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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The left has to have scapegoats to prop up its sagging Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative, and so Joe Biggs of the Proud Boys has just been given seventeen years in prison for his actions on that fateful day, which involved nothing more than tearing down a fence. If one guy removing a single barrier can bring the government of a superpower perilously close to being overthrown, we’re in bigger trouble than we thought. Biggs would be the first to tell you that we are, but not in the way that the leftist elites want us to think.
The Post Millennial reported Wednesday that Biggs explained the objective behind his sentence, which Judge Timothy Kelly made harsher because of the circumstances: the fence he tore down “separated law enforcement personnel from the protesters … on Capitol grounds that day,” and so Kelly “ruled that Biggs was subject to heavier sentencing consequences for domestic terrorism.”
This is ridiculous on its face. 9/11 — that was terrorism. The Fort Hood jihad massacre — that was terrorism. The Boston Marathon bombing? Terrorism. Some people getting let into the Capitol and snapping some selfies? Not terrorism.
According to Biggs, the agenda behind the left’s fabricated Jan. 6 hysteria is not just to destroy Trump and sideline him for 2024, but something far more sweeping and insidious.
“They want you scared,” Biggs said, referring to ordinary law-abiding American citizens who oppose the Biden regime and everything it stands for. Biggs told Alex Jones “that the case against him and others involved in the Jan. 6 riot was politically motivated.” When he was convicted, Biggs said, “my heart hurt.” He explained, “They want to send a message to Americans that if you go to these events, if you are part of a political group, they’re going to throw you in prison for a long time.”
It makes sense. The Biden regime has given numerous indications of its taste for authoritarianism: its ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board, which would label some speech as “disinformation” (as was originally done with Hunter Biden’s laptop); its collaboration with Big Tech to silence and deplatform Americans who objected to its COVID propaganda; its determination to find something — anything — to hang on Trump to prevent him from running again in 2024, instead of just persuading enough Americans to vote for them; and more.
Authoritarian regimes use terror to remain in power. In the Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn explains that sometimes Stalin’s police would arrest and imprison people who were perfectly innocent, and it was no mistake: the Communist authorities wanted to terrorize the population into submission, making people think that they had to be extra careful to do everything that those authorities required, or else they might be the next ones to be arrested.
In the same way, Biggs says, “They don’t want you to go out and vote, they want people scared before it’s time to vote, and that’s why all this heat’s happening right now.” He points out that the sentences he and other Proud Boys have received are absurd and unjust, for “he and other members of the Proud Boys had ‘no plans’ to breach the U.S. Capitol on January 6 despite being charged with seditious conspiracy, which investigators could not formally determine with evidence.” Biggs added that Judge Kelly’s decision to treat his “shaking offense,” that is, shaking and knocking down the fence, as “terrorism” was “ridiculous,” and it most certainly was.
“We went there that day with no plan, with nothing,” Biggs added. “We were there like every other American, but because we’re a political group… They’re going to put us in chains.” Indeed. If Biggs had been a member of Antifa or of whatever intelligence agency Ray Epps works for, he would be getting puff pieces in the New York Times instead of seventeen years in the slammer.
“There was no intelligence of a plan,” he maintains. “Not one of the rats that came forward said that there was a plan. Everyone said that there was zero plan of anything happening that day by us, and yet they got us for conspiracy to plan this. They said we had this meeting of the minds without ever actually saying anything, and it happened on the fly at the first breach. So apparently we all had this telekinesis power.”
This is not justice. This is not even any semblance of justice. This is naked terror. And its target is the American people. We are supposed to see what happened to Joe Biggs and be too frightened to continue to dissent. Instead, we should, and must, speak out all the more loudly.
“It is a grave error to suppose that a dictatorship rules a nation by means of strict, rigid laws which are obeyed and enforced with rigorous, military precision. Such a rule would be evil, but almost bearable; men could endure the harshest edicts, provided these edicts were known, specific and stable; it is not the known that breaks men’s spirits, but the unpredictable. A dictatorship has to be capricious; it has to rule by means of the unexpected, the incomprehensible, the wantonly irrational; it has to deal not in death, but in sudden death; a state of chronic uncertainty is what men are psychologically unable to bear.” – Ayn Rand
Thanks for that. I had no idea. I just can’t wait to read the word salad of the day that erupts from that capricious mind.
That’s pretty good
Remember when Daniel Ortega was a good guy because he shopped for spectacles in the US?
For those purchases he used GOLDEN VISA CARD, while the average Nicaraguan starved.
I remember because the news said he spent hundreds of dollars pre-pair ,of glasses. At the time I barley had hundreds of dollars, in the bank. Then I remembered the Psalmist admonition, don’t fret because the wicked prosper.
Every single patriot needs to be fully pardoned; seeing that the chickenshit *Sleepy Joe administration set ’em up.
Then we try & convict every scumbag involved in orchestrating the Jan 6th set up – especially that bitch Pelosi & her inside-trader husband.
(Nifong at least didn’t set up the Duke lacrosse players. He just went where the winds blew him, which at least got him fired, disbarred, & jailed – for only a single day.)
Toss every prosecutor involved in prison. It’s not like they’ll meet any actual convicts that they put there, because they don’t prosecute criminals – just patriots.
Good idea. While were at it, let’s go after all the scum that burned a church, injured some 100 or so police, and threatened the White House so severely that the President and his family were hustled for their safety into the underground bunker by the Secret Service . That was in Lafayette Park on June 30, 2020. Oh, wait, that was “mostly peaceful”…
The left wants to suppress all dissent
For months… BLM ruined cities across America… burned them… broke in and stole… and beat & killed shop owners…
Wasn’t this the norm for America at the time? Wasn’t this behavior ingrained in American populous?
Sure it was…
But… it’s not Ok to question the fraudulent election… if you do… off to prison for you!
Support the Jan 6th Patriots!
Remember, it’s not the Biden regime, Biden is just the Puppet. It’s the evil Hussein Obama regime and his Cabal. They are the evil forces running this Country with People like George and Alex Soros, and Bill Gates, who wants to lower the population. What does that tell you? Do not take any more vaccines!!
Its lizard dna and I don’t have the energy to cure everyone this time unless you send it, so yes do stop.
You should be scared or there’s too much stellar shock and the suicide rate is apocalyptic when you find out you were being raped by all kinds of things.
The Jan 6 guys I usually free by now and have as a hardened unit to keep the right from getting too depressed when the things it is proud of fall through in different ways.
What else can a knowledgeable and rational person expect from a vicious rigged leftist Joe Biden court ? That malicious left-wing court is an affront to genuine justice.
That politically correct leftist Judge who headed that rigged court even had let it slip out by admitting that he gave Joe Biggs that long sentence as a message and warning to other Conservatives that they should not engage in their First Amendment rights by speaking out publically of important subjects.
America under the Joe Biden regime is fast slipping towards tyranny.
As George Washington had, very wisely, declared, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.”
This Proud Boys leader. Joe Biggs,who have been sentenced to prison by the politically correct leftist corrupted Joe Biden rigged court is sign of a tyrannical government.
Such a PC court would never, ever, sentence any Marxist leaders of Antifa or Black Lives Matter to a long term in prison no matter what crimes they had committed.
As for this Proud Boys chief patriot who sentenced to prison, it should be remembered that the Bible reads “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated…” Hebrews 13:3. [K.K.J.V.]
There has been nowhere near enough publicity and outrage about the January 6th incident, nowhere near.
These people were held in solitary confinement for nearly two years WITHOUT TRIAL and hardly anyone said anything.
The freest nation in the world has political prisoners and show trials where minor infractions result in 16 YEARS in prison!
Hardly a word, if I ask almost anyone in the UK about January 6th they have no idea what I’m talking about.
Sadly, Jan 6th as event is a political puff piece for domestic and partisan purposes. But, I can’t help but think that in the minds of actual Americans there is a rising level of concern for the hurt done to our legal system by this joke made of – a riot. And that is the ‘best’ you can say about the Jan 6th event in the Capital building.
However – always keep in mind who you hang around with. Some of them have ‘friends’, and you may well not like them.
Yes Sir, Communism and tyranny rules through scare tactics and intimidation of the people and their freedoms, and using false intelligence to fool people.
Jan 6 was an FBI CiA NSA entrapment operation at the behest of Hussein and the democrats to further their illegal, unconstitutional election steal coup. They no longer respect the Bill of Rights so they are now the enemy of the people. And I do mean enemy.