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In 2018, the UK’s bipartisan All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims (APPG) produced a report claiming that the official definition of ’Islamophobia’ included calling Mohammed a pedophile and discussing the “issue of ‘grooming gangs’ which was a dangerous “trope” that increased the “vulnerability of Muslims to hate crimes”.
The APPG brought together Labour and Conservative Party members, and currently includes 25 parliamentarians. Its treasurer is ‘Baroness’ Sayeeda Warsi, a Pakistani Muslim former Conservative party chair and a minister in the Cameron government.
The Pakistani Muslim leader helped oust Home Secretary Suella Braverman from the Sunak ‘conservative’ government, claiming that Braverman’s warnings about Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs were endangering her family.
Braverman had correctly stated that “vulnerable white English girls” were being “pursued and raped and drugged and harmed by gangs of British Pakistani men who’ve worked in child abuse networks” and that the authorities had “turned a blind eye to these signs of abuse out of political correctness and out of fear of being called racist”.
Warsi claimed that saying this was racist, that discussing Pakistani Muslim rape gangs endanger her father “walking home from mosque” and warned former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that “he should not want to be remembered for presiding over a government that engaged in racist rhetoric.”
The Labour Party and Liberal Democrats both adopted the APPG’s definition of ‘Islamophobia’ and in the process defined not only historical facts such as “Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule” as Islamophobic but committed themselves to automatically believing “Muslim majority states” making accusations of “genocide perpetrated against Muslims” in Israel and anywhere else, and to also suppressing any discussion of Muslim sex grooming gangs as Islamophobic and a danger to Muslims.
Local councils, including Manchester, Salford, Oxford, Calderdale, and Newcastle, locations plagued by their own Muslim grooming gangs, adopted this definition of Islamophobia to cover up their crimes.
Warnings about “Islamophobia” were used to cover up Muslim rape gangs from the beginning as local authorities silenced victims, parents and activists, reports were buried or never filed, and it’s why the Starmer government and Labour parliamentarians voted to block a new inquiry.
Islamophobia is not the crime: it’s the cover-up. That’s why the APPG definition set out to criminalize criticism of Muslim countries, of Islamic history and of the Pakistani grooming gangs.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center has a lot of experience with being smeared for being right.
The Freedom Center was targeted with Islamophobia smears by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL, CAIR, the Carter Center and Media Matters to name a few. Most recently, the Voice of America, a federally-funded media arm, smeared us as “Islamophobes” for reporting on Islamic terrorism after the Hamas Oct 7 attacks.
It all began on September 11 when David Horowitz wrote, “This is war.” It was and it is a war.
In ‘Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam And The American Left’, Horowitz exposed the alliance between leftists and Jihadists, and the American Left never forgave him for it, just as they never forgave him for exposing their romance with Stalinism and the Black Panthers.
The Southern Poverty Law Center attacked David Horowitz as “the godfather of the modern anti-Muslim movement” not because he was a bigot, but to silence a visionary sounding an urgent alarm about a rising threat. It was the same reason why grooming gang survivors are still being silenced in the UK and why it’s forbidden to mention Muslims “subjugating minority groups under their rule” in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and in every Muslim country in the world.
The Freedom Center’s Front Page Magazine exclusively reported that the recent Biden administration’s Islamophobia Strategy claimed that Muslims were the real victims of Oct 7.
The report argued that Muslims were suffering “hate and discrimination in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel” similar to “their community’s experiences following the 9/11 attacks.” After every Muslim terrorist attack or atrocity, from bombings to rape gangs, claims of ‘Islamophobia’ are used to cover up and invert victims and perpetrators.
In the UK, Muslim grooming gang victims were not treated by the police and other authorities as victims of rape, sex trafficking and horrific abuses, but as perpetrators of Islamophobia.
After 9/11 and Oct 7, the victims and victim nations were denounced as ‘Islamophobes’ for noticing that thousands of their people had been murdered and for daring to fight back.
The moral revisionism of Islamophobia is not just a momentary phenomenon, but as the APPG report puts it, goes back in time to silence “claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword”.
Islamophobia provides an endless thousand year blank check for every imaginable Islamic crime, including the massacres of millions of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and other minorities by the Muslim invaders and conquerors, followed by colonization, subjugation, ethnic cleansing and slavery (including sex slavery), and then moves forward to modern times to cover-up generations of Islamic terrorism in non-Muslim nations, as well as ethnic violence like the grooming gangs, campus harassment of Jews and assorted attacks on non-Muslims.
The crimes are endless and so the cover-ups have to be equally endless to keep pace. The more Muslim violence grows, the louder the clamor about ‘Islamophobia’ grows.
“What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?” Norm MacDonald, the comedian, joked.
But that’s not just a joke: it’s the end stage of Islamophobia.
Every Muslim terrorist attack soon concentrates attention on the “backlash”, not the act itself, victims are sidelined and Islamist groups like CAIR redefine themselves as the victims.
Days after a Muslim terrorist killed 15 Americans in New Orleans, the media began running moral inversion stories with headlines such as “North Texas Muslim Leaders Brace for Rise in Islamophobia” and “Houston Muslims worry about Islamophobia after New Orleans attack”.
Once the moral inversion is underway, continuing to talk about the original Islamic crime becomes ‘Islamophobia’ and those who keep speaking out face shunning, censorship, deplatforming and even criminal charges.
But the David Horowitz Freedom Center refuses to be silenced. After two decades of being called ‘Islamophobes’, of being censored, deplatformed, shadowbanned, debanked and investigated by the IRS, we are still here and we are continuing to speak out.
Defying false accusations of ‘Islamophobia’ is not just about standing up to censorship, it’s about fighting to expose what is being done to us and to make sure it ends once and for all.
You quit persicuting the Jews Ham-A** and quit trying t o force your Sharia Laws upon us
I’m a certified Islamophobe.
How I got here is kind of curious: I happened to have access to Lawrence of Arabia’s marvelous books, which paint a rosy picture of the Muslims. There was some weird syndrome which caused Brits of Empire days to admire them. Took me a long time to realize the error of my ways.
Did you know they were all WHELPED from SWINE (pigs) ?
I am also a proud certified Islamophobe.
I am so very tired of the never ending “woe is me” B.S. from CAIR. The Democrats and the RINOs are so stupid they fall for it all the time. They are such appeasers they believe the Islamic alligator will eat them lest,
Thank God we still have our guns. The jihadists will not get far.
The Brits are hostages in their own country because of the Labour Party.
A hearty F.U. to all Mualim appeasers.
”The Brits are hostages in their own country because of the Labour Party”.
No shit Sherlock!! I’m a Brit and our country is totally and utterly FUCKED! 😒
They even lock you up in prison now for even daring to complain about it on Social Media (whilst releasing genuine hardened criminals so as to free up enough room in our British Jails!!)
Dear Mr President,
After you re-enter the WH in 5 days time please make us the 51st State (by force if necessary!) and save the people of our once great nation from the Child Rape Gang Apologists that we currently have infesting our ‘corridors of power’!
Many Thanks!
Hey Matty, back off. Canada is 1st in line for the 51st state. Donald said so. maybe you can be the 52nd state if Donald will have you.. Also we have a lot more valuable natural resources and other shit than you have. And we’re right next door.
I was about to say that
Fight for your country. Too bad you gave up your guns.
And the SWINE they rode in on.
No, the Donkeycrats and the Rinosauri are not “stupid”. They are willfully perverse and corrupt. Whenever there is a gator loose and cruising about in he bayou the intelligent folk GET OUT of the water and stay well back from it on shore. Better yet, leave the area entirely.
Such folk remind me of the gaggle of mad fools that followed Jim Jones to that place in Mexico and, knowing it was spiked with poison, drank the KoolAde anyway.
Trouble is with the mawzies they do not stay put where they are now. They are always “enlarging the borders of their tents”, rrying to spread their version of “cheer”. Somehow I am reminded f that “ourist” rom somewhere in Europe.Decided to take a little trip to the USA. Couldn’t bring a gun along, as it would have cut his visit short when he ;landed in NYC. He had done his homework and identified a Jewish Temple in a larger city in Texas. Scouted he place, somehow found and bought a handgun and some rounds, showed up to “visit” the Synagogue. . NOT purchased at a real gun store, as he was non-resident and thus could not buy through an ffl. He dropped in for a “visit” to the Synagugue, gained some level of confidence with them, then when it seemed a suitable time presented his handgun and threatened to kill them all. Talk settled him some, but he held on to his weapon. His big error was running his show solo. In a momentary lapse in his vigilance his putative victims pounced and secured the handgun, turning it on him holding him hostage until the police to showed up.
It is 100% certain that his fellow mawzis view HIM as the victim of “islamophobia” because they called in the coppers and he got his sorry little self in deep pig doo doo. His would be victim SHOULD have turned the gun on him and sent him off to his seventy two houris.
Hang on a sec!!!! mohammed IS a pedophile, and muslims DO support “grooming” infidel girls to have sex with. It’ in the koran!!
Ask the terrorists at the terror org CAIR.
Come on Daniel…. they’re free to do whatever whenever wherever and the world just stands by to watch because WE SURELY DON’T WANT TO GET THEM MAD!
ISLAMOPHOBIA…. Freedom to Destroy… because WE SURELY DON’T WANT TO GET THEM MAD! Draw a cartoon of The Big Mo… look out! Mock Jesus and The Last Supper… heck.. opening Ceremony at an Olympics and nothing happens… they’re laughing!
HOW ABOUT JEWPHOBIA? Starting J20, MAGAPHOBIA from Sea to Shining Sea! One could barely be seen in public with a MAGA HAT ON but now, anyone wearing one will be attacked and maybe even killed due to the psychotic brainwashing by the MSM, late night shows, which used to be funny but now their smiles are FANGED TEETH DROOLING BLOOD and supported by THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!
IRAN, going on 44 years, setting fires around the Globe, their embers spread to start other fires, and many are put out but then another set of fires take their place. On and on it goes. “IRAN… BLAH BLAH BLAH… MULLAHS BLAH BLAH BLAH.” A lot of Trey Gowdy Barking Dogs showing their teeth, growling, but no bite! “We’ll shut off the pumps if you do anything to us! Others will join us!” OIL BLACKMAIL and by countries that wouldn’t survive without us but then they stab us in the back, so we fall to our knees! STOP FUNDING PEOPLE THAT HATE US! “Drill Baby Drill!” Our trade deficit with China reaching ONE TRILLION! What’s it with OPEC? STOP THE EXPORTING OF OUR $$$! Bring the factories to OUR HEMISPHERE, to Mexico, Central and South America, the Islands, including Cuba which will eventually fall and would have decades ago if not propped up and supported by the Democratic Party! TO HELL WITH ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST! HELP OUR AMERICAS!
“The Only Power that can knock the Dam down… is the Water Behind it!”
The reason why watching Muslim children die on television is fun is because the world would in fact be a better, more peaceful place if there WERE NO MUSLIMS.
The lyrics to John Lennon’s “imagine” , and the Christmas song “Silent Night” , may seem to be opposites, but Islamic violence as made them both more or less the same: a beautiful ideal of a world without any Muslims in it.
So those television images of dying Muslims babies is truly heart❤️warming.
• It is entirely the fault of the Muslims.
• And the Muslims all know it.
• …and THIS is the reason why “Judeophobia” and “Christophobia” NEVER pass the lips of the “acceptable” social commentariat; only “Islamophobia” is used in the national lexicon.
Don’t feel guilty for enjoying the televised images of the dead Muslim children. Both the Beatles fans and the “Jesus Freaks” can “come together” about this: a world without Muslims — amen.
Lamented the jihad general in the 7th century when he arrived at ancient Spain’s Atlantic coast, “I regret there are no more infidels to be put to the sword, were it not for the se, I’d go West”.
See anything by Bernard Lewis and Wheatcroft’s: “Infidels: A History of Conflict Between Christendom and Islam”.
The West is willfully ignorant, led by multiculture cowards that are surrendering their homes to this violent, pagan superstition.
Bernard Lewis has some excellent insights. His explanation of nomadic Muslim strategy against civilized agricultural communities was the best explanation I have seen.
Basically, since the nomads are more mobile, they can just roam around the desert with their herds, waiting for a good chance to invade the agricultural areas. The nomads have no fixed targets the agriculturalists can attack, and being more mobile, the nomads can just run away without loss if attacked.
That was somewhere in his book “The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2000 Years”. I tried to find the section just now but failed, I should have underlined it in red so I could find it easily.
A phobia is an intense, irrational, and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Having a RATIONAL fear of all these things is NOT “phobic”. Everybody should have a rational fear of Islamic terrorism and it’s insidious destruction of western civilization.
Used to patronise a junkyard years back. They had a JUNKYARD DOG that was always on a very long chain, about 80 feet as I recall, well staked deeply into the ground. He would glare at anyone, at full attention, watching every move. One visit I noticed a grubby old tennis ball lying quite a ways outside of his reach. I picked it up and gave it a mighty fling in is direction. He sprang into action and caught it in the air, dragging his long heavy (think truck binder chain) chain. We played fetch for a while, he’d fling it back to me so I could toss it again.
I did not “fear” that dog because I knew he was ON HIS CHAIN and could not reach me. I also realised why they never had any issues with thieves hopping the fence and helping themselves to their parts. Metric was his name…. those would-be thieves had NOTICED Metric when they had come in during business hours to scout out the place…. THEY had a healthy and well placed fear of Metric, and his owners. I asked old Bon who owned the place if that wasn’t why Metric was not caged out of sight of every customer. He said I had it well figured out. Would be thieves had deliberately been instilled with a healthy PHOBIA of that silent protector.
“Muslims were suffering “hate and discrimination in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023” is an exact inversion of what happened. In fact, it was the Jews who experienced a vast increase in anti Semitic attacks and Jew-phobic venom. That’s the way it always works. As Jamie Glazov pointed out in his book United in Hate anti-Semitism always increases after an Islamic terror attack. One might think it would be the other way ‘round.
But it isn’t.
Nobody wants to be seen as racist. They desperately want to show how much they’re NOT racist. Beating their chest, “Look at me. Look at my bad self. I’m not like those redneck racists. I voted for the black guy!” Seriously. How many white people voted for Obama without giving any thought to how he would govern? Just b/c he was black. It was virtue-signaling.
In the British Isles, voting for people of color is a thing. I don’t have any hard numbers, but superfically, people whose ancestors were brown instead of white appear to be over-represented among UK elected officials- former British PM Rishi Sunak, Mayor of London Siddiq Khan, Scotish PM Humza Yousaf. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. UNLESS, the candidate’s skin color becomes the sole reason for voting for him/her, with no regard to the candidate’s actual qualifications for the office.
When people are using that alone as their reason to voter for a person, rape gangs running amok should be no surprise.
I did no vote for the Kinyun not because of the melanin level in his skin but because I had looked into his history. I also knew he was precisely as white as that “white hispanic” Mr. Zimmerman. I also realised he was NOT a “Natural Born Citizen per the early definition our framers had intended and I knew WHY they had set that requirement for the office of Chief Executive. .And he proved beyond any doubt that our framers were wise beyond our understanding in setting that requirement for President. Our most recent wanna be president further proved their wisdom.
His “birth certificate” was a pathetic amateurish fake.
Calling them grooming gangs is actually islamophobic because it assumes muslims cannot deal with the truth and they should be called violent rape gangs.
Why any man would want to take part in this sick group sexual activity is beyond my comprehension.
The British government covered it up BECAUSE IT ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN. Not because of any self-righteous crap, but because they wanted Pakistanis to come here.
Anyone who complains becomes a political prisoner, even muslims who complain, listen to Silenced Tommy Robinson’s podcast latest episode where a muslim Raja Miha tried to expose the corruption.
Don’t say Moslems are violent and intolerant.
They might get mad and kill you.
Oh, wait.
When Islam, pretending to be a religion of peace, discriminates between believers and infidels, allowing for the destruction of any religiously unaffiliated human beings in the most abominable manner using rape, torture, mutilation, pedophilia, sodomy, fear, terror and beheadings as their malevolent banner of superiority, we are witnesses to their comprehensively designed subjugation of others, it is not Islamophobia; it is sanity.
The testimony of Islam is its ABSOLUTE DISREGARD FOR LIFE and their astute understanding of first conquering others through the tyranny of uncertainty, then the guarantee of relief through subjugation and adherence. It is not a set of religious precepts to edify the development of individuals with their creator. No, it is a god who stands atop a mountain of wickedness calling forth to its followers implementation of the basest, most animalistic predation of others, intending that the submission of humanity into this immoral cauldron be universally accepted as “righteousness”.
In an increasingly, morally ambivalent world, the ability of humanity to see clearly the deception of Islam’s psychopathy is rapidly being subsumed into accepting the deepest transgressions against life as being self inflicted.
To remedy such a moral/spiritual/emotional conundrum, Islam teaches that it is its victims who are to blame for their suffering and that all they experience can be righted by becoming a Muslim.
Unfortunately for Muslim women and children, there is no respite from the predation of their men as daily beatings, sodomy, rape and terror are justified within their homes, unequivocally proving that submission to Islam is the NOT the answer to suffering!
We either look this monster straight in the eye or we offer, in place of reality, an adherence to their lies rendering EVERY life as a potential sacrificial victim on the altar of our indifference to the tip of this sword.
Not only that, “slam-o-phobia” is also a cover for HATE CRIMES. Against Jews.
How many non Muslims were involved in antisemitic hate crimes in 2024???
Who perpetrates most hate crimes against Jews in non Muslim countries, in the West?
Arabs, Muslims.
Majority of U.S. Muslims believe Hamas was ‘justified’ in actions: survey.
1941, 1942, 2014, 2023: Most Arab “Palestinians” are ….
* Feb. 1941:
A survey in 1941 showed that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British Mandate.
* 1941-1942:
Ahmad Shukeiri [Shukairy]:
“Our sympathies were with the Axis powers being led by Hitler…our prayers…”
* Jul. 1942:
Khalil Sakakini, who wrote on July 27, 1942, that Palestine’s Arabs had “rejoiced when the British bastion at Tobruk fell to the Germans..”
* 2014:
Poll: 93% of Palestinians hold anti-Jewish beliefs.
* Oct 21- Nov 4 2023:
Survey finds majority in the West Bank support the Oct 7 massacre.
* June 2024:
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Most Palestinians Support October 7 Attack, Dissatisfied With Abbas and …
Fascista Francesca Albanese – her husband worked at “Palestine” Authority… the “moderate” entity.
Human Rights Expert:
‘Francesca Albanese is the 21st-century Joseph Goebbels’.
Professor Anne Bayefsky of Touro University and Human Rights Voices speaks with Arutz Sheva about the appeal by UN officials against the US bill imposing sanctions on the ICC.
Gary Willig.
Jan 13, 2025.
[ ] husband has worked in “moserarmte” Palestinian Authority…:
So, if you say that Joseph Goebbels was something less than a swell guy, you are then being Germanophobic?
But, but, but I thought those Of The Left were all in favor of equal treatment under the Law with their level of tolerance except when it would upset the people of a certain religion who cant be named as that would be….
Well…. you know…