This is Peak Kerry.
1. Trade off his military brand by describing signing up for his mailing list as “enlisting”.
2. Call it World War Zero to trade off the claim that the fake environmental crisis is WW2 all over again
3. Boast that you have the likes of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton in your corner
Here’s John Kerry’s latest attempt to humiliate himself with a desperate grab for relevance.
Former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry (D-Mass.) is launching a new bipartisan coalition of world leaders and celebrities to push for an active strategy against climate change on Sunday.
Dubbed “World War Zero,” the activist group’s goal is to unite “unlikely allies with one common mission: making the world respond to the climate crisis the same way we mobilized to win World War II,” according to its website.
Headlining the group are former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Kasich, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sting and Ashton Kutcher, the New York Times reports.
Which part of this is unlikely? A coalition of Democrats, RINOs and celebrity hypocrites pushing environmental awareness.
In an interview with the Times, Kerry said that the coalition will hold town hall meetings around the country beginning in January.
“We’re going to try to reach millions of people, Americans and people in other parts of the world, in order to mobilize an army of people who are going to demand action now on climate change sufficient to meet the challenge,” Kerry told the paper.
What an original idea. No one has thought of this one before.
Their goal is to hold more than 10 million “climate conversations” in the coming year with Americans across the political spectrum.
A spectrum of Democrats, RINOs, and leftist celebs.
John Kerry has debuted his next chapter and it’s predictably pathetic.
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