The Biden administration disaster can be put down to 1 part senility and 4 parts leftist insanity.
What else could explain doing this before a crucial election in a coal state where the Dems are struggling on energy issues?
Biden made the comments on Friday when discussing energy, stating that coal plants cost too much to operate and advocated for renewables as an eventual replacement.
“No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it,” Biden said. “Even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of the existence of the plant.”
“So it’s going to become a wind generation,” Biden added. “And all they’re doing is, it’s going to save them a hell of a lot of money and using the same transmission line that they transmitted the coal-fired electric on. We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar power.”
Why? That’s the obvious question that comes to mind.
The message isn’t new, but the timing is spectacularly bad. It’s so spectacularly bad that Dems are running in the direction and the White House is walking it back.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated in a Saturday press release, “The President’s remarks yesterday have been twisted to suggest a meaning that was not intended; he regrets it if anyone hearing these remarks took offense. The President was commenting on a fact of economics and technology: as it has been from its earliest days as an energy superpower, America is once again in the midst of an energy transition.”
This is just embarrassing.
And Manchin, who went out on a limb for Biden’s Inflation Increase Act, only to be stabbed in the back by Dems, attacked aggressively hoping West Virginians will forget his betrayal.
“President Biden’s comments are not only outrageous and divorced from reality, they ignore the severe economic pain the American people are feeling because of rising energy costs,” Manchin, D-W.Va., said. “Comments like these are the reason the American people are losing trust in President Biden and instead believes he does not understand the need to have an all in energy policy that would keep our nation totally energy independent and secure.”
Manchin added: “It seems his positions change depending on the audience and the politics of the day. Politicizing our nation’s energy policies would only bring higher prices and more pain for the American people.”
Almost like he’s some sort of politician or something. Not that Manchin would know anything about positions changing depending on the audience.
But that still raises the question of, “why”?
Biden isn’t ideological. But like a lot of Dems, he adopted the rhetoric and ideas of the Left, and the White House is enough of a disaster that stuff like this, which is off-putting, gets moved forward because no one can steer this ship and controlling Biden is its own challenge.
There’s no discipline, no messaging control and just one disaster after another.
Manchin was dumb to leave himself open to being stabbed in the back by the Progressives. They always do that.
He always has been a leftist but his senility gives him a false sense of power
I believe thee overarching factor is Biden’s sheer stupidity. He was an arrogant, corrupt, dishonest, incompetent moron in the 1970s. A liar, braggart, serial plagiarist, grifter, and fraud this awful human being can now add cognitive decline to his resume of failure. To point out his decline however is to ignore that, however far he has fallen, Joe never had that far to fall to begin with.
if the Norse God Thor had gotten in early with a cash inducement, we would have been mandated to wear horned hats, instead of covid masks.
Joe believes in free markets and encourages the bidders to seize the financial initiative or risk being left out.
Of couse, if China were a principal horned hat provider, things may have come out a little differently.
Maybe it was Odin that got to him.
Biden said exactly what he had heard the leftist elites saying behind closed doors. They actually believe that wind and solar power will be able to replace coal, oil and gas.
What those leftist elites know about power generation is squat. I worked 30 years in construction of all sorts of power plants and what they and Biden are saying is a blatant lie.
First of all it would take 200 or more wind turbines to replace one medium sized coal plant. Dems will grudgingly admit that sometimes the wind doesn’t blow, but what they don’t often say is that they have to shut down when the wind is too strong (turbine overspeed). Coal just keeps burning 24/7, same for the other fossil fuels (fuel oil, nat. gas, naphtha, pet. coke, coal gas, etc.).
There is much more, but I’ll shut up for now.
How could anybody with two brain cells to rub together believe that wind and solar could replace anything except the power in a child’s toy? Oh, wait. Did I just answer my own question?
Biden is only saying the quiet part out loud. It’s fine though because Republicans don’t really want to hear it so as long as he shuts up they can go back to bipartisan. Republicans should be getting a red tsunami with a president like Brandon but only guys Oz will get the benefit of that at the end of the day..
Thanks Una! I realized this morning that part of the problem is inertia, the inertia of grifters. They devote a great deal of effort to getting elected, then, once elected, they settle down and do as little as possible for the good of the country, instead devoting themselves to collecting their profits.
It’s in the air Brandon breathes and the people around him. Doesn’t matter if Brandon political or not. It’s social and like most people Biden imbibes the social climate around him. Same with the latest and greatest miracle “vaccine” and that’s why 20 year olds in the prime of their life took it. Because that’s what people are and that’s what they respond to and that’s what their doctors are too. Brandon is simply so out of it he could go in any direction and maybe someone is giving him encouragement.
Too many conservatives invoke Biden’s slowly progressive dementia, Our problem with him, as Greenfield points 0ut, is his leftism. It is interesting to look back on the “evolution” of the beliefs of Clinton and Gore who were originally pro-life Southern Democrats. On the other hand, Obama was a tried and true leftist community activist. Uncle Joe always blew with the wind and had shallow roots. He now is the author of the most frequent and creative lies of any of the Dems. Most progressives and the MSM do not care frankly. I hope that the American public does and will pay attention,
Not one of Bidens Cabinet is worthy of Leadership their all way to nutty to be trusted running a Nation they shouldn’t be allowed to run a Daycare Center
Definitely not a daycare center! Little children are too important to be left to the tender mercies of creeps like that.
Both. He’s senile and a tool of the leftist mob. His incompetence is mind blowing.
All those wind and solar power generators are scheduled to come on line about the same time as Senile Joe’s miracle cancer cure comes out. No joke! He gave us his word as a Biden.
Biden is doing exactly what they put him there to do; act stupid so we do not realize he is deliberately strangling the life out of our nation, so the DNC can pretend it was HIS doing, not theirs. That way they will not have to face investigation for treason & when we rebel, they will claim he is ill & replace him with another operative to give them even more time to destroy us & insure they have a government OVER the people. It is pretty plain that his actions are directed by his handlers & he is largely operating on old habits. If he ever had any discernible intellect, it is long gone but he can still act his role & dish out his BS.
BS was always Biden’s pablum de jour.
Bidens polls sink to 28% Approval even Carter has higher number then Biden Lets hear you liberals claim Bidens better then Trump
Eight percent would seem a stretch. Are you sure twenty plus percent positive is even possible?
I suspect the illiteracy rate cannot expand enough to get there. At least in a reasonable time. It took a full century to reduce America’s public education from the world’s envy to its laughing stock. And there’s an entire unionized industry dedicated to the project.
The corporate news media, whose hands I notice, being a finicky old guy, always appear to be quite unnaturally clean to me, are happy to report President Biden’s latest “senile incident” thereby handing the ageists grist for their hatefully constructed mill. How Mr. Biden deals with a variety of issues, domestic or foreign, of highest importance or not, is really a phenomena I unquestionably see about me every day, and everywhere, sometimes to my misfortune, which alerted me to pay-better-attention in my earliest childhood experiences. I believe that by broad national agreement we have elected whom we expect to follow through from beginning to end in as many ways possible, even must he feign it, like a “Real Man.” Much of his clumsiness in thought and deed can be attributed to having seriously accepted, formally or not many of Patriarchy’s shall we say tenets interests and pursuits, now in high relief as head of our nation. Ask yourself why outright why every day macho blundering with apparently weighty issues of highest national and foreign importance passes as “a norm” and not even worth the mention. I am reminded of President Obama’s “…we tortured folks.” comment, with all the weight of having forgotten to leave a note for the milk man.. a “Real Man” is also brazen.