Every time Islamic terrorists start trying to kill Jews and they have the temerity to fight back, social media memes pop up accusing Israel of being a colonial settler state committing genocide against the indigenous population.
Sure. Except it’s the other way around.
Palestine was a name imposed by the Romans. The Philistines were European colonists from the Aegean Sea who were more advanced than the local population. (The first Jewish monarchy, that of Saul, was born out of a rebellion against Philistine rule.)
The Romans used Arab tribesmen as mercenaries in suppressing Jewish rebellions. The Islamic conquests came in the wake of the collapsing empire, filling the vacuum, and colonizing and arabizing territories that had been under Roman rule.
That included Israel.
The ‘Palestinians” are military colonists. And much of the Arab population in Israel is actually fairly recent as the land was not able to support a large population during Ottoman rule. The Jihadist campaign against Israel is not an indigenous resistance, it’s an attempt to rebuild the empire of the Ummah. The Hamas rockets are driven by the same Jihadist Supremacism that led ISIS to rape Yazidi women.
The Left, as usual, is siding with totalitarian colonialism over an indigenous population because that suits its political agenda.
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