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Despite threats of civil war, a strike by major corporations and a medical association and every lie the leftist media could trot out, the Israeli parliament passed a law stating that the Supreme Court’s leftist judicial activists couldn’t overrule the government because it decided that the government was “unreasonable”.
The Israeli Supreme Court is a worst-case scenario authoritarian institution which self-selects its members and claims the absolute power to intervene in any case and override any decision by the other branches. It claims the power to take cases without any standing and has eradicated any checks and balances.
Leftists and assorted useful idiots have spent much of the year screaming that the Supreme Court, which exists only to suppress democracy, is the bulwark of democracy and that its power must be unlimited.
After the parliament passed the ‘unreasonableness’ law, the Supreme Court decided to rule as to whether it has unlimited power.
Israel’s Supreme Court has decided to hear petitions against the “reasonableness law” that the Knesset enacted this week, with a court date set for September, according to the NGO Movement for Quality Government in Israel.
This is beyond parody.
Democratically elected officials pass a law reducing the total power of an unelected and lawless branch of the government, and it decides that it will be the one to decide if it’s going to give up any of its power.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Israel would enter “uncharted territory” if the High Court of Justice struck down the Knesset’s passage of the first leg of his government’s judicial reform plan.
“We will go into unchartered territory, and I would like to believe that they would not do that,” Netanyahu said in an interview with CNN on Thursday, the latest in a series of at least three interviews he gave to major US news outlets.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Netanyahu if he would abide by a Supreme Court decision to dismiss the Knesset’s passage of that law as illegal.
“I hope we do not get to that,” Netanyahu said, as he refused to confirm if he would respect such a court decision, stating instead that Israeli would enter “uncharted territory and I would like to believe that they [the court] won’t do that.”
How about asking if the court will abide by the laws passed by a democratically elected legislature? But we already know the answer.
That’s why judicial reform is desperately needed.
The Left has used its institutional power, including in the courts, to block democratic change and nullify the power of Israel’s growing Middle Eastern, Russian, and Orthodox Jewish populations. It’s not a legal institution, but a mafia that represents a very specific set of interests, and answers only to itself.
The rioters fighting democracy claim to be doing so in the name of democracy. They’re not defending democracy, they’re waging war against it.
This is how we see true “democracy” as mob rule by totalitarians. Unfortunately the D word has come to represent fair rule by governments, when it represents lawlessness. We need a new word that accurately represents decent hands off government that is not partisan – if that is possible, or are we doomed to repeat this cycle to the end of time?
We will tell you whether or not we have absolute power? Hmm.
If you’ve read Ehud Barak’s writings and speeches, you know that the Israeli protests, and U.S. government support for them, have little to do with the court’s dictatorial powers, which it arrogated to itself in the 1990s. They are a pretext to get people into the street to topple the Netanyahu government, nullifying the results of the (recent) valid election. After the “Russian collusion” fakery that tried to unseat Trump, it is clear that the Left in the West has opted out of the social contract and is willing to split their societies and use extra-electoral means to change governments it doesn’t like. Obviously, if only one party is ever allowed to rule, you effectively have a one-part state.
This type of court is a down payment on tyranny.
They’d absolutely like to take down Netanyahu, but judicial reform is a lot more than a pretext.
You wouldn’t be able to get the level of buy-in to help Barak from major companies, the media and hundreds of thousands of lefties.
This is a civil war between the old school leftist establishment and the new electorate.
Maybe, but Ehud noted in a recent video interview that his side had done an exhaustive study of non-violent coups across the world and determined that if you could get a specific percentage of the population (can’t recall whether it was 3% or 8%) into the streets there was a near 100% chance the government would fall within 6 months. My premise is that the main goal was to collapse the Netanyahu government and the hysteria the Left created over court reform was the vehicle it used to get the magic percentage into the streets.
Excellent article.
Thank you.
Balance of powers, checks and balances, was a genius idea of our founders.
Admittedly, this is scandalous. However, the USA also has a crazy legal system (as do many other countries).
Imagine that when a so-called Supreme Court has a majority of ‘liberals’ you can be certain the rulings will go in one direction. But when there are a majority of supposed conservatives, the rulings *might* go the other way (most conservatives have been infected to a lesser or greater degree, by so-called ‘liberalism’).
The citizen is expected to abide by the rulings of the Court, despite the fact everyone knows it’s not due to adhering to the constitution that produced the ruling (more than likely in the case of a so-called ‘liberal’ majority). It demonstrates that trusting in a human judiciary is pointless.
Imagine having a Government that is subjected to the whims of 6 or 7 (or more) ‘liberal’ lawyers in a costume – having to accept their unconstitutional rulings as law, but knowing full well it’s because of their liberal mindset – nothing to do with the constitution. What a joke!
With all our vast data accumulation and processing capabilities, we’re somehow in the Age of Unreason.
Like people being unable to do elementary arithmetic, because they rely on calculators.
Is there a felony like associazione mafiosa in Israel, as in Italy, for instance? If so, would it not be better for the “Legal Fraternity” (Caroline Glick) to strike the respective law down as “unreasonable”, too, and ASAP, even before the “quality government” procedures scheduled for September?
Sicher ist sicher, as the German admirers of that brave court would say. Oder?
Caroline isn’t a lawyer. The legal fraternity in Israel has long been coopted by the leftist elite. The head of the Israel bar association is foursquare in the lefts corner and is publicly inveighing against reform at every opportunity. Indeed, representatives of the Bar Association get to help choose–not advise–but help choose, vote, members of the high court.
Israeli SCOTUS should have all the powers it can accumulate through general tardism and the media, Is there any other power?
I mean the media is key, How else do you collectivise tards?
Very well said!
They are attacking with COUP tactics, and denigrating the democrat majority abroad by spreading their lies that show their contempt for their fellow Israelis who they view as 2nd class citizens.
The new immigrant populations from Russia and Ethiopia also experience the wrath of the left’s racist and hostile contempt, as they too are under-represented in all the “good ‘old boy” institutions that the left still control.
Not just about religious vs secular, it’s about elitist Ashkenazi racists trying to maintain the draconian status quo – that is more and more untenable each year as the demographics of the population shifts more to the right – this being a core reason.
The judiciary in America is also determined to maintain primacy, arrogating to itself powers not granted in the Constitution. Had Jefferson not been so resented by Congress, Congress might have exercised its Constitutional prerogative to rein in Justice Marshall’s bogus claim to purview over Marbury v. Madison, which did not merit cert in the Supreme Court. The Constitution does not create three co-equal branches of government, but grants Congress the power to legislate within the boundaries of its 18 enumerated powers, requires the Executive to faithfully execute those laws, and provides for courts to judge cases brought under those laws. Our Supreme Court won’t even let state legislatures granted explicit authority under the US Constitution act without state judicial review – because this might erode the power of courts.
So while we watch the Israelis try to restore a balance of power among their institutions, we might want to reexamine the last centuries of judicial abuse and legislative malfeasance in Washington, too.
In America, Judaism is a subset of democracy.
In Israel, democracy is a subset of Judaism. And by Judaism, I mean the kind as described in the Torah, the teaching of the law, which is the only foundation for the law of the land of Israel and for the people of Israel, day in and day out, every minute, in public and in private. It’s good stuff.
That’s why we’re still here, in spite of disgusting foreign meddling and pressure to corrupt us, to take the Torah out of sovereign Jewish law and life, to pervert justice, and to make mortals judge by purely personal anti-Israel political motives.
Neither the smug enemy from without and within, no one, no Obama and Biden lackies, fallen Jew or non-Jew, any other country, no matter how much money and pressure these trouble makers have to misguide, to foment, to corrupt and to destroy, they will never succeed (may it be God’s will!) in turning us against ourselves.
The judges on Israel’s Supreme Court have forgotten that “judge“ is spelled with a small “j“.
There is only one judge with a big “j” and that Judge doesn’t only judge Israel, but all of humanity.