The New York Times has run dozens of shrill and false stories accusing Florida of banning books. The paper has numerous stories about what it calls “book bans”: virtually all of them involve removing sexual content from schools at the behest of parental groups and conservatives.
And then it runs this.
Should Classic Children’s Books Be Updated for Today’s Young Readers? New York Times
The Times largely links to an op-ed, ‘The Truth About the ‘Censorship’ of Roald Dahl’ arguing that it’s no big deal. “Making changes, even rather sweeping ones, to classic works of literature is not as controversial as some would like to imagine.”
The Left never censors or bans books even when it banishes Dr. Seuss’s books to oblivion and bans them from being resold on the platforms, like eBay, that it controls. Only the “right” censors books.
Both sides agree that children should not be exposed to inappropriate materials.
The Left and Right differ on what inappropriate materials look like.
To the Left, any negative comment about obesity or even implied comment is inappropriate.
To conservatives, books describing sex with 8-year-olds are inappropriate.
We’re in the throes of disagreement about the most basic things imaginable that define who we are. The Left could be honest that this is a debate about values and we no longer share common values, at least not with lefty elites, or its members could go on redefining censorship to mean things that other people do.
The left is trying to erase history.
As has been said many, many times, 1984 was a warning, not a guide.
No… it was… but like a project manager with mitigation strategies. Hollywood does ads for horrific things this way today. If you wanted to mainstream an evil plan and make attacking it seem like insanity, would you have written the book differently?
Exactly right.
It is morally reprehensible to change the words of great writers of yesteryear. Doing so destroys the integrity of the work even while recognizing its status as a venerated classic.
The only moral solution is to write or promote writing that reflects the woke spirit. But this ugly spirit cannot produce beauty and truth.
And here we have a microcosm of the reasons western civilization and her people must be destroyed. Parasitic envy. I NEED the host. I want to BE the host. I HATE the host. The host must die that I might be free of my envy.
Did you know lefties are trying to re-write Shaksepeare? WTF? Not just Roald Dahl, DrSeuess and that chick who wrote the Harry Potter novels.
Those people are out of control.
So all the books conservative groups want to ban involve sex with 8-year olds? Is it not the case that many of the attempts to remove books from libraries involve imagery that depicts homosexuality and transsexualism in a positive light?
The debate about censorship is complex, and there are forces on both the left and the right who seek to ban materials simply because they find them disagreeable or against the political/religious ideologies. A serious analysis would consider the problem from both sides.
“ imagery that depicts homosexuality and transsexualism ”
That’s called porn for perverts.
And it is a product of multiculturalism in which many of these perversions have some normalcy, even while there is “official” disapproval. For example, the “dancing boys” in Muslim countries.
Bestiality is widely practiced in some countries. Put “legal bestiality by country” into your search engine.
We are living on the fumes of our Christian nationalist past. We must return to the rule of law AND laws that protect and promote righteousness and well-being for everyone. We must do it because we love one another and our nation.
Please don’t love me or admire me unless I have earned and deserve your love and admiration but please just RESPECT my rights and I will respect yours by implementing and defending OBJECTIVE laws based on objective facts and objective reality.
We don’t need to love each other personally to respect each others rights.
You do understand that there is no need to introduce pre-pubescent children to any information about sex, don’t you? Just as there is no need to introduce children to any information about death and dying, or the tragedies in life, or alcoholism and drug addiction, don’t you?
You do understand that introducing children to subjects they are too young for is damaging to them, don’t you? Or are you just that stupid or evil to understand that?
Personally, I would not introduce any child even to the Bible or , the Koran, or the Bhagavad Gita, or the teachings of the Buddha, or to any kind of formal philosophy like Objectivism — they’re too young for such things.
Childhood is the time for children to fall in love with life, with the simple beauty and joy of life, with the wonder of life, that will sustain them through the hardships of adulthood that will come.
Uh, how do you portray homos and trannies in a positive light?
Do as we say, and not as we do?
The left is trying to rewrite history to favor their side this is quite common with the leftists scumballs and that’s why the NEA was created
My understanding of the edits and exclusions that were made to the Dr. Seuss books is that they were made at the request of the family, who hold the copyright. If that is so, the situation is not analogous to what happened in Florida, that is calumnied as “don’t say gay.” This should be clarified.
Dr Seuss is a corporation. Not clear how much influence family members actually have in the running of it. It was actually set up by his mistress whom he married after his death and after his wife committed suicide.
I covered this here
Man, thats really fucked up.
As long as the American people understand that they are provisionally in charge of a lab experiment that has nothing to do with them as individuals then they will understand perfectly.
But I don’t think they really want to understand that. They’d much rather understand something else.
I just watched Ricky Gervais stand up show he did just about a year or so ago. Yes he is a liberal and i disagree with him on may things but dang it, the man makes me laugh. part of his bit was about him getting in hot water for a joke at the Oscars. The joke :
“Everyone here has changed for the Oscars but no one as much as Bruce Jenner.”
His offense? Dead naming a tranny. Basically he got in trouble for pointing out that “Caitlyn” used to be “Bruce” and that this “woman” used to be a “man”. Not that he denied his orientation or that Bruce will never be a woman but becuase he pointed out what he used to be.
Ricky Gervais is hilarious, Even my girlfriend liked him. and she hates everything.
What’s a thraso?
It’s not a matter of “disagreement.” It’s a clash of agendas. The Right is concerned with defending children’s innocence, that they be allowed to be children rather than short, inexperienced pseudo-adults required to cope with a world in turmoil. The Left seeks to warp children’s minds, rendering them pliable for propagandization. Exposing them to things that would tax even an adult’s tolerance for the deviant is an effective way to do that.
Never grant an obviously evil enemy the presumption of “good intentions.” It’s self-defeating. They’re in this to destroy us. Think, plan, and act accordingly.