The World Economic Forum (WEF) hosts a globalist conference annually in Davos Switzerland where public and private sector elitists meet in a luxurious setting to tell the rest of us how to live our lives. This year’s conference has run from January 16th through January 20th. Not surprisingly, what these hypocrites preach and what they practice themselves are two very different things.
Former Secretary of State and current Biden administration climate czar John Kerry is Exhibit #1.
“When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we — select group of human beings because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives — are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet,” Kerry boasted to his fellow elitists. “I mean, it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about ‘saving the planet.’ If you say that to most people, most people think you’re just a crazy tree-hugging, lefty, liberal, you know, do-gooder or whatever and there’s no relationship. But really, that’s where we are.” (Emphasis added)
The fact is that “most people” would be right. John Kerry’s allusion to “extraterrestrial” was downright bizarre. Kerry and Al Gore, who also spoke at the WEF conference, are alarmists whose doomsday predictions have consistently proven false. Nevertheless, they insist on doubling down.
The Biden climate czar decried “the way we live, the incredible sort of destructive process of growth the way we interpret it — not as enlightened growth, but as a sort of robber baron growth…”
Of course, most of us who are not part of the WEF’s “select group of human beings” do not live in the extravagant manner that John Kerry does, with his multi-million dollar beachfront home, BMW, private jet, and other creature comforts reserved for the super rich.
Kerry, like many of his “select group” of cohorts, used his carbon-spewing private plane to travel to Davos for his self-declared mission of “saving the planet” from fossil fuel gas emissions that he blames for causing climate change. Greenpeace official Klara Maria Schenk noted the sheer hypocrisy of these privileged elites, observing that “the rich and powerful flock to Davos in ultra-polluting, socially inequitable private jets to discuss climate and inequality behind closed doors.” She said that this “annual private jet bonanza” was “a distasteful masterclass in hypocrisy.”
Last summer, when gas prices were reaching record levels, the World Economic Forum demanded that the world’s “leading democracies” end fossil fuel subsidies and enact measures to bring about much higher pricing for fossil fuels. The purpose, according to the WEF, would be “to cover the costs of local air pollution, global warming, and other economic damages.”
Note the call for the world’s “leading democracies” to punish their citizens with even higher prices at the gas pump to reduce reliance on fossil fuels while China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases by far, goes unmentioned. Underlining its hypocrisy when it comes to claiming that combating climate change is one of its top priorities, the WEF has no problem taking financial contributions from leading fossil fuel companies, whom the WEF proudly lists as “partners” on its website.
China Energy Investment, a state-owned energy enterprise that describes itself as the “world’s largest company in coal mining,” is a WEF partner. China’s Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) is another WEF partner. This company is the largest oil and petrochemical products supplier and the second largest oil and gas producer in China.
Never mind that China burns more coal than the rest of the world combined. The WEF is delighted to have China’s major fossil fuel companies as its funding partners
Indeed, the World Economic Forum’s founder and chair Klaus Schwab loves the Chinese Communist regime’s governance model. “I think it’s a role model for many countries,” Schwab said last November. He added that “the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries.” Does that include the Chinese regime’s totalitarian rule, suppression of any dissent, and gross mistreatment of religious and ethnic minorities in violation of their basic human rights? WEF’s leader wouldn’t say.
Klaus Schwab has used his WEF platform to push for what he calls a fundamental “reset” of the world’s economic, political, and social foundations spearheaded by the WEF. Addressing a WEF meeting last year, for example, Schwab declared to his elitist audience “here in this room” that “the future is built by us.”
John Kerry can fly back home on his private jet knowing that he is a distinguished member of the World Economic Forum’s “select group of human beings” who believe they are saving the world and consider themselves superior to the rest of us.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks, excellent coverage.
Mo de Profit says
I heard the speech on a Dennis Prager podcast this week, the arrogance of these people knows no bounds, nobody elected the WEF, nobody gave the WHF (Much prefer that) any power, they are the wealthy corrupt, they are the robber barons, every last one of them.
As for Fossil Fuel subsidies, where are they? Show me some? Here in the UK my energy bill is 12% higher because I subsidise green energy, not voluntarily I hasten to add. Poor people living in high-rise flats pay 12% on their energy bills so that rich elites can put solar panels and wind turbines in their mansion grounds.
Is that what these elites mean by “enlightened growth”?
alan wilkie says
It’s the World EXTORTION Forum by a large group of people who use the pronouns Comrade and comrade..
John Jensen says
The short answer, Mo, is yes. It is about decimating the population and making the rich richer and the poor poorer. In the process removing democracy.
Steven Brizel says
The WEF is a group of intellectual and economic fascists who want to tell us how to live and think while they act as the so called experts on every issue known to mankind
roberta says
John Kerry has been giving me the creeps since I was a child. Will he never go away?
Kasandra says
With good reason. As a Senator, he was well known to show up at popular D.C. restaurants without a reservation and demand to be seated with the phrase, “Do you know who I am?” A twit then, a twit now, a twit forever.
William Griffith says
JK, alGore, BHO, Greta etc are not stupid nor impaired in any clinical sense.
They are nihilists- they live well off their propaganda while seeking to destroy Freedom, Free Markets, Private Property and Individual Sovereignty in the cause of their religion- narcissism and Gaia worship.
John Jensen says
I’m not too sure about Greta. Read her mother’s book ‘Scenes from the heart’ which describes a dysfunctional far-left family where every member has at least one psychological diagnosis. Her sister can’t eat if there is paper in the room, Even the ‘school-strike’ wasn’t her idea.
CowboyUp says
When you corner these clowns on China, their fallback position is that China gets to “catch up,” to our 20th century emissions. Obviously, even they don’t think the situation is as dire as they claim, or rather, they know the whole AGW hoax is a scam.
Spurwing Plover says
So just when will Kerry take up living in a Grall or Mud Hut when will he walk take Grtas Sailboat or maybe flap his arms fast enough to get airborne and when will the rest of those Eco-Freaks do the same just leave the rest of us out of your wield world of idiotics
Lightbringer says
When will he stop living off the Heinz wealth that the poor, immured Theresa inherited and handed over to him? When will he actually earn his own living and let his poor wife out of whatever tower he has locked her into?
Spurwing Plover says
Those two idiots from Just Stop Oil used Heinz Tomato Soup when they messed up the Van Gough painting
ginjit.dw says
Did Kerry salute these idiots??? He was swift boated for LYING about his military service…ring a bell.
blamb says
Are they trying to destroy oil and gas companies so China can buy them up on the cheap?