One of the worst atrocities committed by Azerbaijan against Armenia during the former’s raid last week concerns the rape, savage mutilation, and slaughter of a woman who served in the Armenian forces.
In the words of Army Chief of Staff Edward Asryan, speaking last Friday at Jermuk, one of the sites heavily shelled by Azerbaijan:
They committed atrocities in our combat positions against our servicemen, including women soldiers. I cannot find words to describe how they dismembered a female soldier, cut off her legs, fingers and stripped her naked. This is unheard of cruelty.
A video of these atrocities, apparently made by the Azeri soldiers themselves, which was emailed to me, shows piles of mutilated and decapitated Armenian soldiers, including the woman in question. She appears naked, with both of her arms and legs cut off. One of her eyes is clearly gouged out. A severed finger appears sticking out of her mouth, and another appears to be sticking out of her private parts.
It is a truly disturbing if not diabolical image. The Azeri soldiers videotaping their handiwork, which included several other mutilated and beheaded Armenian men, can be heard laughing and joking in the background.
The murdered woman was identified as “Anush Apetyan, 36, a mother of three children [who] was reportedly captured alive in Jermuk and then raped, tortured and dismembered by Azerbaijani soldiers.”
The severing of this woman’s fingers is a telltale sign that jihadist motives were behind the mutilation.
After all, Islamic scriptures are full of calls to terrorize, mutilate, and massacre infidels (non-Muslims). After declaring “I will cast terror into the hearts of infidels,” Allah calls on Muslims to “strike off their heads and strike off their every fingertip” (Koran 8:12). Similarly, “It is not for a prophet to have captives [of war] until he inflicts a massacre in the land” (Koran 8:67). Other penalties for infidels who “spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides…” (Koran 5:33).
It is also worth noting that the ancestors of modern day Turkey and Azerbaijan—especially the Ottomans, whom they venerate and seek to emulate—heavily relied on such psychological warfare tactics in the context of their prophet Muhammad’s well-known boast: “I have been made victorious with terror”—which included atrocities just like this.
Nor is the recent mutilations of this Armenian mother and her comrades an aberrant war crime. It has been on display since war first broke out between the two nations in late 2020. For example, Azeri soldiers “tortured beyond recognition” a mentally disabled Armenian woman by sadistically hacking off her ears, hands, and feet, before finally executing her.
Similarly, video footage showed camouflaged soldiers overpowering and forcing down an elderly Armenian man, who cries and implores them for mercy, as they casually try to carve at his throat with a knife.
Meanwhile, back in the West—where full and self-sacrificial support for Ukraine is deemed a “sacrament” of sorts—few if any media and politicians are saying a word about these ongoing atrocities against the Armenians.
Justin Time says
Every al lah worshipping maggot needs to be buried alive wrapped in a pigskin blanket and pig entrails!
Gordon Duax says
This is the TRUTH!
And the world still treats that turd world country like it’s civilized.
Just look at the FIA (world motor sport governing body) holding Formula-1 races there.
maxime says
yeah let’s commit more murder by killing pigs just to realise your fantasy. Why must there always be more and more and more violence? Let’s choose less violence for once. These sickos should obviously be killed though as they are beyond repair
Betsy says
Dear commentors, listen to yourselves.
jvr says
Re-read the article.
richard johnston says
9-11: Never Forget!
Nonya Ziomz says
Go over there. Your mind will change you stupid woman.
David Ray says
Her epiphany would be short lived.
Women who make idiotic “feel good” overtures always find their foolish gesture encountering a buzz-saw. Two decades ago an Italian woman wore a wedding dress & trekked into muslim palestine to show her “union” with the religion of peace.
Her body was found gang raped & with her throat slit.
THX 1138 says
You need to read Daniel Greenfield’s excellent article “HOW AMERICAN SOLDIERS USED PIG’S BLOOD AND CORPSES TO FIGHT MUSLIM TERRORISM”.
Dani says
You must be a professional useful idiot.
Pamela says
Your comment is a perfect example of why women should NEVER EVER EVER be in charge of a country or an army. EVER!!!
LionelMandrake says
Idiot Joe should send some tactical nukes to Armenia.
THX 1138 says
No, nuke Mecca. Show the Muslim that Allah is an impotent god unable or unwilling to protect his most sacred and holy site on earth. Once Mecca is gone the Muslim conviction of a Muslim Manifest Destiny granted to him by an omnipotent, omniscient, Almighty Supernatural Mystical Creator , will be crushed.
The nuclear demonstration of an impotent Allah would destroy Islam.
Big words from a swindling Jew collecting perpetual refunds from the Auschwitz summer camp.
Nobodi says
C…..I……A……, Remember how none of this crap seemed to be happening while the bad orange man was in office? But it was always going on before, and now here we go again. Our government is more evil than even these savages.
Ben says
Are you kidding me? Trump green lighted Erdogan’s 2019 invasion of Kurdish-held parts of Syria, including Serekaniye (Ras al Ayn), killing and displacing largely secular Kurdish cities with large numbers of Assyrian and Armenian Christians. The Green man was kind to Erdogan.
Say no to teabaggers says
If Azerbaijan and Armenia had stayed part of the socialist states this would not have happened.
Somebody says
I agree with NOBODI.. This is probably the CIA.. We should disband the CIA immediately. Clearly they are not solving crimes, or gathering intelligence for any good purpose.. Their purpose seems to control the world thru nefarious means.
Taxed says
Same as Ukrainians killing Russian speakers. Maybe Biden will send billions aid to Azerbaijan.
Buck Fiden says
More like Russians torturing and dragging thousands of Ukrainians into Russian slave labor camps.
Pippa says
While we can all agree that Putin is an evil man, the Ukrainians were slaughtering Russian speakers in their country for years before Putin invaded. They are not innocent in this and, indeed, played a big role in provoking it. That said, I’m not sure we can fully understand what the elite are doing and who is playing on what team, given the way Putin’s actions seem to be serving broader globalist objectives.
DSS says
All muslims are jihadists and the best jihadist is a dirt napped jihadist
No One says
The Middle Eastern War: this war in the middle east has been a constant since the beginning of Islam, it is nothing new however it has been kept quiet by the media and world leaders for the most part. This war is based on religious beliefs held by each sect of Islam, the jihadist are violent and destructive of people, a nations history in order to have the Islam that Mohammed created with the Koran. Islam the word actually means submission, in the Koran and sharia law… if you do not submit you die and that is how these jihadist are justify their movement.
Juan Lago says
Azerbaijan and Armenia are in Central Asia, not the Middle East. This the standard behavior of Islam since Mohamed himself was alive.
Islam has and always will be incompatible with civilization.
THX 1138 says
To be PRECISE, mysticism, supernaturalism, magical thinking, unreason, irrationalism, and faith will always be incompatible with a rational, scientific, capitalist, advanced technological, civilization.
UncleAl says
It was tamped down fairly well before Jimmy Carter.
tommy says
“…woman who served in the Armenian forces.”
“…a mother of three children.”
She should have been home with them instead of fighting men.
Rick says
All religions have gone through their brief periods of violent totalitarianism, the Catholics during the inquisition, Protestants attempting genocide on Irish Catholics, etc., but no religion was ever founded on a doctrine of slaughter and genocide of those who do not share their beliefs as is the case with Islam; None engage in continual wars due to religion, none look at members of other religions as less than human. There are many loving and peaceful practitioners of Islam, but their most ardent followers have been engaging in murder, massacre, torture and totalitarianism since it’s inception due in large part to its reliance on a hateful and intolerant dogma encouraging such. Any organization heralding an inherent dogmatic message of violence and killing in perpetuity is anathema and therefore can not be considered a valid religion, but is rather akin to a murderous cult.
THX 1138 says
“All religions have gone through their brief periods of violent totalitarianism, the Catholics during the inquisition, Protestants attempting genocide on Irish Catholics, etc.”
The Christian Dark Ages lasted one-thousand years, you call that brief? The wars and persecutions of the Reformation and Counter Reformation lasted three hundred years, you call that brief? All mystical, faith-based, supernatural, belief systems are ALWAYS weaponized for the brutality of theocracy — all of them. Only when they are no longer taken truly and literally seriously do these irrational theologies/philosophies start to become less and less violent.
Why is Christianity today no longer producing violent brutality, persecution, wars, and theocracy? Because Christianity is for now in the West, no longer taken seriously. Christianity was crushed by the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment.
When a religion is no longer producing tyranny and brutality it is not because it has “matured” or become more rational, but because rationality has atrophied the belief in the religion. Reason has become the dominant philosophical viewpoint and reason has atrophied serious belief in the faith.
If Islam had been put through the ringer of the Renaissance (the rebirth of reason) and the Age of Enlightenment you would today have a diluted, weakened, tamed, atrophied Islam. Just as today, for now, so long as reason remains dominant over faith, a weakened, diluted, tamed, atrophied Christianity.
But as I said, mysticism, supernaturalism, and magical thinking, i.e., religion, are always weaponized for FORCE and brutality. Because when men abandon reality and reason the only way to make others believe your supernatural, faith-based, claims is through FORCE. There are only two ways men can deal with each other, either reason and persuasion, or faith and force.
“I have said that faith and force are corollaries, and that mysticism will always lead to the rule of brutality. The cause of it is contained in the very nature of mysticism. Reason is the only objective means of communication and of understanding among men; when men deal with one another by means of reason, reality is their objective standard and frame of reference. But when men claim to possess supernatural means of knowledge, no persuasion, communication or understanding are possible. Why do we kill wild animals in the jungle? Because no other way of dealing with them is open to us. And that is the state to which mysticism reduces mankind—a state where, in case of disagreement, men have no recourse except to physical violence. And more: no man or mystical elite can hold a whole society subjugated to their arbitrary assertions, edicts and whims, without the use of force. Anyone who resorts to the formula: “It’s so, because I say so,” will have to reach for a gun, sooner or later. Communists, like all materialists, are neo-mystics: it does not matter whether one rejects the mind in favor of revelations or in favor of conditioned reflexes. The basic premise and the results are the same.” – Ayn Rand
Juan Lago says
The dark ages were not due to religion. The collapse of the Roman Empire was mainly due to economics, corrupt politics, over taxation of citizens and loss of civil liberties by a corrupt government.
Most of the religious violence during the dark ages was caused by Europe devolving into small feudal states run by local warlords who imposed serfdom and slavery upon their own people. Moslems invaded Europe during this time. If not for the Christian Church there would have been nothing to unite the Waring Europeans against the greater threat to civilization that is Islam. The world you live in now were you have to the freedom to study history and comment upon it on this technological marvel would not exist had there been no Christian Church. I am also an appreciator of Ayn Rand. But, you cannot change the past. You can only act on the present. Currently the two biggest threats to liberty and free societies are Islam and Socialism in all it’s forms. Eliminating them should be the goal of anyone with a moral character regardless of whether or not they are religious.
Any philosophy that accepts the Golden Rule is true regardless of mysticism.
THX 1138 says
Christianity did NOT cause the Dark Ages? Yes, that’s precisely what the Muslims and the Marxists argue about their own mystical belief systems.
“The 9/11 hijackers were not true Muslims they were hijacking, perverting, and corrupting real Islam.”
“Real Socialism has never been tried it always keeps getting hijacked, perverted, and corrupted by evil men.”
And now you with Christianity. “Real Christianity is all about freedom, liberty, capitalism, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth.”
Except that it isn’t. Real Christianity is all about atonement for Original Sin and seeking redemption and salvation from Original Sin and man’s fallen and depraved state on earth through self-sacrifice, renunciation, self-denial, self-abnegation, and abandoning the personal pursuit of happiness on earth for the Kingdom of Christ in a supernatural, after-life, Utopia.
SteveFInSC says
Real Christianity is not a religion at all. It is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as revealed in scripture. The Catholic Church is a manmade institution. The Protestant churches are manmade. Therefore they are as fallible as anything else created by mankind. Actions taken by flawed people in the name of any of these manmade institutions are/were likely wrong unless based directly on scripture which they often were not.
Ayn Rand was a human being, so her philosophy is flawed like everything else people make. Aristotle was human and so anything he thought up or imagined is flawed. Neither of them was God. They were finite beings who are no longer with us. Worshipping at the altar of mankind’s puny intellect/reason will not save anyone.
You have no understanding of Christ or of Christianity, so-called. True wisdom comes from God. Therefore, godless people may be knowledgeable or experienced, but they are not truly wise.
jeremiah says
fallacies and stupidity makes your comment not worthy of debate
What’s the point of showing how puerile and vapid you are
Chris Thomas says
No doubt encouraged by Erdogan. Azerbajan, Pakistan, Anthing ending in “istan”, Checnya, Gorgia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabis, and on and on. All full of these moo slim scum bags.
Chris Thomas says
FPM – Thank you for getting rid of all the “I make $500 and hour” SPAM post comments.
Chris Thomas says
Christians should leave Armenia immediately. With Georgia on the north, Azerbaijan on the east, Iran on the south and Turkey on the west, there is no escape from a future invasion and slaughter. Armenia surrounded by crazy blood thirsty moo slims.
Skybird says
Where is the UN Human Rights bunch anyway? Not t o be found
Ron says
obviously the problem is a lack of more female soldiers. especially more single mothers. If only the Armenians had more estrogen in the ranks, then maybe they could destroy those inferior Azerbaijani testosterone poisoned men.
I know! Lets’ introduce some Pride parades and Tranny Time Story Hours for the kids!
Checkmate Muslims!
CowboyUp says
Against some enemies, it’s best to die fighting, rather than surrender.