The Israeli parliament on Wednesday passed a law to strip terrorists of their citizenship for receiving financial rewards from the Palestinian Authority.
The new legislation, which received 94 votes in a 120-member Knesset, also gives the Israeli government the power to deport terrorists to the Palestinian Authority-controlled West Bank, as well as bar their reentry into Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government presented the bill after Israeli Arabs gave a “hero’s welcome” to a terrorist who was released after serving a 40-year prison sentence for kidnapping and murdering an Israeli soldier in 1983. Karim Younis, an unrepentant terrorist, “was greeted by family, friends and supporters chanting and carrying him through the streets on their shoulders,” the Jerusalem Post reported January 5.
The Arab Knesset members were enraged at the new legislation. They slammed the law for being “racist” towards convicted terrorists who happen to hold Israeli citizenship. “The decision, which could potentially affect hundreds of Palestinian citizens and residents of Israel, was condemned as racist by Arab lawmakers as well as Palestinian officials,” the left-wing Israeli newspaper Haaretz lamented.
“Knesset passes law to strip terrorists who receive PA stipends of Israeli citizenship,” by Carrie Keller-Lynn, The Times of Israel, February 15, 2023:
The Knesset approved a law on Wednesday to strip convicted terrorists with Israeli nationality of their citizenship — provided they receive funding from the Palestinian Authority or an associated organization.
The law, an amendment to Israel’s 1952 Citizenship Law, applies to both Israeli citizens and permanent residents incarcerated following a conviction for terror, aiding terror, harming Israeli sovereignty, inciting war, or aiding an enemy during wartime, and enables the interior minister to revoke their status after a hearing.
The law enables citizenship to be revoked even if the person lacks a second citizenship, provided they have a permanent residence status outside of Israel. Once citizenship is revoked, the person would be denied entry back into Israel. (…)
Registering rare cross-Knesset support, the law passed with the support of 94 MKs on its third and final reading, with 10 lawmakers voting against. While its main sponsor was Likud MK Ofir Katz, it also counted members of the opposition’s right-wing and center-left lawmakers among its cosigned supporters.
Heralding the legislative victory, Katz said that the law is “the dawn of a new era,” stating from the Knesset floor that” I know and feel from the bottom of my heart that such laws are our true mission as elected officials.”
“I say unequivocally, a terrorist who receives money from the Palestinian Authority should fly from here to Gaza, anywhere else. Do not stay here. He won’t be here,” Katz said.
The PLO-run Palestinian Authority operates a multi-million dollar “Pay-For-Slay” scheme, which hands out generous salaries and allowances to terrorists and their families. According to the Israel-based watchdog Palestinian Media Watch, the “Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund” paid out around $150 million in 2020 alone.
The so-called humanitarian aid to Palestinians restored by the Biden White House — revoking President Donald Trump’s 2018 decision to cut such funding, is also diverted to finance this “Pay-for-Slay” terror financing scheme, a Jerusalem Post article noted in April 2021. In 2022, Biden administration gave $316 million to the terrorist-ridden Palestinian Authority.
Thanks for keeping us posted on this issue!
Um . . . this wasn’t a law already!?? The absolute common sense of such a statute should’ve been codified into law back in 1948.
As for the scumbags parading that murdering prick on their shoulders, that’s what’s called a target rich environment.
Dump the corpses into a landfill when finished, and then pop the tab on a cold one.
What ever happened to the Taylor Force Act which was passed with the help of Lindsey Graham from Mr. Force’s home state of SC. This was passed during the Trump years and I was under the impression that none of my hard earned tax dollars would ever again go to subsidize killing Jews. I would like to know how and by whom this was repealed in the Congress. Tucker Carlson should do a segment on this in memory of our fallen non Jewish American soldier Mr. Taylor Force who was killed by a Palestinian terrorist while vacationing in Tel Aviv after surviving tours in Afghanistan/ Iraq.
I believe that he was the only American serviceman to have ever been killed in Israel.
I am convinced that one segment on this topic on Mr. Carlson’s show would enrage most Americans and honor his parents in South Carolina.
Obviously any Arab member who voted against this is a supporter of murderous thugs and should be removed from office. Also these so-called peace loving Arab citizens of Israel who voted for these murder loving thugs should be disenfranchised, have their citizenship revoked, and deported alongside those Knesset members. Why would any civilized nation allow these fifth column traitors citizenship?
This is sure to get the Liberals all upset and the same for the UN Human Rights Twats
Its about time (Israel) stopped playing “nice” with committed, convicted terrorists who have shown their ideology to harm Israel and its civilians,.
Lawlessness must be dealt with, and that means changing times and laws to suit the lawlessness. When people commit violence and acts of terrorism it affects the whole nation and especially those who are innocent of wrongdoing who are peace abiding.