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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Another Ramadan is upon us, and as is always the case, the eager-to-be-fooled infidels are out in force. A Catholic diocese in Italy has just called upon priests and laypeople to seek out opportunities to participate in Ramadan observances, as a gesture of goodwill toward Muslims. When will Muslim leaders tell Muslims to participate in Christian worship to show friendship with Christians? Don’t hold your breath.
The Catholic Herald reported Friday that the Italian diocese of Bergamo is “instructing its priests to participate in Islamic rituals, citing Pope Francis’ directives on interreligious dialogue.” Diocesan officials issued a directive “urging priests to seek out opportunities for interreligious dialogue during the ‘holy month’ of Ramadan by inviting the faithful to join in praying with Muslims and joining in the Iftar ritual meal.”
This directive was the handiwork of Fr. Massimo Rizzi, who is the director of the diocese’s Office for Interreligious Dialogue. Fr. Rizzi is such a hip, up-to-date, Church-of-what’s-happening-now type of priest that he even went so far as to give this letter the date 23 Sha’ban 1445. He wasn’t trying to fool anyone into thinking that the directive had been written nearly six hundred years ago; the date he gave was that of last Monday according to the Islamic calendar.
Given Fr. Rizzi’s clearly firm commitment to multiculti pieties, it’s no surprise that his directive is also heavily larded with today’s fashionable cant and blather. He asks Catholics to pray for “a continuous realization of all the dimensions that make up humanity desired by the Creator,” as well as for “continuous growth in the dialogue between peoples and different faiths.”
Yeah, we gotta keep that dialogue growing. Fr. Rizzi was, however, too busy racing to the multicultural mountaintop to take the time to explain that dialogue’s effects. Why do so few Christians in the West speak out about the rampant persecution of Christians in the Islamic world? Because they don’t want to harm the “dialogue.”
Yet this “dialogue” has not saved one single Christian from being murdered. Robert McManus, Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, Mass., said it on Feb. 8, 2013, as he was suppressing a planned talk (by me) at a Catholic conference on that persecution: “Talk about extreme, militant Islamists and the atrocities that they have perpetrated globally might undercut the positive achievements that we Catholics have attained in our inter-religious dialogue with devout Muslims.”
Remember also that Mohamed Atta, about the plane he had hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001, told passengers over the intercom: “Stay quiet and you’ll be okay.” The Catholic Church appears to have adopted that statement as its policy regarding Muslim persecution of Christians.
Now we have Catholics being urged to take part in Ramadan rituals and no doubt to stay quiet about jihad violence and persecution of Christians while they’re doing so, so that they’ll be okay. Yet the idea of Ramadan providing a possibility of outreach to Muslims is a tragicomic display of the failures and inherent limitations of the “dialogue” imperative.
This is because the highest form of service to Allah, according to Muhammad, is jihad, which principally involves warfare against unbelievers. Every Ramadan, therefore, we see an increase in jihad attacks.
In April 2022, the Palestinian Authority’s Supreme Sharia Judge, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, declared that “Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” The jihad he had in mind was violence against unbelievers, as a Muslim cleric in India, Maulana Bashir Ahmad Khaki, made clear in 2018: “Ramadan is the pious month of ‘Jihad-o-Qital’ (Jihad and killing). Those who attain martyrdom while waging Jihad, doors of heaven remain open.” In 2012, a jihad group in Bulgaria explained that “Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for Allah. It is a month for fighting the enemies of Allah and God’s messenger, the Jews and their American facilitators.”
The idea that this is a time to seek friendship and cooperation with Muslims is laughably naïve and demonstrates abject ignorance of Islam.
It was even worse last year, when the Vatican’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue issued a message to Muslims for Ramadan, entitled “Christians and Muslims: Promoters of Love and Friendship.” In it, the Vatican claimed that Ramadan is important not just for Muslims, but for Christians as well. Maybe the Vatican’s top dogs were seeing into the future when the bitter fruit of their short-sightedness, cowardice, and refusal to accept unpopular truths would be all too evident. By then, Ramadan will indeed be very, very important for those who once called themselves Christians.
“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except thru Me.” Or until another guys comes along in 600 years promising the opportunity to rape, pillage and forcing you to follow him at the point of a sword. SMH!
The Novos Ordo church is not Catholic and is a font of heresy and evil.
Evil is as Evil Does.
The word insanity applies.
“No one comes to the Father, except thru Me”
~ Hunter Biden
Hahaha! Good one!
one heretical cult [ catholic ] joining forces with a death cult , you cant make it up . i guess when a few more catholic churches are destroyed and a few more priests have their throats cut and
”inter religious dialogue with devout muslims ” a euphemism for terrorists has been achieved they will have become the dhimmi they have longed for . the chances of stupid being fixed in europe have long passed . the west is in its death throes and a breathe away from total collapse . facilitated by the left worldwide . no borders , no culture , no religious freedom , no free speech . if you havent got islamaphobia its time to stock up while you can .
I am disgusted. What does the church want gain from this scenario? The Church is expected to encourage its adherents to observe the lent with all seriousness instead of trying to pamper the muslims.
I don’t think it is what the church does or does not do. I think it is that there are those that want to destroy the church. The church/morality was one of the three legs of the stole that made this country so strong. This all started back in the 60s, and I’d say the enemy did a damn good job.
stool not stole
Isn’t one of allah’s many names ‘the great deceiver? The leader of the RC’s has been seduced by satan. Pray for them.
The diocese urges its parishioners to join in the ritual meal, but not in the fast? The fun part of the religion.. These devout Moslems have been fasting all day and along come Catholics, who have just eaten dinner, and want to share their fast-breaking meal?
For a start, the Muslim’s ‘god’ Allah is NOT the same as the Christian’s God Jehovah.
To hell with this bishop
Maybe you shouldn’t say that when it is so on-target TRUE. This bishop wants to butter up Moslems because he is TERRIFIED of them.
His Master–Satan–will welcome him, but only after he’s finished his assigned mission here.
You are so rite. This bishop will have to answer for this on eternity
Who was it that played the fiddle while Rome burned?
“Nero fiddled while Rome burned”
Well, so much for Italy, Catholics, and pasta for lunch.
The Church history is rife with this corruption and as always they throw Christ admonations in your face, without the warnings, like “Go and Sin No More” .
There’s insane and then there’s INSANE! This is INSANE!! What is wrong with those people? Has that COMMUNIST POPE absolutely DESTROYED every remnant of Christianity in the Catholic Church? Has his INSANITY spread throughout the entire religion?? Seems so!
We should begin a campaign like the DEMOcrats have done in our schools and GRADUALLY alter their “rule book”! Just slip a comma in there in a few places, transpose a word, add a few “NOT’s” to the “commands”, and maybe in another 1500 years they will be civilized people! A QUICK FIX would be to not allow them in ANY Western Nation! Simple as that! Expel them due to their militant and treasonous ideology and return them to their 7th Century paradises! Oh, and make sure they STAY there by destroying all means of transportation from their lands! Harsh? well, so is their PLAN for the rest of us!
I doubt this gets by the “moderators”!
“Phobia” implies an irrational fear. For the West, however, fear of the religion of peace is quite rational. Just ask Nonie Darwish.
Just another False Prophet as phony as the Pope just another useful idiot for Satan’s use
This dude (I use that disrespectfully cause I don’t see how this Fr. is a man of God) isn’t the first ‘fly in the oitment’. won’t be the last. Destroy from within says the good Prog. Homosexuals to Pedos to Infidels.
Since my fire suite is at the cleaners, I’ll step back from these abominations (Cafeteria Catholics) and stick to the Word G-d left us.
In Te Confido Iesu
St. Michael the Archangel defends us in battle…
cause its a comin’
Isn’t this praying to false idols?
Yes, it is. Allah is not the same as the God of the Bible. For a start, according to the Qur’an, Allah has no son. The God of the Bible commands us not to bear false witness, whereas Allah endorses taqiyya and treachery. The Bible teaches faithfulness within marriage and chastity outside it – Mohammed’s “god” allowed him to rape corpses and claim that by doing so he was securing a better eternity for them. The being who dictated the Qur’an crushed Mohammed’s chest – something that is unheard of the Bible when people see God or angels, but which is typical of trance mediumship. So Mohammed was a medium channelling a familiar spirit.
It is definitely idolatry to remove one’s shoes before entering a mosque, as this is saying that you are on holy ground. And those who invite Muslims to read portions of the Qur’an in church should note that they believe that this consecrates the building to Allah.
You have the title wrong. It should be: “Catholic Diocese Urges Faithful to Participate in Blasphemy”! Because than is what it is. Prayer to a false god. Keep thin up, and there’ll be so many Popes, Bishops and whatevers in Sheol, you can’t imagine.
Catholisim does not teach the bible. They have a ritual to follow, but most Catholics don’t know the words of Jesus and his teachings about life, liberty, freedom, abortion, gay marriage, gay priests, or perversion which seems to be the new norm of nations that have shunned God and also shut out the truth.
Christians should certainly pray during Ramadan -for Muslims to be set free from the tyranny and demonic deception of Islam.
What was it they said about False Prophets?
Cowardice is at the heart of DHIMMI submissiveness..