold America out and he will continue to do so until STOPPED!
FIRST: America is NOT a democracy. Only the ignorant fall for that inadequate and imposterous monaker. America is a representative republic that consists as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Since 1913, a sect of elites and moguls have been able to work collectively to destroy that because individual liberty and national borders hinder their ideal. A global marketplace aligned with government
that will provide endless protection from potential competition, inventions and individual innovations outside their circles.
SECOND: The current representatives are nothing less than a majority of corrupt self serving public actors who pose as affiliates of a left and right party system. They work for the highly connected few. This is why George Washington warned us NOT to allow political parties to exist. They are designed around contentious hot button issues of the times that will effectively divide the public and keep them busy while they work behind the scenes to gradually degrade the rights of individuals and the foundations of economic independence.
Democracy as a government system is a MOB RULE style of government designed to benefit grifters and corporate government alliances. It’s well connected heads of authority rely heavily upon public ignorance and apathy in order to impose their top down rules. It can make lies to be seen as truth and force any sort of doctrine the public can be fooled into accepting. This is what most of the world has already fallen for. The U.S. is the last nation to be transformed which is the reason for the chaos and cultural decay we’ve seen over the last 70+ years. They’re trying everything possible to fundamentally transform us before the majority catch on to their motives.
I prefer the image from that speech of biden holding his fists up and shouting like that German chancellor did at his Nuremberg rallies. They need to change their name to the authoritarian or autocrat party.
Who rules by Executive Order? Who refuses to obey Supreme Court rulings? Who refuses to enforce statutes enacted by Congress and signed into law by his predecessors? Who asserts that millions of his countrymen are “semi-fascists” or the legitimate heirs of Bull Connor, or are a danger to democracy? Who has destroyed any notion of equal protection of law by virtue of its discriminatory hiring practices? Who is unleashing his law enforcement and intelligence agencies on his political opposition? Who conspires with social media to censor political and policy opponents? Who routinely engages in electoral fraud?The very idea that Democrats and the administration call anyone besides themselves a threat to democracy is an outrage. And projection.
I think it started with Obama. He laughed himself silly telling lie after lie after lie, and getting away with it, thanks to his accomplices in the MSM, and the abject stupidity of the American public. Now it has been upped a notch with the Xiden regime. They tell absolutely ridiculous, detestable, lies, and there are virtually no consequences. I am certain that they laugh themselves silly in private. They know that they are destroying our democratic form of government; they know that ‘Green Energy’ is a scam; they know J6 was not an insurrection, and they know that Trump will never be a ‘dictator’.
Biden is a threat to Democracy, A threat to the World, A threat to North and South America, A threat to the individual States, A threat to the Cities, A threat to our families, A threat to his family, and most of all A threat to himself. If he was a horse he would have been shot years ago.
the threat to our democracy is Trump. sorry you guys can’t do basic math. I write as a long-time constitutional conservative.
I’d say more, but you’re obviously immune to reality.
You cannot be serious.
Joe Biden is for democracy like Marx was for workers. Both view the category they pretend to champion as a collective devoid of individual rights while centralized power is reserved for the ruler.