Saipov’s attorneys argued, apparently with a clear conscience, that “in the days and weeks immediately following the truck attack, then-President Trump persistently demanded that Mr. Saipov face the death penalty based on nothing more than an intemperate assessment of his crime and his identity as an Uzbek Muslim immigrant who was a diversity visa lottery winner — an aspect of United States immigration policy that was long the focus of the Trump Administration’s ire.”
The poor victim of all this racism and “Islamophobia,” meanwhile, was likely indifferent to all the wrangling. At a pre-trial hearing back in 2018, Saipov said, “The judgments that are made here are not important for me. They are not Allah’s judgments. The Islamic State, in order to impose sharia (Islamic law) on Earth, is leading a war.” He added that this war was not being waged to gain territory or economic power, but in order to “impose Sharia on earth.”
According to prosecutor Alexander Li, Saipov “told the FBI agents how he planned and practiced his attack. He told them that his goal was to kill as many people as possible. He told them that the leader of ISIS had called for attacks and the defendant responded.” Even worse, Saipov “smiled at the memory of his attack during an interview with federal agents in the hospital, Li said. He also asked to display an ISIS flag in his hospital room at the time, according to the prosecutor.”
Clearly, this is a guy whom American taxpayers should support for a lifetime of prison dawah (that is, proselytizing for Islam) because of Donald Trump. Is there no end to the Orange Man’s enormities?
Joe Biden says
If he sends a check to Hunter this will all go away and more UFOs will distract the media, no problem.
David Ray says
This POS should have his head spiked on a pole outside of Gitmo – along with hundreds of other jihadists that attack America.
I’m just curious if this jihadist scum has a court appointed lawyer, of if the sleaze-bag defending him rushed in to do it pro bono?
Chief Mac says
Include everybody in the TaliBiden terrorist regime
Norma Stefanciosa says
Throw in his defense attorneys too.
Dr2xFour says
Islam the religion of pieces.
BLSinSC says
How many on LEFT are in favor of the DEATH PENALTY for the Jan 6th SIGHT SEERS?? OH wait, a few of them have ALREADY gotten the DEATH PENALTY! One of the reasons I supported and STILL support PRESIDENT TRUMP is his COMMON SENSE! The ONLY thing that those terrorists understand is POWER! PRESIDENT TRUMP showed them that he would USE OUR POWER to DESTROY THEM! And look at this scum’s “defense” – he MURDERED EIGHT PEOPLE and he’s “brown muslim”! He should be shackled and placed at the exit of one of those NY Toll Booths and then left there to be reduced to NOTHING but a GREASE SPOT!!
Spurwing Plover says
So why do they allow this monster to keep on living while their victims rot away in their graves you can always count on those M.S. Media bottom feeders to ignore the victims while concentrating their sympathy for criminal’s
Tex the Mockingbird says
Make the Open Borders and No Human is illegal Nit-Wits pay for his upkeep
TruthLaser says
The 5th and 8th Amendments have no value in the defense in this case. Equal protection of the law (14A) should be evaluated to apply to the victims.