Suppose there were a domestic terrorism group that had attacked and threatened multiple religious institutions and you never heard about it because the administration and the media were covering it up?
It’s not a hypothetical.
The attacks began in May 2022. And they’re still going on with no arrests and no action by the Biden administration. The same administration that sent FBI SWAT teams after non-violent protesters engaged in civil disobedience at abortion clinics, in violation of the First Amendment, has yet to do anything about the wave of attacks by Jane’s Revenge, a pro-abortion domestic terror group.
Barring Black Lives Matter, it’s hard to think of another example of domestic terrorism by a group that knows it has nothing to fear, despite being caught on camera, because it’s being protected by the authorities.
This has been going on since May. It’s now December.
Another Omaha church was threatened with a note Saturday.
The second note was found at Christ Community Church on 108th Avenue.
According to Christ Community Church, the letter lobbied threats against the lead minister and claimed to be from the group Jane’s Revenge.
Saturday morning a Catholic student center was also threatened with a similar note. The Archdiocese of Omaha said the note was found on the door of the St. John Paul II Newman Center.
One of these notes appears to say, “If our right to abortion in Bellevue is taken away due to the attempt to pass an abortion ban and it gets passed we will shoot up your Newman center.”
The note is handwritten. This is the umpteenth clue to an ongoing domestic terror campaign where the Biden administration’s DOJ refuses to arrest anyone because it supports the terrorists.
Clever leftist name. Obviously a front for someone or something.
But catch these domestic terrorists in the act, and leave them beaten to a pulp and hog tied for the authorities, with their note threatening mass murder pinned to one of their chests and the FBI will track down and arrest a suspect in less than a month.
This is the politicized judicial system dems always talked about but didn’t actually exist until they created it
“The authorities” will then do their level best to find out who beat the miscreants to a pulp. That is how it works. “The authorities” proved who they were countless times during the BLM / Antifa riots. They follow orders.
The America we think we have is gone, maybe forever. The Democrat party is an organization similar to the mafia. I’m sure a sizable section of the Trillions our government spends and borrows is flowing to the the super rich and criminal organizations. With most of our government on the side of criminal enterprises, it’s only a matter of time before America collapses.
I think one of the primary purposes of the Ukraine war is to take our tax dollars and send them to jihadists, Iran, and criminal orgs all the while telling us that the billion$ are going to help Ukraine.
Democrat Party? Democrat Cartel you mean.
Who are they? Let’s find out their names and expose them. Let’s not be on the defense all the time. Some offense would be fantastic.
Somebody with a whole lot of money and an anti-terrorist streak might want to hire a serious private investigation firm to find out just who these people are. Then if authorities continue to look the other way, perhaps some “extra-legal” means might be brought to bear. You don’t have to be anti-abortion to see these terrorists as a serious threat to our society.
May the DOJ and FBI bear the wrath of Montezuma’s Revenge!!!