Jacinda Ardern, the ditzy prime minister of New Zealand, who became famous for responding to a mosque attack by eliminating free speech and the right of self-defense, while calling on the rest of the world to join her, has announced that she’s retiring.
How can you retire when you don’t really do anything except travel around the world?
Not everyone can retire at 42, but Ardern claims that she doesn’t have anything more ‘in the tank’. Mostly, I suspect, she got bored. Governance is a lot less exciting when you don’t have a major crisis and the whole world isn’t paying attention to you. And unless she can get someone to shoot up another mosque, I doubt the rest of the world will pay any further attention to her.
Jacinda Ardern has been all over the world, using her platform to go everywhere from Antarctica to Vietnam to Seattle. That’s a whole lot of travel for the representative of a tiny country, but Ardern succeeded in building her own brand. And now I expect she’ll monetize it. Her shtick centered heavily on her youth, but after 40 that fades pretty quickly, and if she’s not a young politician, what is she? Nothing.
Give her points for heading for the exit on her own before voters punish Labor over the current miserable conditions. And while I won’t be surprised to see Jacinda shortly show up on a bunch of boards and writing a memoir to be adapted into a movie, she did make the right decision to walk away before the reckoning.
Leaving on a high note is a smart career move even if it shows that Ardern was always all about herself.
A few beers short of a six pack. Not very self-aware. Claims she is a nice person, after all the suffering she has caused.
As I understand it, this “nice person” was caught calling a political opponent a “prick” on a hot mic partly leading to her resignation.
But – the leftist ‘knows’ that making others suffer is caring. And we can be quite certain that this one will milk her rule of suffering will enrich her personal bank account. After all, sharing is caring.
Man, did she really advocate that neighbors inform on neighbors for not wearing masks and engaging in wrongspeak? That’s right out of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Good riddance.
Just a few Corn Dogs short of a Picnic with her just how much more nutty can you get then this?
But why is she so skinny? And scary looking
Probably a vegan.
All spin and no achievements. and a liar to boot- she has all but ruined NZ in five short years- I hope we can back from this
Ardern is another example of what happens when self absorbed goofballs get into positions of power.
You got that right. The coward of the cottage aka trudy that we are saddled with here in Canada is another one of the woke nutters. In 7 years trudy has taken us from a once prosperous and respected country to an authoritarian shithole in economic ruins.