Sad news.
On further reflection, that guy everyone except a few surviving Ron Paul fans, hates, won’t run for president.
Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, a high-profile critic of President Donald Trump who quit the GOP and became an independent, announced Saturday he would not seek the Libertarian nomination for the White House, weeks after saying he was running because voters wanted an “alternative” to the two major parties.
Okay, Gary Johnson, it’s all yours.
I haven’t seen a presidential run this well though
In deciding to drop out, he cited the challenges of trying to campaign as a third-party candidate during the coronavirus pandemic.
“After much reflection, I’ve concluded that circumstances don’t lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year, and therefore I will not be a candidate,” he said in one in a series of tweets explaining his decision.
Sure. Blame the pandemic.
Is there any century that would lend itself to Amash being a serious presidential candidate? This is actually the election cycle where a guy with no money could break through with viral videos. With little physical campaigning at the moment, it’s not like Amash could be more inept at social media tha Joe Biden? Or wait, could he be more inept than Biden? Maybe he could.
The Amash Presidency will have to wait until every single other candidate and American vanishes off the face of the earth.
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