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[David Horowitz’s new book, will be published on November 14, 2023. Pre-order it: HERE.]
Quiz: What is the difference between Hitler’s Nazis and Palestinian supporters of Fatah and Hamas? Both are national socialists, both have embraced the totalitarian oppressors of their respective peoples and elected them whenever they were given the chance. Both are driven by a demonic hatred to exterminate the Jews. Both deploy “Big Lies” to justify their malignant cause.
Answer: The main difference is that Hitler hid the “Final Solution” – the extermination of the Jews – because he feared that Germany’s citizens were too civilized to embrace such an inhuman and evil cause. By contrast every Palestinian leader has stated their intentions clearly, written them in their covenants and visions of a Palestine without Jews, boasted of their massacres of innocents down to the cradle, and even shouted them from the rooftops.
Why is this so? German Nazis were pagans. The genocidal goals of the Palestinian Nazis are religious in origin, emanating from the mouth of the prophet Mohammed himself. The head of Hezbollah has proclaimed the Muslim war against the Jews a “Holy War.” The call to murder the Jews – “every last one” – and to behead them as infidels, is part of the sacred texts of Islam. The Hamas Slogans “Gas the Jews” and “Finish the job that Hitler started” are just tributes to a secular monster who shared their evil goal.
For decades hundreds of American campuses have been targeted by university-supported and subsidized student groups that function much like the Hitler Youth. The most prominent among them is the Muslim Students Association, created by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is seconded by the more activist Brotherhood creation, Students for Justice in Palestine. Some 20 years ago, on a speaking visit to the University of Wisconsin, I was greeted by a poster created by the MSA caricaturing me as a Nazi with a hook nose standing in a garbage can. The cartoon reminiscent of the Nazi caricatures of Jews can still be viewed on the Internet today.
Students for Justice in Palestine, which turns a blind eye to the murder of gays by the Hamas dictatorship in Gaza, was created by a Berkeley professor and Muslim Brotherhood star, Hatem Bazian, who has notoriously called for a terrorist Intifada in America while retaining his professorship. Several presidents of the Muslim Students Association have gone on to the Middle East to become terrorist leaders in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Libya, and Saudi Arabia.
Intimidation of Jewish students, harassment of anti-terrorist speakers, support for the terrorist-sponsored boycott of Israel movement, and the relentless spreading of Hamas propaganda lies is the mission of SJP and its leftist campus allies. These lies include the fiction that Israel – whose inhabitants are actually the indigenous people of the region – “occupies” a square inch of Palestinian land. Israel was carved by the UN out of the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks who occupied and ruled the area for 400 years prior to the creation of Israel in 1948 are not Arabs let alone Palestinians. The fake national identity “Palestinian” was not invented until 16 and 19 years after the creation of the Jewish state. Until that time “Palestine” was the name of a geographical region like “New England.” The Palestinian identity was created specifically to justify the destruction of the Jewish state and the extermination of its Jews.
Other lies spread by the campus Nazis include the preposterous claim that Israel is an apartheid state. In reality, it is the only state in the Middle East that is not an apartheid state. If a subject of the Palestinian dictatorship on the West Bank sells land to a Jew, for example, the official penalty is death.
In the war between barbarism and civilization, the civilized are often inclined to present the enemy as not as a bad as he seems. The President of Israel recently claimed “The Hamas attack does not represent Islam.” a statement reminiscent of George Bush’s claim that the 9/11 attackers were Muslim imposters. Robert Spencer, the leading expert on Islamic jihad, had this conversation-ending response to the Israeli president’s remark: “Gee, that’s swell. Where are the Muslim leaders saying it?
Something jumped out at me the other day as I watched a video on Israeli
history – from 23 years ago – the Camp David Summit in 2000 between
President Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and PA Chairman
Yasser Arafat. They were meeting to draw up boundaries for a two-state
solution and to compromise on other concessions. Arafat kept stonewalling
and they got nowhere. He remarked to the others “Do you want to attend
my funeral”? as they urged him to at least make an effort in the proceedings.
When Arafat got back home to the West Bank – after not reaching an agreement
for a separate Palestinian state – he was greeted with a tumultuous hero’s welcome
by the Palestinian people. And I thought: says it all about their true feelings in
achieving peace with Israel.
The hearts of everyday Palestinians – and their rampaging supporters now gathering
en masse throughout the world – are as black as the ISIS flag in their “demonic hatred
to exterminate the Jews” and spew “big lies” while doing it. This article crystallizes
what I’ve been thinking ever since I watched that video.
I was astounded when Arafat refused the deal. This was God’s doing. There is no other explanation for it. This evil wretched Egyptian was the one human (?) in our immorally paralyzed world to pull back Israel from total self destruction.
Arafat’s uncle was the Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini, who spent WW II in Nazi Germany, exhorting Hitler and Himmler to murder Jews with greater dispatch, and to extend the “Final Solution” to the Middle East under his leadership. He also organized a Muslin SS unit in Bosnia.
Hitler believed that Islam was better suited to the Germans and had the Turks prevailed after the Siege of Vienna in 1683, Germanic peoples would have converted en masse to Islam and dominated the world.
The Mufti was Arafat’s older cousin. The term “uncle” was a traditional signifier of respect for a related elder.
This guy Horowitz thinks a Jew from Russia is “an indigenous inhabitant of Palestine”? He needs to go try to sell that one somewhere else. And that is an index of the rest of the lies he is telling in this piece.
still sore cuz your side lost WWII ? – get lost, schmuck
3 people reading here think a”Jew is from Russia” Wow we have low brows here and haters ! How repulsive
Isn’t there a traveler’s account of the Holy Land from 1690 approx,, Palaestina et Monumentis Veteribus Illustrata, where he goes town by town through the area and inter alia says who was there, and it was mostly Jews, also a fair number of Christians, and some Bedouins, and a few Muslims? The Jews are the indigenous people of the area.
He’s going back a bit further in time, sir.
Hitler didn’t swing a sword and personally behead Jews by the hundreds “brought to him in small groups.”
Muhammad lacked the benefits of the Industrial Revolution.
But he established a precedent that inspired recruitment and discouraged defection.
It’s worked for fourteen centuries.
Muslims are very wealthy. Hamas earns millions each
Month from investments they have in Qatar. All that fake humanitarian aide? It built underground cities and rocket launching pads. Muslims are very sophisticated in tech and even more in PR. The world wide media does their wrap up smears for them.No simple sword play anymore. . However they like a nice rape fest and a few good baby be headings . It’s how they works up an appetite.
Here’s my interpretation re: Falestine and why Arabs have adopted the word as their own and call themselves Falestinians because there’s no ‘p’ in arabic:
Palestine refers to what the land of Israel was renamed after the brutal Roman conquest, over two thousand years ago. This was a conquest on a massive scale that massacred thousands and thousands and thousands of innocents, whose blood overflowed through the streets of God’s holy land and profaned it. Like Abel’s blood, it cried out to God.
This “Palestine” is not land, not a people, not even a religion. It is a word that embodies merciless invasion and the desecration of life, again, again and again, with hedonistic pleasure.
To Hamas, and all the other names for the same Jihad, it is this ‘Falestine’ that is the inspiration, the absolute inspiration for their terror, destruction and murder, fully unleashed on October 7th.
Romans called Israel Palestine as an insult and slur against the Israelites.
During three Jewish revolts against Rome in the 1st and 2nd centuries, the Romans killed about 1.5 million Jews. Many others had to leave, but the land was never without a Jewish population.
I agree with David. The highlight should be on worldwide Islam. Most adherents have lined up behind Hamas. Where are the voices in opposition in the Islamic world? Islam is a murderous religion and its adherents need to be ostracized from the world community.
How does a “worldwide” religion (Islam) get ostracized exactly? Where on earth would its adherents be allowed to go? What to do with a religion that practices terrorism is the question. War is the answer as history has shown.
I believe that the reason there is no opposition in the Islamic world is because to do so is signing your own death warrant.
Oh. Uh-oh,
Only cowards do speak out. After all they’re coming for you too.
Also, you can’t condemn someone you consider a moral idealist.
Hamas are implementing Islam.
The UnitedNazis had nearly zero to do with creation of Israel. The League of Natiins created the mandate system.
Israel initially was to get 0.35% of the Middle East with the rest going to the Islamofascist colonists, but that was too much for the Limey trustees so they stolen 77.5% of territory to create another Islamofascist colony called Jordan
So now all the problems are the only 0.03% of Middle East that Islamofascists haven’t stolen
“German Nazis were pagans… The Hamas Slogans “Gas the Jews” and “Finish the job that Hitler started” are just tributes to a secular monster who shared their evil goal.”
Judaism prepared the ground for Christianity and both prepared the ground for Islam and Marxism. Marxism is mystical, supernatural, religion disguised as rational science.
Christianity prepared the ground for Nazi antisemitism. From the very beginning of Christianity there was hatred between the Jews and the heretical followers of Jesus of Nazareth. The Jews were adamantly in favor of the Romans executing the heretical Jesus. For more than a thousand years Christian Europe persecuted the Jews with pogroms and legal discrimination.
“Religious writers often claim that the cause of Nazism is the secularism or the scientific spirit of the modern world. This evades the fact that the Germans at the time, especially in Prussia, were one of the most religious peoples in Western Europe; that the Weimar Republic was a hotbed of mystic cults, of which Nazism was one; and that Germany’s largest and most devout religious group, the Lutherans, counted themselves among Hitler’s staunchest followers….
There was also Martin Luther, regarded by the Nazis as a major hero, who was the greatest single power in the development of German religion and, through this means, an influence on the philosophies of both Kant and Hegel. Luther is anti-reason (“Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason”), intensely pro-German, and crudely anti-semitic (“Fie on you wherever you be, you damned Jews, who dare to clasp this earnest, glorious, consoling Word of God to your maggoty, mortal, miserly belly, and are not ashamed to display your greed so openly”). He formally enlists God on the side of the state. Unconditional obedience to the government’s edicts, he holds, is a Christian virtue. “In like manner we must endure the authority of the prince. If he misuse or abuse his authority, we are not to entertain a grudge, seek revenge or punishment. Obedience is to be rendered for God’s sake, for the ruler is God’s representative. However they may tax or exact, we must obey and endure patiently.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America”
Do you ever stop lying about Lutherans, Christians and Jews? Just the same moronic garbage day after day.
You are even to lazy to write your own lies so you rely on the faux “historian/philosopher” Lenny Peekaboo for your lies.
Personally I think your mental condition and paranoia are getting worse. What’s next? G. Washington as an enemy of the state.
Or how about John Adams — “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. Wow, sounds like Objectivist sedition to me.”
Love the blood libel on the Jews as well. You are truly a low rent P.O.S. and you will always be a slave to your low rent ideology.
“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams
“Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814,
“The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history. Although the detail of the formation of the American governments is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or in America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.”
~John Adams, “A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America” 1787-1788
“We should begin by setting conscience free. When all men of all religions shall enjoy equal liberty, property, and an equal chance for honors and power we may expect that improvements will be made in the human character and the state of society.”
~Founding FatherJohn Adams, letter to Dr. Price, April 8, 1785
“The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.”
~Founding Father James Madison, 1819, Writings, 8:432, quoted from Gene Garman, “Essays In Addition to America’s Real Religion”
“And I have no doubt that every new example will succeed, as every past one has done, in shewing that religion & Govt will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.”
~Founding Father James Madison, letter to Edward Livingston, July 10, 1822
There are many more where those came from.
Statements From Founding Fathers and Early Statesmen on Jesus, Christianity, and the Bible
John Adams
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.
John Quincy Adams
The hope of a Christian is inseparable from his faith. Whoever believes in the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures must hope that the religion of Jesus shall prevail throughout the earth.
Samuel Adams
I conceive we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler of the world . . . that the confusions that are and have been among the nations may be overruled by the promoting and speedily bringing in the holy and happy period when the kingdoms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and the people willingly bow to the scepter of Him who is the Prince of Peace.
Elias Boudinot
Let us enter on this important business under the idea that we are Christians on whom the eyes of the world are now turned… [L]et us earnestly call and beseech Him, for Christ’s sake, to preside in our councils. . . . We can only depend on the all powerful influence of the Spirit of God, Whose Divine aid and assistance it becomes us as a Christian people most devoutly to implore. Therefore I move that some minister of the Gospel be requested to attend this Congress every morning . . . in order to open the meeting with prayer.
John Hancock
Sensible of the importance of Christian piety and virtue to the order and happiness of a state, I cannot but earnestly commend to you every measure for their support and encouragement.
Patrick Henry
Being a Christian… is a character which I prize far above all this world has or can boast.
The Bible… is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed.
Thomas Jefferson
I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ.
There are many more where those came from at the link provided above. And each quote has a reference link provided at the end of the page. Where’s your link?
Leonard Peikoff is correct on the origins of National Socialism.
The only atheism that doesn’t become a religion or emanate from a religion is Randism?
You’re asking a baited question, with two absurd premises that you are willfully and dishonestly embracing from malicious intent.
Your first willfully accepted and dishonest absurd premise is calling Objectivism “Randism”. Your second willfully dishonest premise is that atheism is a religion.
You wish to evade and obfuscate the distinction between philosophy and religion, between reason and faith, between the rational and the irrational, between that which is based on the observation of reality and claims that not only are not based on reality but contradict the laws of reality.
And secondly, you wish to evade the fact that atheism as such, in and of itself, is not a religion whatsoever, it is the ABSENCE of belief in religion and nothing more. You wish to evade and obfuscate the fact that although communism is atheistic, the two are separate and distinct issues. Correlation is not causation. There are atheists that are pro-Capitalism and there Socialist Christians and Socialist Jews.
Try asking an honest question about Objectivism. Ayn Rand named her philosophy Objectivism and not “Randism” for a very good reason.
Objectivism is Rand’s philosophy but her philosophy does not ask you to take her word for it. Rand’s philosophy is derived from observing and following the facts of reality.
Ayn Rand asks you to study Objectivism, but don’t take her word for it that Objectivism is consonant with the facts of reality. Go see for yourself, think for yourself, if Objectivism is consonant with, corresponds with, the facts of reality.
You will see that Objectivism is consonant with the facts of reality. If you think that it doesn’t then ask questions HONESTLY, with an honest desire for clarity and objectivity.
Who’s reality…..yours? You are such an amateur.
Objectivism is Randism. Atheism is a religion. It has all the hallmarks of being a religion including the shibboleth that there is no God, and that its followers treat it as something holy and beyond reproach. That is exactly your response to any critcism of the goddess.
You never ask anything honestly with a desire for clarity. You simply have your own narrative, based on nothing but the writings of a couple of corpses, one still alive and one thankfully DOA.
“Objectivism is Randism. Atheism is a religion. ” – not playing football is a sport, not collecting stamps is a hobby, not playing chess is a game.
Your post is gibberish, a word salad that offers nothing in response to the indoctrination in absurdity that has been taking place for centuries.
Atheism is the absence of a belief.
Your post is, therefore, gibberish.
Your 1st paragraph was correct. From there you swerved into pure bullshit.
Should’ve stopped while you had it correct.
“Given their commitment to the method of faith (and their tendency to imitate the Catholic Church), It is not astonishing that some Nazis went all the way in this issue. A tendency never given the status of official ideology yet fairly prominent in the movement was voiced in a demand made by several of its leading figures (though Hitler himself regarded it as impractical until the Nazis won the war): the demand that Nazism itself be turned into a full-fledged religion. These voices urged a state religion supplanting the older creeds, with its own symbols, its own rituals, and its own zealots avid to convert Christians into fanatic Hitler-believers, as, once, ancient missionaries had converted pagans into fanatic Christians. ” Adolf Hitler”, exclaimed one such believer (The Nazi Minister of Church Affairs), ” is the true Holy Ghost!”
The Nazis did not survive long enough to complete this development. To the end, they could not decide whether to retain Christianity, construing Nazism merely as its latest, truest version (” Positive Christianity,” this wing often called it) — or to concoct a distinctively Nazi creed out of a hodge-podge of elements drawn from pagan to Teutonic mythology and romanticist metaphysics. In either case, however, whether advanced as a form of or successor to Christianity, what Nazism did unfailingly demand of its followers was the essence of the religious mentality; an attitude of awed, submissive, faithful adoration. ” We believe on this earth solely in Adolf Hitler . . . .” intoned Dr. Robert Ley to a reverent audience of 15,000 Hitler Youths. ” We believe that God has sent us Adolf Hitler.”
Seventeen centuries earlier, Tertullian, one of the Church Fathers, had explained that religion by its nature requires the subversion of reason, the belief in the irrational because it is irrational. He had delivered a ringing ant-reason manifesto, declaring, in regard to the dogma of God’s self-sacrifice on the cross: “It is believable, because it is absurd; it is certain, because it is impossible.”
If Tertullian’s is the correct view of religion, the Nazis were evidently qualified to enter the field. The absurdity of their dogma matched anything offered by the medievals.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America”
Wow, another big fat overly long “The Ominous Parallels:” by none other than the little man who hates America Lenny the Peekaboo Peikoff.
How lucky we are to have these two quotes for the one millionth time. You definitely are bereft of any new material. I’ve seen this garbage so much I have it memorized, and I haven’t even read it.
Your obsession with Nazis, Lutherans, and Judeo-Christianity in general, makes you one of the true dead-enders in America.
By the way, at church yesterday I asked the Pastor about the special room. You know the special room, where the Nazi flags are and the films of The League of German Girls, or the Bund Deutscher Mädel, are shown 24/7. What great fun we have after the service. and you are invited to see the films too.
“Wow, another big fat overly long “The Ominous Parallels:” by none other than the little man who hates America Lenny the Peekaboo Peikoff.” – Hates America?
No, he is entirely pro-America and a radical for capitalism.
It doesn’t do anyone any good to quote THX directly. Even he doesn’t use that ridiculous quote anymore.
Does anyone even know what a “radical for capitalism” is? Especially when THX works at nothing.
A radical for capitalism is someone who wants laissez-faire capitalism and rejects the mixed economy.
Excellent article comparing Hamas to Nazism. Yes, Hamas is more open about its genocidal aims and takes greater pleasure in engaging in face-to-face savage acts while recording them to boast on social media. By comparison Nazi slaughter was antiseptic and wasn’t shown on newsreels. The Germans had a residual sense of shame that jihadi Arabs don’t have. Worst of all are the woke supporters. They know yet they still cheer.
I’ve been making the Nazi-Hamas comparison for the last few weeks on Twitter. Now I can make this point with a link to FPM. Let’s get the word out.
I don’t believe it was a residual sense of shame that made the Nazis try to hide their evil. It was a residual sense of reality.
The crucial difference between Nazism and Islam is that Nazism was an embryonic, evolving, religion. The German Nazis were still half-way secular, semi-rational, one foot in reality and one foot in supernaturalism. What was crucially still missing in Nazism was the reward of an eternal afterlife in a supernatural utopian Paradise as a reward for all the misery, poverty, evil, and death in this life.
Islam suffers no such deficiency in its supernatural, theological, fantasy. So, you can show the Muslims their evil, but it will only fill them with pride and joy because torturing and killing infidels will reward them with eternal life in Paradise.
The more seriously you believe in a supernatural, vastly superior, afterlife as a reward for your religious devotion in this life, the more you will discount this life as insignificant. This was just as true for Christians and Jews in the Dark and Middle ages as it still is for Muslims today.
“Socialism is really helping religion. The bigger the statism, the more people are accustomed to government rule over everything. The more people are ready for religionists to take over the lead away from the more secular side… the socialists are building the basis for totalitarianism but only the religionists are going to cash in on it and take over….
I believe that the medievals understood much better than the moderns on what basis to build a totalitarian society that would last and not collapse in less than a century. They did it. And the people in the rising religious movements today know that full well. They’re the ones who have millions, upon millions, upon millions, of followers and a real insight into the fact that economics is not the crucial factor in history but philosophy and culture….
Religion was the root of [totalitarianism] from the beginning. It has ruled in disguised forms and still is. And now the disguise has to be stripped off for if there is to be a lasting totalitarianism. For a lasting totalitarian state, religion is the only means.” – Leonard Peikoff
Randism is the only atheism that isn’t a religion?
You’re asking a baited question, with two absurd premises that you are willfully and dishonestly embracing from malicious intent.
Your first willfully accepted and dishonest absurd premise is calling Objectivism “Randism”. Your second willfully dishonest premise is that atheism is a religion.
You wish to evade and obfuscate the distinction between philosophy and religion, between reason and faith, between the rational and the irrational, between that which is based on the observation of reality and claims that not only are not based on reality but contradict the laws of reality.
And secondly, you wish to evade the fact that atheism as such, in and of itself, is not a religion whatsoever, it is the ABSENCE of belief in religion and nothing more. You wish to evade and obfuscate the fact that although communism is atheistic, the two are separate and distinct issues. Correlation is not causation. There are atheists that are pro-Capitalism and there Socialist Christians and Socialist Jews.
Try asking an honest question about Objectivism. Ayn Rand named her philosophy Objectivism and not “Randism” for a very good reason.
Objectivism is Rand’s philosophy but her philosophy does not ask you to take her word for it. Rand’s philosophy is derived from observing and following the facts of reality.
Ayn Rand asks you to study Objectivism, but don’t take her word for it that Objectivism is consonant with the facts of reality. Go see for yourself, think for yourself, if Objectivism is consonant with, corresponds with, the facts of reality.
You will see that Objectivism is consonant with the facts of reality. If you think that it doesn’t then ask questions HONESTLY, with an honest desire for clarity and objectivity.
Didn’t you already post this pile of dreck….like a minute ago. You defend Randism/Atheism like it is a religion.
Who’s reality…..yours? You are such a mindless amateur.
Objectivism is Randism. Atheism is a religion. It has all the hallmarks of being a religion including the shibboleth that there is no God, and that its followers treat it as something holy and beyond reproach. That is exactly your response to any critcism of the goddess.
You never ask anything honestly with a desire for clarity. You simply have your own narrative, based on nothing but the writings of a couple of corpses, one still alive and one thankfully DOA.
You say that atheism is not a religion. This may be technically true.
When atheists make this argument, however, I find that they are either being disingenuous or they are engaging in self-deception. In my experience, those who arrogantly and aggressively deny the existence of God commonly become their own deities. Self-worship becomes their de facto religion. In all sincerity, it is my sense that you are a principled, truth-seeking person. As such, I trust you are honest enough to admit that Ayn Rand’s idolatrous disciples have elevated her onto the pagan altar of their preferred deity and the French Revolution’s favorite goddess, Reason. I suspect you will be less inclined to admit, however, that since we mortals are not Olympians, our capacity to reason is not absolute. I believe it is this self-imposed myopia which prevents you and your Objectivist brethren from recognizing that human reason is incapable of distinguishing “the facts of reality” from the reality of transcendent Truth. The bottom line for me is that Ayn Rand’s sterile, flawed philosophy will never be accepted by those who recognize the wisdom of Blaise Pascal’s belief that “The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.”
No one cares what you believe or don’t believe about Nazis, religion, socialism, communism or progressivism. And what influenced what or when. And none of your ideas are original anyway. They are simply a lot of recycled flub-de-bub, from two losers who barely mattered 50 years ago.
And who don’t matter now….kind of like you. Copying and pasting the same tired quotes from Peikoff and Rand, day after day. Good luck changing the world. Hint: not going to happen.
Great life you have carved out for yourself
The brown-shirts flourished in the universities.
It appears the same story is again repeating itself in our “universities”.
No new thing under the sun [Ecclesiasties]
Good essay.
Muslims are national socialists without indoor plumbing
Had Germany won, the results would have ben similar. After his death, Hitler would have been procaimed as a religious figure. A new Germanic religion would have developed, dominating Europe. This new “civilization” would have be regressive.
Nazis and muslims were allies. Nazis got what they deserved but muslims got away with their crimes. It’s never too late to put an end to islam.
The real culprit of ME conflict is western powers lead by U.K. All started with Skyes Pecot agreement during WWI. Where U.K and France divided the region in unworkable way. Based on oil deposits in the region. Few years latter in 1921 Churchill contrary to San Remo conference unliterally gave trans Jordan region to Saudi Arabia tribe of Hashemites. For all the promises to The Jews western power had no intention to create Jewish state. Is only by sheer determination of The Jews forced western powers to acquiesce base on guilt of the holocaust. Given the behavior of western power today, it seems western powers are retuning to post WWI era of opposing Jewish state. They are doing everything on their power not to settle the conflict. By pushing imaginary peoplehood of Palestine. Instead of classifying them as who they are transient Arabs who came to the land for economic opportunities created by Jews. In a desolate baren land
Bravo, David! But as the Hitler-Stalin pact showed, Communists have no problem supporting Nazis when it serves their interests–and their useful idiots in the West are showing that they will go along as they did before. SAD!
Anti-Semites work together often disregarding political party preferences.
Wherever is Satan, islam will be present. This is Obama’s doing, opening the floodgates to evil, destroying the US with idol worshippers and the building of their evil places of worshipping Satan. They will reap where they sow, They are not stateless, but know they can’t live without the west, which is so socio-communist-liberal it has no moral compass. All of these groups will usher in the coming of Messiah, and He will send that cursed rubbish into the Lake of Fire, where they won’t be able to eat cheese burgers, pork ribs, drink booze and the rest of it. That is the life they live in Europe, debauchery at the highest level, religions based on adultery and so very carnal that they are in essence blind and deaf, their curse being that the blind lead the blind with Satan at the head, leading towards hell for Eternity. To all sane people, be careful, we are surrounded by killers and world leaders take their bribes.
Jug-eared Barry was a devotee of Saul Alinsky.
Saul Alinsky’s hatred & dedication to destroying America cannot be overstated.
Hillary was an acolyte also, but she hates B. Hussein more than she hates America. (Afterall, evil doesn’t get along too well, especially when Barry never got Slick Willie his coffee.)
For muslims, there can be no peace on earth until everybody else is dead. For everybody else, there can be no peace on earth until all the muslims are dead.
I am of the Radical Left, and someone who definitely supports Israel in this campaign. As Horowitz says, these people are Islamic ”Nazis’,’ not real Nazis of course, but their incredible sadism and their anti-semitism is horryfing. I do not understand why anyone on the Radical Left would associate with these psychopaths, but alas, most do, with the notable exceptions of Sanders, AOC, the more moderate folks at ”Dissent”, and a few others. Not surprisingly, Israel seems to be over-reacting , but we all do not know the details of their response, like what targets are being hit and why .
We are witnessing one of the rare moments in history when the more powerful antagonist is in the right mainly, and the less powerful is in the wrong. That this Israeli response is also an example of colonial oppression is of course total bullshit. Israel has been in that region for thousands of years, and the Jews deserve their space, eventually free and safe from threaths of extermination..
That makes you a devoted liberal – not a radical leftist. (FYI)
Tread carefully. Leftists tolerate no deviation from the party line & as such will not brook your not carrying their dictates.
That does not make me a Liberal: I am of the RADICAL Left, moderate tendency. The closest website to my ideology is ”Dissent”, whose quarterly has been around for 70 years. Liberals of the center-Left like Biden are mainly bullshit. I am a Sanders fan.
Yes, I am quite aware of of the intolerance within this Left, which is why I hardly ever hang out with these people. I”ve had enough bitter shouting matches with them. I saw the light about them in 1999 during the NATO Kosovo intervention, which I supported. Hardly anyone else on the Radical Left supported this humanitarian intervention.
The reason for this irrational support for such a regressive group of people is; after winning the 1967 war, the Left decided that Israelis and Jews in general are Evil White Oppressors. Which leads to the conclusion that the Arabs are morally superior oppressed BIPOC people.
So if someone believes that skin color is the main component of a people’s moral worth, then they must support murder of Jews by darker people.
To THX1138 – A week or so ago I tried to get this post to you, but it apparently did not pass the moderation censor. Thought I’d give it a second try since its content is benign by any reasonable standard:
It’s been said that for a person whose only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Meaning no disrespect, I wonder if you’ve ever attempted to shed your obsession with Ayn Rand for even a moment, to truly open your mind, and to honestly examine the contents of your toolbox. Were you to do so, I suspect it would soon dawn on you that you’ve become an Objectivist ideologue. This limitation has so impaired your moral vision that you’ve totally lost your ability to see the forest for the trees. My guess is that this affliction of your heart and mind developed insidiously from a youthful exposure to Rand’s fiction and culminated in an infection by her godless philosophy.
By way of full disclosure, I read Rand’s fiction and many of her essays in my youth. I have always admired this remarkable woman’s rejection of collectivism and advocacy of free market capitalism. However, I always sensed there was something inherently Satanic about her rejection of human charity and her celebration of selfishness as the ultimate virtue. The more I thought about her intense, reflexive hostility to religion and traditional morality, the more I realized that the half-digested and regurgitated views of her idolatrous followers render them allies of the totalitarian proponents of the atheistic French, Bolshevik and Maoist Revolutions and enemies of the pro-liberty, religion-affirming supporters of the American Revolution. I am certain you would not personally ally yourself with the former in opposition to the latter. Nonetheless, this is the paradox at the heart of your espoused ideology. Please know that I am praying for your recovery from the Rand infection in the certainty that, with God, all things are possible.
Objectivism, as a philosophy, is correct.
“However, I always sensed there was something inherently Satanic about her rejection of human charity and her celebration of selfishness as the ultimate virtue.” – there was nothing Satanic whatsoever about the philosophy of Ayn Rand.
By contrast, your embrace of altruism leaves you completely disarmed..
Altruism is behind every totalitarian ideology including the dictatorship in Germany, the dictatorship in Italy, Communism and Islam.
“The pro-liberty, religion-affirming supporters of the American Revolution.” – Man has the faculty of reason, a faculty you deny the very existence of as you try to justify religion and pretend that religion was behind the American revolution.
The Enlightenment was behind the American Revolution and the anti-enlightenment of Kant, Hegel and Marx resulted in totalitarianism.
So, according to you, Ayn Rand was an ally of the Communists despite rejecting the metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and politics of the Communists, being a radical for capitalism herself.
You share the epistemology and ethics of the Communists.
If you really have read Ayn Rand and have come to the conclusion that her philosophy is evil, then you have no understanding of what Ayn Rand means by “rational selfishness” or what Immanuel Kant and Auguste Comte mean by “sacrifice” and “altruism”.
Even though you have read Ayn Rand, for some reason or another, you have honestly or willfully and dishonestly, failed to understand her, or refuse to understand her.
Altruism does NOT mean kindness, benevolence, generosity, charity, or respect for the rights of others. Altruism means that man is a sacrificial animal, that he has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence. That man must be FORCED to serve others. And that’s precisely what socialism does.
Altruism and freedom, liberty, and the personal pursuit of happiness are opposites. Pick one or the other, you cannot have both.
“My views on charity are very simple. I do not consider it a major virtue and, above all, I do not consider it a moral duty. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HELPING OTHER PEOPLE, IF AND WHEN THEY ARE WORTHY OF THE HELP AND YOU CAN AFFORD TO HELP THEM [emphasis added]. I regard charity as a marginal issue. What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue….
The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him and that he cannot demand their help as his right) does not preclude or prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or to accept voluntary, non-sacrificial assistance….
It is morally proper to accept help, when it is offered, not as a moral duty, but as an act of good will and generosity, when the giver can afford it (i.e., when it does not involve self-sacrifice on his part), and when it is offered in response to the receiver’s virtues, not in response to his flaws, weaknesses or moral failures, and not on the ground of his need as such.” – Ayn Rand
The Arab allies of the actual Nazis are now mass murdering Jews while marching with signs that say “ISRAEL=NAZI.”
From Cat Lady:
Did anyone mention that Yasser Arafat’s uncle was th Mufti of Jerusalem during WWII and a close friend of Hitlers? He was supposed to have suggested having Jews wear the Star of
David arm bands and building the gas chambers. Uncle Mufti also organized the
Muslim SS troops that purged Bosnia of Jews.
If you approve my comment do not post my real name.
So just where is the ADL? what about the typical response from the M.S. Media bottom Feeders over all this?