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“Israel has a right to defend itself,” Kamala told CNN. And then insisted that the “war must end.”
What Kamala was really saying was that Israel has a right to defend itself against an attack, but it doesn’t have a right to win.
Democrats and some Republicans have offered the same formulaic responses since Oct 7.
And long before that.
“Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks,” Obama said in 2014 before calling for a ceasefire. Israel has a right to defend itself, Bush and Clinton used to say before urging a quick end to the fighting in order to make a deal with the terrorists Israel is defending itself against.
Israel has a right to defend itself is the bare minimum allotted to anyone. Everyone has a right to defend themselves when they are attacked. Agreeing to it is not a pro-Israel statement. It is at best a neutral position to which the alternative position is that the Israelis should have allowed themselves to be overrun, destroyed and massacred, men, women and children, on Oct 7.
Anything less than the assertion that Israel has a right to defend itself is a declaration that it deserves to be destroyed. And that is the state of the debate within the Democratic Party.
On one side are the supporters of a two-state solution who want to split Israel between the Jews and the Islamic terrorists. Every time the terrorists invade and kill Jews, the Israeli army would have the right to briefly defend the country before the politicians make a new deal with the terrorists. On the other side are the one-state solution backers who don’t believe Israel has a right to exist and therefore no right to defend itself and support the Islamic terrorists who call themselves ‘Palestinians’ in their quest to destroy it by any means from BDS to genocide.
The ‘extremists’ want Israel gone now while the ‘moderates’ want Israel to keep making deals with terrorists until it ceases to exist. Along the way it’ll have plenty of chances to defend itself on a diminishing amount of territory using static defenses that the enemy will plot to subvert.
Israel does not need a right to defend itself. It needs a right to win.
The right to defend yourself is the right to be penned up in a ghetto while murderers roam outside. It’s the right to spend billions of dollars on elaborate defenses like the Gaza border wall or Iron Dome that, like any alarm system or wall, only work until the terrorists find a way around them. It’s the right to be constantly hunted, to be always on the defensive, and always afraid.
That’s no right at all.
The Nazis were not defeated with the right of defense, but the right of offense. Wars don’t end when the invaded are given a right to fight for a few weeks before calling it a draw. Wars end when one side actually has the power to do more than defend itself, but to fight back and win.
When Netanyahu spoke to Congress about “total victory”, the political establishment ridiculed and dismissed the prospect of defeating Hamas in favor of a deal with the terrorist group. That deal, known as a ‘ceasefire’ after the cycle of ceasefires with Hamas initiated by Obama, would allow the genocidal Muslim Brotherhood Jihadists to regroup, rearm and attack again.
“In some respects, we are struggling over what the theory of victory is. Sometimes when we listen closely to Israeli leaders, they talk about mostly the idea of… a sweeping victory on the battlefield, total victory,” Biden’s Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell told a NATO summit. “I don’t think we believe that that is likely or possible.”
The Biden administration and NATO leaders did not display this sort of skepticism towards Zelensky’s promises of victory against Russia. When the Ukrainian leader recently promised to present a “victory plan” to the Biden administration, the move was met with applause.
The Biden-Harris administration and the European Union believe that Ukraine has the right to win while Israel only has the right to defend itself. That is the fundamental difference between the treatment of Ukraine and Israel, and the treatment of their two wars.
Ukraine’s demands for bigger and deadlier weapons systems, including tanks and jets, were swiftly met even while the Biden-Harris administration cut off or ‘slow walked’ more basic weapons deliveries to Israel to force it to slow down offensive operations including in Rafah. Those pressure campaigns allowed Hamas to hold on to and murder captured hostages.
That’s what the “right to win” looks like as opposed to the paltry “right to defend itself.”
Every time Ukraine pushed further or opened a new front in the war, including going into Russia, there was applause, rather than warnings about “escalation”. But every phase of Israel’s military campaign, including the push into Rafah where the hostages and tunnels were, was marked by pressure campaigns and warnings about the danger of “escalation” in the Middle East.
Ukraine attacking a nuclear world power isn’t “escalation”, Israel taking out a Hamas leader is.
The political establishment believes that Ukraine has the right to do more than just throw back invading armies, but believes that Israel’s rights are limited to defending and maintaining its 1948 borders, that it must surrender of all its Six Day War borders, including half of Jerusalem, to Islamic terrorists and then promise them everything else they ask for to end the fighting.
And when the terrorists attack anyway, Israel will have the “right to defend itself” for a week or two. Then it’ll be time for another “ceasefire”, more negotiations and more surrenders.
Kamala and the political establishment are wrong. Israel does not have a “right to defend itself”, it has a right and a duty to go on the offensive and win. It has a right and a duty to utterly defeat and destroy every single Islamic terrorist organization at war with it. It has a right and a duty to secure whatever territory the terrorists were using for their operations including the Philadelphi corridor on the border which Egypt used to deliver massive amounts of weapons to Hamas.
That’s the least of what winning means.
In 1948, 1967 and 1973, Israel undertook to win. In those first three decades, it won and emerged stronger for it. In the next terrible four decades, it lost land, ambition and safety in a failed search for a peace that could never come on any terms other than its own strength.
Defense was traded for offense. Conflicts were to be managed. A weakening deterrence would reduce the scope of any individual exchange of fire. The United States and the Europeans would offer “guarantees” in exchange for a perpetual process of peace negotiations and war.
That was Israel’s “right to defend itself.”
On Oct 7, Israel hit bottom. The cost of peace at any price was no longer just the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza, rockets falling on major cities or a worldwide campaign of demonization by its ‘peace partners’, but a new invasion of Israel. Out of that horror rises a single fundamental question, will Israel remain on the defensive or will it fight to win.
The right to defend itself is Israel’s slow suicide. Survival rests on the right to win.
Allan Goldstein says
Absolutely, and by any means necessary.
Alix Brit says
I am starting to think that the Big Guy and Kamel -Toe are agents of Iran – paid agents at that. Even Jimmy Carter kicked out the Iranian student protestors and attempted albeit a botched attempt – to rescue our hostages from the Tehran Embassy. We have Americans murdered by Hamas – one recently – and barely a peep from the Fool in Chief. I have to ask myself WHY??????? It was Israel that avenged the murder of our marines in Beirut – something we should have done decades ago.
Domenic Pepe says
Israel should have decapitated the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Ayatollah Iranian regime on 8 October 2023.
And the USA should have agreed and participated in decapitating the Iranian regime.
However, it is not too late to do so now.
Prolonging finally decapitating the Iranian Ayatollah regime is not a good strategy.
Just do it.
The two vital equations: Ceasefire + Hamas = Blood-lust extension. IDF + Israel > Hamas = Victory.
American made says
Israel has the right to defend themselves.. nothing to be truncated to that statement
Jo Locke says
Defend and to win against an evil enemy. Sadly, a different generation doesn’t realize the truth that history teaches. If you agree to cease fire, you are agreeing to more brutal, heinous attacks on your country men, women and children later, over and over.. It was Hamas who kidnapped and killed the hostages.
DrLarry says
Two state solution? They have a state.. Gaza has a border and their own government which was elected by the people. Isn’t that state? They went to war with Israel. Israel needs to fully eliminate the current and any future threat from the State of Gaza which attacked them, just like the West did to Germany and Japan in WWII.
David Ray says
They HAD a state. The murdering trash just forfeited that beachfront property.
Bulldoze every building that stinks of islam & begin building a better place.
Paul says
Palestinian nationalism is an anti-Semitic cult invented to create an excuse to murder Jews and destroy Israel.
Algorithmic Analyst says
It occurred to me, that by saying Israel has the right to defend herself, what the left is doing is arrogating to itself the right to determine the winners and losers. It is another power grab by the left, in other words.
Similarly, when a burglar breaks into your house, you have the right to defend yourself. But what that means is the left arrogates to itself the right to judge the crime, often the Democrats let the burglar go free and send the homeowner to jail.
When I first heard about Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points, I thought they were wonderful. Now I realize how disastrous they were.
These power grabs by the left are generally disguised by calling them something else that appeals to the public.
David Ray says
In my scenario, the burglar gets dumped in dumpster. No need to award some leftist prick D.A. the opportunity to pull that crap of screwing over a patriot.
I refer to that as the “Nethercott Protocol”, after that Arizona rancher had his ranch seized by an activist judge. (That was his reward for showing restraint & handing the two illegals over to the cops.)
Goro says
A hole in the earth opened up.
Browns poured out, attacked the neighboring village, snatched children from their beds in the middle of the night, and carried them away to be raped to death in an underground lair.
Of course, this is all my fault.
You want your kid back any way possible? How about dropping a few and joining up you fat cuck.
Angel Jacob says
The US general policy against Iran and it’s proxy terrorist groups is “No Escalation.”
Meaning the terrorists should survive to gain more power and numbers and attack another day.
The idiotic, sold out leaders in the West don’t realize islam is at war with the West, to destroy, plunder and rape all of the West.
If the West wants to survive they must call the enemy by the name, and fight a real war like our survival depends on it, because it does.
Tionico says
Way back bout 1806 or so a man named Tom realised what these creeps are made of, and realised they ONLY speak one language: kill or be killed. So ol’ Tom, wise man that he was, sent a few shiploads of our new Marines and told them to kill and maim until HE (Tom) said to stop.
After a while the bad guys pleaded for some talks and a ceasefire. Good ol’ Tom didn’t think they really meant it, so he told the Marines to hammer on. they did. After another while those bad guys had had enough, realised they were outclassed, outskilled, outmanned, out spent, and outta luck. So they agreed to unconditional surrender and the cnflict was over.
here is a wonderful song.march that commemorates the Marines and their hard fighting.. something about “the shores of Tripoli” somewhere in it.. maybe you’ve heard it a time or two?
commonsense says
Bravo, Daniel. It’s time for Israel to give the world the middle finger and turn Gaza into an ash heap as it searches for the remaining hostages, and for ape-faced Yahya Sinwar and what’s left of Hamas, to whom no mercy should be shown. I hope Israel has a viable plan for what to do afterward to ensure that another October 7 can never happen again.
Mo de Profit says
The legacy media has ZERO calls for the islamic Hamas cowards to surrender.
If they surrender the war ends.
Tionico says
That reminds me of another old song.. about “the wreck of the Tennessee Gravy Train”. The story line is along the idea of the Tennessee politicians, getting fat off the taxpayers’ dime, finally pushed too far and were “made” as the corrupt thieves they were. So their “gravy train” ended up “wrecked”..
George says
They have been fighting for 1,400 years, they are t going to surrender except to fight another day. That is why Gaza has to be depopulated immediately.
John MacKenzie says
Take note my Israeli brothers, Hamas must be crushed, Hezbollah must be crushed, As Stonewall Jackson said, Kill’em, Kill’em, Kill’em ALL!!!
Tionico says
Which is why there are those would tear down any monument or mention of Thomas W He had the wisdom to realise he root of the problem, and, being a farmer, know the only solution is to tear that root OUT, all the way.
The only solution here is the complete dismantling of GAZA.
The so called palestinians are illegally occupying Israel’s land. Any claim that Hamas (or the so called palestinians) has to GAZA, and it has none, has been abrogated by its use of GAZA as a genocidal terrorist base. Anything less than the total destruction of GAZA and its rightful return to Israel would be a Hamas victory.
Hopefully this GOAL can be achieved peacefully. But in the words of our black radical fellow Americans: BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Steve Chavez says
Since 1979 they have been setting fires around the world and nothing is done to them because of OIL BLACKMAIL! The riches they gain are to fund those fires.
“The Only Power that can knock the Dam down, is the Power Behind it!” sc
bert33 says
Israel needs to declare independence from the US and move into gaza long-term and hunt em down and shut em down and not apologize. Its pretty evident looking at iraq and afghanistan the the US has gone senile, and that’s the long and the short of it. Love israel, hate israel, whatever, end the war by winning it. End decades of middle east political ‘fun’ at the same time. Age limits, term limits.
Nicolas Carras says
But, but, but Mr. Greenfield, where are you going? You know that the Jew must walk along the walls and lower his head. A Jew with a machine gun, in a tank… but that’s not Jewish at all! HA HA HA! The myth of the good cosmopolitan anti-nationalist Jew, blending into the crowd, so as not to disturb non-Jews, this Jew must perpetuate. “Me good Jew”…eternal wandering being. Such a Jew has no right to have his country, to win a war to preserve it. Otherwise he is the bad Jew. He does not respect the wisdom of his own Torah.
All the anti-Jews can go fuck themselves. And that Hamas be destroyed and that all those who support these criminals be punished by God.
Rob A says
A right to win? That’s small talk. Israel has a duty and an obligation to win by all means necessary and available.
Owie says
It has not only the right to victory, but the right to extend its borders significantly as it destroys its enemies.
Rob A says
And to add: enemies that willingly chose to make Israel their enemy. Hence Israel has a duty and an obligation to it’s citizens to utterly crush & destroy their enemies. A war that was forced upon Israel didn’t.
Every war has consequences and to the victor goes the “spoils of war” in whatever form the victor deems fitting.
If Israeli expands its borders by taking land in the process of destroying its enemies, then their enemies shouldn’t have started a war they had no chance of winning.
The writer/author Tom Clancy had a saying that if you plan to kick a tiger in the ass, you’d better have a plan to deal with it’s teeth. Israel is the tiger that Hamas dared to kick in the ass without a plan to deal with Israel’s teeth. Teeth which Israel has yet to sink deeply into Hamas for the kill.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s a good point. Sometimes we are forced to do certain things. We don’t have much of a choice in other words. I look out for such situations, as it makes the decision-making process simpler.
Alkflaeda says
And when it does, and it regains the lands ceded in the San Remo treaty which the British Mandate walked back to a large extent, it has the right not to be called an occupier, colonist or apartheid state.
Semaphore says
Daniel, thank you for another fine article. Respectful disagreement with your view that Israel has the right to win. IMO, nations don’t have RIGHTS, per se. Nations are geological myths, the result of agreements. They have the STRENGTH to exist or they don’t exist. Borders exist because the nation that defines them has the strength to defend them. What is happening to Gaza and Hamas is not a violation of rights, it’s war, a war they started. The pols that spew platitudes about “right to defend” did not have their women and children butchered last October. War is not about rights, it’s about victory.
Lionel M says
Daniel makes excellent points. But to win now, compared to the 60s and 70s is different because it now carries a much higher risk of Armageddon as the was Proxies (US and Iran) have or will have nukes. TPTB are clearly pushing us to WW3 because the Vax program isn’t working now. And what better way to get to their prime objective of massive worldwide depopulation to keep bankrupt Western “democracies” alive in their AI no jobs world. So, I would say the sooner the better for Israel to win but once Iran gets armed, I am not about to support World suicide even for Israel. And especially now in Ukraine where their primary proxies are massively nuked up.
Roark says
Tragically, Israel is saddled with a political Leftist general staff that doesn’t know what victory is. Those are politicians masquerading as generals; true generals live and breathe victory.
Israel needs General Patton and MacArthur not Milley and Brown. These latter are political actors, the former lead their country to decisive victories.
mj says
This is the reality that I believe:
Obama set up the Russia Ukraine war to equate Ukrainians with ‘Palestinians’ as victims of aggressors Russia and Israel.
Obama wanted a pro-West ‘regime change‘ in Ukraine. Immediately after the Ukraine Russia war started, Israel was accused by the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel of not taking in enough refugees. The thousands of Jews
Israel rescued from Ukraine don’t count. Israel doesn’t even border Ukraine. Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland border Ukraine.
But no country was criticized for not taking any Gaza war refugees, because, incredulously, the world would not allow it!
Israel was accused of not taking sides. Israel was accused of not sending heavy arms to Ukraine, a country that has always voted against Israel in the UN.
I have concluded that Obama resurrected racism in America to equate Blacks and other ‘minorities’ with ‘Palestinians’ as victims and America and Israel as oppressors.
I have concluded that, the most twisted scheme of all is Obama‘s/Biden’s/Harris’ ‘use‘ of the October 7th massacre to turn Hamas terrorist murderers and their complicit ‘non combatant’ families, who see value in only counting their dead and no value in preserving life, into oppressed victims.
For them, the purpose of the Gaza war is to actually turn evil into an oppressed victim, call for regime change in Israel (but not in Iran or anywhere else. Remember Biden’s faux pas, calling for regime change in Russia) and have put forth a plan comprehensible only as a plan to destroy Israel.
Truly savage, sadistic and above all else, absolutely absurd, was Biden’s ‘advising’ Israel from the get go not to act out of ‘revenge’ against evil!
I conclude that it will be miraculous (again!) courtesy of the One Above, that this administration will be utterly stopped (as in ‘regime change’) and that Obama, ‘within his own lifetime’ will be denied the legacy of his crazed obsession to be known as the man who destroyed Israel.
George says
October 7th will be repeated again and again until Israel removes every last Arab from Gaza. They should have done it last October.
Walter Sieruk says
The government authorities and officials of the State of Israel have a duty and responsibility to use pre-emptive strike against that belligerent and hostile vicious and murderous jihad entity Hamas to ensure the safety security and lives of the people who are citizens of that nation.
As the fifth President of the United States, James Monroe, rightly and wisely, in a speech had declared, “The right to self-defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals.”
Walter Sieruk says
When it comes to those brutal cruel vile heinous malicious and murderous jihadist savages of Hamas it’s “Either kill or be killed.”
Therefore, the Prime Minister Benjamin was not only right, for he also spoke the sensible thing to do when he declared, “No force in the world will stop us from elimination Hamas.”
So, Hamas needs to be hit long and hard and it should to hit with much military might and. struck great power repeatedly until it’s completely destroyed. As it had been also, rightly said “Half –measures is folly and madness.”
For jihadists of Hamas will not respond to reason or logic , in others words, they cannot and will not be reasoned with. The only language that are able to understand is that of being the receiving end of a power of a great military might. As Thomas Jefferson had ,rightly ,written “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
Even the leftist US President Franklin D. Roosevelt with all liberal socialist had very wisely declared, “No compromise can end that conflict. There never has been—there never can be—successful compromise between good and evil. Only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance, and decency, and freedom, and faith.”
Prime Minister Benjamin had revealed knowledge and wisdom by his statement about the need to about the very important and necessary need to engage in the “Elimination of Hamas.”
Dan Willens says
No, Daniel, let’s keep the same military leadership that ignored all the warning signs, and keep the same ‘Supreme Court’ that rules over all of us. We need to lose! That’s what we’re structured for, and what asking for. We’re ‘a Democracy’ – remember?