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The coming week marks five years since the murder of Pamela Waechter. Who? If the name doesn’t ring a bell, here’s a brief reminder: She was shot in the head by Naveed Afzal Haq, as she tried to crawl down a flight of stairs and escape, after Haq shot her in the chest.
Still not jogging your memory? How about this: Waechter was the 58-year-old director of the annual campaign of the Jewish Federation of Seattle. Sometime around 4 PM, on July 28, 2006, Naveed Afzal Haq grabbed a 14-year-old girl and thrust a gun in her back. He used her to gain entry to the Federation, and then rampaged through the building, shooting six women – Layla Bush, Christina Rexroad, Cheryl Stumbo, Dayna Klein (who was five months pregnant), Carol Goldman, and, fatally, Pamela Waechter. Tammy Kaiser jumped from a second-story window to escape, and was hospitalized with injuries.
What was Haq’s motive? Well, here’s an interesting clue: As he stormed through the halls, shooting and killing, he shouted, “I’m a Muslim-American! I’m angry at Israel!”
Quite a dramatic story, no? And yet it’s not a story anybody wants to tell. Grab the average leftist on the street – or, certainly, on campus – and ask him about Rachel Corrie, the anti-Israel activist accidentally run over by an Israeli bulldozer. I bet he knows Corrie’s story by heart; after all, our cultural grandees never stop pushing it as a “teaching moment” about Israeli brutality.
Likewise, gay activists turned the murder of Matthew Shepard into a universal “teaching moment” about America’s homophobia and crimes against gays, and the urgent need for sensitivity training in schools.
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