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Editor’s note: Since the barbaric Hamas attacks against Israel on October 7th, American universities have become an undeniable locus of Jew hatred within our nation. Much attention has deservedly been paid to the radical campus groups like Students for Justice in Palestine who call for the genocide of the Jews and cheer the terrorists of Hamas. What has received less attention—but should in fact rank as the universities’ worst offense—is the Jew hatred promoted by official departments and institutes of the universities themselves. In the case of our campuses, Jew hatred is “the call coming from inside the house.”
The Freedom Center is exposing these academic institutes and programs as “The Top Ten Jew-Hating Academic Departments” in a new report. We will be publishing one school per day as a series on Frontpage. Northwestern University’s Asian American Studies Program came in at #10 on our list.
The Asian American Studies Program at Northwestern University has repeatedly used university resources and official communications channels to promote Jew hatred and condone Hamas’s actions against Israel and its Jewish citizens.
Roughly a week after the barbaric October 7th Hamas massacre of over 1200 Israeli civilians, the Asian American Studies Program (AASP) published a statement on the official department website and reproduced it on the official department Instagram page. Rather than condemning Hamas’s brutality and the innocent loss of Jewish lives in Israel, AASP instead decried “Islamophobia” on campus and chastised the Northwestern University administration for their “silence at the loss of life in Palestine.”
The statement blatantly whitewashed the atrocious actions of Hamas, claiming that “On October 7, 2023, Hamas, the political group that has controlled Gaza since 2006, attacked Israel. Israel subsequently declared war, marking the latest in a long line of armed struggles between the two nations since their formation in 1947-48.” No mention was made of the sheer brutality of Hamas’s actions—raping women, slaughtering children, mutilating civilians both before and after death. In fact, AASP mocked reports that Hamas beheaded babies as “baseless claims [that] are meant to incite hate against Palestine and equate supporting Palestinian civilians with antisemitism.”
Showing almost no concern for the Israeli victims of October 7th, and the citizens of Israel threatened by Hamas’s intended genocide, AASP instead chose to demonize and delegitimize the world’s only Jewish state, referring to Gaza as the “Occupied Palestinian Territories” and blaming the “civilian death toll” in Gaza solely on Israel—rather than on Hamas who started the war by attacking civilians and taking hostages and who then used Palestinian civilians as human shields.
The Asian American Studies Program also critiqued the “visible Islamophobia expressed in pro-Israel posters on NU’s campus falsely claiming that ‘Hamas is ISIS.’” Notably, the Program did not explain why they felt that comparison to be inaccurate or Islamophobic. Both organizations are Islamist terrorist groups known for their brutal treatment of women and ethnic minorities. The comparison seems apt.
Lest the message of support for Hamas and its aims was not clear enough, the Program statement went on to clarify that “The Asian American Studies program stands in solidarity with Palestinians, Arab Americans, the SWANA diaspora, and victims of Islamophobia worldwide.”
“As Ethnic Studies scholars, we are pro-Palestine and against antisemitism because we understand that all systems of oppression reinforce one another, and none can be fought in isolation,” continued the statement. “Islamophobia and antisemitism must both be eradicated if we are to live without violence. We offer our program as a haven for those who support or are Palestinian Americans, Arab Americans, SWANA diaspora, and anyone experiencing Islamophobia at NU who seeks a safe space.”
It is notable that the statement condemns both Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, but offers only those experiencing Islamophobia or those of Palestinian or Arab origin, a “haven” and a “safe space” within their program. No Jews need apply.
The Asian American Studies Program has also promoted Jew hatred by partnering with the Hamas-funded campus hate group Students for Justice in Palestine to hold a “Teach-In About Palestine” on campus. Held on November 7, just a month after Hamas’s massacre of Israeli civilians, the event description claimed it would concern “Palestinian liberation and building solidarity with other liberation movements, and what action we can take to support Palestine in this moment.” Northwestern University’s chapter of SJP proudly declares the genocidal slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free” on its social media accounts and demands “The complete Northwestern boycott, divestment, and sanctioning of Israel’s apartheid and genocide,” thus demonizing and delegitimizing the Jewish state.
That the Asian American Studies Program saw fit to partner with an organization clearly known for its promotion of Hamas and its anti-Semitic rhetoric illustrates the lack of academic standards and rampant Jew hatred promoted by the Program. It is abundantly deserving of its place on the list of the worst Jew-hating academic departments.
I would like to see t hose Hate has jo Place Here all all those Campuses against Hamas anti Semite goons
President Eisenhauer sent out the federal troops/military to protect blacks being harassed and attacked when they tried to go to school and University in some southern states.
How come Biden and the democrats do not send federal troops to protect Jews being harassed and attacked and threated and intimidated at Columbia University, New York University, Harvard University, etc.etc.etc. ?
No difference …. It is the same thing …. only worse now.
Biden is a criminal president of America.
Psychopathic Biden’s depraved anti-Jewish and anti-US citizen policies are deliberately and specifically tailored and manufactured to stab in the back Jews and US citizens.
Any idiot can see that.
There are even Jewish professors barred from their campuses by their schools’ administrators.
From The Toilet To The Plate!
Eating Shit Is The Muslim’s Fate!
I was going to say that this statement was nonsense however….
“ and victims of Islamophobia worldwide.”
Not that there’s any real victims in your comment I don’t think it’s going to help sorry.
can I borrow this?
From The Toilet To The Plate!
Eating Shit Is The Muslim’s Fate!
That’s weird. Since when have “Asians” supported jihad? Are they using the term “Asian” the way it’s used in the UK?
Asian-American is a gloss in and of itself. Are Japanese Americans to be proud of what the Japs did to the Chinese during the Rape Of Nanking? Are Chinese Americans to simply forgive and overlook?
It is as extreme as placing Jewish Americans and German Americans under the catch-all of “European-Americans” would be.
I say divide and conquer these Asian-American bastards. Single out the ones with mixed Japanese/Chinese parentage and ask them if their mothers wer raped by their fathers, or were their mothers camp-followers begging to get laid by studly Jap men? I say be rude about about it; butthole them until they sweat and cry. I am Jewish and proud and not ashamed to admit I hate these people’s guts, so make sport of the genocide THEY suffered at each other’s hands. The Rape Of Nanking was no joke……so let’s treat it like one. ~ Were the Chinese 12-year-olds, for example, tight enough to satisfy the puny Jap men??? I WANT TO KNOW!! ~~ It is all so very funny to a proud and angry Jew like me ~~
While my main reply awaits moderation, I wish t point out a typo…. I posted “butthole” when I meant to type ” buttonhole”. I am not gay, but I suppose that could be a possible Freudian slip nonetheless.
While posts await moderation, I wish it were possible to edit typoes.
it’s the dumb youth of today – not all the youth – just those who were coddled and spoiled in childhood – got grades good enough to have mom and dad send them to college – and it’s the commie educators and curriculum makers. Reality is different than the bubble they live in. These muddafukkaz will find it very awkward in the real world and their actions, like any karma, will come back to bite them in their ill taught lives!
Karma is often a long time coming. This is a problem in itself.
Remember, the muslim kitty litter countries are mainly in Asia, that makes the fakestinians et al “Asians”.
Of course, in the UK, when the term “Asian” is used by the media or authorities it actually means “Pakistani” and is used to whitewash the behaviour by the Pakistani invasion community which in the main consists of bludging on social security and gang raping white girls.
Apparently the professors of the Asian American Studies Program at Northwestern U are typical woke weirdos who think Israel is an oppressor and jihadis are oppressed. I checked its own whacko website.
Four are of east Asian descent, two Filipino, two Indian and the only male is a white feeb. Most of their courses are pure nonsense.
Their “OPEN LETTER TO NU LEADERSHIP ON ISLAMOPHOBIA” reads as though it were written by CAIR. Just the usual lies about rampant “islamophobia” in America, Israelis persecuting and mass murdering “innocent” Paleosmians, blockading them, withholding utilities, driving them off their land, blah blah. You know, the usual bullshit from Hamas, the PA and the CAIR and “Students for Justice in Palestine” websites.
They even claim Hamas is a nation! Usually the lie is that fictional Palestine is a nation but they prefer the jihadi terrorists. That reminds me of white lefties and black supremacists going straight from calling all whites racists to now white supremacists.
It even featured a story about a “Palestinian American” six year old boy stabbed to death because he was a moslem, even though he was killed by another moslem, as is always the case in America.
Woke weirdos.
I imagine a large percentage of funds is coming from the Chi-Coms. Or Soros. Or, worse, blind self-gassing liberals.
China reportedly spends between 20 and 30 billion a year to buy American colleges and universities. They’re all on the take, Beijing Biden style.
They’re all used to promote hatred against other groups and people, and TO RECRUIT PROTESTERS that promote THE DEMOCRAT AGENDA!
Women’s Studies? What’s that? In one semester, you be turned into an LGBTQ-WXYZ and even a Gay, then you’ll switch degrees forgetting your lifelong dream, and your Parents Dream.
Peace Studies? At UNM, they organize protests using professor work time, computers, phones, A PRINTERS! They are all radicals supporters starting with OWS, then BLM, now HAMAS! (I met their professor/leader at a protest and said I was an expert on Peace Groups. He took my card and wanted me to give a lecture on them. I mentioned, The World Peace Council run by the KGB, the U.S. Peace Council run by the Communist Party USA, and the NM Peace Council run by the NM Marxist Educators for Socialist Action. He started to walk away: “Isn’t that PEACE STUDIES?” No lecture, Jamaal Martin, a Black Supremacist too, gave a rowdy hateful speech during BLM at the Peace and Justice Center, along with Mayor Keller, whose wife studied in Cuba and Nicaragua, and Samia Assed, the Linda Sousour of NM, and then they marched downtown to trash it with the Commie Mayor giving stand down orders to APD!)
NOT SURPRISED WITH ASIAN STUDIES…. but again, it’s the professors, and administration, covering all races.
TRANSGENDER STUDIES? WHITENESS STUDIES? Chicano Studies/LA RAZA/AZTLAN, wants the SW back to Mexico. Yes, at UNM.
Material submitted in support of Northwestern’s application for admission to the Ivy Lesgue.
When we protested the vietnam war in the 1960’s to early ’70’s and civil rights – that was a prolonged war by profiteers – nonetheless we saved those asians from communist red china as it was called then. Asian American students could be living in China. They were not and are not being taught real values. Only hate, lies and false views that do not and will not serve them in life! Sen Joseph McCarthy was right about one thing, the communist infiltration influence from Russia and China is a cancer in USA to destroy it from within!
Islam has NO redeeming quality…a peaceful Muslim is a coer for the vicious ones…who really believe.
Most terrible wars end, but Islam has been in the war business for 1400 years and they are only beginning! They want the whole world and trample us all for that goal…Islamophobia? I WONDER WHY?
“Nitasha Sharma’s research interests include Black Pacific, Comparative Race Studies, Hawai‘i, Asian and Black Relations” The book this nincompoop Sharma wrote about blacks in Hawaii is misleading at best. Prior to 1985 you rarely saw a black in Hawaii in your daily life. But, they’ve discovered it and true to form brought all their bad habits with them. all you have to do is check out the Honolulu Police Dep’t. website for “Arrest Logs” where they are greatly over represented. The lack of scholarship is shameful.
Strange that Ive yet to hear about a European American Studies Program, however we have Arab American, Asian American, African American etc etc etc…
When I, as a European American , hear about all these people having their own special programs I feel offended and must run off to my safe space so i can cry myself into self righteousness.
Northwestern University is not the only University in Illinois with an islamo Nazi Asian studies program. Here is the lead paragraph of the department of Asian studies of the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign, flagship campus):
“The Department of Asian American Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign condemns the ongoing seventy-three years of settler colonial violence against Palestine and the Palestinian people.”
73 years of course goes back to 1948, when Israel had been recognized by the UN and then was attacked without provocation by the entire Arab world. At taxpayer expense, the Department was. disseminating Orwellian lies as a blood libel against the Jews of Israel.
But there’s more in the blood libel sheet:
“As a department focused on the critical study of settler colonialism, racism, and empire, we condemn Israel’s ongoing settler colonialism of Palestine and brutal militarized violence on the Palestinian people.”
“We condemn the exploitation, theft, and colonization of land and labor everywhere, including in Palestine. To this we say no more.
We take our lead from the steadfastness of the Palestinian people who continue to fight for the integrity of their land and people with enormous bravery, courage, and resistance. At the same time, we know painfully well that they should not have to continue to pay with their lives and land. Again, we say no more.”
This mendacious filth emanated from a downstate University in America’s heartland (but also the bluest state in America, with complete Democratic control accepts for a few Republican State offices in agricultural areas.)
Illinois will vote for Biden, but hopefully his candidacy will receive it s coup de grace in riots at the DNC in August.
I’ve been to Urbana- Champaign several times. They’re nice cites except for the university. There were lots of islamopithecines there, even twenty years ago. All taking engineering courses. It’s not hard to figure out why.