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Recently, The Guardian ran a story with interviews of IDF soldiers that they hoped would make Israel look bad; the result was quite the contrary: “The @Guardian lies to spin IDF soldiers as monsters – but they show that the @IDF remains the most moral army in the world,” Elder of Ziyon, February 9, 2024:
Similarly, the newspaper makes the unfounded “suggestion” that the IDF uses massive firepower unnecessarily, and this kills many civilians….
How do reporters from The Guardian know that the IDF “unnecessarily uses massive firepower? Who decides what is “unnecessary”? The IDF is fighting a war for the survival of the Jewish state, against an enemy that uses civilians as human shields, embedding both its weapons and its operatives in civilian areas, including in large buildings. Having done everything conceivable to get civilians to leave, the IDF levels those buildings that it has good reason to believe have been emptied of civilians, destroying huge caches of weapons, command-and-control centers, and Hamas terrorists determined not to flee but to remain and fight. Is what The Guardian describes as the IDF’s “massive firepower” anything like the “massive firepower” that the Americans used in their campaign in the Gulf War to push the Iraqis out of Kuwait, or in their later wars to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and ISIS in Iraq and Syria? There is no comparison; the American firepower was in each of these campaigns many times more powerful than what the IDF has brought to bear in Gaza.
One soldier from the special forces Duvdevan unit said his unit had only encountered Hamas militants on three occasions during six weeks in north Gaza, from where the majority of civilians were ordered to evacuate early in the war….
His special forces unit had in six weeks in northern Gaza encountered Hamas terrorists only on three occasions. Many of the rest must have fled south, or been hiding in the tunnels.
Not one civilian was identified as being killed in these two testimonies – but the Guardian says that the huge response to Hamas attacks is responsible for civilian deaths. Without a single shred of proof….
How many civilian deaths were due to Hamas enforcers firing on civilians to prevent them from fleeing, so that they were forced to remain as human shields? How many civilians have died as a result of Hamas missiles falling short in Gaza and hitting people on the ground? Shouldn’t Hamas be the one to hold responsible for civilian deaths, for it has always embedded its men and weapons in civilian areas and buildings, and keeps those civilians from escaping to the safe areas set out by the IDF?
[Another] described how a relatively light injury to a fellow soldier triggered a “massive response”.
“We just took down the whole area where we thought the shooter was,” he said….
The IDF has a right to fire back when fired upon; it hardly matters whether a Hamas terrorist’s fire resulted in an IDF soldier being killed or suffering only a light wound. The Hamas fighter, had he at that point not been neutralized, might have fired again, this time managing to kill an IDF soldier. The IDF is not required to hold its fire if one of its soldiers has “only” suffered a light wound. If the IDF is sure that all civilians have left the building from where the shots were fired, is allowed by the laws of war to destroy the building.
Nothing in the laws of armed conflict proscribe these actions. Every army would do the same thing.
The most outrageous part of The Guardian report was when one soldier says that IDF troops died for no reason to make Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken happy:
Another special forces soldier said that advances were “done properly” during the early stages of the war.
“We had everything we needed and all in the right order. First airstrikes and artillery, then the tanks, and only then the foot soldiers. By the time we got somewhere, there wasn’t much left,” he said.’’
The soldier said that more recently, following US pressure to minimise civilian casualties, tactics had changed. “Now the infantry are going in alongside the tanks and that’s why they are getting killed,” he said.
IDF soldiers are putting themselves in danger, and being killed, to please the US. That is sickening and damning.
The Biden-Blinken administration put pressure on Israel to rely less on airstrikes, and more on infantry, so as to lessen the number of civilian casualties. Israel complied, and the result is that instead of being sent in only after a site had been thoroughly pulverized first by airstrikes, then artillery, then tank fire, the infantry is now being sent in alongside the tanks, greatly increasing their vulnerability to fire. The rate of IDF deaths has increased as a result, all to please the Bidenites.
Even though these soldiers were interviewed anonymously, not one of them gave any indication of the IDF not performing its duties properly, fully in accordance with the laws of armed conflict. (If one did, we know the Guardian would have featured that testimony in paragraph 1.) Clearly the newspaper was hoping to find soldiers among dozens interviewed who would angrily claim that his commanders or comrades were wantonly shooting women and children, as Hamas and Hamas supporters claim happens daily.
They couldn’t find one….
The Guardian reporters came up empty, in their attempt to elicit from interviews with IDF soldiers evidence of war crimes. Not one of the soldiers interviewed suggested that there was anything like that. They had not seen, in their battles, any sign of the “dead women and children” that Hamas keeps insisting are the “main victims” of the “genocidal” Israelis. Perhaps The Guardian should instead be interviewing the leaders of Hamas, asking for their evidence that the IDF has been deliberately killing women and children.
Thanks Hugh!!!!
In the battle for Mosul. US Marines unleashed massive firepower, killing 10,000 combats of a three month battle and 40,000 civilians. There were no tunnels or human shields involved. There was also no international compliants of war crimes either.
The US State Department has been arming and training PA “security” forces since 2007. They have spent hundreds of millions doing so. Over half of all the terrorist attacks in Judaea and Samaria have been by those American trained and American armed terrorists.
The US feral government is a terrorist organization
No army has ever been required to allow its soldiers to die to protect the enemy…only when the enemy is RE-DEFINED as. “Innocent civiiians”, despite all evidence to the contrary, are soldiers required to fall on their own swords to maintain the false image painted by a malicious media. There are only conspiratorial “civiian-warriors” fighting and dying in Gaza…it’s time to stop this charade! They kill their own children in order to accuse Israel. This is the crime.
Dead Jews are a winner in the big cities that are the Demorat heartland.
I wish Biden and Blinken would stop trying to micro-manage Israel and stop telling Netanyahu what to do. Butt out, Biden and Blinken!
I’m not supposed to hate but I do. I hate democrats leaders, Biden and those running him. I would like to see Netanyahu kick Biden’s people out of Israel and finish the war anyway he wants to. I would love to see Israel wall off Gaza and stop all contacts with the pali’s No water, electricity, food or money. Let the Arab world take care of them. My only solace is knowing these evil democrats will end up in the lake of fire.
I was saying originally that if Israel really had the “nukes” it is reputed to have, the first place they should try them out is where the majority of their enemies live – Washington DC!
One of the problems with Biden-Blinken is they’re total idiots, they’re talking out of both sides of their mouths, all they really want is votes and appealing to the anti Israel mob is buying votes …
Israel should just hunker down and deal with the Islamic murderers, it’s not going to stop till they kill ALL HAMAS
Well said!!!!! Agreed by a US citizen!!
Joe Biden with his hideous influence is not only curse on America and the American people, but Biden is also a curse in the State of Israel and the people who are the citizens of Israel.
The government officials of the State of Israel do have a duty and obligation to have the Israeli military force response to those brutal cruel malice -filled murderous jihadists attacks of Hamas.
For it’s the responsibility of the government of Israel to protect the safety and lives of citizens , especially since that horrendous jihad entity, Hamas, started this war on October 7th by launching violent and deadly Islamic terrorists attacks on the peaceful Jewish people of Israel.
Therefore, the use of the military force against Hamas is a very important and necessary action of self-defense.
As the former US President James Monroe, had, rightly, in a speech declared, “The right of self -defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and individuals.”
The Israel Defense Force needs to and should hit Hamas long and hard and keep on hitting it until that evil jihad entity is completely destroyed.
It also had been wisely said, “Half measures in war is folly and madness.”
The heroes shall not be forgotten, especially when they fight to their last breath and for the right reasons. The evil ones shall pay in the times to come who have actually betrayed humanity.. The world is not big enough for them to hide from the wrath of God.
It’s very wise and best of the government officials of the State of Israel to totally disregard the terrible fool advice of Joe Biden and Blinken about this current war with Hamas that it started on October 7th. 2023.
For those brutal vicious murderous jihadists of Hamas can’t be reasoned with .They cannot and will not respond to the logic of reason. The only language that they are able to understand is that of being on the receiving end of a very strong might power of military might.
As Thomas Jefferson had, very wisely, written, “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
Unfortunately, Israel is not dealing with ‘Biden’s advice but with Biden’s blackmail.
The Biden regime feels it has the right to dictate to the IDF its tactics and responsibilities because the US government provides arms and ammunition to Israel. But conversely, the Biden regime also significantly funded Hamas, which unleashed the terrorists that raped, burned and otherwise murdered 1,200 innocent Israeli civilians. So what responsibility does Biden bear in that massacre?
Biden betrays Israel over and over. In the conference with King Hussein, Israel was called an illegal state on Arab land, and praised UNRWA. Recently, new evidence shows that 12 UNRWA employees may have been directly implicated on the recent attack on Israel. There was a bunker found beneath UNRWA headquarters containing sophisticated technology and weapons for Hamas. Many nations are now starting to pull their support as they should. UNRWA needs to be replaced with a real humane agency. The Depth of corruption at the UN knows no bounds., UNRWA exists to make sure wars continue on Israel.
The United Stated , with the exception of Trump Presidency, has been pursuing a covert anti-Israel policy for decades, some Presidents more publicly hostile than others. Until now, it was the US pro-Israel public opinion that was putting brakes on open hostility towards Israel. With public opinion turning against Israel, the US policy will turn more and more hostile against Israel, aided in that hostility by the Europeans.
Once again we are witnessing the abandonment of the Jews.
G-d bless the IDF … and watch over and protect them on their mission.
… all of the casualties are the fault of Hamas.
… Hamas could end the war – almost with a phone.
… just surrender already.
As has been often said … by the adults on sane platforms …
… it bears repeating …
If Israel stops fighting … Israel will cease to exist …
If Hamas surrenders … the Palestinians will have peace (until they start another war) …
G-d protect Israel and the IDF …