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It has been clear for quite some time that the Biden-Harris regime is no friend of the freedom of speech and dislikes the idea of dissent. It has tried on more than one occasion to curtail Americans’ Constitutional freedoms, all under the guise of protecting us. Making us blind slaves of the authoritarian state will save “our democracy,” you see. And now Kamala Harris, in complaining about free speech on X (formerly Twitter), has made it clear: her administration would be frankly and unapologetically authoritarian. It would, in short, be the end of America as a free society, and Kamala and her minions would say “Good riddance.”
As the far-left Brazilian government shut down X in order to silence dissidents in that country, Harris signaled that she was considering doing the same thing here if she wins in November. In a video that circulated on X Friday, we see Harris telling Jake Tapper: “He has, he has lost his privileges and it should be taken down.” It’s unclear whom she has in mind for this punishment, but the more she talks, the more it seems likely that she was referring to Elon Musk, and to taking down X.
Harris continued: “And the bottom line is that you can’t say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be, a, uh, er, uh, a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of, of, of oversight or regulation. And that has to stop.”
Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter/X, it has broken out of the lockstep in which the other social media giants march. They all went along willingly, and even eagerly, with the Biden regime’s determination to silence COVID dissidents, although Mark Zuckerberg has now broken ranks and claimed that he would have stood for the freedom of speech, but ultimately buckled under heavy pressure from the regime. Zuckerberg’s new stance strains credulity, especially in light of the fact that after Musk made Twitter/X into a bastion of the freedom of speech, Zuckerberg went so far as to set up a shadow Twitter called Threads, where users were warned openly that they might be silenced if their speech displeased the political elites.
Now Harris is calling for all the social media giants to march in lockstep again, just as they did in the good old days before Musk muddied the waters by disrupting their unanimity and at least slowing the progression toward total authoritarian control of speech. Harris wants the social media giants to submit to “oversight” and “regulation,” which means they will say what the leftist intelligentsia wants them to say, and only that. Other voices will be deplatformed, marginalized, and silence, just as they were everywhere before Musk and still are on most platforms.
This is just the latest indication of this regime’s authoritarian bent. In addition to its work for censorship on social media, the Biden-Harris regime is the first presidential administration to see its principal opponent indicted, and on charges that many see as flimsy and politically motivated. The Biden-Harris regime also tried and failed to establish a Disinformation Governance Board that would have effectively stamped out opposition to regime policies by labeling such opposition “disinformation” and silencing it accordingly.
Harris would no doubt insist, if she were suddenly overcome by a bout of coherence, that all she wants to do is helping the public by distinguishing truth from “disinformation.” The glaring problem with this claim is that what the regime and its henchmen call “disinformation” has more than once turned out to consist of truths that were inconvenient for the regime’s agenda and policies. One of the most notorious examples of this came in 2020, when Twitter, in an all-out effort to ensure that Biden would win the presidency, labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story “disinformation” and censored it accordingly. Fifty-one top intelligence professionals, all also avid to elect Biden, agreed that the laptop was “disinformation,” and Russian disinfo to boot, and that was that. Except the laptop was real.
We could soon be seeing many more instances of truths that harm the leftist elites being censored. The New York Post reported as far back as last February that the Biden-Harris regime was “spending millions on artificial intelligence research designed to make anti ‘misinformation’ tools which could then be passed to social media giants.” “Misinformation,” that is, in the eyes of the far-left wonks who are working on this project, and their overseers within the regime.
As always, such initiatives stem from a frank contempt for the American people, as does Harris’ taste for oversight and regulation of the only social media platform that allows for views that dissent from those of the dominant left. Harris and her fellow leftist elitists hold the American people in utter contempt, believing that we’re simply too stupid to be trusted to know right from wrong and choose our leaders properly. So Harris stands ready to silence dissent and make all our decisions for us, in accord with the will of her own handlers. That’s how totalitarian regimes work.
DrLarry says
Saving free speech through censorship. Kind of how they are saving democracy.
Robert Smith says
The party that financed the creation of the hoax Steel dossier , want’s to be in charge of what is disinformation and what isn’t .
The Redhawk says
Sadly the party of Alinsky is stuck on stupid — and no cure is available yet
Aristotle Cam says
My God-everyone on this page sounds defeated. Wake up! VOTE TRUMP!!!!! REMEMBER 4 YEARS
William Griffith says
No the party of Alinsky is not stupid, nor ignorant nor impaired in any clinical sense.
The Progressives/ Marxists/ Drive by Media are doing precisely what they intend to do- destroy this Republic from within.
George W says
She (and they) are quite upfront about this and there is a sizable population, esp younger, that delights in the censorship and preferably outright suppression of speech it doesn’t want to hear.. The instructions this Marxist and her followers will be issuing to deplatform and banish those who refuse to comply should, as during Covid, provide enough chill to get things done. Enjoy the cat videos – until this ends in war, as it always does.
joe says
Same as that elitist that’s running Canada into the ground. We will not be safe until the left is defeated.
Angel Jacob says
Kamala is a full blown psychopath. She is a control freak and power hungry. She has zero sympathy for people. No shame and no guilt.
She is a master liar and manipulator though.
She can mimic other people’s character and thoughts easily.
That’s what psychopaths are.
Blackdog says
So she is an ordinary leftist? They never forget being ostracized at puberty and act accordingly.
The Redhawk says
She is atypical psychopath of the D fascist party.
Semaphore says
You just gave an apt description of Adolf Hitler…
I was having Lunch at a McDonalds today the TV was Broadcasting CNN(Fake News Network)and they were all on about Biden And Harris as you already know CNN is all Leftists Propaganda news and is just mostly everybody else Ignored it since its covers up the Democrats Dirty Deeds
john c heekin says
Kamala reveals her basic premise when she says “the privilege” of speech. The right to free speech comes from God, and not even the (it thinks) all-powerful Deep State can infringe on it. I CAN see the cleverness of installing Harris to front the effort, though. She is the perfect hormonally imbalanced sociopathic shrew to front the effort.
Mo de Profit says
Have a look at the lunatic left in Britain which now has two tier policing. Look at Canada which now has thought crime. Look at Germany which has no fuel. Look at France which has no safe space for Jews. Look at Venezuela which has the perfect Marxist ideology.
Noah Andeark says
When HT** Harris told us about Ukraine and Russia, she had just learned those facts about the two countries. It was all new information to her. She explained it to Americans like she was their teacher, and we were hearing it for the first time.
** Hawk Tuah
internalexile says
Yeah, like “the wheels on the bus go round and round.” Both pathetic and insulting.
Hannah Katz says
Kami before the election: “Vote for me, ladies! You may get pushed out of your sports by men, but you can get all the abortions you want! And the government will pay your college and medical bills.”
Kami if she wins: “Sit down, shut up, and pay your taxes!”
John MacKenzie says
Kamaliar is a rabid dog who needs to be put down. This is War.
Intrepid says
So Kumalaot Harris wants to be our first female Fuhrer but with saggy “attributes”.
My guess is, if she wins, she will declare herself Fuhrer For Life and the idiot Dems will just nod and say “OK, You Go Girl. Don’t forget to use your Blackcent”
Greg says
Kamala “Heels Up” Harris wants to silence others with her cackling. Somebody needs to put something in her mouth. Where’s the philandering Willie Brown (her old cavity stuffer) when you need him?
Allan Goldstein says
You misspelled black scent ~
🦨 °°
Steve Chavez says
“WHEN, NOT IF, the Com-Left controls SCOTUS, they will rule that the Constitution itself is Unconstitutional!” sc
“USING the Freedoms in the Constitution to Overthrow the Constitution!” sc
Cory Booker: “Our Founding was rooted in White Supremacy!” And yet he took The Oath to protect documents written by Whitey?
A Turning Point student group at UNM/Albuquerque was taking a poll written on a large billboard: “Is the United States greatest country on Earth?” Overwhelming “NO!”
(I told the TP student: “I will offer free, they love freebies, free innertubes and a bus ticket to Key West, Florida so they can be the First, they love Firsts, to float TO Cuba. No election hassles there. Everyone is equal… equally poor, unless you’re in The Party. Join The Party which is the same as the Democratic Party here, so they’ll fit in. And the weather is great. Viva Che!”)
bert33 says
She’s going to lose the debate SO badly when everybody sees what a total charlatan she is. Heavily BANKROLLED charlatan, but charlatan nonetheless. Trump 2024
MuggsSpongedice says
Behind the cackle is a very evil woman – wicked beyond what we have seen – a very stupid person and very evil –
stupid and evil is a dangerous mix – but Cackling Kamalala has both ! evil and wicked and stupid
Allan Goldstein says
• I hate her even more
• All real Jews hate her
RS says
Kamala and Obama’s ideologies, and goals are one in the same. Obama never left office, he keeps getting like minded people who support his plans to run for office. Harris-Walz can finish the job for him.
Semaphore says
Yes, they’ll finish the job by finishing the rest of us. I pray that doesn’t happen.
Snowfrog says
I realize that I am preaching to the choir here but Harris will be a tyrant the first day of her administration, if she pulls it off. Lacking in intellectual capacity and having a tendency to create her own reality should be a red flag to rational thinking people.
The real difference between Trump and Harris is that one is a leader and the other is a politician. One candidate is a pragmatist and the other a megalomaniac. A simple choice for critical thinkers but an opportunity for ideologues to promote their fantasies.
Onzeur Trante says
This election will be the ultimate test of whether the dumbing down of America has been a success. If Harris and The Tampon win, America is dumber than one ever believed and likely irremediably so. A poential Harris win is rich fodder for imagining how awful life would be under her rule….
TRex says
I think that test has already been administered and at least half the voting public got a big, fat “F”. Looking at where our country stands in educational ranking, compared to the rest of the First World, it won’t be getting any better in the foreseeable future. One could say, this is the enemy within.
Polyphemus says
Kamala’s journey has been a real life Fellatio Alger story…
CTripps says
The federal government, SCOTUS, and military hate US citizens.
Steve Kardas says
The 1st Amendment and the Bill of Rights for that matter are just annoying impediments for leftist to get there way establishing a one party system for complete domination of us peasants. Commie’s know full well making people shut up is essential to their cause and history has shown to what extent they will go to make people shut up and it ain’t pretty. Vote Donald Trump in November in such overwhelming numbers that it will be impossible for the leftist to cheat again.
Onzeur Trante says
It’s all too complicated for the brain dead to understand. Their eyes glaze over. Except when it comes to watching Kommiela’s Joy and Hope Vibe in action on stage. That’s how they will elect the next president.
TRex says
Sad, but true. The Orcs are growing in number.
George says
They will use Central Bank Digital Currency to enforce compliance, including confiscation of guns. Just like Trudeau did to the trucker covid protestors.
Walter Sieruk says
George Washington had, very wisely, declared, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.”
David Yetter says
Even before the Hunter Biden laptop, there was COVID policy: Jay Bhattacharya’s estimate of the case-fatality rate for COVID-19 of 0.2% turned out to be spot on, but was censored because the state-approved “fact” was that the case-fatality rate was 3.4%. The Great Barrington Declaration could not be discussed on social media because even discussing it would “kill people”, yet Sweden, which adopted almost exactly the policies it advocated, had a lower COVID death rate per capital than the US or UK, all without spoiling children’s education with pointless school closures or massively denting GDP or inflating the currency to obviate the effects of lockdowns. (And no, it’s not because Sweden is a “big empty country”. Sweden has a more urbanized population than either the US or UK. It’s the US that’s the big empty country.)