The Corbynization of the Democrats has been a major theme among Jewish groups and some conservatives. But the media wall of silence has kept it out of the conversation. And then James Carville, of all people, went and broke the embargo. And on MSNBC.
Carville repeatedly suggested the Democratic Party was in danger of following the path of the Labour Party in Britain.
“Look at the British Labour Party,” Carville said. “We’re like talking about people voting from jail cells. Alright, we’re talking about not having a border. I mean, come on people,” he added.
“Of course I would vote for him [Sanders], but I don’t want the Democratic Party of the United States to be the Labour Party of United Kingdom.”
“I mean, I’m 75 years old why am I here doing this? Because I am scared to death that’s why. Let’s get relevant, people, here for sure…All the Sanders people were taking pictures wishing Jeremy Corbyn the best.”
It’s an open secret that the DSA was Corbyn territory. AOC kept giving Corbyn Twitter tongue baths. And Bernie’s people were working to help elect Corbyn. And, no doubt, vice versa.
We just weren’t supposed to talk about it.
As the Dem civil war comes out into the open, the actual stakes are starting to slip out. And those go to the very question of what the Left is, its agenda and the threat that it poses to America.
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