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In the last few days a new chapter has been added to the storied saga of the 41-year-old British activist, author, and citizen journalist Tommy Robinson. On Friday, upon his return to Britain after several weeks abroad, he was taken into police custody – an event he had expected and discussed publicly before flying back home – and charged with several “offenses.” One of the charges, contempt of court, relates to his documentary Silenced, which premiered in July at a screening in Trafalgar Square and has been viewed on X more than 50 million times. In that documentary, Tommy gathered ample witness testimony showing that Jamal Hijazi, a Syrian refugee portrayed in the British media as the victim of bullying at the school he attended in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, in 2018, was not a victim but was, in fact, himself a bully – and a rather horrible one, at that.
What, then, was Tommy’s crime? He’d been ordered by a judge not to contradict the official narrative about Hijazi – specifically, not to describe him as “aggressive and bullying” or as “threatening,” even if he was aggressive and bullying and threatening. A second contempt-of-court charge was leveled at Tommy for several related “offenses,” such as discussing the Hijazi case in an interview with Jordan Peterson, holding that July screening in Trafalgar Square, and posting Silenced on X and YouTube. In addition to the contempt charges, Tommy was charged under the Terrorism Act for refusing to provide the police with access to the contents of his mobile phone, which include material that would compromise his sources.
On Saturday, supporters of Tommy held a “Unite the Kingdom” rally in London, turning out in such significant numbers that, as the Guardian put it, “the demonstration spilled out from its meeting point around Victoria Station.” The Guardian made sure to point out that the protesters, many of whom were treated to an outdoor screening of his new documentary, Lawfare, were “mostly male, white and middle-aged” (all bad things, of course) and that many of them were waving Union Jacks (that most toxic of items). Meanwhile counter-protesters took part in a rally arranged by a leftist group called Stand Up to Racism.
Aside from his documentaries, Tommy has also written (and self-published) a couple of books. Enemy of the State (2015) is an autobiography that focuses on his demonization by the British government, which finds his determination to expose monstrous Islamic crimes inconvenient, distasteful, and threatening to “community cohesion.” His second book, written with Peter McLoughlin, is entitled Muhammed’s Koran (2017). His newest, Manifesto: Free Speech, Real Democracy, Peaceful Disobedience, also written with McLoughlin, came out on October 4, but when I looked for it on Amazon UK it was identified as being “currently unavailable.” After trying to find some other way of acquiring the book online, I was finally able to secure a copy through the good offices of a friend of mine who is also a chum of Tommy’s. (On October 25, Tommy – or somebody – posted at his X account that orders for the book could be placed at a dedicated website and that new copies would be available this week.)
What to say about Manifesto? Put it this way: the authors show that Tommy’s previous topics – the reality of the Islamic threat and the British government’s determination to crush Islam’s critics – are only two details in a much bigger picture. In the U.S., the MAGA movement is a rebellion against America’s unelected but powerful Deep State, a.k.a. The Swamp, which has its equivalents in pretty much every Western country. And as Tommy and McLoughlin note, it’s been around, at least in the U.K., for a long time. Two centuries ago, the English writer William Cobbett (1763-1835) called it “The Thing”; in America, a century or so later, Jack London (1876-1916), of Call of the Wild fame, coined his own name for it – “The Oligarchy” – in the obscure 1908 novel The Iron Heel. Throughout Manifesto, Tommy and McLoughlin use this term to describe the Deep State of our own day, mostly in the U.K.
To be sure, they do devote a degree of attention to “The Oligarchy” in America and other countries – for example the Netherlands, where Pim Fortuyn, a fierce opponent of the immigration policy of the Dutch establishment, was murdered on May 6, 2002, only days before an election after which he probably would have become prime minister. His killer was routinely identified in the Dutch media as an animal-rights activist, but he also despised Fortuyn’s criticism of Islam, hence the assassination. Shockingly, the killer was released from prison after only twelve years and allowed to take a new name under which he could start a new life. As Tommy and McLoughlin point out, theories about possible Deep State involvement in Fortuyn’s murder – theories not unlike those that have been proffered for decades by researchers into the JFK assassination – are now being served up by Dutch commentators.
But Tommy and McLoughlin’s major emphasis is on The Oligarchy in Britain. One fact of which many Americans have become aware since the beginning of the Trump era is that our own Swamp creatures aren’t exclusively Democrats; on the contrary, Deep State operatives – whether they work on Capitol Hill, or for a think tank, or at the FBI or CIA or DoD or IRS, or as lobbyists, or in the legacy media or military-industrial complex – can be found in both major parties. The same is true in Britain, where the Tories held power from 2010 to 2024 without doing anything significant to reform the scandalously mediocre NHS, to reduce the country’s sky-high immigration levels, to address the Muslim “grooming [i.e. child rape] gangs” that can be found in cities all over England, or to protect critics of Islam from arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment.
Things were, as Tommy and McLoughlin observe, scarcely different a century ago. The playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), revered, then as now, by Britain’s cultural elite, was nominally a socialist; the politician Oswald Mosley (1896-1980), reviled, then as now, by the same cultural elite, was nominally a fascist. But there was really little in the way of an ideological gap between them. Both admired Hitler and Mussolini; both looked kindly upon the idea of eugenics-based extermination (in 1938, GBS published a newspaper article entitled “Heil Hitler”); both advocated for a welfare state that limited individual rights. In fact both GBS and Mosley were Fabians – members of the organization, established in 1884, that called for a gradual transformation of the U.K. into a hard-core socialist state and that, not incidentally, founded the London School of Economics (LSE).
In other words, both Shaw and Mosley, whether you want to call them fascists or socialists, were at the big-government end of the political spectrum – the spectrum, that is, on which the important distinction lies – and were therefore the ideological forebears of the likes of Tony Blair, who in 2006 unveiled a window at the LSE that openly celebrated the Fabians, including the Hitler–loving GBS. At the other end of that spectrum were people like the brilliant politician and scholar Enoch Powell (1912-1998) – whose brave, prophetic dissent from The Oligarchy’s mass- immigration policy in his 1968 “Rivers of Blood” speech led to his immediate expulsion from the political elite and his labeling as a “fascist.” In reality, Powell was no more a fascist than Donald Trump is – on the contrary, he was, like Trump, a patriot and a populist who was deeply concerned about the deleterious impact of Deep State policies on the native inhabitants of his own country.
Also at the small-government end of the spectrum, needless to say, was Margaret Thatcher, who, Tommy and McLoughlin suggest, was expelled from the prime ministership because she’d started to challenge the growing power of the EU. They also speculate that if Thatcher had managed to triumph over the coup that removed her from power, she might well, within the next few years, have acted upon Powell’s warnings and restricted immigration dramatically – an action that would have made today’s Britain a very different country indeed from the one that is, thanks to The Oligarchy, well on its way to having a minority British population.
Granted, the overall message of Manifesto – about the perils of rule by a globalist, authoritarian elite and the drastic need for a democratic, populist shake-up – will hardly be new to readers of this website. And the voice throughout most of the book, if it matters to you, sounds less like that of Tommy, a plainspoken working-class bloke, and more like that of a historical scholar – in this instance, McLoughlin, who has an academic background and has written a book about Oliver Cromwell and another entitled The Pattern of History and Fate of Humanity. No matter who wrote what in Manifesto, however, the value of this book lies not in its main argument but in its many illuminating specifics – from its perceptive account of the enduring significance of Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) to the long, highly detailed chapter pondering the relevance of the gold standard, cryptocurrencies, and other economic phenomena to the mechanisms by which the Deep State exercises its control.
But, alas, some of the branches of The Oligarchy – in this case, the publishing houses that refused to put out Manifesto and the bookstores that refuse to stock it – are doing their best to make it difficult for you to get a copy of it. Meanwhile, other branches – namely the police and judiciary – are intent on barring you from being able to hear Tommy. On Monday morning, a court hearing was held to determine whether Tommy – who has previously served long, hellish terms behind bars after “trials” that were models of injustice, and who was most recently arrested this past June in Canada after giving a speech in Calgary – would yet again be sent to prison.
At the hearing, which took place at Woolrich Crown Court in London, the prosecution maintained that this case wasn’t about Tommy’s politics or “even directly a case about freedom of expression,” but rather “about the disobedience to a court order, and the undermining of the rule of law that goes with that” – never mind that the court order itself was preposterous. When the judge issued his ruling, he read it, noted Ezra Levant of Rebel News, who was tweeting from the courtroom, “from his computer,” leading Levant to wonder: “How can he do that, given that there was literally no pause at all after the submissions by the lawyers? Did he pre-write this? How does that work?” Good questions.
And what was the ruling? No surprise: Tommy was sentenced to 18 months in prison, of which he will serve half – probably in solitary confinement, given that British prisons are dominated and controlled by Muslim gangsters, who would tear him to bits otherwise. In short, in a country that is scared to properly punish the Muslim rapists he’s exposed, Tommy is essentially being sentenced once again to the Hotel Graybar for telling a truth of which The Oligarchy disapproves. As Levant put it, “In the U.K., the government is now the arbiter of truth.” Of course George Orwell, whom Tommy and McLoughlin discuss in Manifesto, saw all of this coming in 1984, in which the role of Oceania’s Ministry of Truth is to disseminate lies and suppress facts.
Oh, well. Yet another disgraceful day for British justice – and the beginning of yet another season in hell for Tommy Robinson. What can you do? If you haven’t done it already, start by watching Silenced online – and thank Elon Musk for not having taken it down. And what else can you do? Ponder what my friend Valerie Price of Act for Canada wrote to me about Tommy the other day: “He is my personal hero and yet it must be said that all he has done to become heroic is something that we all can do, should do, and must do: he has spoken the truth.”
Free Tommy Robinson and screw Leonard Pelter and Abdul Jimmal
What the hell do you know about Leonard Peltier? You ignorant rat – other than that free Tommy Robinson
Take your drivel to Vox ir Mother Jones
Just use Vox their into morons like you
He knew this two tier justice system would lock him up again, we all knew.
However “the perils of rule by a globalist, authoritarian elite” too few people are prepared to openly acknowledge where this lies.
Defund the UN now!
Defunding the UN cannot and will not happen until the evil moral code of ALTRUISM is discredited and rejected.
And Ayn Rand’s NOBLE, heroic, beneficent, and rational moral code of SELFISHNESS, rational egoism, rational self-interest is discovered, understood, and accepted as the highest moral ideal and virtue.
In order for that to happen Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism has to be taught to the young and disseminated to the not young.
Altruism and collectivism, and modern totalitarianism, all come from Judeo-Christianity.
The idea that Judaism and Christianity actually champion individual liberty and the individual, personal, pursuit of happiness in this life on earth is absolutely PREPOSTEROUS. And such an ignorant philosophical and historical confusion only helps to destroy liberty and happiness.
The end game for modern totalitarianism is a return to the ancient totalitarianism of theocracy. That’s why you see such a strong magnetic affinity between the modern globalists and the Islamists.
“The socialists are building the basis for totalitarianism but only the religionists are going to cash in on it and take over.” – Leonard Peikoff
You do not see that your irrational philosophy leads to complete societal chaos – like the French Revolution with which you share every tenet.
You are obsessed with the “irrationality” of Christianity, but never deal with its scripture honestly, instead relying on ignorant, objectivist “theologians.” How does this make you reasonable?
Your religion is infected with a palpable animating hatred that is irrational.
At least he changed from having his silly philosophy taught in every union controlled university, which would never happen, to having it taught to the young (how young?) and disseminated to the old. As if we, as a demographic, would be forced to sit there and listen to that drivel.
It’s always interesting to see how he compartmentalizes everything into his convenient world. It’s also amusing how he never takes into account the unexpected, like someone changing their mind and simply getting off the Objectivist bus.
I have also realized that Rand is a totalitarian. No wonder he is obsessed with the Middle Ages coming back. I will simply ridicule him as I do. He will never change.
It’s always nice to read your comments.
OK folks, the great THX Drinking game is in full effect…..replete with a bonus treatise by little Lenny and an attack on Judaism and Christianity. Altruism….. the THX boogie man unleashed, along with his greatest fear, totalitarianism.
God forbid THX should ever talk to us about Ayn Rand’s latent totalitarian issues. But as usual I will provide that list of places you can apply to teach, since you are so desperate to be a teacher:
Here’s what I found:
But as you know, having to get up, day after day and teach Objectionism to skulls full of mush, is way more difficult than sitting on your a$$, copying and pasting the works of Rand and Pieface to the great unwashed.
Another day, another chance for incompetence and failure.
Poor T. No one cares.
Bugger Ayn Rand!
A far better read is Dan Greenfield’s outstanding ‘ Domestic Enemies’
I have always found Rand somewhat fatuous.
The UN is about as far from altruistic as Rand. They are deliberately undermining the western world and the rational thinking idiots in academia and government are allowing it.
It’s almost as if these gov’ts have decided just to “disappear” people in broad daylight, on camera, and in front of everyone to see.
2 quotes from Churchill come to mind…
“No Socialist Government conducting the entire life and industry of the country could afford to allow free, sharp, or violently-worded expressions of public discontent. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance.”
“The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous.” — Winston Churchill
I have followed Tommy Robinson since his English Defence League days. He was the only one standing up to Muslim Intimidation in England. Constantly harassed and arrested.
It’s even worse now with this soviet style government that has ruined the country for the native born Brits and kowtowed to the demands of the jihadists.
I hope, at some point English people will realize what is being done to them and forcibly remove PM Starmer, arrest him and throw him out of the country. They also need to throw every Muslim out as well.
If they don’t I think there will be an actual civil war. I hope the Brits saved their father’s WWII Enfield rifles They don’t have a 2nd Amendment like ours.
Robinson for PM!
Spot on mate!
I have lived in the Uk since 1976.
It’s a Islamo facist ( socialist, of course!) nut zombie zero demented , once great country.
Tommy is an absolute legend and truth speaking freedom fighter.
Our justice system is corrupt much like yours ( look at the BS charges put upon Trumpie).
My only consolation is that more people are waking up over here as they are in your great country.
No surrender mate.
My ancestors were WW1 &11 ANZACs. They knew how to do a proper job !
Stay safe and loyal👍💪🏾✌️🇳🇿🇬🇧🇮🇱🏴 United States 🇺🇸
It’s always sad to see a once great country lose it’s way, hopefully temporarily. We here in the states have chance to change everything on November 5th. Right now Trump has the momentum and it’s his election to win.
Harris and Walz are true socialist idiots.
I think the Australians made a mistake with their gun buy back scheme and their harsh pandemic laws. I hope the Aussies didn’t comply.
BTW, I think the Anzacs got screwed at The Nek at Gallipoli. Bad British leadership. They could have won that battle if the element of surprise had been maintained.
Good on ya mate!
Thanks for your very informed reply Intrepid.
I am a kiwi Anzac ancestor, but despite the healthy rivalry between us and the Aussies I bare them no malice. They were hard men as well.!
Kiwis WW11 hero is Charles Upham who got a VC from the Crete campaign and a VC Bar afterwards at Minqar Qaim in North Africa. .He was eventually captured and spent time in Colditz.
The Battle of 42. Street on Crete is billed as the most ferocious bayonet charge in war history. I will leave that for you to look up.
In short, the majority kiwis including some Māoris and Aussies were low on ammo and took it to 109 crack Austrian paratroopers and did them.
Not bad for a bunch of conscripts against highly trained paratroopers.
You’re right about Gallipoli however.
We did bloody well at the siege of monte Cassino, too.
I must thank America for the battle of the Coral sea which saved Australia and NZ from Japan. A ferocious battle which saved Australasia. Not enough said about this battle for my liking. You lost a lot of young courageous men.
Long live the ANZUS alliance.
In the meantime, Trumpie has to nail it big time which I think he will.
The world is f***ed with the USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸👍💪🏾✌️
Thanks for your very informed reply Intrepid.
I am a kiwi Anzac ancestor, but despite the healthy rivalry between us and the Aussies I bare them no malice. They were hard men as well.!
Kiwis WW11 hero is Charles Upham who got a VC from the Crete campaign and a VC Bar afterwards at Minqar Qaim in North Africa. .He was eventually captured and spent time in Colditz.
The Battle of 42. Street on Crete is billed as the most ferocious bayonet charge in war history. I will leave that for you to look up.
In short, the majority kiwis including some Māoris and Aussies were low on ammo and took it to 109 crack Austrian paratroopers and did them.
Not bad for a bunch of conscripts against highly trained paratroopers.
You’re right about Gallipoli however.
We did bloody well at the siege of monte Cassino, too.
I must thank America for the battle of the Coral sea which saved Australia and NZ from Japan. A ferocious battle which saved Australasia. Not enough said about this battle for my liking. You lost a lot of young courageous men.
Long live the ANZUS alliance.
In the meantime, Trumpie has to nail it big time which I think he will.
The world is f***ed with the USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸👍💪🏾✌️
Ah censorship! If you added Frontpage it would fit right in.
Perhaps a quick update on the Dept of Homeland Security and the Ministry of Misinformation would be appropriate. Everyone seems to have forgotten little Nina Jankowisc and her quick tenure as our overseer for news.
The problem with big Government is that it keeps getting bigger 🙂
Big Gov
Big Tech
Big Media
Big Finance
In lockstep = Fascism
This case was simply about the fact that was Tommy Robison in breach of a High Court Order to which he pleaded guilty on 10 breaches of this High Court order.
One can argue whether the High Court Order was justified in the first place – and having watched “Silenced” it would seem to me not to be justified – but that is an entirely different point than whether Tommy Robinson was in contempt of court. A Contempt of Court he himself was aware by the screening “Silence” and he accepted responsibility for doing so and pleaded guilty. An admirable stance to take.
Blast, I just tried to order the book, and got the “Error404–Page not found” info. Down already. Creepy.
It was self-published on one of the on demand platforms for sale at Amazon in limited quantity and sold out quickly….nothing nefarious about that. Although Hope Not Hate did try to coerce Amazon into not stocking it.
Actually, I went to the source website mentioned in Bauer’s article–not Amazon. And that website was crippled.
“Urban Scoop” ordering page still down.
Robinson is getting off easy….for now. Leftist know full well that making people shut up is essential to their cause and history has shown to what extent they will go to shut people up and it ain’t pretty.
Now I discover that I can’t even make a general donation. Thisis creepy, third world stuff.
1984 is 40 years late but it is here now and it’s global – if Cackling Kamalalala a witch whore of Babylon wins, this sweeping censorship and being indicted, prosecuted and jailed in kangaroo courts will be sweeping in USA. The polls and early voting is showing President Trump in major leads that keep growing as election day is finally only a week away and closing. USA has so many political prisoners it’s puking. From the J6 incarcerations to those who proved loyal to President Trump and attempted to prove the 2020 election was rigged and stolen and even the attempts to falsely accuse President Trump and lock him up and sue him into bankruptcy as well as two assassination attempts! When President Trump is sworn in January 20, 2025 this demonic crap will not cease – it will be funded by the deep state and their owned propaganda arm the main sleaze media who will attempt to foment a civil war. The hope of a GOP majority in both houses of Congress and the shrewd negotiating skills of President Trump will stimy and quash any civil war as well as George Sorors funded antifa mayhem. Finally, the people are not as stupid as the deep state think. We are burned with the inflation, open borders and the lies of the main sleaze media no longer can work proving one thing, humans are not like toads in a pot of water that turning up the heat gradually will get their gooses cooked! Not just because they turned up the heat quickly but because humans aren’t stupid – possessed maybe but not stupid.
Tommy Robinson documentaries mentioned in this article:
LAWFARE: A Totalitarian State by Tommy Robinson
This political/Islamic persecution of Tommy Robinson is the result the stealth jihadists influence in the government of the United Kingdom.
For their insidious Islamic movement in the UK that is known as the “Stealth jihad.” The technique is practiced by Muslims who are also stealth jihadists to infiltrate the United Kingdom as well as other Western countries using lies and deception, Taqiyya, for the advancement of Islam with its Sharia.
This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads, “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.”
I suppose that good British subjects could simply go get Tommy.
Would that it were that simple.
Free Tommy Robinson
Google and Amazon show the search for Tommy’s new book Manifesto but there is no there there. No book accessible though there are reports to the contrary, with the Guardian decrying Amazon supporting financially this “far right” person. Untrue! Massive propaganda hoax.
I explored Amazon and Google for Tommy’s book Manifesto. I presume that is the title. But not acc to Amazon and Google because it all faded into confusion and obscurity with no actual book available unless there is a different title. Some of Tommy’s books are available but not this new one, contrary to their front presentation. Liars.
Silenced is on Spotify, not Google.,..yes on Rumble…not on YouTube.