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With some hard work, pluck, the right boyfriend and a bit of genetic luck, Kamala Harris has found her way onto the presidential ballot without having to secure a single primary vote. Don’t tell me the American Dream is dead.
Sure, Harris is a demagogue who speaks in cringy, swirling, impenetrable platitudes. And sure, according to President Joe Biden, Harris was an identity hire. But “Morning Joe” says we’re not supposed to talk about any of that. So, let’s discuss her record and stated positions.
It seems like a lifetime ago that Biden named Harris his running mate. What you may not recall is that the media tried to gaslight us into believing the California senator was another apolitical dealmaker.
Former Clinton fixer George Stephanopoulos said Harris was “the middle-of-the-road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.” The New York Times called her a “pragmatic moderate,” while the Associated Press focused on her “centrist record.” And so on.
A “small-c conservative,” one Washington Post columnist wrote.
The only problem was, according to GovTrack, Harris’ record in the Senate was to the left of red-diaper baby Bernie Sanders. She was least likely of any senator to join in any bipartisan bills.
That’s fine. Bipartisan bills are the pits. Harris wasn’t handed a Senate seat by her former beau and California political kingpin Willie Brown to waste her time legislating with a bunch of pinheads. She was there to run for the presidency. In her truncated first term, few excelled more at smearing their political opponents.
Remember when Harris moderately accused Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape?
This false perception of moderation stems from Harris’ time as prosecutor and attorney general. Harris liked to brag about using “a huge stick” as a prosecutor in San Francisco, where she regularly threatened poor parents with jail time in her efforts to craft social policy — which wasn’t her job.
It’s true that Harris threw a lot of people in jail to bolster her political fortunes. Some of them likely innocent. And judging from her disposition, she would throw a lot more people into jail, if she could.
When pro-life journalist David Daleiden published videos of Planned Parenthood executives nonchalantly discussing the selling of body parts, Harris had his home raided, seized evidence, and then tried to throw him in prison. She later teamed up with the abortion mill to write legislation that would squash the free speech rights of other pro-lifers.
Like any good authoritarian, Harris enforces whatever laws she sees fit to enforce whenever she sees fit. One of the reasons Harris allegedly opposed the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was that the judge “consistently valued narrow legalisms” — which is to say, respected the Constitution — “over real lives.”
Harris was never one for legalism. When candidate Biden argued that Harris’ promise to issue an executive order unilaterally banning access to certain guns would be unconstitutional, she retorted: “I would just say: Hey, Joe, instead of saying ‘No, we can’t,’ let’s say ‘yes, we can,'” before cackling at the very notion that presidents couldn’t do whatever they wanted.
As a national candidate, Harris said she believed immigration laws should be treated as civil, rather than criminal, offenses. As a candidate, Harris supported abolishing private health insurance — “Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on,” she told CNN. In addition to nationalizing health care and education, Harris wants the government to control the manufacturing sector, the auto industry, food … and any industry that emits carbon.
Harris was in favor of getting rid of the filibuster to overturn state voting laws, nationalizing abortion on demand until birth, and passing the Green New Deal — an authoritarian takeover of the economy written by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which would ban all fossil fuels, force Americans to retrofit every building in the country, eliminate air travel and meat, and create government-guaranteed jobs, among many other authoritarian measures.
On foreign policy, we don’t really know, though we can guess. This week, Harris wouldn’t even greet Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. She didn’t sit behind him during his speech to Congress. A few weeks ago, the same Harris said antisemitic pro-Hamas campus protesters showed “exactly what the human emotion should be.” In the past, she has openly protested with Islamic Republic propagandists from the National Iranian American Council. To be fair, in some ways her disposition comports more with the latter than the former.
When I say Harris is an authoritarian, I’m not contending she’s Hitler. I am saying she is a fan of obedience to authority, especially of Democrat-run government, at the expense of personal freedom in ways that are deeply un-American. That’s a bad trend in politics, in general, but it’s difficult to think of many politicians more wedded to the idea than Kamala Harris.
Disadvantaged says
Do any of you really think she will restore freedom of speech for the American people, solve any of the economic , political, and financial problems facing this nation? Look real hard at the photo at the top of this article. You are looking at the future President of a third world country called America.
Have a nice evening.
Rob A says
Surely that’s a hilarious rhetorical question that doesn’t require an honest or thoughtful answer.
But I’ll indulge you by saying this much, Harris would be a gift to America’s enemies and the impetus that begins world war 3.
Harris is weak, feckless and quite stupid and America’s enemies know it. If they’re smart, they would be licking their chops while sharpening their knives and readying their weapons in anticipation of Harris becoming president.
Sorry Cumla, but offering up a word salad does nothing to stop a war or prevent an enemy from kicking your ass.. That takes a pairs of balls which you clearly don’t have.
Kevin T Kilty says
Considering how her rise to power was engineered, and her somewhat modest contributions to it, isn’t she best described as America’s Evita? For at least 40% of the electorate, though, her lack of accomplishment is no hindrance to voting for her. Being Kamala is accomplishment enough.
Heaven help us.
Rob A says
She is proof of the notion of rising to the highest level of one’s incompetence. That is to say, she failed upwards.
That’s a common feature among democrats and how they make their way up the party hierarchy.
Nance Pelosi? Chuckie Schumer? Anyone who deems them competent obviously has sh*t for brains.
Kasandra says
A deeply unserious, vacuous, not very bright person with an enormous ego and sense of entitlement. Just what the country needs. FWIW, I’ve been aware of her since she was the California A.G. As the top attorney in the most populous state, I heard her state that “hate speech” is not Constitutionally protected. Any first year law student would know that is simply wrong. Yet there she was. And she’s been propelled up “the greasy poll” of politics ever since.
Domenic Pepe says
Kamala Harris is a bona fide member of the depraved psychopathic berserk corrupt
Big Mouth Laughing Hyena Clan.
She has got her rump up in the air all the time.
Walter Sieruk says
Kamala Harris would definitely the very worst nightmare for all American patriots and also for the United States.
For even taking into account what a treacherous harmful fiend that Joe Biden is ,it still may be considered that the only semi-“good” thing about Joe Biden is that he still might not be as horrendously dangerous as Kamala Harris if she became the next US President
For if Kamala Harris ,”by hook or by crook”” takes the place of Joe Biden in the Office of the United States President, things in America would not go from “Bad to worse” but entirely skip the word “worse” because things the US would then go from bad to the very worst possible. With Kamala Harris, sitting in the Office of the Presidency it would be a complete and total catastrophe for America.
To explain this in another way, as to compare Joe Biden with and to Vladimir Lenin and then compare Kamala Harris with and to Joseph Stalin.
Of course, Lenin was much more intelligent than Biden .Nevertheless it’s not as terrible to have the feeble-minded socialist, Lenin type character, Biden sitting in the powerful Office of Presidency in Washington DC than have that rude, obnoxious abrasive callous Communist, Stalin type character, Kamala Harris sitting in the powerful Office of the Presidency in Washington DC.
She would be total catastrophe and disaster for America, without remedy.
As Abraham Lincoln has ,so rightly m said, “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
Walter Sieruk says
As any scholar of history will testify that great and powerful nations have risen and fallen and likewise come on gone. So it with the United States if that Communist Kamala Harris in the Oval Office of the White House the outcome of that would be an horrendous disaster for America , for the American people and for all the civilized nation of the world. Likewise, the United States will fast decline into a third world nation, and never become great nation again.
Therefore , it’s very important for all patriotic Americas to go out and vote on election day, Just in case that November“ election isn’t rigged for Kamala Harris to win” and become the next US President.
Regardless if this coming November election of genuine or not, the point is that if she actually does become President of United States , that means the US will be finished forever as a great and good world power and will be no better than other third world counties.
This sad and tragic ,so much so that I’m glad that I’m no longer a young man and am also very sorry and have pity for the children of America.
Owie says
You mean, of course, red Depends alter cocker Bernie Sanders.
Barbara panken says
Aha,…… doeskml call herself a folksy socialist???
ktchnsnk says
Kamala is a candidate only an America and Israel-hating, malevolent multi-billionaire would truly love – just like any other wholly owned George and Alex Soros subsidiary.
Consider: This nominee is the most radical member of the regime which;
* invited and released millions of unvetted deadbeats, criminals, and terrorists into the United States
* advocates for them voting in our elections
* boosted the cost of living by some 30%
* routinely refuses to prosecute and imprison violent criminals
* has weaponized the justice system and every 3-letter agency against their own political opposition
This is a national “idiot test” and will end with America and the civilized world weeping long and bitter tears if this next scion of the DNC becomes our president.