Without Willie Brown, Senator Kamala Harris would have a nice slot in a boutique law firm and give monthly talks about leadership as a woman. With Willie Brown, she’s got a shot at the White House, even though no one with Willie Brown in their resume or their bedroom, or both, in Harris’ case, should.
And Politico, in an article quoting a roster of black Biden supporters, manages to find only one guy who will stand up for Kamala.
But former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown — whose patronage of Harris helped put the then-Alameda County assistant district attorney on the political map in her early years — bridled at the suggestion that Harris may have muddled her political future with her attack on Biden. He told POLITICO that the vice president has no one to blame but himself for a lackluster and unprepared performance.
“They better hope she would accept [a VP nomination],’’ he said. “Otherwise, he’s a guaranteed loser.”
But Brown, who also served as speaker of the California Assembly, said Biden’s stunned reaction only underscored that — on the issue of civil rights — he has so far failed to be completely honest with voters and should simply admit his past unpopular actions and positions.
“At this point, she may be the only life raft he has,’’ he added, “because, as of this moment, he’s on the Titanic.”
Funny how invested Willie is in Kamala. It’s almost like he really needs her to win.
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