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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Beslan. Mumbai. Paris. Manchester. New York City. Nairobi. Luxor. Sulu. Kibbutz Be’eri.
186 children murdered in a school in Beslan. Dozens of children taken hostage from a Catholic school in the Philippines. Two teachers were beheaded, but not the girls. “We do not kill women. We will just enslave them,” the Jihadists promised. 8-year-olds gunned down in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. The terrorists asked their victims to name Mohammed’s mother to tell apart the non-Muslims from the Muslims. In Luxor, Egypt, the terrorists danced, sang and killed and mutilated the foreign tourists. They “took all the young women, the girls, and disappeared with them. I don’t know where they went with the women, but they hurt them. We could hear screams of pain.” Among the dead was Shaunnah Turner, a 5-year-old British girl.
Pregnant women and children murdered in Israel baffle the world. They seem implausible because each time they happen, we forget. A few days of horror pass and we move on.
When a Muslim terrorist set off a bomb in Manchester at a concert full of children and teens, there was shock and outrage. Nails were pulled out of children’s faces.
“This attack stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice, deliberately targeting innocent, defenceless children and young people,” then Prime Minister Theresa May fumed.
That was 6 years ago. It might have been an eternity.
Our governments, talking heads and thought leaders find excuses for the killers. The Manchester Arena bomber was angry about the Syrian Civil War so he killed some British kids. Abu Sayyaf, ‘Bearers of the Sword’, keeps attacking Christian schools in the Philippines because it isn’t allowed to form its own state. The Jihadis who murdered children in Beslan were furious about Chechnya, in Nairobi, they were upset about Somalia, and in Luxor about the ban on the Muslim Brotherhood. In Israel, Hamas murdered children because the border wall makes their terror entity into an “open air prison” which prevents them from killing Israeli children.
We’re told not to look at the pattern. It’s Islamophobic. Instead we must take each attack not as a manifestation of Islam, but of local issues or a response to oppression. When Muslims gang raped and sawed in half a Hindu schoolteacher in Kashmir, it was about India’s treatment of Muslims. And when they rampaged through the Bataclan theater in Paris, killing everyone within reach, they were protesting France’s treatment of ISIS. And when they rape a woman at a concert in Israel by the bodies of her murdered friends, they’re protesting for Gaza.
But in 1929, Muslim mobs in the Jewish city of Safed burst into an orphanage and “smashed the children’s heads and cut off their hands.” During the Hebron Massacre that same year, a British policeman described how, “on hearing screams in a room I went up a sort of tunnel passage and saw an Arab in the act of cutting off a child’s head with a sword. He had already hit him and was having another cut, but on seeing me he tried to aim the stroke at me, but missed; he was practically on the muzzle of my rifle. I shot him low in the groin.”
Israel had not even come into existence yet. What were Muslims protesting then: Jews?
During the first siege of Vienna in 1529, when the invading Muslim horde decided that “children were cut out of their mothers’ wombs and stuck on pikes”, was that a protest against colonialism or capitalism? When a Muslim chronicle boasted that during the genocide against the Sikhs in the 18th century, “the shrieks of the women captives who were being raped, deafened the ears of the people”, was this a response to globalism or Zionism? Or was this just Islam.
Everything Hamas did during the bloody High Holy Days massacres has been done by Muslims throughout history and is still being practiced today. There is nothing new here whatsoever. Medieval barbarism never went away because Islam kept those grisly practices alive. It endures side by side with the modern world of smartphones, electric cars and AI because its worst crimes are an object of religious law and faith.
A Yazidi girl abducted by the Islamic State when she was only 12 described how the Jihadist who raped her explained to her that because she “practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it”. He “bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her. When it was over, he knelt to pray again”. The girl begged him to stop, but he “said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to Allah.”
This is Islam.
It’s not about Israel, India, Russia, America, England, France, the Philippines or any of the numerous other countries that have been marked by Islamic terrorism. It’s not about “oppression”, “colonialism”, “settlers”, “cartoons” or a lack of “integration”. None of the excuses ever hold up or explain the pattern that consistently and indelibly marks Islamic violence.
Hamas called its assault, ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’, a reference to the colonial mosque planted by Islamic conquerors in Jerusalem on top of the holiest place in Judaism, site of the former Temple. This wasn’t about “resistance”, Gaza being an “open air concentration camp” (with luxurious hotels, restaurants and mansions) or any of the excuses that the media has thrown at us.
It was a religious war. That’s why Hamas scheduled its attack on the Sabbath and on Simchat Torah, the final day of the High Holy Days and the most joyous day in Judaism. Just as the Yom Kippur War had been scheduled for the holiest day in Judaism. And the worst previous Hamas terrorist attack had been the bombing of a Passover seder in Netanya which killed 30 and wounded 140.
In Nigeria, Boko Haram has set off bombs in churches on Christmas. In 2015, a Muslim couple opened fire at a workplace Christmas party in San Bernardino, California, while a year later a Muslim terrorist drove through a Christmas market in Berlin and a 12-year-old Muslim boy tried to detonate a nail bomb at another Christmas market in Germany.
In India, Muslim terrorists set off bombs on the Hindu festival of Diwali. Massacring Christians, Jews and Hindus on their religious holidays is not a political statement: it’s a religious one.
Islamic terrorism is not an American problem, a British problem, a French problem, a Russian problem, a Chinese problem or an Israeli problem. It’s an Islamic problem. The only way we will ever triumph against it is to stop treating it as someone else’s problem. If only India gave up Kashmir, Israel gave up more of the West Bank, if America stopped being involved in the Middle East, if France hadn’t banned the hijab and the Netherlands hadn’t allowed cartoons of Mohammed, there would be no Islamic terrorism are the kinds of lies that are killing us.
We are not responsible for Islamic terrorism. None of us. Only Islam is responsible.
Islamic violence is over 1,000 years old. It predates most modern countries and it is not caused by anything we do. The only thing we are guilty of is our failure to smash the Jihad.
Nothing that we or anyone else does will appease the terrorists. Islam is not Northern Ireland: peace negotiations have never accomplished and will never accomplish anything. It cannot be reasoned or co-existed with. Its violence is a religious duty written into its scripture and its laws, its atrocities, murder, torture, mutilation and rape, are acts of sacred religious devotion. The Islamic kingdom of heaven can only be achieved when the entire world submits to Islam.
The horrors we have seen in the Jewish communities near Gaza are the same ones that Islam has perpetrated across Africa, Asia, Europe and America. In Nigeria, Boko Haram has kidnapped over 1,000 children from Christian schools. In the Philippines, Muslims burst into a school and took children hostage. In Algeria, they beheaded Trappist monks while in Thailand, they beheaded Buddhist monks. In Boston, they blew the legs off marathon runners while in France they drove a truck through a crowd on Bastille Day until the wheel well filled up with body parts.
This is grotesque, hideous, horrific and unimaginable. This is Islam.
We look away because we can’t bear it. When the attacks happen somewhere else, we pretend that it has nothing to do with us. And when it happens to us, then we let ourselves be persuaded that if we just avoided doing anything to upset the Muslims, like allying with the peoples and countries they’re trying to exterminate, drawing cartoons or mishandling korans, we’ll be fine.
It’s not a problem of “those people fighting over there and bringing their problems here.”
Islam is not just at war with us or with them, but with the entire world. If you are not a Muslim or the right kind of Muslim, then you are in a war whether you like it or not. You can be a peace activist and march with a ‘Queers for Palestine’ banner. You can welcome in migrants or blame the whole thing on conspiracy theories, but it still won’t matter. They will kill you if they can.
This is not about politics: it’s a thousand plus year crusade to subjugate all of mankind.
To win, we have to stop blaming ourselves, stop treating Islamic terrorism as someone else’s problem and stop pretending that it goes away when it’s not in the headlines. To win, we have to stand together and stop letting the enemies of mankind and their useful idiots divide us up. To win we have to recognize that we either fight or die. If we’re not faced with that choice right now, we will be, and if not us, then our children and grandchildren will one day come up against it.
We must reject terms like “senseless violence” because there is nothing senseless about it. Our enemies know who they are and what they want. We refuse to understand who they are. The only thing truly standing between us and victory are the lies that we tell ourselves. In moments of truth, the lies temporarily fall away and we see the enemy revealed for what it is.
Through a rain of paper and ash on a September in New York City, nails driven into the faces of children in Manchester and the mutilated legs of runners in Boston, the bloodied half-naked children of Beslan and the kidnapped children of kibbutzim in Israel, we glimpse the truth.
Hold on to that truth. We are not weak, we have been weakened by lies. And the greatest of those lies is that this endless catalog of crimes to which a new one is added every few weeks is about anything but Islam. It is about Islam. It has been about Islam for over 1,000 years.
Instead of “regional dispute”, say Islam. Instead of “cycle of violence”, say Islam. Instead of militants, say Islam. Instead of terrorists, say Islam. Instead of war, say Islam.
One little word explains all of this. One little world has led to an endless world of horror.
Our only hope for victory begins with ending the lies and telling the truth.
Great prose. It’s important to keep in mind: generally a male Islamic homicide bomber, is trying to connect with his mother. Islamic males are groomed from infancy, to form an artificial separation from their mothers; which is unnatural.
Yes, a fine article, though I’d make one edit.
“This is not about politics: it’s a thousand plus year crusade to subjugate all of mankind.” I’d not use word “crusade”. The root meaning of crusade is cross. A crusade was a counter offense to push back jihadists,
It’s a croissant-ade!
“To commemorate this victory [the infamous Battle of Vienna in 1683] and the role that he had played, the baker created an exceptional pastry. …
He came up with the idea of creating a crescent moon-shaped pastry that symbolized the Ottoman’s Islamic emblem.
The idea behind this shape was not just to remind the Austrians of their victory but meant to symbolically show that the Austrians had devoured the Ottomans.”
What a complete idiot you are.
Excellent. May truth be told.
Yes. The month and day was 9/11.
Correction: 9/11/1683. Like raptors in Jurassic Park, “they” remember.
Thank G0d for King John Sobieski.
Don’t forget the thousands of bags of coffee left behind by. the retreating hordes of defeated Ottomans.
Found by Franciscan Capuchin monks, right. Or at least they were there at the defeat of the Ottoman Turks at Vienna and they created what we now call Cappuchinno
Don’t let the truth if real be told. Those whining idiots will want croissants banned worldwide as an insult to Islam.
Brilliant piece, Daniel. Bravo.
The raising of a modern Janissary.
If you want to make excuses for barbarism, sure it’s “important”
A book recommendation: Penetrating the Terrorist Psyche by Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin.
A better one: BRIDES OF BLOOD by Joseph Koenig.
I’ll check it out.
also David Horowitz’ UNHOLY ALLIANCE about the nefarious connections between the left and islam.
Why would reading the Quran and Hadiths to read it directly from the camel’s mouth, so to speak, not be the better book recommendations?
I don’t see what’s more penetrating that reading things like this:
“When it will be the Day of Resurrection Allah would deliver to every Muslim a Jew or a Christian and say: That is your rescue from Hell-Fire.
No Muslim would die but Allah would admit in his stead a Jew or a Christian in Hell-Fire. ‘Umar b. Abd al-‘Aziz took an oath: By One besides Whom there is no god but He, thrice that his father had narrated that to him from Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ).
This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of ‘Aun b. Utba.
There would come people amongst the Muslims on the Day of Resurrection with as heavy sins as a mountain, and Allah would forgive them and He would place in their stead the Jews and the Christians. (As far as I think), Abu Raub said: I do not know as to who is in doubt. Abu Burda said: I narrated it to ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, whereupon he said: Was it your father who narrated it to you from Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ)? I said: Yes.
Muslim, 2767 a, b, c and d
I mean once one reads that one is to burn in Hell as a substitution sacrifice for the remission of Muslim sins, what more is there to penetrate?
After that it all makes sense. Jihad is ritual human sacrifice and I believe the only certain way for a Muslim to get to heaven.
Islam is about Arab supremacy. That’s simply it. Jews and Christians are pre-existing monotheists who failed to acknowledge Muhammad as a prophet which would have eradicated the Judeo-Christian religion and allowed Arabs to come in as the literal older brothers to the Jews through the fake link to Abraham through his half Native Egyptian son who married a Native Egyptian and therefore was not an Arab ie a desert dweller. from what is now Saudi Arabia.
All the other verses of hatred towards Jews and Christians make sense once you realise this.
Other groups are also killed but just to take what they have. The hatred isn’t there ideologically in my opinion.
How many times have I said the headline. I have lost count. I actually think I may have been banned for my extreme support of Israel.
I guess not. Why would I need more words t express what I mean? may7be this is why I was banned?
Yes my second post is not showing up.
…might the Burka have anything to do with this male child /mother separation?
The smile and love of a mother’s face hidden?
Plausible. Also, the Burka contributes to Vitamin D deficiency among other things.
Not in the home, in many cases. In the privacy of the home — blinds drawn, women’s quarters away from the outside of the house and deep in the interior — women can remove their body bags.
You do the world the favor of clearly defining the enemy of civilization. Where islam is, violence exists and persists until stopped. We must call out this insidious quasi religious sect for what it is…a bastardized cult extracted from true religious texts and foisted on innocents by the end of a sword. Mohammed never had an original thought in his life, all his writings were from his early study of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. May the one true God help us destroy this evil manifestation rot.
Islamic should be wiped off the earth!!
I’m no scholar of Islam, but I’ve read a few scholars of Islam, and I can tell you this is all true. Islam’s virtues are hatred, malice, envy, greed, lust, arrogance, and pride. I’ve met, known, or encountered a number of these people in the last 15 years, and I can tell you that in my experience, they’re tribal. Western liberals assume they are rational, caring, and trustworthy people – just like us. This is their first mistake because Muslims are NOT just like us.
Yes, exactly. This is a very difficult psychological adjustment to make for most Western people. It is difficult to view a muslim as different. As part of a culture that allows deceit over the long haul and a culture that disregards any personal bond that one thinks they may have formed with a muslim individual.
(The adjustment has been made worse by leftist idea that diversity is our god, so we cannot see a problem with another culture).
What do I think when the house next door is filled with muslims? Are they neighbors or potential jihadi killers. What if I am referred to a doctor for a serious illness and the only only one in my plan is a muslim?. Will he treat a Jew or will he turn jihadi? And my coworkers in NYC who were so bright, helpful and exotic in their little hats and flowing coats until they cheered as the towers fell on 9/11/01.
Am I “phobic” or mean spirited if I do not trust? And why are they here smiling and pretending? The honest answer to that question is what is so difficult to adjust to.
The Law of Contradiction does not apply. Among many things, you are dealing with Islamic dualism and abrogation.
Never go to a Muslim doctor, most especially if you are a Jew. I don’t care how great his skill, his bedside manner, etc.
Amen. And that goes for the so-called innocent women and children as well for whom the naive pro Hamas protesters are demanding humanitarian aid. Muslim women push and support their men to abide by Muslim tradition (kill the infidels) and the children (innocent at birth) are groomed at a very young and impressionable age to hate the Jews and all infidels. The cycle never ends.
True enough, Beez.
But the Muslim world should have been left to stew in its own juice until it developed its own modern Enlightenment. We cannot unravel history but to have put a Jewish state, supported by Western Christians, into an anti-colonial and anti-Jewish Arab world had its potential downsides for all concerned, especially for Israeli security and Diaspora experience of antisemitism.
The West should not have imported Muslims into its midst, and then inflamed them by military interventions in their lands. Still, enough blood of women and children has been flowing.
We now ALL have to LIVE with the results on Planet Earth in the WMD age.
The Jewish state was not ‘put’ in the midst of the Islamic world; the Jews have come back to their Jewish ancestral land after being slaughtered by the Christians of Europe, or have you forgot that little
bit. Let’s remember, it’s the Arabs that are the colonizers, not the Jews.
Let’s also remember that the majority of Israel’s Jews are refugees or children of the Jewish refugees from the Muslim countries, where there were dhimmis.
You don’t have to be a scholar of Islam. If Mohammad did it, it’s permissable (He is the perfect example). You now have a doctorate in Islamic doctrine.
Correction: permissible
The era of so-called experts is waning in many circles around the world. And, the era of uncommon sense is the remedy. And then, hopefully, uncommon sense will become common sense once again.
Beez & All,
Lastly, I have a doctorate in “security”. And, if I had to choose between uncommon sense and my doctorate, I would choose uncommon sense. Often times, I do have to choose.
…might the Burka have anything to do with this male child /mother separation?
The smile and love of a mother’s face hidden?
“….it goes away when its not in the headlines.” So true. The Western media is always quick to change topics. No wonder the West forgets these Islamic atrocities. After a few days the media focus on something else of interest and of less importance
How is everything going with our borders and Ukraine.?
Oh, look! A squirrel!
This information needs to be taught to the world. Our leaders are feckless cowards. Allah is Satan. He recruited Mohammed because Christianity was growing after the resurrection. World domination has been the plan from the beginning. We ignore it at our peril.
This information has been taught, is readily available to all and mostly ignored. I believe you know the reasons why. However, it is up to us now, to decide how to act on this information. The “strangling” (by those who seek to maintain power) of the masses is a response to this great awakening. History, as always, will decide the outcome and what it means for posterity.
Liberal churches are part of the problem. My mother’s ELCA (Lutheran) “Pastor” offers a four week class on Islam, and how wonderful it it is.
He is a member of a multi-denominational (Jewish, Catholic, Protesant) group that endorses every liberal cause; Antifa, BLM, and more. Anti-police. Pro-criminal. Open borders. No prisons.
My mother disagrees with all of this. Yet she financially supports this reckless “church.”
To my knowledge, no church has been successfully prosecuted under the Johnson Amendment of 1954. See below link:
Two book recommendations, Interfaith Dialogue: A Guide for Muslims by Muhammad Shafiq & Mohammed Abu-Nimer. Also, Mufti of Jerusalem: Haj Amin Husseini, A Father of Jihad by Moshe Perlman (The Mufti escaped the Nuremberg trials). He encouraged Hitler to exterminated the Jews…It is important to note that Muslims did serve in the Hitler’s Luftwaffe…
Correction: exterminate
I hate that Islam inflicts bloody terror throughout the world and has across
the centuries – because there is no reasoning with its scriptural beliefs
that ‘violence is a religious duty; its atrocities, murder, torture, mutilation
and rape are acts of sacred religious devotion’. All as described in this
riveting article.
Because there is no reasoning with Islam, their non-violent jihad – which
includes many forms such as politics and demands for special treatment –
also includes the two-faced, Koran-sanctioned Tacquiya of lies. In the
West, any attempt to explain the tenets of Islam to the public is pounced
on as Islamophobia. Muslims know that their subjugating ideology and
Sharia Law are the complete opposite of the freedoms guaranteed in
the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – and that they
must keep understanding of it from free people. Tacquiya and a
supremacist attitude towards non-Muslims is every bit as enshrined in
Islam texts as violent jihad.
But violent jihad is the ultimate killer. Death looking right at us. It is
coming over the southern border. It is ISLAM. And it is already here.
You’re missing the point. The Islamic doctrine is violent.
Michael says – How am I missing the point? When I’m agreeing
with the article’s premise that Islamic doctrine is violent – and
then adding that non-violent Islamic doctrine is also subjugating
Because I said: “Tacquiya and a supremacist attitude towards
non-Muslims is every bit as enshrined in Islamic texts as violent
jihad. But violent jihad is the ultimate killer”.
Learn to read. And try some critical thinking while you’re at it.
My apologies.
Then Annie, Get Your Gun, and ammo up!
Another very fine àrticle. Thank you Mr Greenfield.
Thank you
Yes. Someone stupidly made a comment recently that Mr. Greenfield is less worthy because he is not a “warrior.” I think he is. His words and insights, his ability to “connect the dots” and explain it clearly and powerfully — this is his peculiar battlefield. Pen-is-mightier-than-the-sword kind of thing.
Agree. And, how many apples do you carry with you on any given day? Lol
Kynarion Hellenis – Very true. Did you know that General Dwight
Eisenhower – Supreme Commander, not just of American forces,
but of all allied troops in the Second World War – never spent so
much as one moment in combat in his entire life?
Yet this brilliant military strategist saved us from defeat in WW II
and went on to become President of the United States.
Greenfield is a courageous investigator as is Robert Spencer and
others. I am astounded by the prolific amount of material they
write on a daily basis – not just on FPM but also other websites.
In America, those who want to destroy the institutions and the system are allies of the external forces outside that also want to destroy the US. Having enemies within using foreign enemies is nothing new in history. Greek city states used to fall the same way. An Irish king invited the Normans in to help against other Irish kings. They sure helped themselves. Biden is a divisive president and has trafficked many foreigners into the nation with total disregard for their possible assimilation or loyalty which in turn is an open invitation to clear enemies.
Rome was invited into just about every territory they ultimately made theirs.
The laziness of ruling by factions (which stupid hateful elites love to do) has never worked for long. The ”out” crowd is always ready to make fast friends with foreign enemies. What happens after that is obvious.
Few ever noted that Rome’s decline started not long after their total destruction of Judaea and expelling and enslaving the Jews in the 2nd century.
A century later, Rome was divided into Western Rome and Eastern, Byzantium, and the next step was an economic decline and finally fall in an early 5th century.
He’s divisive, but, not president.
One of the best responses I’ve read…..
They’re not happy in Gaza ..
They’re not happy in Egypt ..
They’re not happy in Libya ..
They’re not happy in Morocco ..
They’re not happy in Iran ..
They’re not happy in Turkey…
They’re not happy in Iraq ..
They’re not happy in Yemen …
They’re not happy in Afghanistan …
They’re not happy in Pakistan ..
They’re not happy in Syria ..
They’re not happy in Lebanon …
They’re happy in Australia…
They’re happy in the USA …
They’re happy in Canada…
They’re happy in England…
They’re happy in Belgium…
They’re happy in Holland…
They’re happy in France…
They’re happy in Ireland…
They’re happy in Spain…
They’re happy in Portugal…
They’re happy in Germany…
They’re happy in Sweden…
They’re happy in Finland…
They’re happy in Norway…
They’re happy in Denmark…
Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves
AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like, THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!
Excuse me, but I can’t help wondering…
How fucking dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.
Lets have a look at the evidence:
– No Christmas
– No television
– No nude women
– No football
– No pork chops
– No hot dogs
– No burgers
– No beer
– No wine
– No bacon
– Rags for clothes
– Towels for hats
– Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
– More than one wife
– More than one mother-in-law
– You can’t shave
– Your wife can’t shave
– You can’t wash off the smell of donkeys
– You cook over burning camel shit
– Your wife is picked by someone else for you
– Your wife smells worse than your donkey
Then they tell them that “when they die, it all gets better”???
Well No Shit Sherlock!….
It’s not like it could get much worse!
Oh , you beautiful Islamophobe.
They are not happy ANYWHERE. Not even in the west, where they are more COMFORTABLE.
Good one Daniel. They make up excuses to justify everything they do. On the principle that some of the useful idiots will believe the excuses.
Their mob behavior is like a pack of wild dogs. They imitate the worst behavior of the most vicious predators in their midst.
Dan— great stuff, keep it up — wondering what do you make of Trump’s Abraham Accords, and the seeming mollification of the Saudis and others under them? Temporary Islamic truce? Or something else?
Temporary alliance against common enemies. It’s all that’s possible within Islam.
Reading of the accounts of the torture of Israelis on Oct 7, jihadi take pleasure in that torture. The details are out but Hamas supporters show no signs of shame, even in Arab honor/shame culture. Indeed, the gruesome attack is a point of pride, as you point out.
The rationalizations by supporters make them moral accomplices after the fact.
That’s the whole point.
In an honor-shame culture, you gain honor by humiliating others. If you fail, you are shamed. The only way to redeem that shame is through worse atrocities.
This is the real ‘cycle of violence’
And a man’s honor is between his women’s legs. So how better to dishonor men outside of your own circle than by raping his women — and his little girls.
I have been a lone voice in the wilderness for the past 30+ years. Islamofascism is the largest colonial empire in the world. They have conquered the lands and either killed or converted the indigenous populations in 56 different colonies.
Unlike Nazism, Islamofascism celebrates their acts of genocide publicly. For them the death and/or humiliation of those that oppose them is grounds to give treats. These feral animals must be destroyed utterly and completely
India has been on the front lines of this war for nearly 1400 years. Even with a strong, anti-Muslim PM like Modi they appear to be losing now. May they continue to have the strength to resist this scourge.
Quintessentially brilliant, hard-hitting, gloves off, analysis — simply awesome.
Islam is — and for over 1400 years has been — the murderous elephant in the room — indeed, on the face of the earth — a historic, hegemonic, no-holds-barred plague on humankind and on the world which should have been eliminated long ago.
The world has no stomach and no fire in the belly to save itself from this scourge — and has neither the resolve nor the resources to slay this consummately and constitutionally evil St. George’s dragon.
There is no possible coexistence with resolute and heartless forces that are intent on domination and on the total and complete destruction and elimination of their Pollyannish, self-blindered and effete enemies.
The Devil that is Islam has no need for the illusory Faustian pact of “coexistence” which its Western appeasers and spineless apologist facilitators have fashioned out of whole cloth..
The Devilish juggernaut that is Islam will continue to overpower and defeat them.
Thank you, Daniel, for your wisdom and light.
A true study of “The Prophet” Mohammad will tell all you need to know why Islam is so brutal. Mohmmad was little more than a common criminal and perverted as well. Since Mohammad at 52 years old had sex with a 9 year old- Muslims believe 9 year old girls are fair game for rape. Although some Islamic scholars believe it’s as low as 7 and younger.
Quite a bit younger if you’re talking about infidel children.
Brilliant moral clarity and analysis, as usual, Daniel.
The problem is the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and hate-filled ideology of “Submission” and its intrinsic, immutable and innumerable pathologies. No one else is to blame.
Thank you. We need to connect the dots around the world and make it clear.
We have to fight the ideology.
It is abundantly clear that Mohammed was not a messenger of god.
We need an army of 100,000 Robert Spencers.
I would also add that in the past 50 years or so, the spread of Islam is closely connected to Petro dollars that are sent to the Middle East. Those trillions of dollars have been used to purchase weapons and influence across the globe.
Yes, Islam without oil money would have had to rely on violence and migration alone. And without the money to set up massive operations in the countries being invaded.
There’s a bumper sticker that says, “We should have picked our own cotton.” Well, it’s too late for that, but it’s not too late to go back to producing our own energy, especially in the form of coal, natural gas, and petroleum products. We have enormous reserves and need to, in the words of Sarah Palin, drill baby, drill!
“IRAN is forcing thousands of gay people to undergo gender reassignment surgeries in a sick bid to “cleanse” the country of homosexuality.
The Islamic Republic legalized transsexuality in 1987 and is second only to Thailand in its number of trans surgeries.”
Interesting how Islam and the radical trans movement come together in a bear hug of barbarism.
In Islam, transgenderism (formal or informal, like treating young boys as girls) is legalized homosexuality.
Homosexuality is wrong, but if you transform one of the partners into a ‘woman’ in some fictionalized context, it becomes acceptable.
yes, like ‘bacha boys’ in afghanistan
A bold statement on homosexuality. I agree. Also, you’ve taken the high road, by sticking with your conscience and avoiding moral injury.
Never underestimate perverted minds that continue to rationalize immoral acts that destroy lives.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’ve hit the nail on the head top dead center. It’s all about Islam. Its apologists, in my experience, know absolutely nothing about the beliefs and doctrines of Islam. All they “know” is the sanitized version put out by Islamic propagandists. You know how I learned about Islam? Shortly after 9/11 I heard a term, “Dar al-Islam, if I recall, and wanted to know what it meant. So I went online and consulted a number of Islamic website. There are many of them in an “ask the imam” format. Found out a lot on many Islamic beliefs. And it didn’t take much time. This is why I frequently rail against people making stupid and incorrect statements about Islam while using the internet to post pictures of their lunch rather than taking the time to, uh, actually learn a bit about what they spout. Also, I’m sick of hearing about Islam’s grievances, real or imagined. Nazi Germany had grievances, too. The Versailles Treaty and the loss of territory and property were among them. These grievances did not in any way justify what they did. So I’m quite fed up hearing of Islam’s grievances which are regularly trotted out to justify its atrocities, worldwide. Once again, many thanks Dr. Greenfield.
Everyone has grievances. The thing about Islamic grievances is that 90% of the time they involve
1. Their desire to conquer other areas and ethnically cleanse their populations
2. Trying to reclaim territory they had previously conquered and ethnically cleansed, e.g. Gaza, Kashmir
3. People defending themselves against being conquered and ethnically cleansed
And most of sub-Saharan Africa, where they are now on regular rampages of murder and rape? Since when do they have a claim to that? Or to the Western Hemisphere? What grievances can they possibly have against innocent people whom they enslaved, and other people who live on the other side of the world and never had anything to do with them except in self-defense (e.g., the Shores of Tripoli)? They want the whole world, which unfortunately for them belongs to G0d, as is outlined in the beginning verses of true scripture, the Bible. So of course they discard the Bible and claim that it is a Jewish forgery of very recent provenance. Their lies are no more sophisticated than those of a guilty four-year-old, yet the world seems to believe them and not the obvious truth.
What’s wrong is there are no world leaders that stand of for righteousness and truth. Islam was created to do evil.
The Catholic Church did not invent Islam. Catholic Christians in the Iberian Peninsula expelled Islam by 1492. Catholic monarchs expelled the Turks from Vienna in 1683. We celebrate it with coffee and croissants to this day!
This piece is historically incoherent. Sorry, it might contain a bit of truth here and there, but it is impossible to ascertain what that would be.
“They will kill you if they can.” All you need to know.
In a sane and healthy society the first order of business would be: kill the barbarians.
This. This This.
Daniel-best, most concise, honest assessment that can be put into words.
My question to you is: What action must we take to end Islamic madness?
I’m OK with any action or means required. We would just be responding in kind to their plans for us. I would consider it anticipatory self-defense.
Efforts to cleanse them of their murderous fanaticism is not likely, as they are allowed to lie in order to defeat us.
They should not be allowed to live in any western or Christian country. Period. There is no religious freedom for religions that teach the subjugation of others. No distinction should be made for “good” muslims or “bad” muslims. Their religion is intolerable. Those found living among us by taqiyya forfeit their lives and the lives of their families found within our borders. It is that serious.
The TRUTH about Islam is right in its holy books.
The “prophet” was a BRIGAND, a MURDERER, and a CHILD MOLESTER!
The whole “religion” is a death cult based on HATRED!
When will the world wake up?
Great article. Daniel, you brilliantly show us the truth about the savage beasts who are always waiting at the gates to destroy civilization. Mohammed made a statement that the day would come when the faithful would hunt down the Jews, and the Jews would hide behind trees and rocks, and the trees and the rocks would cry out to the faithful, “There is a Jew hiding behind me. Kill him.” That has been part of their savage beast religion for more than a thousand years, showing that the situation in Palestine is just an excuse for Muslims to kill Jews. Even if the situation in Palestine did not exist, then Muslims would find some other excuse so that they could claim that they are justified in murdering Jews.
Though I do have one question: On Oct 18, I believe that it was David Horowitz who had a column published on Front Page Mag titled, “Genocide”, which had some similar points. But I can’t find it now. Was it accidentally deleted?
I stay with with my own kind.
Christian. (Judaism Loving.)
…and Law and Order.
Islam is NONE of these things.
Your kind are awesome! Stick with them and help them grow and prosper. Encourage friends, neighbors, and family to have lots and lots of children and to educate them in proper Christian and American beliefs and behavior. It’s how we, your Orthodox Jewish brethren, do things and it works out well; we by and large produce pious, conservative, patriotic offspring who are a blessing to both Israel (as in the Children of Jacob) and America.
Daniel, as someone said above, you hit the nail on the head, and pounded it in!
The good people need to unite against Islam. If we had the will, perhaps RICO prosecutions could be done.
Islam should be banned in the USA, and as many Muslims as possible should be deported. Muslims and their enablers must be purged from all positions of authority and power.
Muslims would push back violently, but they must be totally defeated. The only thing they respect is the “strong horse.”
A civil war may be inevitable.
Not if it happens early enough. It will be too late once they reach about 10% of the population, as we see in Europe.
Islam is a barbaric political construct posing as a religion. Time the world took notice.
Islam and its Koran are incompatible with the US Constitution, its Bill of Rights, and US longstanding culture. The Founders were aware of the Muslim problem since the time of Thomas Jefferson and not much has really changed since then. On the other hand, Philadelphia was and still is a home to Jews since colonial times.
wow., a tour de force article by daniel greenfield.
With one minor and unimportant exception, I agree with you. And I think you have performed a great service to the entire world in writing this. I hope it has a lot of readers. It was also courageous; there are those who would like to kill you for writing it.
But I don’t believe it’s accurate to say that there is no difference between present day Islam and past Islam. What is different is that Islam has become a religion of crybabies. 500 years ago, the jihadists weren’t constantly whining about how unfair it is that their victims were fighting back.
There should be truth in labeling. The Koran has an unspoken and unwritten subtitle. Mohammed’s Revenge.
Correct. We must stop blaming ourselves and start blaming the Muslims.
The Muslims are to blame for taking Muhammad to be a true messenger of Allah, though there is no evidence that he existed or, if there is, it is impossible to distinguish what is true about him from what is false.
The Muslims are to blame for receiving the Qur’an as the word of Allah, though it consists only of consonants and camel piss, so that it’s correct vocalisation cannot be determined.
The Muslims are to blame for refusing to identify Allah in terms of the Name of the true God as known to the Jews, and they are to blame for serving a false god;
The Muslims are to blame for idolatrously holding themselves religiously bound to perform the Five Pillars of Islam and to obey the rulings of the shari’a courts.
They are insanely deranged in the things they have done around the world against many people – any excuse will do + virtually every other type of criminality in great volumes – we look at news of arrests and see their black beards and typical names so prominent in crime.
In France muslims comprise around 11% of the general population and some 75 % of the prison population! – speaks for itself
Now gazans are complaining of ‘collective punishment’ but we know where that practice started against the world.
Below is a quote from this Front Page Magazine article – for muslims that explains and conveniently justifies it + all their lust for power and world islamisation – as long as they are alive they will keep doing it – they have a different and abnormal moral / non existant attitude..
“The girl begged him to stop, but he “said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to Allah.”
Blockbuster article, Daniel! Probably the best I have read regarding the true nature of Islam. I have a negative visceral reaction to Islam. I understand it as a kind of healthy discernment which knows when evil is nearby.
<> And they will continue to kill, rape, and maim anyway, because they take pleasure in it, and because it’s built into their genetic code.
“The Islamic kingdom of heaven can only be achieved when the entire world submits to Islam.”
And they will continue to kill, rape, and maim anyway, because they take pleasure in it, and because it’s built into their genetic code.
Daniel Greenfield – your best article/writing ever.
How does islam hold itself together? Fear.
Read it all at:
How to destroy islam?
Read it all at:
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