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“The idea that terrorists attack because they hate freedom, however, is misguided,” Philip Gordon wrote in ‘Winning the Right War’. “Even most of the Muslims who support terrorism and trust Osama bin Laden favor elected government” and “personal liberty.”
Gordon, Obama’s future Middle East coordinator, explained in his book that Muslim terrorists weren’t “born evil” or “hate our freedoms”, but rather they feel “shame” over the state of “a once great Islamic civilization” surpassed by other cultures including “the local upstart, Israel.”
America was “creating conditions” that “generate” Islamic terrorism by detaining Al Qaeda terrorists, failing to punish American soldiers and “justifying any Israeli military action”. Gordon urged the White House to assure Iran that we have “no intention of using military force against Iran or fomenting internal dissent” because “Iran’s concerns about such issues are legitimate”
Published in 2007 by an imprint of the New York Times, Gordon’s book was a blueprint of the policies that the Obama administration would adopt, including blaming America and Israel, appeasing Iran and Islamists, and making Muslims feel better about themselves. These are the building blocks of the policies that led us to Oct 7 and an Iranian war across the region.
Today, Gordon is Kamala’s National Security Advisor, and possible future Secretary of State.
Gordon’s hostility toward Israel and sympathy for Islamic terrorists is a longstanding matter. Even before joining the Biden administration, he had co-written an article with Iran lobby figure Robert Malley, under FBI investigation for mishandling classified documents, urging Biden to reverse Trump’s possible recognition of Israel territory, and to cut political and economic support for Israel to punish it for its diplomatic successes under the Trump administration.
Recently, Gordon urged Israel to stop seeking victory against Hamas and accept a hostage deal that would allow the Islamic terrorist group to hang on in Gaza and free thousands of terrorists.
In his book, Gordon had claimed that “though Hamas refuses to recognize Israel today, it is not hard to imagine an eventual change in that position”. And in 2014, he had argued that a reconciliation deal between the PLO and Hamas “isn’t necessarily a bad thing”.
In 2016, Gordon, speaking on behalf of the Clinton campaign, appeared at a conference by National Iranian American Council (NIAC) widely regarded as the Iran Lobby, and promised that Hillary Clinton would veto new sanctions on Iran. He was described as assuring the Iran Lobby of the “potential for collaboration with Iran”. The New York Times even appeared to list him as a “tour guide” on its Iran trips.
And Gordon is not the only terror booster on Kamala’s team.
Ilan Goldenberg, a key member of the Kerry team who played vital roles in the Obama administration’s campaigns against Israel and for Iran, serves as her Middle East adviser, and would have a more prominent role in any administration.
Goldenberg complained that the Trump administration had taken Israel’s side during the Hamas border riots that served as a prep for Oct 7, objected that moving the embassy to Jerusalem had not been packaged with similar concessions to the terrorists and co-authored a paper with Hady Amr, who acts as Biden’s point man to the terrorists and had threatened Israel with violenceafter the assassination of a Hamas leader, urging a deal with Hamas.
The paper proposed that “the United States, UNSCO, and Egypt should work quietly in concert, engaging with Israel, the PA, Hamas and a “long-term ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas, with Israel accepting that “Hamas would retain some of its military capabilities”.
At one session Goldenberg urged, “you used to have 25,000, 100,000 Gazans working inside Israel. That needs to happen again. The Israelis know who these guys are. They can start with a few thousand work permits. And there’s a lot of support for that in all of the Israeli communities around Gaza.”
That became policy. Gazans flooded Israel, scouted those “Israeli communities around Gaza” and when Oct 7 began, they came back with maps of the communities so that they knew where the security teams were, which houses had dogs and where the children could be found.
Gordon and Goldenberg, who are set to play major roles in any Kamala Harris administration, have expressed no regrets or retractions of their past policies and positions. Even as the Middle East burns due to Iranian terrorism, all they have done is double down on them.
In a co-written op-ed headlined, “Relax, Israel – if your ally is working with your enemy, it doesn’t make them friends:, Goldenberg envisioned that “iIn the aftermath of a successful nuclear deal, U.S. relations with Iran should shift from that of an adversary to that of a competitor.” His position on Israel was rather different with op-eds like “Why Israel’s Settlement Construction Must Be Stopped” and “How Israel Brought U.N. Resolution on Itself With Irrational Settlement Push”.
Under a Secretary of State Phil Gordon, the Abraham Accords and normalization with countries like Saudi Arabia, which one of his op-eds described asn “Arabian fantasy” would be swept aside in a return of Obama’s non-stop pressure campaign on Israel to create a terrorist state.
“How will it have peace if it is unwilling to delineate a border, end the occupation, and allow for Palestinian sovereignty, security, and dignity?” Philip Gordon had warned at a conference in Israel right after terror rockets began to fall. “It cannot maintain military control of another people indefinitely. Doing so is not only wrong but a recipe for resentment and recurring instability.”
After the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens by Hamas, Gordon equated Israel and the terrorists, claimed that both sides suffered from “racism”, told “both sides to demonstrate reason and calm” and warned that “calls for retribution and revenge have no place on either side”. Finally he falsely contended that “neither side” was “ready to make the difficult decisions required for an agreement”.
Ilan Goldenberg had similarly argued that, “half the root causes are Israeli actions, in terms of — especially just focusing on Gaza, on the blockade. And the other half is Hamas’ choice to use violence and arm itself in response.”
That false paradigm has been markedly present in Kamala’s attacks on Israel after Oct 7.
Kamala’s relentless criticism of Israel’s self-defense is a preview of things to come. Behind her escalating rhetoric are a group of anti-Israel figures from the Obama administration. Goldenberg was one of the radicals brought in the Warren campaign and then injected into the Biden administration. Philip Gordon is a longtime State Department anti-Israel figure from a faction whose fingerprints are all over the policies that empowered Iran and set the region on fire.
What would Kamala’s foreign policy look like? The presence of Gordon and Goldenberg as her close advisors on the region shows that it would be the Obama administration on steroids.
Thanks Daniel, very enlightening !!!
Its like they spin the Muslim condition just enough so that those uninformed about Islam can believe it.
No, they genuinely believe it, do gooders believe that “ “Even most of the Muslims who support terrorism and trust Osama bin Laden favor elected government” and “personal liberty.”
That’s complete stupidity but they also think a one world government without borders will work.
Then there’s the dumb belief that the muslims feel shame because Israel is outperforming them. It’s not shame it’s jealousy.
Maybe it is deliberate undermining, it’s justified foreign wars for decades and kept the military industrial complex wealthy.
On second thoughts maybe I’m naïve.
“Then there’s the dumb belief that the muslims feel shame because Israel is outperforming them. It’s not shame it’s jealousy.”
I’ve also described it as reflecting a cognitive dissonance. Their creed, after all, has described Jews in only negative terms, and as the “lowest” of peoples. For 14 centuries, a Jews have at best been only tolerated as “dhimmis”. Non-Muslims more generally have been held in contempt as infidels, non-believers, and perpetual enemies. Some Muslims have gotten past such thinking; the fundamentalists certainly have not.
Now here is Israel, sitting on land they believe is part of the Islamic endowment (waqf) because it was once ruled by Muslims, Jews ruling over Muslims, outdoing them militarily, economically, scientifically. The only way to rectify that dissonance is to maintain a state of hostility and perpetual war until they are ultimately triumphant. October 7 gave them a taste of that “triumph”, and the rest of us a taste of what they have in store for the people of Israel and the wider world.
Cognitive dissonance to describe muslims is spot on! On the one hand they are brainwashed, life long, that they are superior to all other non-muslims, and on the other hand they witness, with their own eyes how backwards, crude and barbaric their cultures are. Islam is satan’s creed – attack, murder, rape, torture, enslave, etc., the non-muslims while being commanded to enjoy it.
The 1400 year depraved Islamic scourge on humanity is still intact and ongoing.
That goes for all psychopathic Islamic “Royal” families and their berserk murderous followers.
The Islamic “Royal” families could end the terrorism murder, violence savagery and insanity instantaneously …. if they chose to do so.. They have the money and influence and power to change their hate-filled violent Islamic ideology and society. But they will never do it.
In particular, the Saudis, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and other Islamic “Royal” families have been and continue to fund the violence terrorism and murder against Israel and Jews and America and US citizens.
In fact, they educate their children to hate all non-Moo — Slums.
These berserk Islamic ” Royal” families are not to be trusted.
They have one goal … to destroy Israel and Jews and harm America and US citizens.
Depraved Islam has been and always will be a scourge on humanity.
Enough already.
“No, they genuinely believe it, do gooders believe that “ “Even most of the Muslims who support terrorism and trust Osama bin Laden favor elected government” and “personal liberty.”
That’s complete stupidity but they also think a one world government without borders will work.”
Magical thinking, faith in the unreal, that’s what a religion is based on. You have your faith-based, magical thinking, beliefs and they have theirs.
And you have your faith based beliefs as well. It’s very clear in everything you write Mr. Objectivist
Objectivism is based on the facts of reality. There are NO supernatural claims in Objectivism.
No one is asked to take any claim on FAITH in Objectivism.
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
― Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni
Perhaps you should actually follow the Buddha’s advice because it is clear you you don’t.
Especially for these two statements:
“Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.”
You blindly follow the teachings of those two dead and near dead writers. Hypocrite.
Another failed attempt at moral symmetry. And you call others “stupid”?
You aren’t naive. You’re sane. Unlike Gordumb and Goldfarb.
I don’t understand why they WANT to believe it. Any fool can see the moslems are evil scum. It doesn’t take a magnifying glass or news documentary to see it. They’e vile and wherever they dwell, they destroy life and ravage everything in sight. They’ve always been scum and always will be.
I notice Gordon and Goldenberg don’t live in Dearborn or Yemen. Slimey hypocrites. Oikophobic turds. If anybody deserves a crazy left-wing assassin to shoot at them……..
They want to believe it in the same way that Jews and Christians believe in Noah’s Ark, or the Muslims believe in 72 virgins.
Does Noah’s Ark make any sense? No. Do 72 virgins make any sense? No.
Some people you just can’t reach, because of some EMOTIONAL fear or some emotional blockage, they are closed to reason and the facts of reality.
Dear THX1138:
You continue to take pot-shots at the Bible but you never attempt to objectively justify atheism.
So let me ask you:
What is the atheist’s objective explanation for our existence and conciseness ?
We Christians have the objective answer and it is based entirely on logic and reason. We don’t even need to appeal to the Holy Bible for the correct answer .
What say you?
Noah’s ark is a story about an actual flood, which is embellished with a moral.
72 virgins is what good Muslims get when they kill anyone who disagrees with any part of Muslim
theology or propaganda. There is a huge difference.
You are so locked into the meanderings of Ayn Rand you will never escape the hold she has on you. you are a slave to a dead religion.
And I fully expect you to start writing how Trump staged the assassination attempt. It will so put a nice cap on your increasing insanity and hatred of all things American.
Actually, Noah’s ark does make sense. 11 thousand years ago or so, the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea were flooded by the Mediterranean when the Hellespont broke. It makes sense that Noah saw that coming.
Yes, there were some gigantic floods in prehistoric times. I’m not a specialist in that area so I hesitate to say much, but I remember reading about a gigantic earth movement in Norway, some thousands of years ago, something slid into the ocean and caused a huge tidal wave that washed over much of Britain. Etc.
Never fails. Every time there’s a piece about islamic atrocities, the trolls come and say “Well, Christians, too!”
No. Not Christians, too. It only takes reading the life of Jesus and the life of Mohammed to see the difference.
Generalities rarely work once they are looked at closely. Generalizing is a lazy substitute for actual logic. It’s a telling statement showing the lack of intellectual skill that those who post the “Well, Christians, too!” comments don’t even seem to see how illogical it is.
Embarrassing yourself by trying to substitute emotion, false generalization, projection, etc. for researching the topics themselves is not a good look.
Does rational selfishness make any sense?
I have never understood the concept of selfishness as a way of life being somehow ennobling
It’s actually degrading. But you seem to like being part of the dregs of society.
God himself makes no sense unless He enlightens a person’s mind/spirit to Him.
This should be a job for Mossad, getting rid of traitors, instead of taking cushy trips to Qatar.
Hey Algor Analyst …..
I would say that Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law, is ” uninformed about Islam ”
But with a few billion dollars from the Saudi and Qatari and United Arab Emirates “Royal” families going into Kushner’s Affinity Partner’s company,
I guess all is just peachy dandy …. especially for the money groveling Kushner family.
Kushner’s cozying up to the Islamic “Royal” families is sure profitable for them.
This Affinity Partners deal really really really stinks to high heaven.
Maybe President Trump should think about whether this multi-billion dollar deal his son-in-law has made with the blackmailing treacherous OPEC Islamic scum will be helpful for his presidential campaign.
The Saudis and Qataris and the UAR and other Islamic countries/societies should never be trusted.
They have been making war on Israel and America for at least 75 years.
Depraved Islam will be the forever enemy of Israel and America and the West until this Islamic scourge is finally crushed.
I hope that Kushner’s greed and moral integrity do not rub off on President Trump.
In the morning the Kushner family will sell the rope to the Muslims with which the Muslims will hang them at noon.
How much money has the Bush clan received from the Saudis too? G.W. Bush put all his Saudi buddies on airplanes back to safety in Saudi Arabia right after 9/11.
“Islam is really a religion of peace” – G.W. Bush
“Precisely because of their pretense, the conservatives are morally lower than the liberals; they are farther removed from reality—and, therefore, they are more harmful in practice.
Since they purport to be fighting “big government,” they are the main source of political confusion in the public mind, they give people the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. Thus the statist drift proceeds unchecked and unchallenged.
Historically, from the Sherman Act to Herbert Hoover to the Bush Administration, it is the conservatives, not the leftists, who have always been the major destroyers of the United
States.” – Leonard Peikoff
“As a group, businessmen have been withdrawing for decades from the ideological battlefield, disarmed by the deadly combination of altruism and Pragmatism. Their public policy has consisted in appeasing, compromising and apologizing: appeasing their crudest, loudest antagonists; compromising with any attack, any lie, any insult; apologizing for their own existence. Abandoning the field of ideas to their enemies, they have been relying on lobbying, i.e., on private manipulations, on pull, on seeking momentary favors from government officials. Today, the last group one can expect to fight for capitalism is the capitalists.” – Ayn Rand
It’s very clear you have no sense of country, history or anything else. I have no idea what this pile of gibberish has to do with anything in this article re: Kamalalala and her blatant anti-semitism
It’s too bad the Professor G. is not here today. You could spend the majority of your time sucking up to her. Instead you have way to much time on your hands. So you simply piss on anything else you can think of.
re: Kent’s question to THX
I see you reverted to your usual form of argument….obfuscation
We have no way way of knowing if God is limitless or not, infinite or not, SUPER-consciousness or not.
And neither do you. If God were a collection of “nots” then God would not be God. And if I may paraphrase from “A Man for All Seasons”, you are not competent to prove the negative.
Personally I will take the Bible as my grounding re: God, and simply go on with my life secure in his existence. It’s so easy to get other stuff done when you aren’t worried about God and what he is.
You can hang out with your amateur collection of Objectivist fools getting nothing done.
Dear THX1138:
See my post above.
Are you incapable of justifying atheism with a logical argument?
Dear Kent, what is God?
To exist is to have identity. To exist is to be some thing, to be a thing.
Is God infinite? No entity that exists can be infinite, to exist is to have finitude.
To define an existent is to establish the existent’s finite qualities, to establish its finite limits.
Is God limitless? No entity can be limitless, to exist an entity must have finite limits.
To have no limits, to have no finitude, is to NOT exist.
Is God a SUPER-consciousness that creates existence? That would be a contradiction of what consciousness is. Consciousness is an attribute of certain living organisms that PERCEIVES existence but does NOT create existence. Whatever God would be it cannot be any form of consciousness.
So, what is God precisely Kent?
Clever THX1138:
You didn’t answer my question, you simply posed a question in response.
So how do you prove atheism is true THX ?
I will answer your question to me with this objective logic:
In order for anything to exist, something must be eternal.
And, because our world of time, space and matter had a beginning, it cannot be eternal. Thus, something beyond our physical universe exists. And something from beyond our physical universe is eternal.
Where atheism fails, this simple yet compelling logic explains our existence and our consciousness.
“I will answer your question to me with this objective logic:
In order for anything to exist, something must be eternal.
And, because our world of time, space and matter had a beginning, it cannot be eternal. Thus, something beyond our physical universe exists. And something from beyond our physical universe is eternal.
Where atheism fails, this simple yet compelling logic explains our existence and our consciousness.
No, Kent. The Big Bang Theory does NOT point to Yahweh. It points to a starting point of an explosion, but not to creation of existence ex nihilo.
As of right now, for all we know, the universe may consist of an eternal explosion and implosion cycle.
“…it is not true that Big Bang theory holds that existence started at some point in time, or that existence emerged out of non-existence. Rather, it holds that something very different from matter as it exists today, and perhaps operating by physical laws different from physical laws as they are today, existed before the Big Bang, and caused the Big Bang (this pre-Big-Bang existence is usually referred to as “the Primeval Atom”). While some have interpreted Big Bang theory as holding that existence emerged out of non-existence, or as confirmation of the religious idea of creation by God, these are fringe interpretations. Mainstream Big Bang theory, as widely accepted, does not in any way challenge Objectivist ideas.” – Eyal Mozes, The Atlas Society
The Bush family is as sickening greedy and sucks up to the Islamic “Royal” families as Jared Kushner. Trump’s son-in-law is such a disappointment.
Apparently he cannot think straight. when billions of depraved corrupt OPEC blackmailing Islamic dollars are flashed in front of his eyes. What a lowlife.
They are always feathering their nests with the OPEC blackmailing Islamic blood money.
I just hope that President Trump does not get dragged into the Kushner Affinity Partners scandal with the Saudi and Qatar and United Arab Emirates “Royal” families.
In answer to your post responding to Kent (which for some reason does not have a reply button): created beings are finite, because the parameters of their existence are pre-set by their Creator. Uncreated (i.e., self-existent) beings are infinite.
You are making an arbitrary claim, namely that existence requires a creator. But if the very act of existence, existing, requires a creator, then that creator, because he exists, requires an antecedent creator to bring him into existence, and that antecedent creator would also require a previous antecedent creator to bring him into existence, ad infinitum. An infinite regression of creators.
But an infinite regression is impossible. There must be a starting point. And that starting point is simply this — EXISTENCE EXISTS. That is the fundamental axiom of rational philosophy, existence simply exists. It needs no creator.
The Law of Identity is INESCAPABLE. If an entity exists, then by necessity, the entity must have identity. And to have identity is to have limits and finitude.
I always like to read Mr. Greenfield’s writings and I can’t remember ever disagreeing with anything he ever wrote. Keep up the good work; we appreciate you. I think you are Ernest Greenfield’s cousin. Ernest is a friend of mine. Be well. Henry Leibowitz
These so called experts SME are NUTS, WRONG, & Playing with 6mm Jewish lives
Kamala 100% sides with Hamas and hates Israel. There is no doubt of that.
And she’ll use her JINO husband as “proof” she “can’t be antisemitic”. Imagine how the Left who react if someone used a persoonal relationship with someone who was a “person of color” to “prove” s/he/it/they weren’t racist, or a Muslim to “prove” s/he/it/they weren’t “islamophobic”.
This is why America is in big trouble in God’s eyes. We are putting these kind of rulers in place who hate Israel…… or they are putting themselves in office. by fraudulent elections. We should all know better than to vote for Marxism.
Thank you for pointing out that a key John Kerry advisor is on team Kamala.
Kerry is a male version of Kamala: a golddigger: an opportunist who shoots first and then aims.
Flaming leftists compete intensively to be the worst of the low-lifes. (The current title holder is Hunter Biden)
The two things they all have in abundance is incompetence and contempt for America.
Shithead Kerry once insisted that “palestinians” HAD to be a component of any mideast peace deal.
Then the Abraham Accords were passed without any palestinian street-trash what so ever.
(As was easily provable, Kerry was full of shit.)
How come Jared Kushner can’t get his newly minted Saudi and Qatari and United Arab Emirate ” friends “, who loaded him up with a few billion dollars in his Affinity Partners investment company, to put some pressure on the depraved psychopathic murderous Hamas/Palestinian lunatics ?
Just those three wealthy influential Arab Islamic ” Royal” families should be able to influence Hamas/Palestinians to give up the hostages and surrender.
So Kushner now is in bed with the Saudis, the Qataris, and the UAE for really big bucks, a few billion,
Why don’t these bastards throw their weight around to get Hamas/Palestinians in line and cease their war and terrorism on Israel and Jews. and also America ?
I will tell you why.
The Saudis, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have no intention to bring about peace.
The Abraham Accords are a scam on Israel and America.
Never forget that Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years and continues that scourge today.
Jared Kushner is either a fool, a patsy, or a greedy traitor, using his connection with Trump, his father-in-law, to further enrich himself off of his new Islamic “Royal” Family Friends.
What a stench emanates from Kushner .and his Affinity Partners investment business..
I’ll withhold judgement until another Republican gets elected POTUS.
The behavior of the Abraham accord partners may change from what it is now.
I hope.
FPM is media is-really, the word, I think one of the greatest of all terms I’ve come up with-is fake.”
Hey Kamalatoe. I’m surprised you got off your back long enough to type a comment! 🙂
I like the look of you, do you have any donations for me?
We already saw this in the report of what Harris lectured snd hectored Netanyahu about yesterday,She sound be a disaster for Israel and America
It’s an old southern colloquialism I realize, but there are “foxes in the henhouse”…and I’m beginning to believe there’s no way to get them all out. Their impact is painfully obvious on our college campuses and they’re embedded deep within the Democrat party.
I also realize people of faith, both Jew and Gentile, knew what to expect based on the original Abrahamic accords. God made promises to Abraham and has stuck by those promises.
Genesis 12: 2,3 “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
It’s always be a losing proportion to go against God’s will and that’s why the modern socialist Democrat position will always ultimately fail.
The venereal disease laden bitch just made clear she’s on the side of Hamas. The “civilian” populace made clear they’re on the side of Hamas previously in polls, then by using their homes to hide hostages.
Kamala has always been a cheap slut, but yesterday (after her awkward meeting with Bibi) the vicious bitch reaffirmed that she’s a cheap sell-out for islamic fascism.
Great comment! I laughed out loud when I read it and boy, is it true.
Israel and America made a huge mistake on October 8, 2023.
On October 8, 2023 Israel and America should have pulverized and decapitated the Iranian Ayatollah regime once and for all.
And let it be a lesson to all the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent freedom crushing Islamic scum.
Instead, the decision was made to continue playing along with the Mideast Kabuki Islamic theater.
That is a big mistake.
Depraved psychopathic murderous Islam must be crushed once and for all.
Islam is the enemy of Israel and America and Humanity.
It must be crusher before it is really too late.
I had no idea how much I was being ‘delivered’ from when 54 years ago I received Christ into my life. His Word gives me the perfect plumb line guiding my behavior. His presence confirms my redemption, forgiveness, and the new beginning and growth coming with every sun rise
Much of America is afflicted with the suicidal insanity “anomie”, described by sociologists. Do your own research………
The stuff of dreams. These are definitely not the attitudes of Gazans that the author of “Son of Hamas” describes.
I am afraid that this country is going to find out too late what the hatred of Israel shall bring and how drasitc the changes and the lack of blessings will not become.
Claiming to be wise, they became fools. Thinking that the annihilation of Israel is a good thing is SATANIC.
(Genesis 12:2-3 is a divine warning from God.). Whether some believe it or not…..this warning is going to play out….on weather, earth’s structures, perversion, famines, plagues, pestilence, violence, and the lack of immorality on our children. The Lord said, and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
God deals with nations in accord to how those nations deal with Israel….Down through the centuries, those nations, potentates, emperors, and ruler who dared to malign the Apple of God’s eye, the Jewish people, paid severely……and this warning from God is still in play today. God honors his word, he never changes, and already 100 prophecies that Jesus predicted have become fulfilled. The world is changing and about to get a dose of God’s wrath due to man’s sins and his corruption.
The main blessings Americans have received so far for blessing Israel have been the 9/11 attack and the war in Iraq. Are you feeling blessed yet?
Have you ever heard of the Judeo-Christian heritage of western civilization? Obviously not.
How twisted is the American psyche’? Burn our flag and be congratulated for free speech. Burn a rainbow flag and be arrested for a hate crime?
First, I ask, Why would any person with 2 strands of DNA listen to Cabbage head Kamala in the first place? She’s obviously stoned and in a constant state of self euphoric
cackling laughter. She must be a pretty good trick to work herself into a senate position because she’s bankrupt of intelligence. Self hating Jews, the likes of Gordon and Goldenberg grieve and sicken me to my core, just like Kissinger, such turn coats on their own people! I pray we do not have a 4th term of Obama, is all I will say!
Obama puppet #2, she is the perfect match for Obama’s 4th term!!!
Dear THX1138:
Thank you for your reply to me above.
I will make this my last reply under the current article.
It seems we may both be in agreement that something must be eternal
Among other theories, you posit that perhaps our universe exists in an “eternal” state of expansion and then contraction.
This theory does seem implausible since modern science has determined that the physics and the mass of our cosmos serve to make its eventual contraction and implosion physically impossible.
Has the software engineer & independent scholar, Eyal Mozes addressed this ?
Lastly, I understand that one of your arguments for atheism being true is to simply assert that EXISTENCE just IS and always has been. Is this how ‘objectivism’ employs logic to reach a conclusion about fundamental questions?
I guess I just don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.
“I guess I just don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.”
That’s a potshot Kent.
Lack of faith is the opposite of having faith Kent.
I don’t believe in leprechauns either, that doesn’t mean I have faith that leprechauns do not exist.
Since there is no evidence that leprechauns exist and all the evidence points in the other direction, that leprechauns do not exist, I have every rational right not to believe in leprechauns.
Now, you do have the right to believe in leprechauns Kent, or God, on FAITH. But you don’t have the right to claim that you believe in leprechauns, or God, based on reason.
So T, you’ve been very busy for the last three days arguing the same crap you argue everyday, Garbage in the abstract trying to disprove the existence of god, to no avail…….insulting people who do believe in God, to no avail, and pretty much making yourself look like a small, jealous venal individual.
Has your world changed at all? Has anyone come over to your side in their way of thinking. Is the world a better place with all of your silly questions.
You take up more space than anyone else except for that idiot Aslan. It’s like being in a boring college classroom that you don’t have to pay for. I had a few leftist professors like you in college. Arrogant, angry, dumb, thinking they new it all in their ratty looking dirty tweed jackets, and pretty much full of sh*t.
What they weren’t was objectivists. The school didn’t have that in their curriculum. Guess what, they still don’t. There was philosophy 101 and 102 and 201 and 202 for the second year. The students who were going on to teach in college were very much like you. Boring, fatuous, argumentative, and pretty much atheist. They believed in nothing. And they let you know just how “superior” they thought they were.
I assume they are still there, teaching meaningless abstract drivel to kids who have to take these B.S. courses as a Liberal Arts degree requirement.
I assume that would be you….a soaker up of meaningless drivel that changes nothing. But then you didn’t go to college did you. Not enough discipline to even do that.
Well it’s a new week starting tomorrow. I guess you will be sitting by your computer waiting for the next group of articles by real writers, including your unrequited love interest.
Kackling Kowmala is an id-ee-ought.
Talk about hypocrisy. The UN group UN Women bills iteslef as a global champion for women and girls that is dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. In the Wake of October 7 attack, it was “deeply alarmed” by the devastating impact on civilians including women and girls.”
However, ( its concern was reserved for woman and girls in Gaza alone. ) Though it boasts of “supporting Palestinian women since 1997 to achiever their socail, economic, and political rights, it originally aid nothing about Hama kidnapping, raping, beheading and burning Jewish women. It took nearly two months before it conddmend the brutal attacks by Hamas on Israel.”
In an open letter titled “Feminists for a free Palestine. Stop the Genocide, more than 1000 feminist scholars expressed their opposition to “colonialism and genocide:” and killing, maiming, kidnapping and imprrisonment of children.
Yet their vitriol is not aimed at Hamas , which massacres Jews; calls for genocide of the Jewish people;; and kills maims, kidnaps and imprisions Jewish children….Its aimed at Israel.
God’s purpose will be accomplisehd. There is a day coming when “ten men from every language of nations shall graps the sleeve of a Jewish man, say, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that GOD IS WITH YOU.” ZECHARIAH 8:23. Then the Jewish people will be “the head and not the tail. Deuteronomy 28:13, and the nations that once persecuted them will follow them in worship….
3-4,000 years ago Abraham settled Israel and since that time it has housed Jewish people…perhaps the colonialist Muslims should be condemned for colonizing over 50 nations and wiping out their native peoples of Christian and Indo culture.
.. but the UN is also colonized by thembl and not free to think rationally
Gee I wonder how the muslims acheived a “once great civilization” ?
She is an anti-semite
Can’t help. noticing leftists are permanently stupid. As usual they attribute terrorists’ actions to something outsiders did to them—pretty insulting to pick an excuse that strips Muslims of their own ideas and free will plus explicitly assumes (against all evidence) the terrorists won’t do anything to us unless we trigger them first. That was the Democrat FDR regime assumption about Japan that allowed their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The same leftist stupidity might start WWIII.
The modern Democrat party is a magnet for self loathing Jews who have no connection to their faith or Israel and instead seek to be embraced by the woke progressive left by being useful idiots.
Morally-bankrupt Kamala Harris tells wants to tell the Druze community in Majdal Shams not to be Islamophobic
That leftist -pro-Islam Philip Gordon , who Kamala Harris feels is so wise ,that she accepts him as one of her advisers is man who in reality is either treacherous or full of folly .
For he had “urged Israel stop seeking victory over Hamas.” That’s senseless fool advise as well as outright balderdash advise.
For the terrible but necessary reality that Hamas needs to be hit long and hard and it should to hit with much military might and. struck great power repeatedly until it’s completely destroyed. As it had been also, rightly said “Half –measures is folly and madness.”
For jihadists of Hamas will not respond to reason or logic , in others words, they cannot and will not be reasoned with. The only language that are able to understand is that of being the receiving end of a power of a great military might. As Thomas Jefferson had ,rightly ,written “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
Even the leftist US President Franklin D. Roosevelt with all liberal socialist had very wisely declared, “No compromise can end that conflict. There never has been—there never can be—successful compromise between good and evil. Only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance, and decency, and freedom, and faith.”
Prime Minister Benjamin had revealed knowledge and wisdom by his statement about the need to about the very important and necessary need to engage in the “Elimination of Hamas.”