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[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]
After 9/11, Nasrina Bargzie, an Afghan Muslim immigrant, was interviewed by law enforcement over troubling comments on the War on Terror reported by her friends.
Today she’s the Deputy Counsel to Vice President Kamala Harris.
After coming to America from a wealthy family in Kandahar, later a stronghold of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, Nasrina Bargzie was raised in Concord, CA, one of the state’s hubs for Afghan migrants, and quickly got involved in anti-American and pro-terrorist activism.
In 2001, while attending college, she was interrogated by the FBI about comments she had made to her friends. It’s unknown what she said, but it was enough to scare her friends, in one of the most liberal parts of the country, to apparently report her to law enforcement.
Next year, she wrongly received a law school scholarship intended for women who had suffered persecution under the Taliban even though she had left long before they came to power.
“I would like to do something that would affect Afghanistan,” Nasrina told a local paper.
Berkeley Law School was a hub of anti-American and anti-Israel activities and by the time she graduated, Nasrina was prepared to embark on her career of attacking both countries.
She became a legal fellow at the ACLU and joined its lawfare machine to dismantle our national security defenses against Islamic terrorism. In 2008, she posted about “wearing orange”at the Today Show in solidarity with the Al Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorists being held at Gitmo.
Nasrina also complained that “murder charges” had yet to be filed against the heroic Marines who bravely fought for their lives against terrorists in the streets of Haditha during the Iraq War.
In 2011 she joined the Asian Law Caucus and went to war against Jewish students facing antisemitic harassment. In 2010, Jessica Felber, a Jewish student, had been assaulted by a leader of the Students for Justice in Palestine campus hate group, and filed suit against UC Berkeley for tolerating an atmosphere of hate by activists linked to terrorist organizations. .
Nasrina Bargzie accused Jewish students and organizations of “organized legal bullying” for suing universities. She ridiculed the idea that calling for the destruction of Israel was “threatening” and co-signed a petition claiming that the lawsuit by Jewish students was “threatening” the speech of Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine and the Berkeley Muslim Students Association.
Jewish students, she argued, were the “aggressors” and rejected the idea that there was anything “anti-semitic” about the campus hate groups and their ties to Islamic terrorism.
Nasrina Bargzie was so desperate that she presented a request to the UN Human Rights Commission, a group often stocked with Islamic terrorist states, to intervene and stop the Department of Education from investigating “allegations of anti-Semitism on several campuses”.
The appeal to the UN was made on behalf of her Asian Law Caucus, CAIR, a group with a long history of supporting Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups, the National Lawyers Guild, a group with a Communist origin which has been complicit in antisemitic violence, and American Muslims for Palestine which has been sued over accusations of its ties to Hamas.
Hatem Bazian, the co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine and the godfather of campus antisemitism, would later thank Nasrina and others, for “being constantly engaged in everything related to Palestine”. Alongside her was Zahra Billoo, the local head of CAIR, with whom Nasrina Bargzie had co-signed the letter, who would defend Hezbollah and Hamas.
Nasrina would work together with Biloo and CAIR, whose leader praised the Oct 7 attacks, on their next major project. While Nasrina had claimed that the antisemitic harassment of Jews on campuses was just “freedom of expression”, when ads against Islamic terrorism were taken out on San Francisco buses, Nasrina and CAIR rallied to fight against freedom of expression.
After the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) took out ads addressing the roots of Islamic terror, Nasrina Bargzie claimed that “the ads are offensive and terrible” and admitted that “people just started calling and texting me… ‘What are we gonna do about this?'”
CAIR and Bargzie convinced local Democrats, including DA George Gascon, to condemn the ads which called for support for Israel and spoke out against Islamic terrorism.
Fresh from that victory, Bargzie and CAIR worked to protect Muslims accused of terrorism by restricting the police department’s relationship with the FBI. It was then that Bargzie revealed that she had been interrogated by the FBI and “was asked by the agent about her family history and background.” Information about those questions and history has not been forthcoming.
Members of the Bargzie family have told different stories about why they came to America, after traveling from Afghanistan to Pakistan. According to a Glamour magazine profile of Kamala’s staffers, “my father and uncle were prisoners of war who disappeared.”, and she told the San Diego Union Tribune that he was “executed.” However according to her younger sister Humah, also an activist and a lawyer, “He said ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ when he left the house, but he never came back.” His disappearance, she told another magazine, “for the most part, remains a mystery.” Did Nasrina lie about what happened to her father? And did her family?
What happened to Abdul-Khaliq Bargzie, a wealthy landowner from Kandahar, remains a mystery, but he may have been aligned with the Jihadist Islamist Mujahideen. Whatever the truth may be, Nasrina blamed the Communists rather than Islamists for his disappearance, and this may have strongly affected her activism for Islamist terrorists and terrorist supporters.
Despite having grown up in America, Nasrina Bargzie maintained close ties with her homeland, serving as president of the Afghan-American Bar Association, along with other Afghan groups, donating money back to her country and writing of her love for the ‘Pashto’ language.
By 2019, she was described as representing “seventeen different Afghan human rights organizations.” Despite that, or perhaps because of it, she joined the Biden-Harris team, vetting incoming hires. And then she entered an administration already full of staffers with foreign allegiances, ties to foreign governments and even terrorist sympathizers.
In 2021, Nasrina became Kamala’s Deputy Counsel and then in 2022, as many members of the vice presidential team fled, she rose to the position of Deputy Counsel. She’s been named one of the “fabulous four”: the four employees most loyal to Kamala who stayed on. And as a corollary, she’s one of the four whom Kamala favors and is the most likely to promote.
Nasrina came out of some of the same legal and political circles as Kamala Harris. She worked for the ACLU at the same time as Kamala’s sister Maya held a prominent role at the local ACLU. Maya also worked closely with CAIR and played a key role in Kamala’s presidential campaign.
No one in the FBI seems to have asked about Nasrina Bargzie’s original comments or the family history that troubled the government at the time. Nor has there been any mention of her work with pro-terror groups such as CAIR or her appearance on a panel with MPAC’s Salam Al Marayati who has defended Islamic terrorists. But the implications of a woman who has spent much of her career undermining our national security, attacking Jews and defending terrorist sympathizers is troubling for Americans, for Jews, Christians and for all people of goodwill.
Nasrina Bargzie resents America despite everything it has done for her. After benefiting from the Refugee Resettlement program, she blamed America for having created the refugees. In a Kamala Harris administration, she would be equipped to continue degrading our counterterrorism efforts, making life easier for Islamic terrorists and harder for Americans.
Occupying a prominent position in a Kamala administration, one of her top lawyers would be able to continue her campaign against American Jews and for the Hamas supporters attacking them.
P.N.Tador says
Masrina Bargzje should be placed on watch list. A woman that resents the country that had made what she is and a hater of Jews is very bad omen inside the US
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel !!! Good expose.
What did Shakespeare say about (Muslim) lawyers?
MuggsSpongedice says
What did Shakespeare say about (Muslim) lawyers?
Algorithmic Analyst says
“The first thing we do, is neutralize the lawyers” 🙂
Allan Goldstein says
Do you know the difference between a lawyer and a bantam rooster❔
Allan Goldstein says
A rooster clucks defiance. ~
Jeff Bargholz says
Roosters and hens are funny when you kick them. You can kick them ten feet in the air and they flap down. They can’t fly but they can manage that. Me and my cruel friend kicked one up in the air over and over back in our late teens before we got tired of it. You should’ve seen it try to fly away. You know how teen-agers are. We were mean back then.
Allan Goldstein says
That sounds like a cunning stunt.
…but enough of this. If we stir up the twitter bots, the fit may hit the shan.
THX 1138 says
To Jeff,
“You know how teen-agers are. We were mean back then.”
Don’t throw all teenagers into the same stereotype category.
Just yesterday I was in a mall in a part of town that’s heavily Chinese-American. Let me tell you something, it was absolutely DELIGHTFUL to sit down and observe the Chinese-American teenagers for an hour.
The wholesomeness, the politeness, the sweetness, the innocence, was like being transported to Mayberry circa 1950.
Jeff Bargholz says
whoever down voted me sucks chicken dicks.
Jeff Bargholz says
Every teen with testosterone was cruel at times. The chicks were even crueler. Those are just facts of life. I’m not proud of it but I did it.
We cant have Hair-A** or Wall Face nor should we allow Ham-A** and we need to get ourselves Out of the United Nations and the United Nations Out of America Period
LC says
Somehow, I just can’t act surprised about this.
I’m quite certain that Kami the Commie knew exactly who and what she was hiring and was well vetted prior to being brought on board. All too often we dismiss this as stupid, when it is real evil. Don’t confuse the cackling nincompoop routine with the evil she really does.
In another news forum this morning, don’t recall where, came across something where Kami the Commie said something about defending Israel…to help secure the jino vote.
Allan Goldstein says
Vice President Hubert Humphrey ↩️
“The politics of joy”
Vice President Kamala Harris ↩️
“The politics of Jew-boy”
Truth sets free says
My view is KH had little to do with her hiring, but her “handlers”,, mostly Obama staffers and advisors like Valerie Jarrett were the decision makers.
Daniel Greenfield says
it’s an ACLU hire
her sister, Maya Harris, was ACLU
her brother-in-law, Tony West, defended terrorists
Mactoid says
Invite the third world, become the third world
commonsense says
As a corollary: Invite those belonging to the House of Islam, become the House of Islam.
Domenic Pepe says
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent freedom crushing Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Today Islam is a scourge on America and US citizens, and particularly is a scourge on Israel and Jews.
The traitorous woke leftist democrat party and its leaders Obama, Biden, Harris, Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Coons, etc.etc.etc. are determined to destroy America and Its citizens who refuse to comply with their conspiracies against America and US citizens and their dictatorial mandates.
Wake up America and US citizens.
Harris and BIden and the their depraved democrat party deliberately created the Illegal alien INVASION of America. of at least 15 million during the Biden/Harris administration.
More than 100,000 US citizens every year are being murdered by Mexican manufactured fentanyl/drugs that are being pushed into America by Mexico and the Mexican government/ and the Mexican government
Mexico and the Mexican government are the enemy of America and Us citizens.
Islam is the the enemy of America and Us citizens.
Face the damn obvious truth … Islam and Mexico are the two greatest enemies of America and US citizens. They are causing more real actual physical and economic damage and suffering and misery and killings of US citizens than any other American adversary.
America must fight its worst enemies by far … Islam and Mexico.
Too many American politicians, particularly the berserk democrats have forsaken their OATH to America and US Citizens …..
…. to Preserve Protect and Defend.
Wake up America …. Wake UP US Citizens and Fight Back against your real actual enemies before it is too late.
Defeat and Crush the woke leftist depraved hate-America democrat party in November 2024.
The democrat party has been betraying and stabbing-in-the-back America and US citizens long enough.
May God help us rid America of the long on-going TREACHERY of the woke leftist democrat party.
Christopher Schiavone says
I’m gonna say it because when it comes right down to it people just don’t speak the damn truth. The Worst enemy of the US and We the People would be every NP , Local , state and federal politician that simply lie as there breaking laws to destroy this Country and way of life created here by countless numbers of true American Patriots. People from this country have battled around the world for more countries than I can remember off of the top of my head and never asked why just where. Never for anything in return only to give of themselves to others. This is the most caring and Giving Country that has ever existed and there will never be another like it EVER. These assholes that create, fund develop the Non profits that work against us from within on tax payers backs should be exiled and any wealth taken and given back to the people . These politicians that literally break the law by not FOLLOWING the damn law should be in front of firing squads for nothing short of TREASON. Everyone who knows and was involved in the two TOTALLY FALSE IMPEACHMENTS of A sitting President belong at the front of that list. They speak now of the Coup against Biden. Where the fuck were they when there was an actual real life living breathing in progress COUP organized and implemented by countless Government Entities to OVERTHROW a sitting US President !!!!
THX 1138 says
Regarding our respectful and serious discussion about totalitarianism destroying advanced technology, I found this sentence just now by Ayn Rand which perfectly addresses the issue —
“Of all human activities, science is the field least amenable to force: the facts of reality do not take orders. (This is one of the reasons science perishes under dictatorships, though technology may survive for a short while.)” – Ayn Rand from her essay, “Apollo 11”
Intrepid says
How could we have possibly have lived with out that bit of earth shaking nonsense from the queen of the do-nothings.
Steve Eisenberg says
“A is A; a thing its itself.”
Steve Eisenberg says
Crap; forgive the typo.
NAVY ET1 says
The truly sad thing about this story is that I’m not surprised at all, for this is the modus operandi of a dictatorial socialist administration.
I just finished an article about Tulsi Gabbard being secretly placed on a terrorist watch list after a televised interview about the war in Ukraine in which she stated that the administration and the military industrial complex had a vested interest in keeping the war going.
From that point on, every boarding pass has included the SSSS (secondary security search screening) designation, so she and he husband are ALWAYS “randomly” selected for searches. Every inch of clothing is checked and all electronics are to be turned on and ready for inspection. About 45 minutes extra screening time required and no fewer than four Air Marshals on every flight…and it’s strictly for harassment.
It has become an unfathomable level of projection to call those who oppose the administration “Nazis” when the Deep State and this vile administration are the one’s following Hitler’s playbook to the letter. Whether the harassment comes from mindless collegiate sheep or governmental assets, how far away from Kristallnacht can we be?
All the more reason to root them all out.
🇺🇲 TRUMP ’24 🇺🇲
Steve Chavez says
HOW IN THE HELL did she pass the FBI background check to be that close to a Vice-President? Is she passing on ANY intelligence info to The Enemy, protest groups led by Communists who have always sided with The Enemy?
HOW MANY AMERICANS will join the Jihadists and Sleeper Cells when they start attacking here? A Hundred, Thousands, tens of Thousands, hundreds of thousands, MILLIONS? These numbers include many in Congress, White House, and even our own FBI, DOJ, CIA, DHS who took The Oath and yet, they’re using the Freedoms in the Constitution to OVERTHROW THE CONSTITUTION! When is action going to be taken against these ENEMY WITHIN who would join or sympathize with the Jihad over their fellow Americans. “Dissent is Patriotic.” TREASON AND SEDITION ISN’T!
Daniel Greenfield says
She passed the background check, because those running the checks no longer view Islamic terrorism as a red flag
Domenic Pepe says
Islam itself is a red flag for any decent society culture nation.
Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years … and still is.
Islam must be outlawed in America and Islamic immigration into the USA stopped cold now.
Islam and Islamic nations cultures and societies are the enemy of America and US citizens.
Islam is a depraved psychopathic murderous, berserk freedom crushing violent lying cult, and should never be admitted into civilized society.
The immediate objective of Israel and America should be to decapitate the depraved corrupt psychopathic murderous berserk Islamic Iranian Ayatollah regime.
That should be just the start …. Qatar and many other corrupt depraved murderous Islamic
” Royal ” families must be recognized as the treacherous deceptive hate-filled enemy of America and US citizens and Israel and Jews.
Islam creates more misery suffering violence and murder and hatred around the world than any other ideology.
Enough already.
Steve Chavez says
ANOTHER FBI FAILURE: Elizabeth Keller, wife of our Albuquerque mayor, Tim Keller, studied in Cuba and Nicaragua who then had to prove she wasn’t a spy or a counter-revolutionary and had to be A COMMUNIST! She also followed Che’s motorcycle journey in South America. In a panel with two men, she was wearing a HAMAS scarf. SHE IS EMPLOYED AT OUR TOP SECRET SANDIA NATIONAL LABS!
The FBI has called me to verify a clearance for three of my friends. “Do they have any association with a Communist group? Are they on drugs? Are they drinkers?” They passed since I said no to all questions. HOW IN THE HELL DID THIS WOMAN GET PAST SUCH A RADICAL PAST?
CharlieSeattle says
The FBI is ……..☪ompromised.
The CIA is ……..☭ompromised.
Cassandra says
She probably assisted the latest $275 million (?) gift from the US to the Taliban via Bi Dung.
Mark Cogley says
Shakespeare himself did not say that famous remark about lawyers. In Henry VI he presented a far-left rebellion and one of the participants said it. Shakespeare was showing the barbarism of the mob in that remark.
mj says
Jeremiah Wright, Amos Brown and Louis Farrakhan are reveling in the ‘progress‘ of their 9/11 disciples, Obama, Harris et al.
Onzeur Trante says
The more one knows….America slumbers.
internalexile says
Wonder how she would look in a burqa? Oh, that’s right, we would never know.
Allan Goldstein says
Wonder if she has been infibiulated? It would explain why she is so mean.
Steve says
You mean like Ilhan Omar? No wonder she married her brother.
Daniel Greenfield says
This is the actual look, as opposed to the dye job headshot
Algorithmic Analyst says
She looks deformed.
WhiteHunter says
Interesting, isn’t it, that Tulsi Gabard is on the Terrorist Watch List and harassed with intrusive “random” searches and screening every time she or her husband flies, but this KNOWN, REAL terrorist operative isn’t?
Allan Goldstein says
🎶 Living on Tulsi time ~
🎶 Living on Tulsi time ~
🎶 And they’re hoping we say “screw it ~
🎶 “We won’t try to get back to it.” ~
🎶 Living on Tulsi time ~ ..m
— Don Williams
Cassandra says
Probably revenge from Kakamala for Tulsi crushing and exposing her back in 2020.
Beto says
Tulsi loves despots like Putin and Hassad. Screw her
Steve says
Another reason Bush 43 was so gung ho about wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was because Bush 41 (along with James Baker) was a big cheerleader for Saddam Hussein the “moderate Arab leader” (watch out for a load of happy horseshit when you hear those three words) in the 1980s, even after the “moderate Arab leader” used chemical weapons in the Iran Iraq War and against Kurdish civilians in Iraq itself. He woke up with egg all over his face when Saddam Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait in 1990. He oversold the first Gulf War in 1991 because he couldn’t very well say that the purpose of the war was to restore the Emir of Kuwait to his throne- he made up more happy horseshit about a new world order and democracy, which is alien to all Islamic states.
THX 1138 says
Did Lutheran Services or Catholic Charities sponsor this person and her family to invade and destroy America?
Lutheran Services sponsored Ilhan Omar and her family.
“You are your brother’s keeper”, “the meek shall inherit the earth”, “Love your enemies” – Sermon on the Mount
“BIBLICAL JUSTICE – New Refugee Resettlement Program: An Opportunity for Churches”
“This year [2023] the U.S administration introduced a new refugee resettlement program called Welcome Corps. This program allows individuals and groups to sponsor and resettle refugees without the support or financial assistance of resettlement agencies. With resettlement numbers down after years of cuts to the resettlement budget, Welcome Corps is an opportunity to offer a pathway to safety to more refugees and live out our biblical call to welcome the stranger as found in Matthew 25.”
Intrepid says
Personally I think you and your two or three silly sycophants are starting to lose it. You aren’t getting anywhere with your endless bitching whining and moaning.
But you would throw Trump under the bus as if him losing will change anything.
You really get more stupid with each passing day.
THX 1138 says
I LOVE Donald Trump and I want him to win by the biggest landslide in American history!
It’s the only way he can win because THE FIX IS IN. Make no mistake about it, the Demon-rats are going to steal the election or try to destroy President Trump one way or another.
And the RINOs will do nothing about it.
That corrupt, communist, bastard from Colombia, Juan Merchan, is going to sentence President Trump to one year at Riker’s Island to try and stop him from being elected.
All that being said, Donald Trump has two major flaws, he doesn’t know how to pick loyal staff, he consistently picks saboteurs and backstabbers. And he is terribly inarticulate and meandering in his speeches and answers.
I was hoping he would pick Kari Lake for Vice President, because that woman is simply astonishing with her verbal abilities to make an argument crystal clear and demolish an opponent with her quick wit.
Intrepid says
You love Donald Trump about as much as you love Jews….which is not at all. And it comes through in spades with every idiotic post.
Two major flaws, which is 100 fewer flaws than you have.
Hey why don’t you run for President, so we can see how smart you are. Of course you would actually have to leave that flop house apartment of yours.
Poetcomic1 says
Thanks for bringing your delightful and subtle humor to this discussion. You make us all look good. I can’t believe that I have had posts removed for next to nothing and this is still there.
Robert Smith says
Why didn’t Lincoln abolish the Democratic party why he had the chance ? He let a political party that fought tooth and nail for four years to preserve slavery in America , to continue as if that was okay Ironic , the best president in American history , also made one of the biggest mistakes in American history . The Democratic Party is still here and they’re just as evil as they were in the 1860’s . They’re despicable .
Daniel Greenfield says
I wrote about it in the last chapter of my book Domestic Enemies.
Lincoln essentially says that it’s a volcano and that only one war can be fought at a time.
Catastrophic mistake.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Brilliant insight.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Why are they so ugly? Must be inbreeding.
Plus you catch their parasites if you touch them. Or their fat bacterias that make you as fat as they are 🙂
Steven Brizel says
How did this Hamas loving person ever pass a security clearance?
JS says
This anti-American Bargzie is currently on Harris’s White House staff. This is unbelievable! They have breached the gates and are forming up to take the Country down. And we let it happen.
Daniel Greenfield says
We’re still letting it happen.
Bush “religion of peace” gave way to Obama demonizing America. Islamists now intimidate the Dems into backing Hamas.
And that’s just the beginning.
Allan Goldstein says
Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, it is funny how the liberals of the aughts had Bush Derangement Syndrome ©. ~
Bush was such a classic liberal… He actually believed, and several times stated, that everyone everywhere simply wants to be free!
It was as if he stepped out of a Rascals lyric. ~
Allan Goldstein says
I myself, at the time, used to make fun of the liberal sloganeering 🥹…
🦜 Islam is a peaceful religion ~
🦜 Islam is a peaceful religion ~
🦜 Polly wanna cracker ~
🦜 Islam is a peaceful religion ~
🦜 Bwaaak, Bwaaak ~
Today, I still make fun.
…and the emojis are an improvement over the emoticons.
(^_^) ……. (; – D) ……. ( : – (
Islam Sucks!
Peter Arnone says
Thank you, Daniel. For your hard work and insights.
Daniel Greenfield says
Thank you. Please pass it along.
Moshe says
Where’s her burqa?
Disgraceful. Send her home for an honor killing.
Moshe says
I am a proud American Jewish Republican. Stop your damned over generalization about the Jewish vote it’s an insult and won’t help MAGA.
Allan Goldstein says
Allan Goldstein says
The conservative Jews here (like me) might also ask: Who started this online site anyway?
David H. Was raised to be a lefty in extremis, and look how conservative he’s turned out.
His grandparents probably opposed the czar, and brought that experience with them to the land of liberty.
Robert L. Kahlcke says
God Bless Israel.
john blackman says
no point in relying on the FBI or the CIA . 9/ 11 should have taught you that as well as the recent trump shooting . the keystone cops at their best . bargzie got clearance like all terrorists compliments to the democrats and half of republicans . the left have a love affair with islam because it is a cult and authoritarian which suits the left . america has sown the seeds of its own destruction , it is only a matter of time before it collapses . once the trojan horse of islam is inside your gates it is too late . britain and most of europe a prime example .
Angel Jacob says
It’s a pattern,
DEI hires gets another DEI hire. They both support islamic terrorists and invasion. To import more DEI hires.
Allan Goldstein says
Beware of DEI hires who plant IEDs. 💥
Allan Goldstein says
Where is the laughter? We must retain a sense of humor as we slog through this swamp gas, or we’ll die of the vapors.
Remember, a lack of a sense of humor is a Hallmark of today’s liberalism. So if you see my Rabbi, give him a quran for the Synagogue’s men’s room… and a roll of toilet paper for the lady’s room. ~
Have a great Sabbath. ~
David Elstrom says
Some Fox host asked the other day how who (Horseface) Harris stand up to foreign enemies. I instantly thought, “Stand up to them? She’s on their side!” The media hacks pretend the election is about issues. It’s not. It’s simply a choice between maintaining relative freedom under Republicans or sinking into the political servitude Democrats seek to impose. Even under Republicans the unconstitutional regulatory bureaucracies will exist and continue working around the people. As long as that lawmaking power is outside Congress the metastatic cancer of leftism exists and continues to consume liberty.
Beto Sanchez says
She’s an example of why I don’t feel sorry for the afghans who got stuck when we evacuated their hellhole country.