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Departing President Joe Biden offered a farewell brag this week to his State Department about how his tenure had improved America’s stature abroad. In his now accustomed weird mix of whispering and fiery shouting, Biden apparently felt he had to lie or mislead about almost every one of his “achievements.”
Yet to the extent that anything improved abroad on his watch—the weakening of Iran or the near destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah—it was due despite, not because of, Biden.
Biden, bowing to election year political pressure, did all he could to restrain and block Israeli retaliations to the October 7 massacres. Only after he was repeatedly proven wrong does he now shamelessly take credit for what Israel ironically achieved by ignoring his own threats directed at Israel.
Biden is correct only that Iran is “weaker than it’s been in decades.” But Tehran was aided, not hurt, by Biden’s nonstop efforts to lift sanctions, to allow Iran to make billions in oil revenues, to pay the theocracy billions of dollars in hostage ransom, and to beg the mullahs to reenter the ill-starred Iran deal. Everything Biden did makes it much harder for Israel to survive.
So, Iran is now weakened only because Israel ignored Biden’s nonstop ankle-biting and finger-shaking not to retaliate to Iranian aggression. Instead, the Netanyahu government systematically destroyed Iranian air defenses after killing most of Iran’s foreign terrorist operatives.
Biden referenced the end of the Assad regime in Syria, but it imploded not due to any effort by Biden. It was overwhelmed instead only after the Israeli decimation of Hezbollah and humiliation of Iran—coupled with the election victory of Donald Trump—that encouraged Assad’s enemies to attack a now isolated and weakened regime.
Biden is also taking credit for rumors that Hamas might release its hostages, who have been held in a subterranean labyrinth since October 7.
But why, with less than a week left in his tenure, did Biden believe Hamas might begin releasing the hostages when even his own Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has criticized the administration for spending 16 months pressuring Israel, which only emboldened Hamas’s stonewalling?
Much more likely, the election of Donald Trump and his threat to unleash terrible retribution on Hamas (and implicitly on Iran) had prompted the terrorists’ tardy willingness to negotiate a release.
Of the horrific scramble from Afghanistan—the greatest humiliation of the US military in a half-century that cost the lives of 13 Marines—Biden boasted: “[I am] the first president in decades who’s not leaving a war in Afghanistan to his successor.”
Think of his warped logic: Biden does not leave a war to his successor only because he fled in humiliation and lost it.
Biden also took credit for saving Ukraine from Russia. But he conveniently omitted why Russia invaded in the first place.
Had Biden not destroyed American deterrence by fleeing Kabul and leaving behind billions of dollars in abandoned U.S. military equipment, had he not claimed, prior to the Russian invasion, that his reaction to Putin’s likely aggression would hinge on whether it was “a minor incursion,” then the Russians might never have invaded at all.
Vladimir Putin grabbed Crimea and the Donbass in 2014 during the Obama-Biden administration. He later sought to swallow the entire country with an attack on Kyiv in 2022 on Biden’s watch.
However, Putin stayed within his borders only during one of the last four administrations—Donald Trump’s.
Biden crowed that he accomplished all these misadventures without the use of force—“We have not gone to war to make these things happen.”
But Biden did more than any other recent president to weaken the U.S. military. Under his tenure, the Pentagon suffered a real reduction in its budget. And it never quite recovered from the Afghanistan debacle.
Annually, the military now comes up 40,000 recruits short due to Biden’s draconian vaccination requirements, its new woke mandates, and its constant false accusations of “white rage” and “white privilege” in the ranks—libels that prompted a Pentagon internal investigation that found no such racism.
China was never more bellicose than during Biden’s presidency. It serially threatened Taiwan, used cyber warfare to bully the U.S., brazenly expropriated U.S. military technology, and without worry sent a spy balloon to traverse the U.S. with impunity.
Biden’s open border saw more than 10 million illegal entries, among them thousands of Chinese nationals. Meanwhile, Chinese investors were freed to systematically buy up thousands of acres of America’s farmland adjacent to sensitive US military bases and installations.
Add it all up, and Biden would have done better to have just kept quiet and departed his failed presidency in shame.
I want a President who is trusted by our allies and feared by our enemies. A President who doesn’t grovel abroad and “apologize” for America’s “sins,” most of them imagined, exaggerated, and long in the past–especially slavery, which we eliminated 160 years ago at the bloody cost of some 620,000 young Americans’ lives and half the country left in ruins and poverty for the next century.
A President who openly loves the U.S., is loyal to our Constitution, and is determined to protect our own people, especially from our own Government.
A President who DOESN’T, while claiming to “unite us” and “represent all Americans, even those who didn’t vote for me,” goes on in the next sentence of an inflammatory speech, to smear and slander half of us Citizens (and our choice, with our votes, as his own successor) as “neo-Fascists,” “a threat to our ‘democracy,'” “deplorables,” and “garbage.”
A President who doesn’t pocket $30 million (at least that we know of) in bribes from the CCP, plus an unknown amount in kickbacks from Ukrainian (and other) corrupt foreign oligarchs, and runs U.S. policy according to their orders. And who doesn’t ship billions of dollars, in cash, credits, and ‘sanctions relief’ to Tehran’s ayatollahs to complete and deploy their nuclear warhead and missile program.
Biden (or is it his Handlers? Or both?) doesn’t, never has, and never would fit my definition of the kind of President I want and we need if we and Western Civilization are to survive.
Biden will technically be out of office at noon next Monday, Jan. 20; but the damage he has done to us, and the legislative and bureaucratic “I.E.D.s” he has planted on the road ahead will continue to endanger and afflict us for years, maybe for the rest of our lives.
While Americans in the Florida, North Carolina were surviving a Storm Bidden was giving Money to the Ukraine and cutting off our Fossil Fuels to Appease those annoying idiots from Just Stop Oil and Greenpeace and selling out America to China
Where’s the “Peace Treaty” between Islam and America?
Biden has only jammed dirt into a festering ingrown hair.
America’s first mentally retarded president Dementia Joe would no doubt be found mentally incapable of standing trial, if he doesn’t pardon himself before leaving office. But he is just as guilty of treason as Barack Hussein Osama, and just as deserving of ending up swinging from a noose.
I would not listen to the devil talk so why would I listen to Biden’s good bye demented lying ramble?
I wait for the next day’s radio pundits and peeps like VD Hansen – I would love to hear what Professor Thomas Sowell thinks about Biden – but I pretty much know as it’s plain common sense as Hansen speaks.
The real question is who was glued to Biden’s final blathering and believed every lying word?
This illustrates to me the “devil’s pride” in himself that he thought he was as good as YHVH – his Creator.
Biden and his evil debacle debauched depraved demonic despicable demented deviant cabinet of cross dressers, trans-sanity, embezzling, treasonous, pedo-grooming criminal minds. Which only scratches the surface of their crimes and demonic machinations.
Good use of alliteratives! I love those things.
Biden has the lowest polls of any President in American History even that pathetic Carter had better polls
That subversive, treasonous impostor “president “ , Joe Biden is an affront and disgrace to the Office of the Presidency of the United States.
When that treacherous fiendish villain got into the White House Oval Office, ruined everything, and likewise wrecked all the good that President Trump had accomplished.
Secure strong borders was a great achievement of President Trump. The tragic reality is that also very dangerous
Furthermore, President Trump understands the need for a good strong US/Mexican border control, likewise he cares. In contrast Biden doesn’t care at all the safety of the American people and is probably is intentionally attempting to harm America. Those porous borders are really an invitation for jihadists operatives for Iran and jihadists of Hezbollah and Hamas as well as jihadists of al Qaeda and ISIS to enter the United States an inflect mass murder , destruction and mayhem upon the US.
Biden and those who uphold him in power and dangerous treacherous subversive villains of the must horrendous sort that there can possibly be.
That treasonous villain and fiend, Joe Biden, is determined to terrible harm if not destroy the United States by any method that he is able to.
Biden with his “No secure border policy” of Biden and his leftist’s political comrades are totally disaster for many reasons.
Joe Biden opened the door in an “invitation for malicious violent criminal gangs enter America through the US/ Mexican “border.” As the murderers rapists and drug dealing heinous gangster who a call themselves MS- 13. Likewise, now heinous rise in the drug cartel trade because of porous borders.
Third, because the criminal’s now entering America because of Biden’s porous border policy there is also a terrible increase of murderous violence and vast destruction in America cities.
Forth, there is the drastic and deadly increase and of the coronaviruses by migrants South of the US/ Mexican “border.” So much evil is now infesting the USA, “thanks” to Joe Biden.
In conclusion, Biden will have the blood of many good, decent American citizens across the United States on his wicked vile hands.
That awful “no secure US /Mexican border policy” of Joe Biden and his VP Kamala Harris in charge of it is a catastrophe in many ways.
To give only a few examples out of many is that drug trafficking and forced sex trafficking has terribly increased since Biden has been in Office.
A number of ISIS , al Qaeda jihadists and members other similar jihad terror murder Islamic entities have entered America through porous US /Mexican borders in the scheming intentions of inflecting murderous destruction in Americans and America. The furtherance of the spread of the dreaded coronavirus across the USA starting from the porous border area , all thanks to that dangerous and subversive pseudo President Biden.
Likewise many criminal gangs who deal in drugs as well as rape and murder , steal ,loot and do other heinous criminal activities , as the despicable vicious street gangsters known as MS -13 , have now quickly by US porous borders .
Bogus President Biden must truly like is porous US /Mexican borders to ruin America. What a treasonous despicable fiend Biden must actually be.
Socialist Joe Biden is under ,very much under the control and influence of that Communist VP Kamala Harris are together are sinister plot wreck to wreck the USA are both , with their Red/Green alliance are the epitome of evil and destruction.
As Karl Marx had written “If we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the world’s face, then I shall stride through the wreckage a creator !”
One of Joe Biden’s foreign policy “achievements” was his striving to have all sanctions removed that President Trump put on that anti-America, anti –Israel hostile Islamic regime of Iran. Resulting in that Islamic receiving literally billions of dollars . Much of that money “unofficially went into Iran supplying many deadly weapons to both Hamas and Hezbollah. Therefore Biden had an insidious part in encouraging Hamas to launch those brutal cruel murderous jihad attacks the unarmed peaceful citizens of Israel on October 7th 2023. Accordingly, Biden had an insider his hand in the those Hamas horrendous Islamic atrocities of 10/7/23/ That was one of Biden demonic ‘achievement”
Creepy old Joe has the blood of many innocent people on his wicked hands.
Biden, likewise with his foreign policy of appeasement two of granting those vicious despots of Iran everything they demand.
The former US President Theodore Roosevelt rightly, believed and taught “a man holding that very important Office “should be sharply watch by the people [and] held to a strict accountability by them.”
Al Qaeda is regrouping and power and numbers in Afghanistan is because of that , had been Joe Biden, he is responsible for that catastrophe which he created in which the Taliban savages took over Afghanistan all because of Joe Biden.
For that US “President” Biden, has aided and new continues to support that murderous Taliban enemy c who now control Afghanistan . Biden and even let hating Taliban have new high quality US military equipment.
Likewise, Biden is a traitor to all the families and friends of those US soldiers, who had shed their blood, were killed and terribly maimed for life by the Taliban. For creepy traitorous old Joe just ‘gave away” Afghanistan to the Taliban.
Biden also has betrayed many Americans and the good Afghans who really aided the US military in the land by abandoning them all to the vicious and murderous Taliban.
Furthermore, Biden really does not care about those thirteen Americans who died or the other American who died in Afghanistan because of either his incompetence or treasonous orders.
Therefore , Joe Biden is very, obviously is ether completely incompetent and despicably treasonous. In the first or second case Biden should not have been allowed be enter the Office of the Presidency in the first place.
As that catastrophe, he created in Afghanistan and letting the Talban obtain may high quality US military equipment.
As the former US President Theodore Roosevelt that the Office of the Presidency in not only a powerful position but “a very strong man” is needed for the Oval Office. Joe Biden is not a strong man but as already stated is weak and feeble.
The horrendous done in Afghanistan , by that ,as been, treacherous “president” Joe Biden.