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Those who wish Israel ill are up in arms about the IDF’s plan to flood the network of tunnels Hamas has built under Gaza. They are angry because they fear the novel plan will work: Hamas operatives will be flushed out, forced to scurry out of the tunnels and appear above ground, where the IDF can pick them off. The water in the tunnels will also weaken the tunnels by soaking their walls, and the soil just above them, so that they will be more susceptible to eventual collapse; Hamas will never again be able to use them as they have been doing. More on the proposed tunnel flooding, and the reasons given by Hamas and its supporters as why it should not take place, can be found here: “Did the UN Human Rights Council just admit Hamas steals civilian aid? Plus, the dumbest argument yet against flooding tunnels,” Elder of Ziyon, December 15, 2023:
The UN Human Rights X account tweeted something spectacularly stupid:
Israel’s flooding of tunnels with saltwater could have severe adverse human rights impacts, some long term. Goods indispensable to civilian survival could also be at risk, as well as widespread, long-term & severe environmental damage. Civilians must be protected.
Hold on: when they say “Goods indispensable to civilian survival could also be at risk,” doesn’t that mean that they are admitting that Hamas tunnels are warehouses for the aid that the world has been sending into Gaza for the past decades?Yes, there is no other possible interpretation: those “goods indispensable to civilian survival” — humanitarian aid — are apparently being stored in those tunnels, Hamas having seized them from the shipments of aid meant for all the people of Gaza. Hamas has now stored them inside its tunnels for safe-keeping, for the future care and feeding of Hamas operatives alone. The rest of the Gazans will have to make do with whatever ”goods indispensable to civilian survival” Hamas left behind after taking its massive cut.
Critics of the flooding plan, like Eurasia Review, also say things like “Flooding the tunnels could damage Gaza’s aquifer and soil, if seawater and hazardous substances in the tunnels seep into them.”
“Hazardous substances” means “explosives.”
Now, why might there be explosives in the tunnels?…
The list of bad things listed in that article that “could” happen if Israel floods the tunnels is almost comical, but the pièce de résistance (so to speak) comes at the end.
Flooding the tunnels could affect the cultural heritage and identity of Gaza, which has a rich and diverse history and culture. The tunnels are part of Gaza’s landscape and memory, and they reflect its character and spirit. Flooding the tunnels could .. affect the cultural expressions and practices of Gaza’s people, such as the art, literature and folklore that are inspired by or related to the tunnels.
Yes, the terror tunnels must be protected because they are an important part of Gaza’s culture!
The tunnels were built by the terror group Hamas to do one thing: help facilitate the terror group’s murderous attacks on Israelis. That is their sole reason for being. The tunnel network has served as a vast underground pedestrian passage, allowing the hiding of weapons, rocket launchers, and Hamas terrorists under most of Gaza, and also allowed the undetected movement underground of weapons and fighters. The tunnels are instruments of murder, not “cultural artifacts” that must be preserved as part of Gaza’s “landscape and memory.” These terror tunnels cost billions of dollars to construct; they likely represent the greatest misallocation of resources in the Middle East since the pyramids were built in the Valley of the Kings.
Do the Gazans really want those ghastly tunnels — which will be left in ruins by the IDF — to be thought of as part of the “cultural heritage and identity of Gaza”? How many Germans like to think of the extermination camps as part of the “cultural heritage and identity” of their country, or aren’t those camps, rather, something of which they are ashamed? The camps are part of their history, but not of their “cultural heritage,” which is a different, and a positive, thing.
How many Russians want to preserve the Soviet labor camps of Vorkuta and Kolyma, as part of their “cultural heritage”? A museum in Moscow, containing testimonies, photographs, and videos, of life in the camps that constituted the Gulag, would be enough to preserve the memory of that hideous aspect of Soviet history.
By all means, the people of Gaza should preserve the memory of the malignant and wasteful tunnels forced on them by Hamas, but they have no need to preserve what remains of those tunnels — 800 of the approximately 1000 that existed have already been destroyed by the IDF —themselves. Must the tunnels really be preserved as part of Gaza’s “landscape and memory,” or are they testimony only to the murderous madness of Hamas, hellbent on murder, and indifferent to the wellbeing of the people of Gaza it has caused? Perhaps one tunnel might be preserved, so that Gazan schoolchildren can visit and see what Hamas wrought in its unhinged unquenchable desire to kill Israelis; that would be more than enough to preserve the memory of the terror group’s madness. Some claim that the tunnels must not be flooded because the resulting damage would affect “the art, literature and folklore that are inspired by or related to the tunnels.” I very much doubt that the “art, literature, and folklore” of Gaza — is there any worth mentioning? — could ever be “inspired” in a good way by those hideous tunnels. Go to it, IDF engineers. Flood those tunnels. Flush the killers out.
Brown Wolf says
Members of Hamas are murderous monsters. They must be eliminated by any means possible.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks, the main issue is how militarily effective flooding the tunnels is. Winning the war is vastly more important than the peacetime after effects, which can be dealt with after the war is over, and are only mentioned as a smokescreen to obstruct flooding the tunnels.
Craig Austin says
Egypt flooded tunnels at their end if Gaza with sewage, nobody said boo.
CowboyUp says
Yes, after reading their complaint about seawater, I was thinking if they don’t like seawater, gaza generates plenty of sewage to pump in there. But I’d hate to be the guys that have to go in and rig the explosives to collapse them, after they’re drained again.
Seawater though, is very corrosive to tunnel infrastructure and anything metal stored in them. And there’s plenty of it nearby, to be had. So not a bad choice. Add a little acetic acid(vinegar), and it becomes unbelievably corrosive to all metals, except gold, platnum, good stainles, and well anodized aluminum.
owensgate says
Maybe a better end of these tunnels would be to seal the ends and inject the gas “Zyklon B”.
Aebe mac Gill says
The US and Europe can spare a few tankers full of pig shiite.
Rachelle says
Since the initial trial run of this plan, I have seen nothing in the Israeli press about more of the same action. All I am seeing now is tunnels being blown up after being filmed by camera bearing dogs. It seems to me that either the IDF is holding off on the flooding, or has for now abandoned the idea because it would cause so much damage to the Strip, where, like or not, the Gazans are likely to remain.
CowboyUp says
Most of them are deep enough that it won’t matter, not that I really care.
Gayjuan Bart says
From the river to the sea
Hamas will be flushed like pee
Ed says
From the sea
To the river
Palestine will be
Chopped liver
Mo de Profit says
Typical UN reaction to anything that might hurt islamic cowards.
Defund the UN now!
Steve says
When I was in college, the university library carried a publication known as UN Bulletin, which reprinted speeches in the General Assembly. at least 75% of the speeches were ritual denunciations of Israel by the Soviet Bloc and representatives ofl third world tyrannies. They would assert obscene things such as the claim by an Arab delegate that the Diary of Anne Frank was a forgery. None of the Western delegates even bothered to respond to these outrages.
RickyTickySavvy says
…much like conservative responses to Democrats outrages…crickets!
jbspry says
My local County Department of Cultural Affairs stopped me from cleaning my toilet stool, declaring that the filth lining the bowl “represents a rich, diverse and colorful cultural heritage for the bacteria that reside there”.
ed says
My outhouse is a cultural landmark
Alkflaeda says
Diversity covers a multitude of sins.
BLSinSC says
Many have said this MANY times – Get the US OUT of the UN and get the UN OUT of the US!! THAT should be a top priority of PRESIDENT TRUMP’S THIRD Victory!! We will be much better off as a Nation without the UN – that money can be used for “reparations”! REALLY? REPARATIONS?? YES!!! BUT the REPARATIONS I have in mind are for the people who have been subjected to the LEFT’s Political Persecution! ALL Jan 6th prisoners should be made WHOLE! ALL victims of ILLEGALS should be made WHOLE! Now I know money won’t replace a loved one, but what else can we do?? And the BIGGEST “REPARATION” would be for the ARRESTS, PROSECUTIONS, and PRISON Terms for those who have abused their power and put Our Nation in this horrible mess!!
Kasandra says
Flood the tunnels and fill them with sharks with lasers, just to be certain.
Alkflaeda says
When they are finished with the sharks they can be directed down to the English Channel to deter our uninvited jihadi guests.
Alix Brit says
Dr. Evil approves.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Israel should care less about what her enemies think and just wipe them out wherever they are within her borders. Flood the damn tunnels already. Double tap every little rag head that emerges.
ed says
Could all these tunnel just be used as sewers?
They are already full of “human” excrement
BUBBA says
That is the best suggestion yet!
ed says
Are any of these tunnel deep enough to store nuclear waste?
Alkflaeda says
Since Hamas are cozying up to Iran, they probably already do… come to think of it, maybe that’s the reason why the UN is opposed to flooding them.
Alkflaeda says
PS Accidentally clicked my own upvote instead of the one above.
Doug Mayfield says
Hooray! Perhaps wishful thinking but I hope they all drown so the IDF does not have waste even a single bullet on the rotten scum.
Alkflaeda says
Why would the UN want to prevent the Gazans from having the immense tourist attraction of a giant flotation tank? Though on the subject of Hamas, I find it quite difficult to take people seriously if they will dress like Teenage Hero Mutant Turtles.
Ed says
RickyTickySavvy says
…much like conservative responses to Democrats outrages…crickets!
Dustin Tourkee says
Gaza is forfeit.
Hamas is finished, and so are Fatah, the PA, PIJ and other murder cells.
From the river to the sea., Israel will be terror free!
Walter Sieruk says
The Hamas jihadist cannot and will not be reasoned with. In other words, they won’t respond to reason or logic. The only language that they are able to understand is that of brute force.
In times of war drastic measures and necessary. In this situation such a method is appropriate, they considering the dangerous and vicious nature of the Hamas enemy.
For vicious they are indeed, they many of them raped young Jewish girls’ and also . tortured them and murdered them in many malicious ways. Many Hamas jihadist seven took live infants in burned them to death .
Later those Hamas terrorists who had died ,by downing, in their tunnel’s still have a more humane death than they inflected on their victims. If those Muslim terrorists weren’t in those tunnels in the first place , very ready to engage in murderous jihad attacks..
Walter Sieruk says
Flooding the jihad terror tunnels is a fitting way of eliminate those dangerous and murderous jihadists of Hamas.
Those Hamas jihadist in their underground tunnels are very comparable to mole rats. So either flush them out or drown them in their Islamic terror tunnels.
BUBBA says
I think Hamas has more long term negative effects on people than sea water. The are savages and do not belong in civilized society.
owensgate says
Should the IDF fail to flood these tunnels into oblivion, my admiration of the IDF will drop 20 points. They MUST “take care of business” as never before; unlike the U.S. Administration that cowers desperately from a minuscule pissant group of pirate wannabees called “Houthis”! Open piracy on the High Seas, and Brandon doesn’t know what to do. Can we make a Time Machine and go back and get Thomas Jefferson?
Tionico says
Yup. Ol Thomas took the pains to learn what made those Barbary monsers tick. THEN he knew how to deal with them, and DID. In three years he wiped out the source of all the damage to US and other friendly nations’ shipping.
IDF have a far longer rack record of dealing with the antics of hamas. They did not need to “educate” themselves oh how to deal with the problem. They realised it HAS to be done, rolled up their sleeves, and in typical Israeli fashion, are dealing with the problem. I thought the tunnel flooding to be th absolute best solution. Small arms fire, localised explosive devices, troops clearing them one by one and taking enemy fire the whiles, are all very risky means. Flooding them? Pure genius. Hard to fight rising water, especially when the overhead won’t move to make more room. Plus, water has a very amazing santising effect. And there is plenty of it, just needs a bit of encouragement to “relocate” the stuff. And just move the pump to the other end and its easy to make it go back to from whence it came.
Chris Shugart says
This is a war, right? I thought everybody knew that. The last thing Israel is going to do is take military advice from the UN. They prolong wars, not end them.
Detroit Pete says
It’s hard to believe these nonsensical arguments were made in good faith. It’s more like the ravings of fanatical Jew haters grasping at straws as their hope for victory over Israel is flushed away.
Ravi rikhye says
It take near 8-weeks to start flooding the tunnels? Looks like the Israelis are even more incompetent that we Americans are
Don Beinhardt says
O’ Mary don’t you weep, don’t you moan, ’cause Pharaoh’s army got drown-ded.
Tionico says
the horse and rider He has thrown into the sea,,, or, in this case, he sea has been thrown into the horse and rider. Same net result. Problem solved. Ir dissolved….
John Blackman says
alas , ! all the art galleries in gaza will be closed . and the culture ! im shocked i tell you , shocked . ! muslims want to destroy anything remotely associated with western culture . the braindead culture of islam only produces misery and a thin veneer of progress that is soon removed once you read the book of gobbledegook called the koran .
Send in the pigs in lifejackets towing a raft of bacon bits.
Another way to flood tunnels: divert the sewage systems into them. Distance from the sea not a problem. Plus it will enrich the sub soil with vital nutrients.
Angel Jacob says
Just do it. No permission required.
RS says
Of Course they are upset because the tunnels are their pathways to attack innocent towns with surprise attacks!
Ruckweiler says
Flooding the tunnels with Mediterranean sea water came to me a couple of days after October 7th. Israel should ignore the critics and just flood away as I doubt Hamas has SCUBA gear down there.
WhiteHunter says
Yes, definitely flood the terrorists’ ratsnest of tunnels with sea water; or better yet, with raw sewage.
If that doesn’t solve the problem, there should be a “Plan B”:
An ultimatum shouted through loudspeakers and bullhorns warning the terrorists hiding in the tunnels that they have TEN MINUTES–no more than that–to emerge from the tunnels to the surface and surrender, naked and with hands up, before “more stringent measures” will be used.
Those “more stringent measures” should be the same as those routinely used to disinfect any merchant ship held under quarantine on suspicion of a rat infestation before being allowed to dock at any U.S. port.
Here’s that standard, routine, and very successful procedure:
First, tear-gas grenades are hurled into the ship’s cargo compartments to flush out any possible human stowaways, without killing them with what comes next.
After a brief opportunity for human stoways (in case there are any; usually there aren’t) to come out, there’s Step Two: The ship is thoroughly fumigated with poisonous cyanide gas, to kill the rodents. But maybe the IDF should use Zyklon-B in the terrorists’ tunnels instead, out of “poetic justice.”
In this literally life-or-death struggle against the terrorists who are determined to destroy both the State of Israel as a sovereign, independent, Jewish nation and the world’s Jews, no holds need be barred; and Bibi should tell Biden to “G.F.Y.” whenever Biden “urges” him to “show restraint” and leave Hamas alive to continue its murderous “mission.”
Are they going to get the UN to condemn Israel for this protecting their Nation from Invasion?
E T Gwynn says
Ahh! Water boarding used most efficiently.