Some wisdom from the ‘Wise Latina.’
Sotomayor also discussed the future of law and her judicial philosophy, saying that current laws “can make it hard for us to see the legal system as fair.”
“What’s fair is really a judgment of how we as a society are going to help each other. And how to share resources that are limited in as fair a way as we can,” she said.
“Those choices aren’t mine to make as a judge, but those are made in the laws that are passed.”
Except that she, like other judges and justices, actually makes those choices all the time.
But let’s zero in on what Sotomayor is really saying here.
The legal system isn’t “fair” because fairness is about fairly sharing resources. Fairness is really socialism. And any system that isn’t socialist is going to be unfair.
That’s not an uncommon worldview on the Left, but think about how it influences her entire worldview and her rulings.
A fair outcome is not one that respects individual rights, but that violates them in order to impose a “fair” redistribution of wealth.
Biden and the Democrats and their media keep pushing the idea that the Supreme Court is illegitimate because it doesn’t rule their way. That’s partisan bias, not a standard. The basic question is does the Court serve as a check on the other two branches and keep them to their constitutional limitations? But if you believe that fairness is wealth redistribution, then you also believe that the government is the check on individuals and needs to seize their assets, their individual autonomy and their rights. And that’s what Sotomayor tries to do.
Helping people requires skills.
So be a “wise latina” and give all your wages past a subsistence level to the state or poor people, you scummy fraud. Are you trying to win the Bernout Sanders Award for hypocricy?
Stupid, unqualified old skank.
She’s a Marxist through and through. Her jurisprudence and commentary just confirm it. Res ipsa loquitur.
Under socialism resources aren’t shared they are looted by government and distributed to government’s supplicants—after the socialist capos take their cut off the top. Sotomayor’ s comments are out of step with American values and the principles supporting individual liberty. Her ideology alone justifies her impeachment and removal from SCOTUS. Once constitutionalists have leaders with the guts to do this, I’ll know the Constitution is safe.. Until then America is in jeopardy.
“Socialism”has Never worked!It Never will because it discourages individuals to EXCEL!!!!!!!!!!!
Senator Joe McCarthy was right and a visionary. He tried to warn us.
He had info from the Venona project. That project was even more secret than the Ultra-secret, didn’t come out until later, I believe. What happened was the Soviets were using one-time pads to send secret messages, which are unbreakable. Except a one-time pad can only be used once. The Soviets were using them more than once 🙂
It was still very hard for the American cryptographers to break those, but they found a way.
The self-designated Wise Latina isn’t very.
Much of our ongoing decline is attributable to individuals in position of authority and influence who got there through artificial means like affirmative action instead of intelligence, achievement & perseverance.
Sotomayor could be the poster child.
Sotomayor is in a position to interpret the law, not to write it. If she wants to make law, she should run for Congress. That would require her to give up her lifetime job and power and entail the risk of rejection.
Didn’t she Pledge to DEFEND The Constitution of The United States of America???????????????
EXACTLY!!!!Congress has abdicated it’s Primary Duty and given it to The Judiciary!!!
This is what affirmative action hires look like. Anything beyond traffic court she is totally unqualified for
Sotomayor isn’t for justice, she is for slavery under socialism.
“And how to share resources that are limited in as fair a way as we can,” [Justice Sotomayer] said.”
Justice Sotomayer can show us how it’s done by sharing her *own* resources first.
It’s easy to share someone else’s resources, no?
Just another example of why the United States is in a state of decline. It looks like the U.S. Supreme Court will join the others.