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In the wake of the savage HAMAS attack against Israel on the morning of 7 October 2023, many are waking up to its genocidal intent against Jews. Understandably, there are memories of pogroms past, of the horrific toll of the Holocaust, and references to “Nazis” and the “Einsatzgruppen”.
This time, though, as Israel prepares to do what must be done to wipe out the HAMAS presence in Gaza, we need to understand exactly who and what it is: an Islamic terror group, dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel and the killing of as many Jews as possible. We might start with the HAMAS Covenant, published in 1988, the year that HAMAS was formally established. Its opening lines tell us exactly who HAMAS is and why it exists:
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan alBanna, of blessed memory).
We’ll note here that this quote is from Hassan al-Banna, the 1928 founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. And here is the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood:
‘Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration.’
Why this fanatical hatred? We find the answer in the Qur’an, in the Islamic doctrine of Sacred Space, and the laws of dhimmitude. The Qur’an, believed by Muslims to be the literal word of Allah (the Arabic word for “God”), lays the foundation for HAMAS’ visceral Jew-hatred.
Those who reject (Truth) among the People of the Book [Christians and Jews]…will be in Hell-fire…They are the worst of creatures. (Q 98:6)
But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and kill the infidels wherever ye find them… (Q 9:5)
Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith [Islam]…(Q 5:78)
The HAMAS Covenant also includes this quote from the hadith collection of Sahih Muslim:
Judgment Day will not come until you fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind stones and trees, and the stones and trees will call: Oh, Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him…
Then there is the historical record, which informs us of the Islamic institution of dhimmitude and the doctrine of Sacred Space. As the armies of Islam overran formerly Christian and Jewish lands in the 7th century, there were too many to kill or convert; and so, beginning with the 638 CE Pact of Umar (the 2nd Caliph), the institution of the Ahl al-Dhimma was established to subjugate Christians and Jews to a rigid set of rules that would relegate them to a legally enforced inferior status intended to be so onerous as to compel them to convert to Islam.
Along with dhimmitude, the Muslim conquests developed a concept known as “Sacred Space”. That is, the Dar al-Islam (House of Islam) must conquer all the Dar al-Harb (House of War) because according to Islam, the entire world belongs to Islam and must be conquered and subjugated to it. Once conquered and/or occupied, such land is waqf, forever endowed to Muslims by Allah. Any such waqf, if ever lost to Islam, must be fought for by jihad until it is re-conquered.
As we look at the modern-day Jewish State of Israel, we can see that the Jewish people not only are no longer dhimmis but have established a powerful country in their ancestral homeland. These remarkable accomplishments are intolerable to the forces of jihad and help to explain why HAMAS and other Islamic terror groups like it have been so intent upon wiping Israel from the face of the map.
Muslim rulers collected a tax, jizya, on Jewish and Christian subjects as part of allowing them to exist. Some rulers did not permit their conversion to Islam in order to maintain the tax, It is also handy to have such non-Muslim s around. In Egypt, the Copts (actually meaning Egyptians) are Christians who were conquered in the seventh century. They are attacked and killed without sufficient protection from the government and their girls are taken by force for “marriage.”
The elites call it the religion of peace and that is the biggest mistake ever made by the western world.
Hitler adopted the Swastika peace symbol because the world would be at peace once the Aryan “master race” was in control. Similarly, Islam claims that peace will arive when the world is completely subject to sharia.
Islam is a political system with religious aspects. Muslims must follow
Sharia Law which is taken right out of their religious texts. Sharia is a legal
system governing every part of a Muslim’s life – from how to eat and toilet
oneself all the way up to civil, criminal and military matters. There are
Sharia courts throughout Muslim countries and even in Europe and
America. These courts are nothing like American courts. They are
adjudicated with seventh-century perspectives, especially regarding
the rights of women – because the laws are lifted from the Koran which
is considered immutable for all time.
It is not a stretch to understand that lunatics such as these would also
fervently believe in the lowdown doctrines of Sacred Space and
Thank you so much for this essay. It sets forth accurately several of the foundational doctrines of Islam. It is amazing to me how many people, including the chattering class, can’t be bothered to learn of these before pontificating on Islam and how it is the “religion of peace” and other such nonsense. They are readily accessible from Muslim sources on Al Gore’s wonderful internet if only they would take the minimal time and modest effort they would need to research them. But, no.
“. . . fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind stones and trees, and the stones and trees will call: Oh, Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him…”
And this is exactly what Hamas did October 7, searching out Israelis trying to hide in the bushes, and slaughtering them.
Edward Said, no friend of the Jews, wrote of The Shame Of Islam, which he described as the Arabs’ acknowledgment that the Israelis had created the only nation in the Mid East that was humane, prosperous, democratic,intellectually curious, modern, progressive in the truest sense of the word, not obscurantist, and a pleasant place to live for all its citizens, the polar opposite of every Islamic-run hellhole on the planet. It’s existence, therefore, could not be tolerated, because it contradicted what the hadiths said about the Jews being Muslims’ dogs.
Well, they could have just asked Israel how it turned a dessert into a high-tech garden and emulated it instead of trying repeatedly to destroy it. But no.
It’s not Jews only. Muslims hate every non-muslim. Jews, unfortunately, are on top of their list.
Somehow or other they managed to create a 1300 year lasting totalitarian movement that did not disappear when its founder died, as with Hitler, Napoleon, Mussolini and many other conquerors who tried to conquer the world. What is it in the scriptures and teachings that made that possible? I cannot figure that out. I think that Bill Warner said something about that which I forget momentarily. But evil has a way of dissipating unless it has some sort of foundation. Perhaps enough good things are integrated into it to deceive people that it is a good ideology. But it is not.
It takes a worldwide, concerted effort to keep people from continuing the ideology of the Nazis.
Islam benefits from being a religion and being viewed as a religion of black and brown people.