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Unbound by the lessons of a hundred years of history, Vice President Kamala Harris is promising stuff.
Actually despite running a campaign that acts like she’s some new arrival, trying to blame companies for raising prices, instead of inflation, was the Biden agenda.
And nobody bought it then.
Most people don’t especially like or trust corporations, but they’re also not so stupid as to think that corps became greedy overnight. They weren’t greedy in 2019, but they suddenly turned greedy in the last 5 years and keep raising prices for no reason. And the market just can’t correct for it through competition.
But this time it’s coming from a whole new ‘unbound’ candidate, so will they buy it now?
Kamala appears to be pitching price controls which is the usual response by socialist governments to inflation. Venezuela tried price controls and devastated its entire economic system. But some might say that’s a feature, not a bug. Eliminate the infrastructure of capitalism and you end up with no alternative to government. Also mass starvation, riots in the streets, and a regime kept in power by the police. These days two out of three could apply to the UK.
Trying to stop inflation through a ban on price increases is like trying to stop a ship from sinking by banning anyone from noticing the water coming through the floor.
And paradoxically the administration, the campaign and the media (but I repeat myself) are insisting that inflation is fine and that they’re going to fight it through price controls.
Which is it?
Domenic Pepe says
Without doubt, the Laughing Hyena and her traitorous villain Walz, have something drastically wrong and defective with their moral compass as well as their intellectual capacities.
The Laughing Hyena Harris and her Pimp Walz clearly hate America and hate and harm US citizens.
Laughing Hyena Harris and and American traitor Walz deserve to be soundly defeated come November 2024.
Is it a sin to pray to God to euthanize Harris and Walz like an injured horse is euthanized ?
This is an important theological question.
No offense to horses in intended.
I will consult the Pope on this matter.
THX 1138 says
Consult the Pope?
And you claim Kamala is intellectually deficient?
That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Domenic Pepe says
Hey THX …
Can’t you recognize mockery and ridicule ?
Me thinks you got Ayn too much on the brain.
You should direct your logical powers to where they are needed.
CowboyUp says
Did you hear the WHOOOSH! when that went right over your head, THX?
Intrepid says
You should consult your personal collections of popes…….Randy, Puk-off, Binswanker, Salsman, you know, the “giants”
Jeff Bargholz says
And oh, yeah, I’m still paying double to quintuple for EVERYTHING and can’t afford it. As if the Kamelho administration could or would reduce prices.
Only brain dead retards still support Dirtbagocrats after the last three and a half years of America swirling down the toilet.
commonsense says
And “brain-dead retards” account for half the electorate.
LC says
Lets repeat the same failed socialist experiment and expect a different result this time.
Welcome to cackling nincompoop economics.
Buddy the Cat Meow says
Ban unhappiness. It should work.
Domenic Pepe says
The Laughing Hyena Harris and her Traitorous Pimp Walz will mandate laws and EPA regulations against suffering.
And the ” never Trump ” cadres and fools will believe it.
John Sweet says
Unbound by even a modicum of intelligence.
Jeff Bargholz says
Damn, Kamelho is ugly.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me jacks it to ugly skanks like Kamelho. Assuming you can get it up, which I doubt.
Floyd Looney says
But wait there is more…. as if college loans weren’t bad enough now she wants to give every first time homebuyer $25,000 backing for a house…. crazy
Domenic Pepe says
Where do I sign up for my share of the Harris Hyena loot ?
John MacKenzie says
Only if you’re black or brown skinned, otherwise you get the Bronx cheer and none of the loot.
Dammershleck says
To curb the increasingly costly price of haircuts, Kamala will start chopping heads (and the Gitmo terrorists she has released will be given jobs!)
Olay lets see Ding-Bat fly to the Moon and back just start flapping her arms real hard
Domenic Pepe says
Harris the Hyena definitely knows how to keep her rump elevated up in the air … Hyena style.
That has definitely gotten her far along ….
Domenic Pepe says
The objective of the depraved Biden/Harris/Obama/Clinton leftist democrat administration is to subvert and harm and create as much misery and hardship for America and US citizens as is physically possible.
They believe that misery and harmful policies inflicted on America and US citizens will keep them in power and extend their power and make those at the top of the political pyramid more wealthy with greater control of the nation and populace.
They deliberately seek to subvert and create chaos in America and to destroy the US working and middle class.
The purpose of the democrats persecuting and branding of Trump as the worst human being since Atilla the Hun is to arouse in people a psychological and emotional hatred that goes far beyond logic, rationality, and common sense.
They are insidiously working to build a psychological and emotional framework around Trump that irrationally and spontaneously elicits a kind oppositional defiance against Trump and the MAGA idea that cannot ever be refuted or countered. by facts or clear rational thinking or simple demonstration.
Probably half the population of the USA emotionally and psychologically react to successful authority type figures the way a child or adolescent often does, i.e. through opposition defiance.
That is what is behind the ” never Trump ” syndrome. These forever anti-Trump voters and haters can never be reached, regardless. They will vote against their own interests.
Trump and the Trump campaign strategists must put some thought into this situation.
Is it possible, however seemingly remote, to change the minds of some of those voters who suffer from the never Trump oppositional defiance disorder that has been manufactured and directed against Trump.
Perhaps getting some of these ” wacko ” voters to give Trump another look could help Trump and the GOP to win in November 2024.
Kit_Jefferson says
A little knowledge intoxicates. More tends to bring sobriety. “Caramel” has been on one tremendous bender.
CowboyUp says
This is great. And she picked someone even worse than aoc, to run with.
The joker in the deck is the democrat party fraud game. That’s what matters. Hillary probably didn’t win the popular vote in 2016, And with registering illegal aliens to vote, in most places it’s only gotten worse. And the GOP leadership has done next to nothing to secure the vote.
Domenic Pepe says
The electoral corruption in the depraved democrat party is absolutely unprecedented now ….
much worse than Tammany Hall in NYC.
How the GOP is going to overcome this level of democrat party corruption and fraud is a mystery to me.
God help America and US citizens if the worse happens post November 2024.