Reprinted From American Greatness.
Name for me one member of the left-wing, Democratic, political elite who reminds you of John Wayne. Or George Patton. Or Charles Bronson. Don’t rush, I’ll wait.
Well, have you got one? Just one’ll do.
Strange isn’t it? You can rack your brains with this simple exercise for hours—probably days—and fail to identify one political figure from the Left who has even a gentle musky whiff of masculinity.
Even their generals don’t pass muster, not even the most famous ones. David Petraeus, the vaunted commander in Iraq and later CIA Director to President Obama, or the image-conscious “Mad Dog” Jim Mattis both fail the test. They may paint themselves as warrior monks but they impress no one with their tawdry affairs or betrayal of their Commander-in-Chief in whose cabinet they agreed to serve. (I will never forget the story told to me by the wife of a CIA Station Chief who had to host Petraeus in her residence on his official visit to the capital where her husband was serving: “He made such a scene over us not having the right sweetener for his coffee!” Ahh, leadership).
America is a masculine nation. From the first settlers, to the later gold prospectors, to the legendary figure of the plains cowboy, and then the GI and the Marines of World War II, ours is a nation defined by the classic ideal of a man—an individual who is strong, unemotional, resilient, and prepared to use violence in the cause of righteousness. Even the the first, original Americans, our native Indians, are forever depicted as stoic, self-reliant warriors.
The Democrats lack such archetypal figures. And that’s why Trump must be destroyed.
It’s truly amazing, even for someone like me who should not be surprised, just how American President Trump is.
I first met him in the Summer of 2015 when he asked me to advise him on national security issues during the GOP debates. Then, after our miraculous MAGA victory, I served in his White House as his strategist, and then last month he appointed me to one of his Defense Department boards. But despite all my experience with Trump the man, I didn’t expect last weekend. The idea that the 74-year old president, who works more than 20 hours a day, could contract a disease that had caused a global pandemic, be admitted to hospital, and be back home in the people’s house 72 hours later, surprised even me. And then there was the balcony.
I understand that he helmed one of the most successful reality TV shows for 14 years, but even so, the visual flourish and spiritual depth of that moment on his return was without peer in the last 4 years. The removal of the mask, the salute to the crew of Marine One, and the unspoken message: “I’m here, it’s OK America, we got this” was how it is meant to be done, and you know that from the legacy mainstream media’s response.
From the deranged reports of his rapid deterioration on Friday and Saturday, the calls for the invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove him, to his return being compared to displays from Mussolini, North Korea, and the Tsars of Russia, the Institutional Left was wrecked. And why? Very simply because they detest the fact that Donald is an unreconstructed, classic American male. He makes no apologies for his values and will not submit his existence to paralyzing fear.
Donald Trump the man hasn’t shown fear since taking his oath to America on Inauguration Day. Not when North Korea launched missiles over the Sea of Japan. Not when ISIS threatened to kill Americans across the globe. Not when Russia deployed mercenaries into Syria, or when China seeded the world with the coronavirus. Instead he took action and saved millions of lives and always placed America first.
And arrayed against him we see what?
- A Democratic Party that has been captured by radical extremists who want open borders, the police defunded, amnesty for 11-20 million illegal aliens, and a Green New Deal that would strangle America’s economy.
- A legacy media which has colluded with Obama holdovers and former cabinet members to cover up a silent coup and then propagate a Russian-sourced smear campaign against candidate and then President Trump as well as “journalists” who want you to be paralyzed with fear because of a virus that has a 0.2 percent mortality rate.
- An establishment Republican Party that never surrendered to the will of Republican voters after 2016 to support the non-politician whom they had chosen as their president. A party that did nothing for 4 years as the Democrats, the media, and deep-staters tried again and again to remove him from office—except for the tiny band of Freedom Caucus fighters who understand and support the MAGA movement.
And then there are the most beta of them all. The spurned, failed Bushies.
If you really want to understand just how much the hatred for the president is not really a political detestation but one founded on the effete nature of most of his critics, just compile a list of his most vocal RINO detractors. Whether it’s the oleaginous Bill Kristol or the risible characters of the Lincoln Project like Tom Nichols, Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, or George Conway, one word describes them all: eunuchs.
Not one of them is the “man” you would want in the foxhole next to you. In fact, real Americans would avoid simply being seen with any one of them in public, simps that they are. And when they see a man who just won’t stop, who just doesn’t care for the approval of the morally bankrupt “elite,” and who just will not be cowed it drives them insane.
America became the greatest nation in the world for a reason. It wasn’t just a result of the genius of our founders or the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It became the freest and the mightiest because of real men. Men like Donald Trump.
Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D., is former deputy assistant and strategist to President Donald Trump, host of the nationally syndicated “America First” radio show, and author of Why We Fight: Recovering America’s Will to Win You can follow him on Twitter @SebGorka.
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