Senator Kamala Harris was billed as a moderate. Democrat pro-Israel groups pointed to her marriage to a Jewish man. But the reality is that the Democrats are trending far-left, which means the most deranged kinds of attacks on the Jewish State now have their approval.
The student, who identified herself as part-Yemeni, part-Iranian and “not an American,” also expressed outrage at US funding of the Iron Dome.
“You brought up how the power of the people and demonstrations and organizing is very valuable in America,” she said. “But I see that over the summer there have been protests and demonstrations in astronomical numbers standing with Palestine. But then just a few days ago, there were funds allocated to continue backing Israel, which hurts my heart because it’s ethnic genocide and displacement of people, the same that happened in America, and I’m sure you’re aware of this.”
In response, Harris said she was “glad” the student spoke up.
“Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard,” she said.
Harris said democracy is strongest when everyone participates and is weakest when anyone is left out.
“That’s not only about being physically present but that your voice is present,” she said. “Our goal should be unity, but not uniformity. Unity should never be at the expense of telling any one person, ‘For the sake of unity, oh you be quiet about that thing.’ That’s not unity. Then we see where that ends up in a healthy debate about the issue.”
That comes from the same administration that actively urges Big Tech companies to censor conservative political views.
No one should be too surprised at the rapid descent of the Democrats into antisemitic fever swamps. A great example is Senator Elizabeth Warren, who in 2014, defended Israel’s right to fight Hamas. As the former sleazy lawyer worked hard to make herself over into a leftist in the Bernie Sanders mold, she embraced anti-Israel politics all the way.
Kamala Harris understands that she has to at least sound welcoming to hatred of Israel, even as she tries to play both sides.
Pro-Israel Dems used to claim Kamala as one of their own. After all, Halie Soifer, the head of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, used to serve as her national security adviser. But much of that has gone by the wayside. Kamala, like Warren, is a creature of ambition with no principles, but a limited talent for copying what others are doing. The Left is great at manufacturing a consensus for politicians to copy.
And the consensus calls for the destruction of Israel.
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