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There’s always been an internal debate when thinking about President Joe Biden – you have to wonder whether he does or says something because he’s a liar or because he’s genuinely stupid. This extends back to when he was a Senator, too. Now you have to add a third option: senile. It’s tough to tell if he walks off stage with other world leaders without shaking their hands because he’s an aloof ass who looks down his nose at others or because he’s unaware of where he is. There’s no real way to know, but it’s probably safest to bet it’s a combination of all of them.
Still, every once in a while, Biden will say something – confess it, really – that someone not suffering from dementia might think better of. As is always the case with him, it might also be from arrogance – he has not really been called out on any of his lies or corruption for decades, so what’s a little more?
What am I talking about? This week, I’m talking about the President’s remarks at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus gala.
Democrats love identity politics; it allows them to embrace their segregation roots and instincts – Democrats have changed their tactics, never their objectives – so it makes sense they’d have government groups based on race and ideology, the intersection of which is where they live.
When you pander to racists, you have to pander to them on race, and Joe did just that.
Biden told the group, “…until Congress acts, I’m going to keep using every tool at my disposal as president of the United States to preserve and protect DACA, keep fighting for DREAMers, and build a safe, orderly, humane immigration system. I mean it.”
You’d think a guy who spent a lot of time in the Senate blocking legislation Republicans wanted would understand that Congress not acting IS Congress making a choice, but he’s too dense to recognize it. People with totalitarian instincts aren’t great thinkers; they’re like children demanding what they want with no concern over how to get it.
But beyond his ignorance, Biden went on to confess to opening the border even more. “First, we’ve put policies in place that process people fairly and quickly. Second, we’re significantly expanding legal pathways for entry so businesses can get the workers they need; families don’t have to wait for a decade to be together,” he said.
What authorizes him to “significantly expand” anyway to let in more illegal aliens? Nothing. He’s breaking the law by ignoring it or rewriting it. And he’s doing it “so businesses can get the workers they need, families don’t have to wait for a decade to be together.”
To all Americans with only a high school diploma (or less), the President is flooding the country with people who will make it impossible for you to get a raise or a new job with a living wage. What else do you think happens when millions of more people compete for jobs? You can’t command higher wages when there are 15 non-English speakers willing to do it for half price.
As for the concern about families being reunited, let me say this: I don’t give a damn. If you want to be with your family, don’t leave them to enter this country illegally. If you miss them, go back to them. Problem solved.
Biden went on, “I’ve also directed my team to make a historic increase in the number of refugees admitted from Latin America. People fleeing violence and persecution who simply want their kids to have a better life. Next week, my team will consult with Congress on this plan.”
What constitutes violence and persecution? There aren’t any wars in South America. In the 1980s, when communists were literally controlling death squads, killing people for opposing the “revolution,” Democrats were not as open to “refugees” as they are now. Now they want to create them – economic refugees – people who simply “want their kids to have a better life.” That is not legal grounds for admittance legally into the country, let alone illegally. Yet the people breaking in illegally are being rewarded by President LLC.
“Third, we’re supporting states and cities that have seen a surge in immigrants,” Biden continued. “We’ve developed federal experts and deployed them to help train city workers. We’ve launched outreach campaigns helping over a million eligible migrants apply for work permits. And we’re accelerating a process for work permit applications.”
Millions of people who can’t speak English, who are illiterate in their own language, are getting the red carpet rolled out for them with your tax dollars by this President. He has no authorization to do so. When did you last see Democrats roll out a government like this for Americans? Never? They just force Americans into failed school systems more interested in teaching made-up genders than reading or math, a zombie class made numb and stuck on “social welfare” programs to keep people in their place. They kill upward mobility, then claim capitalism doesn’t work.
By the way, weren’t these people telling us just a few years ago that immigrants, especially illegal aliens, were THE driving force behind our economy? They claimed illegals commit fewer crimes than us scummy Americans, work harder, and pay more in taxes than they take in benefits, unlike us lazy citizens.
If that’s true, why do these sanctuary areas complain about too many illegals? Wouldn’t that be like complaining about too much economic growth and tax revenue?
The truth is, it’s all a lie. Illegals are a resource suck – Illegal alien kids suck money like a Dyson out of schools and slow down the progress of American kids because teachers need to take exponentially longer to try to explain to them what’s happening. If you can’t communicate, you can’t contribute, and the people Democrats are playing a treasonous game of Red Rover with tens of millions of people who can’t communicate, and they’re doing it by violating the laws of the United States.
If that isn’t impeachable, what is?
From all of this, it is clear that if you are an American, and an American without a college degree who is struggling to get by – who can’t afford $100 per trip to the grocery store thanks to the President’s inflation – Joe Biden hates you. “Bidenomics” isn’t designed to make your life better; it makes you suffer and look to the government for help. It makes you dependent. You once used to be able to better your life by getting a new job for more pay, not anymore. Biden is killing that.
Yes, Joe Biden hates you. Next November must be time for voters to return the favor, provided we can make it that long.
Florida Man says
“You can’t command higher wages when there are 15 non-English speakers willing to do it for half price.”
Plus, you won’t get job offers if you’re not bilingual because your customers don’t comprend English.
roberta says
We are all bilingual in our house. English/Spanish…Its not much more than a cool parlor trick.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Florida Man.” Did you see that Netflix series? Damn, is it good and funny as F.
Roark says
I am am MAGA extremist. I love America for all that it stands for.
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” – Barry Goldwater
Snuffy Carter says
Goldwater was a man ahead of his time – if he had been elected President in the “60’s, he would have been another Ronald Reagan. Goldwater believed very strongly in the reality of peace thru strength when it comes to national security. The commie dems back then twisted this reality and duped voters thru dem propaganda into believing that people like Goldwater who are strong on national defense are just wild men ready to press the nuclear button on a moment’s notice. Dem tv commercials showed pictures of nuclear bombs going off with Goldwater’s face inserted into the foreground. It worked – ignorant voters swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker and Goldwater never got elected as President.
Kasandra says
And most voters are still stupid after all these years.
Ugly Sid says
I supported Goldwater in Boston, in 1964.
I harvested vitriol and vituperation. The instant hatred, not a single second in circumspection, seemed ubiquitous.
Jeff Bargholz says
Like with Trump. The fools who automatically hate the man who brought us peace and prosperity enrage me, especially when you contrast Trump’s term in office with Alzheimer Joe’s irrefutable disaster. It’s his handler’s doing but the senile old fool knows enough to grift and graft with America’s enemies so he knows enough to get some good policy makers. He’s a piece of shit.
Don Saliman says
If you ask a person who voted for Biden and then ask them, were you better off 4 years ago and they answer yes, and yet will vote for Biden again.
to me it makes no sense
Snuffy Carter says
Don’t stop with Biden; all democrat politicians hate legal American citizens.
Jeff Bargholz says
They sure love their votes though, the pandering phonies.
Ernest says
They hate all humans.
With Biden when it comes to Cars there is no Freedom of Consumer Choice Big Brother will force you to drive in unsafe EV’s.
roberta says
This EV push has more to do with us not having a car period, than us being forced to drive and EV.
The EV is the distraction. It also helps kill US manufacturing, US supply line, ability to make war……..on and on.
Jeff Bargholz says
It would like to but it can’t. An America of EVs is physically and financially impossible and couldn’t even be planned.
Gordon says
The same people that demand tolerance and inclusivity are thinking 24/7 about ways to obliterate your very existence.
The very same useful idiots who oppose Fosil Fuels while still using Electrty should live off the grid for year and see what its like we have many who live off the grid in my area and they repend upon Gasoline Generators for Power ending all use of fossil fuels badsed upon a total lie of Global arming/Climate Change would lead to many deaths bu the Eco-Freaks want fewer people in the first place
Mo de Profit says
Today I spoke to an old woman who wanted oil wells banned in the North Sea, she was on her way to the airport to fly to Greece for her holiday. She was oblivious to the irony.
Hollywood Actor Robert Redford opposes Fossil Fuels while he has some ads for United Airlines ITS TIME TO FLY
jayne nilsen says
agreed. how about the environment nut cases that screamed and tried to stop the shell oil platform in Oregon a few years back. They don’t see any irony in the fact that they were in their plastic kayaks trying to blockade the rig. You just can’t fix stupid.
I have seen pictures of Greenpeace protesters wearing Green Plastic Hardhats and their two ships and their little Zodiacs still run of Fossil Fuels
Jeff Bargholz says
They should also realize that most electricity is generated by burning coal. And without fossil fuel for shipping trucks and trains, they wouldn’t eat.
Shortsighted cretins.
Kasandra says
“There’s always been an internal debate when thinking about President Joe Biden – you have to wonder whether he does or says something because he’s a liar or because he’s genuinely stupid.” Embrace the healing power of “and.”
Walter Sieruk says
Joe Biden even pardoned that dangerous Iranian jihad operative and has even allowed his to stay in the US as an American citizen.
This is outrageous and wrong. Very wrong and likewise very outrageous.
This proves that Joe Biden doesn’t care about America or the American people, so it’s an action of futility to contact that pseudo “president” about any important t matter. For Biden will not respond to reason or logic.
That fiendish villain, Biden and his administration are an abomination to everything that is wise, good .fair decent just and right. As he has proven by his appointments, orders policies and politics of are nothing but folly and madness if not outright reason.
With all the awful things done by Biden, he is an extremely incompetent fool and outright idiot, or the second case is the he is a treacherous treasonous subversive scoundrel and an outright villain.
Roark says
Repeat after me: He’s an uniter not a divider.
Repeat after me: Four legs good; two legs bad.
Thomas E. Warwick says
Whenever the subject of Joe Biden’s administration comes up, sooner or later people start wondering about who’s really running the shit show. The smart money is on Obama. Much of what has happened in the government over the past four years, reeks of Obama. This is his third term as “president.” And, please realize that Obama is a thoroughly amoral excuse for a human being. Had he the power to do so, he would think nothing, nor would he hesitate to order the slaughter of millions of people if it meant he could further enhance his power. He would willingly burn down the United States if he thought he could rule over the ashes. BTW…who killed the cook? And why?
Jason P says
I’m going to have to disagree with you guys. I have no problem with immigration as long as there is assimilation. We have an assimilation problem because leftists want everyone to hate our culture & its traditions. Our own students are taught to hate America. Leftists, not immigrants, are the problem.
jayne nilsen says
LEGAL immigration, not ILLEGAL. big difference. You can’t allow unfettered illegals who mostly just become government teet suckers. Most are not interested in assimilation they just want free shit.
Roark says
Legal immigration, not a wholesale invasion. You are a very confused person.
I am a legal immigrant. I respect the laws of the United States and love the country. These are parasitic invaders coming to pillage what they can and contribute nothing.
Jason P says
I don’t disagree but I sense much of the complaints about illegals has morphed into anti-immigrant sentiment. I don’t see the enthusiasm for legal immigration in the article or comments section.
PS, I’m glad you’re here as are many of my pro-liberty friends.
Roark says
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
– Barry Goldwater
Call me a MAGA extremist.
Thomas Collins says
““We’ve developed federal experts…”
And it took experts to get us into the mess we’re in.