Moderate Muslim Raheel Raza published a heartwarming story in Canada’s National Post Monday, entitled “I’m a Muslim and I love Israel. Here’s why.” In it, she notes that “every moment of my first trip to the Jewish state was an awakening about the misinformation I had been fed.” Raza tells numerous stories about the kindness shown to her by Jews and Israelis, and in this torn and weary world, that is heartwarming indeed. In the course of her lengthy article, however, she writes: “
Hate is a terrible ideology, and it feeds antisemitism, which is rampant in some parts of the Muslim world. Much of this is based on ignorance of facts and misinterpretation of the faith.”
Unfortunately, this is not only false but likely to foster a dangerous complacency in the face of a genuine threat.
This is because, much as Islamic spokesmen in the West deny the fact, hatred of Jews is deeply embedded in Islam’s holy texts. There is a strong native strain of anti-Semitism in Islam, rooted in the Qur’an. The Qur’an puts forward a clear, consistent image of the Jews: they are scheming, treacherous liars and the most dangerous enemies of the Muslims.
The Qur’an presents Muhammad as the last and greatest in the line of Biblical prophets, preaching a message identical to theirs. The identical character of their messages may seem odd to those who know very well that the Qur’an’s contents are quite different in character from those of the Bible, but the Qur’an has an ingenious explanation for this: the original message of all the Biblical prophets was Islam, and they were all Muslims. Only later did their followers corrupt their messages to create Judaism and Christianity.
Consequently, in the Qur’an, Abraham is not a Jew or a Christian, but a Muslim (3:67); his message was identical to Muhammad’s. The Islamic claim is that the authentic Torah actually commands Jews to follow Muhammad and recognize his prophecy. Those who refuse to accept Muhammad as a prophet are, in the Muslim view, rejecting both Moses and the prophecies of the Torah. It is no surprise, then, that in the Qur’an both David and Jesus curse the disbelieving Jews for their disobedience (5:78).
Yet of course, Torah-observant Jews did not and do not accept Muhammad as a prophet, and this, according to Islamic tradition, enraged the prophet of Islam during his lifetime. According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad initially appealed energetically to the Jews, hoping they would accept his prophetic status. He even had the Muslims imitate the Jews by facing Jerusalem for prayers, and he adopted for the Muslims the Jews’ prohibition of pork. But he was infuriated when the Jews rejected him, and Allah shared his fury in Qur’anic revelation: “And when a messenger from Allah comes to them, confirming what is with them, a faction of those who have received the book cast the book of Allah behind their backs, as if they did not know.” (2:101).
Muslims should not get close to such people: “O you who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends of one another. He among you who takes them for friends is of them. Indeed, Allah does not guide wrongdoing people” (5:51). It would hardly be appropriate for Muslims to act peaceably toward the Jews when the Jews, according to the Qur’an, are prone to war — especially against Muslims. Whenever the Jews “light a fire for war,” says the Qur’an, “Allah extinguishes it” (5:64).
In light of all this (and there is much more), an informed and committed Muslim believer will look at the Jews, and in particular at Zionism and the State of Israel, and not see a struggle over land or boundaries that can be solved through negotiations if a sufficient amount of goodwill exists on both sides. Such a believer is much more likely to see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an eschatological struggle against the great spiritual enemies of the Muslims, as the Jews are designated in the Qur’an: “You will find the Jews and the idolaters the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe.” (5:82)
There can be no negotiated settlement, and no peace, with these treacherous, untrustworthy, mendacious enemies. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is, in short, what no policymaker, no negotiator, no one who has ever been involved with the Middle East “peace process” has ever admitted it to be: a religious war. It is wonderful that Raheel Raza has had positive experiences in Israel. But none of those experiences will end the implacable and Qur’an-based Islamic hostility toward Jews.
The Koran is replete with anti Semitism
Yes you are right, Hitler admired the Koran, these are his feeling, Quote,”Hitler concluded, “It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”
Moderate Muslim Raheel Raza published a heartwarming story in Canada’s National Post Monday, entitled “I’m a Muslim and I love Israel. Here’s why.”
I hope she has Jewish or Christian security surrounding her.
Bridgette Gabriel had a similar experience living in Lebanon as a Christian. Only the New Testament was taught, while the Old testament was discarded. She was taught from childhood the Jews were evil. Israel is evil. As the Muslims went from being a minority in Lebanon, where they were all for inclusion and tolerance, once they became the majority no longer did inclusion and tolerance matter. Christians slowly started to be discriminated against.
It wasn’t until Gabriel had to get her dying father to an Israeli hospital did she experience the warmth and compassion of Jews and Israel. She soon came to realize everything she was ever taught about Israel and Jews was a lie.
Unfortunately, she is the exception and not the rule.
Mr. Spencer’s acute analysis always speaks for truth and facts. I offer my sincere gratitude for his boldness and candidness, and his commitments to the historical truths through relating the original ideas from the Islamic Scriptures to the contemporary attitudes and actions of Islamic terrorists.
Thanks a lot
If Ms Raza was to denounce islam and leave that Fascist Religious Cult then I would listen to anything she says or writes but her protecting of islam makes me wonder which parts of that hateful book does she embrace.
There is no moderate islam, there is no radical islam, there is only islam… Prime Minister of Turkey..
The moderate muslim will hold the feet of the infidel while the radical muslim cuts off his head.
All in the name of diversity.
Inquiring minds want to know.
The roots of this awful Muslim murderous hostility towards the Jewish people is the result of a firm but blind and unquestioning Muslim faith in the Qu ‘ran. Which instructs in violence and killing for the cause of Islam. As found in, for example, 4: 89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4.
In other words the Koran inspires and causes such hideous violence. Furthermore, another role the Koran has in such deadly Islamic terror attacks in the Jewish nation of Israel is that the Koran contains many negative about the Jewish people.
The reason that the Koran reads as it does have much to do with the history of the founder and prophet of Islam, who is Muhammad. This is for a specific time period of his life Muhammad lived among many Jewish people and he liked them at first.
Later then they would not accept his claim of being of prophet, Muhammad then took is dislike to them that then turned into bitterness and even hate for them. So in the hate and bitterness he spoke many derogatory things about the as even referring to them as “apes and swine.” Such word of bitterness and hate, along with other thing he said, where written down on things and then later after his death those words were together and then eventually, in time went in the composition of the Qu ‘ran.
Therefore, that why the Koran reads and in does about the Jewish people, as in calling them descendants of “apes and swine.” As seen in the Qu ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60.
It needs to be made known that those jihadist’s terror/ murder organizations Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Islamic Jihad and of other Islamic terrorist’s entities, which are stooge jihad terror ,tools of Iran are fated to fail in their goal of destroying the Jewish State of Israel and replacing her with an Islamic “state.”
The reasons why is because those Muslim terror/murder organizations are all overruled by God This is so is because according to the Bible the Jews have all the land that now makes up the State of Israel ,including the West Bank by Divine Right. As found in Genesis 28:13-15. 35:10-12. Deuteronomy 32:48,49. Psalm 105: 7-11. 135: 4.
As the Bible in Psalm 135:4 reads “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for His special treasure.” [N.K.J.V.]
Furthermore, the Jews should have all this land by historic rights. As seen in First Kings 4; 20,21,24,25. 8:55, 56.
Well, all Muslims, as least most all Muslims say that they “respect the Bible”. So if they reject all the different parts of the Bible that instructs that the land becomes not to Muslims but to the Jewish people then that claim of “respecting the Bible Is just empty lip service if they only “respect” the parts of the Bible that suite them.
Robert; How to explain the acceptance of Jews/Israel in muslim majority Azerbaijan? is it their secularity? Relatedly, how o explain muslim majority Albania successfully sheltering Jews from Nazi’s in WWII – does a cultural trait like Besa trump muslim law? Or does secularity explain that also? My understanding is that there is not direct term such as secular in islam – yet – Egypt, Turkey, Iran used to be “secular” – and now are somewhere between religiously muslim to fanatical – meaning that Azerbaijan could one day flip. I guess I answered my own question there – but would appreciate your comments.