A down-home gal from Alabama wants to come home, and who could blame her? This would be a heartwarming human interest story were it not for just a few inconvenient details: Hoda Muthana left Alabama to join the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria, and she can’t return because she was stripped of her American citizenship. But she is making a new appeal to come back now, and her attorney is claiming (how did you guess?) that she is a victim, and thus the red carpet should be rolled out for her.
The Associated Press reported Monday that Hoda Muthana, who “ran away from home in Alabama at the age of 20, joined the Islamic State group and had a child with one of its fighters says she still hopes to return to the United States, serve prison time if necessary, and advocate against the extremists.” Muthana currently resides in the Roj detention camp in Syria, and claims in a new interview that she was “brainwashed by online traffickers into joining the group in 2014 and regrets everything except her young son, now of pre-school age.” Muthana declared, “If I need to sit in prison, and do my time, I will do it. … I won’t fight against it. I’m hoping my government looks at me as someone young at the time and naive.”
Sure. But whoever “brainwashed” Muthana did a thorough job, as she once urged Muslims in the United States to “go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood,” that is, the blood of non-Muslims. Among the many hair-raising things she wrote on social media was “Terrorize the kuffar [non-Muslims] at home.” And, “Men and women altogether. You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping! Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriot, Memorial etc Day parades Kill them.”
Muthana also wrote: “We have men (and women!) who love death as ardently as you love your lives! I was watching an American documentary on a battle in Afghanistan and the Americans are such cowards. Crying and shaking on the battlefield and saying, ‘our aim is to get everyone home where they belong.’ While our men’s aim on the battlefield is to reunite with our Lord. Our honor is in jihad, either victory or shahadah [Islamic martyrdom]. These men cry for their lives while we cry for our death (shahadah)!”
Charming indeed. But AP reports that Muthana “now says her phone was taken from her and that the tweets were sent by IS supporters.” Well, maybe, but it isn’t as if she suddenly found herself in ISIS domains by chance and against her will. She was, according to AP, “raised in a conservative Muslim household in Hoover, Alabama, just outside Birmingham. In 2014, she told her family she was going on a school trip but flew to Turkey and crossed into Syria instead, funding the travel with tuition checks that she had secretly cashed.” Her actions were so egregious that the Obama administration, of all people, took the unusual step of revoking her American citizenship in 2016.
Now, however, Muthana is playing the victim card for all it’s worth: “Even here, right now,” in the refugee camp, “I can’t fully say everything I want to say. But once I do leave, I will. I will be an advocate against this. I wish I can help the victims of ISIS in the West understand that someone like me is not part of it, that I as well am a victim of ISIS.” Her attorney, Hassan Shibly, claims that it is “absolutely clear that she was brainwashed and taken advantage of.” Shibly added, “She was absolutely misguided, and no one is denying that. But again, she was a teenager who was the victim of a very sophisticated recruitment operation that focuses on taking advantage of the young, the vulnerable, the disenfranchised.”
Disenfranchised? How’s that again? Hoda Muthana was disenfranchised in the United States? Was she barred from voting? Barred from holding certain jobs, or from entering certain areas? Was she a second-class citizen in some way? Of course not. Shibly’s charge is hysterical and baseless, and of course he did not bother to explain what he meant. He didn’t have to. He was just repeating the words that he knows work among American Leftists. And they very well may work again this time, and soon send Hoda Muthana back to her sweet home Alabama.
The islamic bitch has much in common with another America-hating moron, Sleepy Joe.
They both wanted America’s abandonment of Afghanistan & humiliating disgrace. 13 servicemen killed, several maimed, & thousands of citizens left behind to be hunted down like dogs including actual service dogs (“not left in cages”).
My guess is if it’s felt she’ll vote straight democratic, she’ll get back in. Afterall, if she then detonates a backpack, the courtier press will run cover & her name will still be printed on mail-in ballots.
Well problem is Hoda, we cannot trust a since word you say. Why? Because you’re a terrorist.
Cry me a river. She made a choice to become a terrorist and traitor to America. I’m sure leftist fools would love to have her back but anyone with a brain says don’t go away mad, just go away.
One has to sleep in the bed that they make for themselves. Trust is not repaired by words.
She has all the attributes that should cause the current administration to welcome her home with much celebration and fanfare. Think Bowe Bergdahl and Brittney Griner.
There’s no evidence that Brittney Griner is a traitor, just an idiot.
You are right. She hates the U.S. That is not treasonous, but a necessary precursor. Maybe her lack of candlepower interferes with her treasonous hatred?
I remembered another — Bradley Manning who prefers “Chelsea” these days.
When you are 20 years old and make the choice of leaving America to join up with known terrorists–sorry, but you are old enough to live with the choices you have made. You are absolutely correct. She deliberately choose, make the plans by subterfuge to finance this “gettaway,” and enacted her plan. Now that everything has turned to “$h*t” in her hands, she wants to rethink her plan, so her rhetoric has changed in the hopes of appealing to the sympathetic hearts and minds of her previously fellow citizens. NO! You acted as an adult! You were not 12 when you embarked on this personal desire to become a Jihadist, and to promote the shedding of the blood of innocent Americans, and others. Suck it up you terrorist Bi*ch! You are exactly where you belong to be in a refugee camp. You do not belong in the USA, we should not have to feed and house you for your crimes, with the thought that eventually you would be released to walk free among patriotic citizens. You made your plans, so what if it did not bring you the glory, you envisioned–just step back and fade into obscurity!
Step back and fade into obscurity with your Isis husband.
“While our men’s aim on the battlefield is to reunite with our Lord.”
This statement encapsulates the mindset of every mystical altruist. The mystical altruist sacrifices his life and self for his Lord. The Nazi altruist sacrifices his life and mind to Hitler and his Aryan Race. The Shinto altruist sacrifices his life and mind to the Emperor and the Japanese Race. The Muslim for Allah, Mohammed, the Ummah, and Paradise.
The Christian altruist sacrifices her life and mind for Yahweh, Jesus, and an alleged Christian Eternal Utopia after death. Kayla Mueller did just that. Mother Teresa did it.
Hoda Muthana has sacrificed her life, her happiness, and her mind to her mystical Lord.
The question is “Why?”, Why is the sacrifice of one’s self and one’s life for other, for a “Lord”, the good? Why is that virtue? The answer is — IT ISN’T. Sacrifice is not a virtue, sacrifice is a vice.
“Now there is one word—a single word—which can blast the morality of altruism out of existence and which it cannot withstand—the word: “Why?” Why must man live for the sake of others? Why must he be a sacrificial animal? Why is that the good? There is no earthly reason for it—and, ladies and gentlemen, in the whole history of philosophy no earthly reason has ever been given.
It is only mysticism that can permit moralists to get away with it. It was mysticism, the unearthly, the supernatural, the irrational that has always been called upon to justify it—or, to be exact, to escape the necessity of justification. One does not justify the irrational, one just takes it on faith. What most moralists—and few of their victims—realize is that reason and altruism are incompatible.” – Ayn Rand
Do unto others what you would have them do unto You. The easiest moral statement for man to understand, but not so easy for sinful man to follow. I wish you would not rely on the false view of Christianity that plagued Ayn Rand. The self idolatry of atheism, will never bring real and lasting happiness to anyone. To be reconciled to one’s Creator and Redeemer God is the greatest of blessings, Those that want to reject the living God, whether religionists following any of the false religions of the world, or those that prefer that all that exists is to be found in their own reason powers, will never know the purpose for which they were created. To willfully reject the fact that man was created by God and for communion with God is to suffer eternal lose. It is only just that God would reject those that wilfully reject Him and His offer of eternal salvation in Jesus Christ. God is light and God is love. He exposes what sinful man really is, yet He offers the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life to all that repent and believe in Him and His salvation.
Her islamist family ought to be sent to her side for consoling and care, I mean one good turn deserves another.
Just took the bitter pill and got ill from it way too bad now she knows the truth
She doesn’t know sh*t. She just wants the U.S. to take care of her child. Anyone.
Now she Knows the truth? The truth where she knows some bleeding hearts will let her come back and that then she can play Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown one last time for her glorious entry to martyrdom? That truth? Like that’s never been done to us before?
Just tell President Biden about it. He’ll let her and her closest 50 friends come here. Even if they’re armed. Just ask him.
And no, she wasn’t a teenager, she was 20. I realize that 20 is the new 12, But not in this case.
If Muthana is actually sincere when she said that she was “brainwashed by online traffickers into joining the group in 2014…”
Since she was an impressionable youth at the time that she was recruited to join ISIS ,and again, “if” she is truly sorry for her past folly and error then it does need to be understood that a number of young nave and impressionable girls of and in the West have been duped, beguiled and deceived brainwashed by the deceitful and lying wolfs of ISIS do awful and terrible harms to those girls they deceive, beguile and betray.
Therefore, the old poem of wisdom should be given. “Little girls, this seems to say, Never stop upon you way. Never trust a stranger –friend; No one knows how it will end. As your pretty, so be wise; Wolves may lurk in every guise. Handsome they may be, and kind, gay, or charming never mind! Now , as then , ‘tis simple truth- the sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth .”
If I were the father of an adolescent or teenaged daughter, or 20-year-old one living at home with me and my wife–her mother–who expressed an intention of converting to Islam and running off to Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, etc. to marry a terrorist, I would handcuff her to a water pipe in the basement and call either a psychiatrist, an Exorcist from the local Archdiocese, or both, to deprogram her and help her recover sanity.
Evidently this girl’s family was already Moslem (“moderate” Moslems?), however; so she didn’t need to “convert.”
But I can’t help wondering whether her father would have accepted her dating, and intending to marry, an American Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish boy here in the U.S. with the same equanimity and implicit consent to her decision to become a traitor to our country, and “marry” a terrorist and bear his offspring..
Moslems should not be allowed to live anywhere in the West. They all need to be repatriated and exiled. They have no business going outside their area of the world. Islam is Incompatible with the West.
Choices have consequences. She is a terrorist and fortunately no longer American.
If she can get herself to the border between Mexico and Texas, she can probably enter the country (or former Country) with no problem. She can join the many illegals from the Middle East flooding in daily.
Former country is right, This isn’t even a 3rd world sht hole anymore, you need a border to be a country
You have nailed it.
You lie down with roaches, Hoda, you wake up as one.
Tough shit, Princess. Stay amongst those whom you love and still love.
She just found out what Toe Jam tastes like
“…she was a teenager who was the victim of a very sophisticated recruitment operation that focuses on taking advantage of the young, the vulnerable, the disenfranchised.” – 20 isn’t a teenager, and her financing it with money for her college tuition makes a blatant lie of the disenfranchised claim.
Just remember the song Both Sides Now found on the bitter truth about Islam. Maybe if she can get back she can write book about it
Get the rumor going in Syria that she is a cia spy
One word – just one single word – says it all when an islamist demands ANY consideration – and that word is – TAQQYIA – it means that muslems are permitted, indeed encouraged – to LIE to “infidels” ( non-muslems )
This young and stupid woman CHOSE to abandon the USA and to become the whore of her allocated ISIS group.
She CHOSE islamic extremism and terrorism and now understands what being a female entails in islam – being less than human – having no actual rights other than of being possessed by a MALE ( or maleS ) .
Fine – let her live with her ISIS child in islam – NOT OUR PROBLEM ANY LONGER – by her own free will !!!