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The Jihad goes on. And after Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the country is back to being a staging ground for Islamic terrorist attacks around the world, as it was always inevitably going to be. Anything else was wishful thinking. All the Biden people who told us this wasn’t going to happen after the withdrawal were lying.
Now we’re back to either having to carry out preemptive strikes in enemy territory or hoping that the terrorists never manage to pull off any of their crowdsourced attacks.
Less than two years after President Biden withdrew U.S. personnel from Afghanistan, the country has become a significant coordination site for the Islamic State as the terrorist group plans attacks across Europe and Asia, and conducts “aspirational plotting” against the United States, according to a classified Pentagon assessment that portrays the threat as a growing security concern.
The attack planning, detailed in U.S. intelligence findings leaked on the Discord messaging platform and obtained by The Washington Post, reveal specific efforts to target embassies, churches, business centers and the FIFA World Cup soccer tournament, which drew more than 2 million spectators last summer in Qatar. Pentagon officials were aware in December of nine such plots coordinated by ISIS leaders in Afghanistan, and the number rose to 15 by February, says the assessment, which has not been disclosed previously.
“ISIS has been developing a cost-effective model for external operations that relies on resources from outside Afghanistan, operatives in target countries, and extensive facilitation networks,” says the assessment, which is labeled top-secret and bears the logos of several Defense Department organizations. “The model will likely enable ISIS to overcome obstacles — such as competent security services — and reduce some plot timelines, minimizing disruption opportunities.”
It’s the usual crowdsourcing model that Al Qaeda and ISIS had adopted some time ago, but after taking a beating in the Middle East, ISIS may have found a place to turn into a new organizational hub while it uses the internet to try and coordinate attacks on Europe and America.
One document written in March described an attempt last summer to acquire the services of a British sympathizer who claimed to possess “aerospace and chemical engineering skills.” The unidentified individual offered to provide guidance on missiles and unmanned aircraft, as well as the construction of a chemical weapon. The Briton was encouraged to send his information remotely rather than risk a dangerous trip to Syria or Iraq.
Separately, Iraq-based Islamic State operatives were observed vetting engineering students at a Damascus university to determine if their skills would be helpful. In another instance, the terrorist group sought information from a “Ukraine-based individual” about building a drone strong enough to carry a substantial a payload, the March document shows…
As a collection, the documents indicate that U.S. intelligence agencies have succeeded repeatedly in intercepting the communications among Islamic State cells. Such intercepts appear to have led to the disruption of plans for kidnappings and small-arms attacks on government buildings in Europe.
That’s the good news. There have been a number of these arrests in Europe in recent months. A major reason for the decline of Islamic terrorism has been surveillance. Our intel agencies are poor at human intelligence, but really good at monitoring and intercepting communications. That’s the weakness of the crowdsourcing model.
As long as ISIS has to rely on the internet, we can keep intercepting the plots. But that’s a weak strategy. All we have to do is miss one thing or ISIS finds a channel we’re not aware of and people die.
Biden’s withdrawal really paid off. For ISIS.
Just for backup, there are sufficient unspent “covid relief” funds that can be palletized [ ten thousand bank US bank notes weigh one kilogram. ] for emergency air transport.
We wouldn’t want lack of liquidity to impede international progress.
So your position is that the United States should have stayed in Afghanistan indefinitely?
Your support of forever wars is surprising. Would you send your child to serve in Afghanistan?
Standup straight, maggot.
May I assume you have avoided service?
As if a homo like you has kids or ever read “The Forever War”…..or could understand it.
What part of 13 Americans murdered and others maimed don’t you understand? What part of billions of dollars worth of military weapons and land handed to sub-human savages don”t you understand?
You’e a scumbag, Mickunt.
I think the other two guys pretty much summed up what I was going to say. If there is a wrong side to be on, we can always count on you to choose it.
I do not like Biden and will never vote for him, but it was Trump who turned over Afghanistan to the Taliban.
Was Biden of sound mind when he gave the Afgan evacuation order? IMO, yes. He has always been self-deluded, much like his former partner into believing he was the smartest man in the room but he was incapable of thinking ahead to any possible negatives that might result. So when the inevitable negatives show up he must sidestep any responsibility and redirect to something or someone else, generally Trump, anything MAGA with a dash of Covid when nothing else fit. Alas Covid has dried up, but have no fear, climate change is waiting in reserve. Notice how when things begin to look bleak, the climate and the green new spiel seem to just come forward.
OOPS! I just completely forgot about racism.
I seem to recall that the night of Benghazi, his former partner was AWOL the whole time, leaving it to his flunkies to decide what to do. That convinced me he wasn’t the smartest man in the room 🙂