Remember this phony viral moment?
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern fired back at a reporter’s suggestion she met with Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin “just because” of their similarities, such as age and gender.
Now Jacinda and Sanna really have something in common: they’re both out of office. Jacinda resigned in January and Sanna just lost an election.
The good news is that it’ll leave her with more time for clubbing.
The firestorm over Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s wild partying intensified Friday with a new video seemingly showing the married leader dancing intimately with a mystery man.
The 36-year-old leader, one of the world’s youngest heads of state, has already been forced to deny being on drugs in a now-viral clip of her partying in an apartment after returning from summer vacation.
But on Friday, Finnish tabloid Seiska posted a new video of her later that same night, showing the top politician pressed up against a man who repeatedly nuzzles her neck as they dance in a packed Helsinki club, Teatteri.
The “clearly intoxicated” Social Democrat “danced intimately with at least three different men” and “sat on the laps of two different men,” one witness told Finnish tabloid Seiska.
More significantly. Marin showed her hypocrisy on COVID and has been blowing through money.
Marin, who has appeared on the covers of Vogue and Time Magazine, is considered by fans around the world as a millennial role model for progressive new leaders.
But at home, she has been the subject of mundane political scrutiny, criticised by the opposition for her centre-left coalition’s debt-fuelled spending and by the media for her partying at a time when Europe’s energy crisis hit Finland hard.
Marin says spending on education and health services is key to securing economic growth. Her rivals, Petteri Orpo of the right-wing National Coalition Party and Riikka Purra of the nationalist Finns Party, are calling for fiscal austerity to restore government finances.
Finland’s at 71% of GDP. Ours has been over 100% for over a decade. And the only thing both parties know how to do is spend more money. Let’s see in Finland’s conservatives have better discipline.
Orpo told Reuters his priority was to put debt back on a healthy track, even if that would mean painful cuts to welfare spending, such as unemployment benefits.
Marin has rejected forming a government with the Finns Party, calling it “openly racist” during a debate in January – an accusation Purra sternly rejected.
“There is nothing to hide, to be ashamed of or obscure in our values. We are a nationalist and patriotic party: we defend Finland and Finnishness,” Purra wrote on Twitter at the time.
In an interview with Reuters, Purra said her priority was to cut back on immigration from developing countries outside the EU, calling it “harmful” for the country.
Her party would also push back Finland’s carbon neutrality target which Marin’s ruling coalition set for 2035.
Sanna Marin was a WEF agenda contributor. Klaus will miss her, I’m sure. Maybe she and Jacinda can go on a WEF tour together.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Ho do unqualified freaks like this get elected? Very few people are that far to the moonbat left.
Blackgriffin says
They don’t get elected, they get installed. The U. S. isn’t the only western country with a massive vote fraud problem.
CowboyUp says
Marin was actually appointed by her party, through a weird chain of events. I don’t remember exactly how it went, but she wasn’t elected.
finnish says
Party that gets most votes will get to form the government and usually the chairman, or chairwoman of the winning party is the new prime minister even if he or she wasn’t popular in personal votes.
Sanna Marin however was not popular in personal votes and she was not a party’s chairwoman either when SDP won elections in 2019. She started working as minister of transportation in Antti Rinne’s government. In October – November 2019 there began huge strikes in Finland because Antti Rinne had given permission for state owned enterprise to cut wages of postal workers even as much as 50% and in the result Centrist Party’s chairwoman Annikka Saarikko said that either the government collapses or Antti Rinne resigns and so Antti Rinne resigned and then the SDP had to decide the successor for Antti Rinne and from two potential SDP politicians Sanna Marin became the successor and Finland’s new prime minister.
Also, Sanna Marin and Annikka Saarikko are both World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders. You can imagine it was all planned.
Steven Kardas says
Finland has wrenched power from Marin, a self absorbed goofball , for now. The leftist will of course re-double their efforts and replace her with someone even worse., because leftist are relentless.
Charles Casaburi says
What people don’t realize about left wing politics is it’s not an empirical belief system based on logic & evidence. It’s a faith based belief system based on an emotional need to believe. When confronted about the failures of socialism their response is it’s not true socialism which like the second coming in Christianity is always somewhere just around the corner. If not Russia then China, North Korea Venezuela the dream never dies.