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Information about the attack is still being pieced together, but we now know that some of the Hamas terrorists had been agricultural workers who received permits to enter Israel from Gaza. Others provided information to Hamas.
“What people don’t understand is that while Hamas was treated as a terrorist organization, there were decisions made by Israel to make life easier for Gazans,” said Thomas Nides, the former American ambassador to Israel, who left Jerusalem this summer. “They issued 15,000 work permits, for workers in Gaza who came into Israel each day, and I believe there was a view that Hamas would not screw that up.”
This was the doing of Israel’s previous leftist government before Netanyahu.
Making life easier for Gazans carried with it a very high price.
Israel is quietly allowing thousands of Palestinians to enter from the Gaza Strip to conduct business and work, apparently as part of understandings with Hamas that seek to prevent a war.
In recent months, Israel has quietly provided some relief as part of an unofficial, Egyptian-brokered truce with Hamas, in exchange for reduced rocket fire from the territory and the scaling back of weekly rioting along the border. It has allowed Qatar to deliver millions of dollars in cash to allow Hamas to pay its civil servants and has allowed the United Nations to step up aid efforts.
Now it appears Israel has expanded a program in which it had long provided hundreds of permits to business owners to travel to Israel and Judea and Samaria for commerce. Palestinian officials say it is now providing some 5,000 so-called merchant permits and awarding them to Palestinians working as laborers in construction, agriculture, and manufacturing.
That was in 2019. Last year the number went up to 14,000. Who made that decision? None other than Benny Gantz, who was now brought in to save the country.
Israel increased the quota of entry permits for Palestinian workers from Gaza by an additional 2,000, bringing the total number to 14,000.
The coordinator of government operations in the territories, Maj. Gen. Rassan Aliyan, announced the decision of Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday following an assessment of the security situation.
Great assessment.
Permits will be issued for economic purposes, in accordance with the criteria, and subject to a security diagnosis.
Additionally, officials are continuing to implement Gantz’s decision to allow the employment of 20,000 workers from the Gaza Strip inside the State of Israel.
“All the civilian steps toward Gaza are dependent on continued security stability over time. Whether to expand them or not will be determined accordingly,” the military liaison to the Palestinians, known as COGAT, said in a statement.
Last week, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a discussion in the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that he had asked to increase the number of Gaza workers in Israel to 15,000.
About six months ago, the quota was 5,000. Since then, it has increased every few months by several thousand.
In late 2022, before Netanyahu took office, the number was increased to 17,000.
Defense Ministry decides to allow 17,000 Gazans to work in Israel in order to maintain stability in the region, in continuation of a policy that will see the number increase to 20,000
The Defense Ministry will be expanding the number of permits it issues to Gazans allowing them to work in Israel, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announced on Thursday.
The decision will go into effect next week, the announcement said, following the High Holy Days.
In August, one military source said that Israel’s recent civil policy in the Strip gave Hamas incentive not to join the brief round of fighting between Islamic Jihad and Israel that month.
The decision to increase work permits, made before the fighting began and briefly put on hold during the conflict, has strengthened Gaza’s economy and put pressure on Hamas not to take actions that would lead Israel to take measures against the Palestinian population, said the military source.
According to the announcement, after assessing the security situation, Defense Minister Benny Gantz decided to issue an additional 1,500 work permits – bringing the total number of Gazans permitted to work in Israel to 17,000 – for labor and trade.
Complete madness.
Netanyahu is being blamed for leaving the “door open”. Gantz and Bennett left the door open.
17,000 work permits, 1,300 dead and rising.
This is why you don’t “make life easier for Gazans”. Nor do you let 17,000 people from enemy territory into your country.
That’s a good example of lack of gratitude, gratitude being a concept missing from both the terrorists language and culture. Sir Richard Francis Burton pointed that out already in the 1800s, a prime analysis of his genius at analyzing language and its relation to culture. The Muslims attribute a gift to Allah, not to you, so feel no gratitude to you no matter how much you give them.
Aside from gratitude from an Islamic point of view it’s unacceptable for an infidel especially a Jew to have authority over a Muslim so the Western concept of reciprocity is actually often a fast track to disaster in this context. You can just imagine Israeli largess being a red flag to a bull.
Seems Michael Oren didn’t get that but he now does get that he was being played by the “Palestinian Authority!. What he maybe also doesn’t get is that the PA would probably have their own security concerns to worry about if they cooperated too closely with administrators like Oren, Unless that was simply a facade which Oren knows it was. Another thing Oren probably didn’t get is hate.
Thanks Una!!!!!
I remember reading that in the Brodie and Rice biographies of Burton. Imagine that. An entire “culture” and cult with no word for gratitude. Basically a culture of crass ingrates.
I hate when I see them creeping around here in San Jose. And the women are usually without male “escorts,” which they aren’t allowed to do in the Islamic shit holes they crawled out of.
Proving that a two-state solution can NEVER work because terrorists won’t have it. There is only one solution and, as ugly as it is, it’ll need to be “Biblical”…and according to Netanyahu, that’s exactly what it will be.
Only if the West permits it and that’s a big if.
Their hate must be stronger than their desire to be a migrant labour force somehow.
“Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?” – Proverbs 27:4
I was listening to a podcast and heard a Palestinian quoted as saying that killing Jews was a sacred act whereby the muslim was “vindicated” and his jealousy and outrage “soothed.”
The Jews are a beautiful people, of intelligence and culture. They alone possess the covenants and are uniquely the people of God. The stupid, ugly, backward Muslims know this and hate it with everlasting hatred. Envy is deadly and impossible to assuage without destroying its object. The only recourse for Israel is to destroy its enemies, both foreign and domestic. May God help Israel to do this.
The Jews are a beautiful people? Why don’t you try judging individuals as individuals? In reality only individuals exist.
You can go to YouTube and easily find videos of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting at a Christian church. There are ultra-Orthodox Jews who want to throw out all Christians out of Israel.
“A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.” – Ayn Rand
THX, I am not talking about individuals, but a people group. Have you ever heard of “NAXALT”? It is the tiresome exception that is used to destroy rational observations: “Not all X are like that.” I often say blacks are a custodial race, but I always treat them as individuals when I meet them, and have greatest admiration for many of them individually (who tend to love, support, appreciate and excel in western civilization).
Jews are not immune from the evils of humanity. There are some very evil, very bad Jews for sure. But I am not speaking of them because they do not speak for the Jews! I am speaking of the Jewish people as a people. They ALONE carried the Word of God to the world. Through them ALONE did God bring light into the darkness.
Your radical individualism makes you unfit for civilization. I submitted a comment that is in moderation that explains this in detail. Maybe Mr. Greenfield will publish it. I know he tires of getting off topic, but sometimes I just cannot help myself.
If Christians in Israel respected other people’s religions and stopped the illegal act of harassing Jews (and Muslims) to convert to their religion it would be happier existence.
If all that the Ultra orthodox do is spit at a building Christians can afford to ignore it. In case you haven’t noticed Muslims are massacring Christians in Africa.
In any event being disliked is part of being human and deserves no sympathy from any sane adult that isn’t a nanny.
BTW, spitting by the Orthodox is actually a way of repelling the Evil Eye.
And the Jews taught their women literacy in the ancient world when no other culture I know of did. Seems like a nice thing to do. I don’t ascribe to that barefoot and pregnant crap.
Contrast that to the baby killers of Islam who wrap many of their women in burka body bags and treat them like slave.
The more of a woman that is covered in the local variations of dress, the more of her is invisible. Invisibility reduces a woman to a non-person or object.
How true, but so does the opposite.
And they say that man has an innate desire for self-preservation and rational selfishness, nothing could be further from the truth.
Altruism, self-sacrifice, mercy, and pity are easy compared to the LONG-RANGE self-interested analysis that self-preservation and rational selfishness require.
And make no mistake about it, what motivated handing out all these work permits? The short range, emotional, sentimental, thinking of self-sacrificing altruism. The mercy and pity that altruism demands as opposed to the sober, clear, dispassionate, self-interested thinking that justice requires.
THX, you interpret everything according to altruism and selfishness, without understanding the basics of human nature. Because you do this, your thoughts here are like the know-it-all child on Polar Express:
Reason is not “man’s mind,” but a TOOL of man’s mind. Reason is given more generously to some than to others. So much for “equality”! Reason must be grounded in the moral principles of God, Who made all reality and set truth, beauty and goodness as transcendentals over mere reason.
Your version of objectivism is nothing more than license to do that which everybody does naturally – indulge in selfish and inconsiderate thoughts and actions with no concern for others. In objectivism, every human interaction, even love and charity, becomes a transaction measuring the “worth” of the person with whom you deal in accordance with his value to YOU.. Because of this, THX, you are unfit for civilization.
That is harsh, but true. Civilization requires living together in commitment to one another’s good. It requires hierarchy to direct men towards this goal- something the French Revolution sought to destroy, but replaced with the guillotine.
You love the enlightenment, but ignore all the death and destruction it wrought. Reason is not enough. Reason is NOT transcendent. Goodness, beauty and truth are transcendent. Because you identify reason as a transcendental, you are trapped into the stupid and illogical assertion that reason CANNOT be a tool wielded by man’s mind in service of moral ends. Surely this would alert most people to their error, but not you, THX. Truly your are enslaved to unreason.
One thing we agree on: Stupidity is what you get when you deny reality.
Your reality: “Existence exists by the grace of existence.” This is patently stupid.
My reality: “In the beginning [time], God made [energy] the heavens [space] and the earth [matter].
You define faith as “belief without evidence.” Your objectivism is the poster child for such faith.
“You love the [French] enlightenment, but ignore all the death and destruction it wrought. Reason is not enough.”
The French Enlightenment was not the whole of the Enlightenment period. You seem to believe that the French Terror was the only and the actual manifestation of the enlightenment of reason, but in fact there were different manifestations of enlightenment during that period. There was the French Enlightenment, the English Enlightenment, the Scottish Enlightenment, and the American Enlightenment. The French Enlightenment was drastically different in philosophical ideas from the others.
The ideas of the philosophes of the French Enlightenment, philosophes like Rousseau were not based on reason, if anything they were anti-reason.
“Progressively abandoning their Aristotelian heritage, the philosophers of the Enlightenment had reached a state of formal bankruptcy in the skepticism of David Hume. Hume claimed that neither the senses nor reason can yield reliable knowledge. He concluded that man is a helpless creature caught in an unintelligible universe. Meanwhile a variety of lesser figures (such as Rousseau, the admirer of the “noble savage”) were foreshadowing the era to come. They were suggesting that reason had had its chance but had failed, and that something else, something opposite, holds the key to reality and the future.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels”
“The American Enlightenment: Worlds apart from the French one” – Robert Curry
I never saw that movie but that scene was funny. Boy, was that kid irritating.
I agree with most all of your comment. THX says,
“Altruism, self-sacrifice, mercy, and pity are easy compared to the LONG-RANGE self-interested analysis that self-preservation and rational selfishness require.”
It appears to be such a thoughtless comment. It is true that those virtues, lacking wisdom, can be taken advantage of. Yet no rational person would say it is good to spoil a child, or indulge others in their self destructive habbits. Rational Selfishness, recognises that human being desire happiness, and they understand that one of the keys to happiness is doing genuine wise servive to others. Altuism, guided by wisdom, is “rational selfishness” A wise person knows they are best postioned to aid, not spoil others, by impartial self persevation and inpartial introspectionm and independence or a degree of wealth, both material and intelluctual, that makes them inde[endent and not a burden on others, and endevours to help others achieve the same. To blanketly contem “Altuism, mercy and and compassion, and restrict those attibutes, the very qualities that alow civilizations to go beyond brute status, to foolish altuism, mercy and compassion. is anything but wise.
Until you truly know – trust no Muslim. Sadly, too many think Islam isn’t what Islam always is – a viper that you let in to your own risk.
I have to consider that your statement is correct. And I will add again its my next door neighbors, pharmacist, coworker, doctors, and many others. So friendly, so assimilated, taking their kids to school sports like everyone else, working along side of you. Who are they really? I tend to think everyone is like me. But, IDK.
I don’t care how nice they are as individuals. Their religion is anathema. It has no place here and no accommodation should be given to it or the people who embrace it.
There’s some kind of Islamic community center around the corner from my place. I try to avoid going near it but when I drive or walk past it my skin crawls. And of course it has cameras and signs which announce they’re recording you. Stupid animals. They think everybody else is filled with suspicion, resentment and hatred, like the.
You’re right. They don’t belong in American society. Compare the Constitution to the unholy koran and it’s clear.
“like they are.” My hunting and pecking is awful.
Before moving, I lived a few blocks from one of these Islamic mosque/center/whatever, and yes – I avoided it like you would something sick.
No, everybody is NOT like you. Stay cautious.
It’s not the people are naturally evil. The religion is evil. Further – they can be anything, and – then ‘faithful’ in jihad – and all is forgiven. Men to whore-house in the sky, and I guess the women to the laundry in the sky to clean-up after the men.
I have watched these people in action. Normal one moment, and the religion comes in – and they are possessed by it – and they aren’t what they were. I trust none of them – period. Don’t like to have my back to them. But – let that only be known to myself, and never to them. Islam is a religion for victims who go thuggish. It teaches the follower to look for weakness in the other…
The religion is evil, but the people who tolerate it or accept it should be made to live in its countries and not enjoy the benefits of Christian society.
The Leftists have minds like those of turkeys who look up to the sky in the rain resulting in them drowning themselves. Too stupid to perceive a threat and protect themselves from it.
We suffer from severe Stockholm Syndrome, are addicted to appeasement and wear the very heavy shackles of circular logic which prevents us from rethinking our positions and hitting the reset button.
In any social group there will always be dopes. In this case they were the Leftists governing Israel. The truly sad thing is that there will always be more dopes than rational people.
“There was a view,” says former ambassador Nides, “that the Palestinians would not screw that up.” What kind of Jew, what kind of human being–even a Democrat lackey–describes what happened in Gaza as a screw-up? Yeah, yeah, I know, you shouldn’t parse his remarks word by word–but he remains a truly awful man.
Ex-Ambassador Oren says exactly the same thing which indicates this view was pervasive. Probably because people in government positions wanted to believe it and probably because they themselves wouldn’t want to screw it up. It’s very difficult for people not to judge the world by their own experience.
It’s even more difficult to live with the consequences of the conceit that they were a club of sophisticates who understood how the world really works. They most certainly didn’t as it turns out.
Providing enemies with opportunities for infiltration and attacking positions indicates who the real screw ups were.
These are, and always will be Islamic terrorist.
The Palestinians must be conveyed to various Muslim dictatorships nearby including Saudiland, Egypt (an American wefare state), Jordan (an American welfare state) and Lebanon, another terrorist state.
The Palestinian flay must be lowered over Israel for the final time.
Strangely enough, Egypt isn’t allowing Paleosimians to flee there, even though President Al-Sisi had formerly invited them.
Israel needs to depopulate Gaza, Judea and Samaria of islamopithecines.
There’s a point Where are they to go? Nobody wants them, especially not other Muslim countries.
There are slave markets in North Africa that could find them Islamic homes. That won’t happen, despite being fitting. Anywhere suggested would be a place where they would be exploited for labor and kept as a trained terrorist strike force. Israel does need to make as much of Gaza as possible into a buffer zone.
Looking for an open article that descrbes or sumarises the foundation of Israel, why they have a right to exist, how modern Israel formed, and explains in broad detail, how and why Palestian is really simply Arabs, and does not deserve to be a seperate state from all the other Arab states. Also one that gives a decent timeline of actions, both of Israel, and Arab terrorists, to explain how the Islamists use “Palestianisns” as human shields, and address those that say Israel is commiting just as many atrocities against “civilians”
Most such articles appear to not be open or free.