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Ilhan Omar rocketed to notoriety a few years back by warning that some American officials have dual loyalties. As it turns out, she was one of them.
Back in 2019, the winsome and patriotic congresswoman had the courage to declare, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says that it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” She was talking about American officials who supposedly had loyalty to both the U.S. and Israel, but on Sunday, a video appeared on X showing Omar telling a Somali crowd that they all were “Somalis first, Muslims second.” Nothing about being Americans. And that was the least jarring and offensive part of the speech.
We were profoundly surprised, even shocked on discovering the remarks made by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D) of Minnesota in a recent public forum, widely circulated on most social media platforms and attached below for your reference.
The language she employed was regrettably…
— Ambassador Rhoda J Elmi (@AmbRhodaJElmi) January 28, 2024
Omar was speaking in Somali, and the translation was made by someone who clearly opposes her; however, in response to the controversy that her statements sparked, she didn’t take issue with the accuracy of the translation, but only with its interpretation. To a certain extent, Omar is right about this. She is being criticized for saying, “We Somalis must have the confidence in ourselves that we call the shots in the U.S. The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else.”
That sounds terrible, but an Omar defender on X contended that it was innocuous: “Omar says she is representing the interests of Somalis in the United States, which is a legitimate task, as a Congresswoman in any democratic system.” Commenting approvingly on that post, Omar herself added: “It’s not only slanted but completely off, but I wouldn’t expect more from these propagandists.”
All right. Certainly, a representative should stand for the interests of his or her constituents. Everyone acknowledges that. But Omar was speaking in Minneapolis and yet says nothing, at least in the available video, about fighting for her constituents’ interests in the United States. Likewise, she says nothing, as you’d expect, about fighting for the interests of the U.S. itself. Instead, she says that the U.S. government “must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia… Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system.”
The interests of Somalia, as Omar characterized them, involved winning back what she contended was Somali territory from the breakaway province of Somaliland, as well as from Djibouti, Kenya, and Ethiopia. This led Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Ga.) to declare that “terrorist sympathizer Ilhan Omar… flaunts using her position as congresswoman to protect Somalia’s border while our border is invaded by MILLIONS of illegals who are a danger to America.”
Good point. Omar’s speech also landed her in hot water with Ambassador Rhoda J. Elmi, the deputy minister of foreign affairs for the Republic of Somaliland. Elmi characterized as “troubling” Omar’s efforts in the speech to “revive the once-violent and dangerous ideology of Greater Somalia or Somali Weyn, which caused so much death, destruction and conflict in the Horn of Africa.” This is the idea that Somalia is the rightful owner of all that territory Omar claims in the video. Elmi also criticized Omar’s “use of ethno-racist rhetoric” and noted that this was “particularly bewildering for those who recall similar racist attacks she endured not long ago, of being ‘not American enough.’”
In the speech, Omar said of herself: “The woman you sent to Congress is working day and night to protect your interest. She knows your plight and that of Somalia. I am as concerned about Somalia as you guys are. Together we will protect the interests of Somalia.”
That’s swell, but members of the U.S. House of Representatives take this oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Do you see anything in there about protecting the interests of a foreign country? Neither do I. Ilhan Omar has the dual loyalties that she has claimed supporters of Israel have. In the wake of the release of this speech, many are calling for her to be expelled from the House à la George Santos, and she should be. But given the left’s tendency to circle the wagons and defend its own no matter what, that is about as likely as Old Joe Biden uttering a coherent sentence.
She’s the Moslem Brotherhood representative in our Congress; Tlaib represents Hamas.
Both are terrorists that have raised funds to murder American.
Omar has also committed immigration fraud, state and federal tax fraud as well as state and federal election fraud
Yes, “Ihan Omar (D-Mogadishu) was a criticism for years. Now it is a boast on her part.
Politicians are the lowest from of life on Earth Liberal Democrats are t he lowest form of Politician. Patton
Is Ilhan a proper pious muslima, or is she sporting a clitoris like some sort of western hoe?
Not relevant. Don’t dilute the arguments against her actions & speech with this.
it sure is relevant when we have more and more moslems invading the US and bringing their hatred of all of us infidels and their disgusting ‘customs’.
Still trying to figure out how she avoids scrutiny from Muslim leaders in light of her current (third) marriage to a non-Muslim. I thought Muslim women were only allowed to marry Muslim men. Go figure.
Any deception, any evil, any hypocrisy, is allowed in Islam so long as it furthers Islam.
Yes, it always amazes me that people don’t spot that, in espousing taqiyya, Mohammed chopped off the branch on which he was sitting – because how does anyone know which of his statements were made because he believed them to be true, and which were expeditious or self-interested? The comment of his wife Aisha “Your god always lets you do what you want”, is very telling in this connection.
Islam is an honor-based culture, and a man’s honor lies between the legs of his women. So I’m not really sure that her antics are all that much appreciated by her constituents.
The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do.
That’s one hell of a statement. It’s past time to do something about this pile of garbage infesting our US Congress. There are others, but it would be fine to take on one at a time.
Defender on X:
“Omar says she is representing the interests of Somalis in the United States, which is a legitimate task, as a Congresswoman in any democratic system.”
Did Somalia become the 51st state? I don’t think so. When she became a US citizen didn’t she have to denounce allegiance to any other country?
Didn’t she flee Somalia when she landed in that Kenyan refugee camp and then rescued from there by the US?
Does anyone remember “Black Hawk Down”
Such ingratitude! Send her back.
She definitely should be sent back. But that will happen only when Hell freezes over with the ruling elite now dominating 90% of America politics and its voice the media.
She lied throughout her immigration process. She lied and misrepresented herself during the process for Naturalization to become a citizen. Had I lied when i applied legally, i would have been declined and tossed out the door and justly so. That she was not shows the decline of citizenship in America. These days, they accept ANYthing breathing coming across the border and even give them welfare, smartphones, a couple Gs, and free plane rides north.
Just ponder for a moment – a group of illegal aliens newly here beat up 2-cops in NY and the “judge” releases them. Not only has Lady Justice had her blindfold removed, she has been raped!
If what she says is in any degree true, she should be replaced – always assuming that Somalia will give permission if Mr Biden asks them nicely. And if it is not true, then she is either a liar or deluded, so should be asked to resign on those grounds. Her best option is if this is hyperbole of the sort that the US heirs of British understatement might mistakenly take literally – but in that case her diplomacy skills are somewhat lacking.
The Head Rag Lady speaks…cringe-y.
She said, “…I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system.” Since she is protecting the interests of Somalia, doesn’t that make her the agent of a foreign government? If she hasn’t registered as a foreign agent doesn’t that put her in violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA)? And doesn’t FARA have criminal penalties for its violation? Okay FBI, time to go all Manafort on her.
Thank you Mr Spencer for writing a fair article. I’m not interested in propaganda, if I were I would watch MSNBC, or read some fringe rightwing nonsense.
I’m not sure yet what I am most angry about in this situation, that Omar is serving in congress when clearly she doesn’t care about the USA, or that her democratic compadres (and the MSM) will not condemn her for what she has stated.
Omar just admitted publicly that she’s pro war against Ethiopia and Kenya to ‘liberate’ more land for Muslims! Imagine the opposite, a Republican member of the House who is a dual citizen of Israel and United States, calling for war against Lebanon, Syria and Jordan to liberate more land for Jews. The mainstream media would go ballistic, there would be nationwide leftist protests against this politician and demands that he/she resign. Yet when Omar, a dual Somali and U.S. citizen who is a Democratic member of the House declares she is for war against Somalia’s neighbors in order to liberate territory for Muslims – nothing happens!
True, for sure, that nothing will be done to correct her.
In fact, that she was allowed to lie and misrepresent herself and her “husband” during the immigration and citizenship process is in and of itself indication that she was allowed in and as a citizen at variance with what, for example, what i had to do to qualify for citizenship here from a foreign nation. I am 100% certain that, had I lied and/or misrepresent myself, i would have been disqualified and tossed out the door. Highly probably that she represents a decline in the standard of citizenship in America today. Certainly, she represents a decline in immigration law and the naturalization of citizenship today in America. I suppose it is obvious with this corrupt, slovenly Democrat Administration, after all, they allow in terrorists, even a terrorist who openly threat to soon become known to all. They let him go and now have no idea where he is. The Nation’s decline steepens.
Those of us who were born here obviously object to this kind of behavior, but you and other legal immigrants who became citizens… well, you spent a lot of years and suffered a lot of anxiety to have what we received at birth. The legal immigrants/citizens I know love this country dearly and obey its laws. Invaders don’t have so many scruples.
A good Muslim can’t support the Constitution and the Quran. It’s individual freedom vs. submit to Satan.
WHEN, NOT IF, JIHAD starts here, who will she, others who took The Oath, and millions of Americans, SIDE WITH?
Part of the reason why Rep Omar and others like her get away with so much, is that we have created the myth of the moderate Muslim, and people are deemed to be moderate until they turn up with a grenade in their pockets. The truth is that there is no such entity as the moderate Muslim. There are nominal Muslims, many of whom deserve our sympathy because they remain in Islam because of its barbaric apostasy penalty, and there are committed Muslims. Some committed Muslims are scholars who hope to transform Islam – but the fact that they take on a task which, on the basis of the literature, seems unpromising, is itself a measure of their commitment. They may not adopt Western ways – unless there is something in their tradition that fits with them – but, depending on what their reform agenda is, they may not be a threat to non-Muslims. The other group which may not constitute a problem is mystical Muslims, whose jihad finds expression in prayer. Otherwise, we have active jihadists, including those who seek to out-breed unbelievers, those who resource, support and recruit for them, including radical preachers, and those who live peacefully and appear to integrate as a form of taqiyya (but if sharia were imposed, you might not want to run to them for refuge).
This Ding-Bat needs to return to Somalia to live and not come back
They’d stone her for adultery if she did.