The Freedom Center is proud to announce our exclusive new webinar series, “Teach-Ins for the Twenty-First Century.” Join us as some of the leading thinkers and pundits on the scene today discuss key issues related to the coronavirus pandemic and its ongoing implications, confronting the Left, the jihad terror threat, and much, much more. Ask your own questions of our experts!
Limited Space Available.
Join us Wednesday night, Dec 1 at 7pm Eastern (4PM Pacific):
The Counterattack Has Begun – How We Will Win
Description: The unexpected victory for Glenn Youngkin over Terry McAuliffe in Virginia was a powerful sign. The Woke Left overstepped in a big way and we the people saw it and fought back. Parents and normal folks who were unwilling to allow the state to control their kids and their lives took a stand and won a huge victory. Then we got a proper verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial to show that the Constitution still stands when a jury of citizens gets to vote. Now on to 2022 and beyond.
JIM HANSON is Executive Director of America Matters and previously served in US Army Special Forces. He is the author of Winning the Second Civil War: Without Firing a Shot and The Myth of White Fragility. Author @Winning the Second Civil War
Join us for this FREE Webinar!
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