Of all the hacks to launch that particular attack, the DNC found the absolute worst one whose first name isn’t Jimmy.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry appeared Tuesday evening at the Democratic National Convention to voice his support for presidential nominee Joe Biden in a fiery address that mocked Donald Trump’s foreign policy.
“When this president goes overseas, it isn’t a goodwill mission it’s a blooper real,” Kerry said Tuesday night. “He breaks up with our allies and writes love letters to dictators. America deserves a president who looked up to, not laughed at.”
Remember the time that the Russian foreign minister kept Kerry waiting by the phone for a week to get back to him? Good times.
No country ever laughed at Kerry getting into a bike accident or riding a girl’s bike. Or the time that Obama assigned a minder to make sure that Kerry doesn’t say anything he’s not supposed to. Or the time he completely overruled him on Syria and let the Russians take him for a ride. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Here’s what else Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Kerry was an important player in all this. He was part of a group derided by Republicans as “‘Dear Comandante’ Democrats,” for they would address letters to Daniel Ortega, the Sandinista No. 1, “Dear Comandante.”
Kerry wrote actual love letters to dictators.
When he was given a chance to head foreign policy, his tenure became a blooper reel in which he rushed to appease terrorists from Tehran to Colombia.
Here was the surreal scene of Kerry palling around with Marxist terrorists wanted by the United States.
Stop by your local post office and you might just see a poster of Rodrigo “Timochenko” Londono hanging next to the Most Wanted posters of bank robbers and fugitives. The State Department is offering a $5 million reward for information about the Communist terrorist leader.
But all the State Department had to do was ask Secretary of State Kerry. Obama did the wave with the Cuban dictator and Kerry met with Timochenko , the leader of FARC, a Marxist terrorist organization that appears on his own department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations a little above Al Qaeda.
The State Department accuses him of ordering the kidnappings of Americans and responsibility for much of the cocaine that is smuggled into the United States. But none of that bothered Kerry who accepted a signed copy of a memoir by the terror group’s former leader which was addressed to “Senor” Kerry.
The signatures in Kerry’s new keepsake include Pablo Catatumbo, a FARC leader with a $2.5 million reward on his head from the State Department, who is wanted for “the production, manufacture, and distribution of hundreds of tons of cocaine to the United States and the world” and “the murder of hundreds of people who violated or interfered with the FARC’s cocaine policies.”Also signing Kerry’s book was Iván Márquez, who has a $5 million reward on his head for most of the same reasons.
Two of the men sitting opposite John Kerry had been convicted of forcing children to join the terror group as soldiers and sex slaves. FARC runs on thousands of child soldiers and sex slaves. Little girls as young as 7 and 9 were brought into the terror group whose fronts have a “quota” of women to fill. Families that refuse to turn over their daughters to FARC have been massacred as a warning to others.
Just stuff Republicans might want to mention when Kerry opens his mouth about writing love letters to dictators.
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