Last January, Joe Biden claimed that the events of January 6, 2021 were the greatest threat to American democracy since the Civil War. That invites a look at what happened at the Capitol some 80 years after the Civil War.
On March 1, 1954, Puerto Rican nationalists Lolita Lebron, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero and Irvin Flores Rodrigues, took a train from New York City to Washington DC, arriving at Union Station shortly after noon. The four entered the House gallery alongside a class of sixth-grade students from Maryland.
That day, the representatives were debating an immigration bill. At approximately 2:32 p.m. the foursome yelled “Viva Puerto Rico libre!” and began firing with .38 caliber pistols.
Rep. Alvin M. Bentley, Michigan Republican, took a bullet to the chest. Iowa Republican Ben F. Jensen took a hit in the back and Clifford Davis (D-Tennessee) suffered a bullet wound in the leg. The gunfire also wounded Democrats George Hyde Fallon of Maryland and Kenneth A. Roberts of Alabama. Amid the chaos, members took quick action.
Congressmen and pages carried the wounded to safety, and one representative used his tie as a tourniquet. Rep James Van Zandt of Pennsylvania overpowered Rafael Miranda, who had fired most of the shots. Capitol visitors captured three of the shooters and a police search turned up Irvin Rodriguez.
The shooters were members of the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico (PNPR), which had attempted to assassinate President Harry Truman in 1950. On October 26, 1954, Judge Lawrence E. Walsh sentenced the four to more than 70 years in prison, a stretch they would never serve.
Andres Cordero died in 1979, and that year President Jimmy Carter commuted the sentences of Lebron, Miranda and Rodriguez. That drew a protest from Puerto Rico Gov. Carlos Romero Barcelo, who argued that the prisoners’ unconditional release would encourage terrorism and “constitute a menace to public safety.”
Carter also commuted the sentence of Oscar Collazo, who had taken part in the assassination attempt on President Truman, during which one of the president’s guards was killed. Collozo had been sentenced to death but in 1952 Truman commuted the sentence to life in prison.
The Puerto Ricans had not applied for clemency, claiming they were political prisoners. Baltasar Corrada, Puerto Rico’s nonvoting Representative in Congress, countered that the shooters were “jailed for their criminal conduct, not their political beliefs.”
The wounded all survived and continued their careers in Congress. Nearly 130 years after the Civil War, the Capitol would suffer another attack.
“Listen carefully, I’m only going to tell you this one time,” a caller from the “Armed Resistance Unit,” told the Capitol switchboard operator on November 7, 1983. “There is a bomb in the Capitol building. It will go off in five minutes. Evacuate the building.” A Senate document, “Bomb Explodes in Capitol,” describes what happened.
The caller warned that “a bomb had been placed near the chamber in retaliation for recent U.S. military involvement in Grenada and Lebanon.” At 10:58 p.m. “a thunderous explosion tore through the second floor of the Capitol’s north wing.” The device, hidden under a bench at the eastern end of the corridor outside the Senate chamber, “blew off the door to the office of Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd.
The blast also punched a hole in a wall partition sending a shower of pulverized brick, plaster, and glass into the Republican cloakroom.” The adjacent halls were virtually deserted, so “many lives had been spared.” The attackers later called National Public Radio and proclaimed, “Tonight we bombed the U.S. Capitol.”
Historian William Rosenau explains, the Armed Resistance Unit was part of the May 19th Communist Organization, named for the shared birthdays of Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh. The May 19th Communist Organization was the “the first and only women-created and women-led terrorist group,” with leaders including Judy Clark, daughter of high-level Communist Party officials, Marilyn Buck, and Susan Rosenburg.
Marilyn Buck attended UC Berkeley, joined Students for a Democratic Society, and later lent her services to the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Susan Rosenberg, daughter of progressive parents, saw herself as part of the struggle against U.S. imperialism.
At 29, Rosenberg made the FBI’s most wanted list as a suspect in the prison escape of Joanne Chesimard of the BLA. Rosenberg was also wanted for a 1981 Brinks robbery that claimed the lives of two police officers and a guard. In 1984, police caught Rosenberg with 12 guns, some 200 stolen sticks of dynamite, more than 100 sticks of DuPont Trovex explosives, and hundreds of fake identification documents.
In 1985 Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years, but through a plea deal escaped additional time for aiding and abetting a series of bombings at the U.S. Capitol, the National War College and New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent association. After 16 years in prison, the terrorist bomber caught a break.
On January 20, 2001, President Bill Clinton commuted Rosenberg’s sentence. That drew criticism from New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Charles Schumer, and officials such as Bernard Kerik. As the former New York police commissioner told Fox News, “I’m sure she would have killed every single one of us if she could have.”
Like the Puerto Rican shooters of 1954, Rosenberg claimed she had been imprisoned for her political beliefs. In 2011, she published An American Radical: Political Prisoner in My Own Country. The Capitol bomber went on to become vice-chair of Thousand Currents, fiscal sponsor of the Black Lives Matter Global Network.
In the summer of 2020, BLM teamed with Antifa on riots in more than 100 cities, with some 30 killed and more than $1 billion in damages. On January 6, 2021, by contrast, the only casualties were Trump supporters, including Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, shot dead by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd.
For Joe Biden, Jan. 6 was the greatest attack on democracy since the Civil War. He left out the shootings of 1954 and the bombing of 1983, which could easily have claimed his life. The Delaware Democrat had also forgotten another attempt on September 11, 2001.
That day al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners, including United Airlines Flight 93. According to The 9/11 Commission Report, the objective was to crash the airliner into the Capitol or the White House. The flight was 20 minutes from Washington when the terrorists were “defeated by the alerted, unarmed passengers of United 93.”
Caught a break because of “radical chic,” as Tom Wolfe called it.
Well, in a way it was the worst attack on the nation. Mostly because Biden’s handlers along with the Uniparty and the LE and intel community staged it.
And it worked. They finally overthrew the government after the century-long long march through the institutions.
And they only killed 3 patriots, lied about a 4th (officer Sicknick) in the process.
Of course I haven’t mentioned the 100s of other lives ruined as well. (Guess Nancy thought it was for a good cause. Mission accomplished, you grifting narcissistic bitchh.)
Thanks Lloyd, good history. I seem to remember there was also some trouble after WW1, with soldiers upset about not getting paid or something.
The “Bonus Army” or something.
With luxury of hind-sight, it would’ve been indeed a good idea to warn of the impending set-up.
But why warn?
NO ONE expected that festive tailgate party to turn violent.
Tea Party members never did riot. In fact, they’d leave the place cleaner than they found it (as opposed to the OWS bums that required HAZMAT teams to clean up after them.)
Trump didn’t give any warnings, because conservative patriots DON’T riot.
It wasn’t expected at all . . . except by Nancy Pelosi & other leftist trash that set it up.
They were attacked for half an hour before finally provoked into breaching the bike-rack barricades.
Yes. The main point was that ALL Tea Party & MAGA gatherings were ALWAYS well behaved, clean, cordial, and peaceful.
It’s their track record, and considering what DIDN’T happen on Jan 6th. – it still is. (There was zero arson, in spite of what BLM punk John Earle Sullivan was loudly advocating for, and in spite of being attacked UNPROVOKED for half an hour.
The technical name is Colour Revolution. Its worked well in the past, but it’s struggling here, with obstinate Patriots clinging to their perceived traditions and reverences. We may very need the proposed nuclear exchange to cow the locals into acceptance.
We may very well need…
He might have missed one … i have seen pictures of Black Panthers holding a shotgun in a Capital hallway some time in the late 60’s ?
The voter fraud is the main reason why all this happened.
“Jan 6: The Worst Attack on the Capitol Since the Civil War”?…Yeah, really. What kind of an attack and ‘insurrection’ has no guns or weapons of any kind???
This one simple fact should prove to one and all that this demonically inspired response to a non-event is truly a DEMONICALLY INSPIRED EVENT. Wake up folks. Just as Jan. 6 was a satanic trap, so biden is a satanic ‘trap’ himself. He and most of his admin are all deviants of one kind or another. and Kill Biden’s BAPHOMET display at Christmas proves it as well. WHO would put up a SATANIC SYMBOL but a satanic follower !! Wake up America.
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin. “The writing is on the wall and you are doomed”.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus…………<
Rev. Roy………..<
You Live In The Greatest Country That Has Ever Existed, and Will Ever Exist.
The name is derived from about a dozen Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Caucasian languages, each of which has the etymological root meaning “Kingdom of Heaven”
The democrat party has always been satanic. Half the xians follow within it, hence are satanic in mind along with the party. The 666 beast migrated into the U.S. in the early 19th century; but only after having transformed most politics in europe into the new unholy roman secular empire. The satanic seed that is slavery was at the very beginning, planted in America within the Virginia Colony . The righteous seed planted in the Plymouth Colony; still fully extant within the U.S., is the reason the satanic seed was planted to begin with. The satanic seed was always slavery, even in the distant past. Wherever slavery is, there also the divil dwells.
It shows the truism that leftists do not say things to represent the truth but rather to have a useful effect on hearers. Joe is just saying whatever he is told to. Probably his handlers have decided that a soft coup is safer for them and more effective than violent attacks on the system. And it seems to be working. They are getting the socialist Marxist USA they want.
Nancy Pelosi refused additional security on Jan. 6 because they wanted a riot and, worse, they wanted violence. That’s why Ray Epps was outside encouraging protestors to breach the Capitol. That’s why all the Democrats and the mainstream media and the President continue the same lie that up to four police were killed on that day even though we know that the only person killed on that day was an unarmed protester named Ashli Babbitt. By calling it a “violent insurrection” they unleashed the now proven corrupt FBI to go on their biggest nationwide manhunt in history and hunt for protestors who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6. Almost 2000 nationwide have been arrested and more than 950 already sentenced, mostly for trumped up trespassing charges or “walking around in an unauthorized area”. Another two dozen have been locked up unconstitutionally, without bail or due process, in a D.C. gulag for almost two years. All have had their lives ruined and because of that, two have committed suicide.
It’s simply disgusting that this administration invited the “riot” and then used it as a pretext to weaponize the entire Justice Department to hunt down and jail and prosecute and persecute members of the political opposition. That’s what’s done in third world dictatorships and what’s now being done in America.
Good points all around, but with a caveat.
Ashley Babbitt wasn’t the only one killed.
Kevin Greeson was the 1st casualty during the initial unprovoked attack by DC cops. His eye was slammed with a pellet, inducing a heart attack.
Rosanne Boyland was brutally beaten while unconscious. (Other patriots, including women, were also viciously accosted – it just didn’t kill them)
When “last January, Joe Biden claimed that the events of January 6, 2021 were the greatest threat to American democracy since the Civil War.” Biden was once again exposing himself to be either a deliberate liar or on the other hand he revealed that he very ignorant of American history , maybe he said that because he’s feeble -minded.
To be clear during the civil war what those Southern States Confederacy was an armed insurrection .
In great contrast the American patriots at Washington DC were unarmed and had no intention of overthrowing the US government
Wow ! Biden is really a speaker of false statement of complete balderdash. So much so that if he tells someone that “It’s raining outside.” That person would be wise to first look out of the window before believing that lying creepy old Joe.
You’re being a little harsh on that grifting retard.
Afterall; he organized civil rights marches from black churches, and got arrested for nobley trying to visit socialist Nelson Mandela.
He even confronted gangsta CornPop, and put the hammer down on an 18 wheeler.
C’mon, man! He’s called “Lunch bucket Joe” for a reason!
Come on, Man! They were PARADING! Without a permit! Send them to the gulags!!!
We need to build a prison way up in the Mountains only accessible by Helicopter to send Clinton, Obamas and Biden and their entire cabinets for lifetime stay
And the brave people on flight 93 were desecrated by the monument built to include the cowardly islamic terrorists and it points towards mecca
The crescent of betrayal.
Joe Biden is an outright liar. Biden blatantly lied along with and his Marxist comrades about the place and time of the death the police officer.
For Biden is a perpetual liar, he most always lies . For example , Biden called that patriot rally on January 6, 2021 at Washington DC. “A deadly insurrection.”
As for “deadly”, the only people who died that day were American patriots, as Ashi Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland. Neither is an insurrection, the patriots didn’t try to overthrow the US government and they no firearms on them.
Therefore, what Biden slanderously said statement that about those patriots, he lied again For Joe Biden has been lying for decades, So much so that we may be sure the he is a pathological liar and likewise being chronic liar is now part of his despicable character.
It might even be that with Biden’s fragile mental haze and he’s so self -deluded that he might really believe some of his own lies.
America surely doesn’t need anyone sitting in the Oval Office of the White House who has no concept of reality or grip on reality.
Joe Biden likes to say he is a good Catholic, if so, he should know better than to; “bear false witness.”
The Christmas Day bombing in Nashville Tennessee… blew up the computers that kept the records of the Election…
Obviously a loose end they had to get rid of…