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One day before the deadline, California Gov. Gavin Newsom scrapped plans to place on the November 5 ballot a measure to compete with an already qualified proposition to reform Proposition 47. That measure, passed by voters on November 4, 2014, is a legacy item for Kamala Harris, who could be on the ballot for president this November 5.
As California’s attorney general in 2014, Harris named a proposition that changed thefts of property valued under $950 from felonies to misdemeanors. Harris called it the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act” but failed to explain how legalizing crime made schools and neighborhoods safer. She has claimed she took no position on the act, but the ballot language has exposed that falsehood.
Proposition 47 launched a crime wave across the state, with 31,322 vehicle break-ins in San Francisco alone in 2017, a 24-percent increase from the previous year. The measure empowered criminals to break into vehicles in broad daylight with bystanders present. The arrest rate in San Francisco, where Harris previously served as district attorney, was less than two percent, and under Proposition 47 criminals could expect at the most a citation.
The consequences of the pro-crime measure were obvious to all but the willfully blind, but the attorney general kept on the quiet side. That emboldened the terrorists embedded in the Golden State.
On December 2, 2015 at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik gunned down Robert Adams, Isaac Amianos, Bennetta Betbadal, Harry Bowman, Sierra Clayborn, Juan Espinoza, Aurora Godoy, Shannon Johnson, Larry Daniel Kaufman, Damien Meins, Tin Ngyen, Nicholas Thalasinos, Yvette Velasco, and Michael Wetzel. The dead and wounded included blacks, Hispanics, Asians and immigrants, but Harris failed to call the mass murder a hate crime or even gun violence.
In a December 17 statement, attorney general Harris mentioned “those who lost their lives,” but failed to name a single victim or condemn the terrorists. In a statement one year later, Harris recalled “those who lost their lives and the loved ones they left behind,” but again named not a single victim.
This is the woman of whom President Obama proclaimed, “she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough,” and “by far the best-looking attorney general in the country.” The attorney general actually owes her career to Willie Brown.
As speaker of the California Assembly from 1980 to 1995, Willie Brown was by far the Golden State’s most powerful shot-caller. In 1994 Brown, 60, met Kamala Harris, a full 30 years his junior, and she became “the Speaker’s new steady,” Brown’s “girlfriend” and “frequent companion.” The two-year relationship worked out well for Harris.
Willie Brown appointed his new steady to lucrative sinecures and backed her run for district attorney of San Francisco in 2003. She promised never to seek the death penalty and kept that promise when gang member David Hill deployed an AK-47 to gun down San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza. Even Dianne Feinstein took Harris to task, as she alienated police across the state.
In her 2009 Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make us Safer, written with ghostwriter Joan O’C. Hamilton, Harris found the number of nonviolent offenders “truly staggering” and put them at the top of her “crime pyramid.” The next year, Harris set her sights on the attorney general’s office.
Harris was so lightly regarded the Sacramento Bee, a reliable Democrat mouthpiece, endorsed her Republican rival Steve Cooley. On election night in 2010, Cooley enjoyed a lead of 10 points and proclaimed victory. The next day, the Harris campaign proclaimed that Kamala would be the next attorney general. According to a witness on the scene, members of the Service Employees International Union, loyal to Harris, were counting the harvested ballots. Three weeks later, Harris prevailed by .8 percent. If anybody thought the election was stolen from Cooley it would be hard to blame them, and the fraudsters have other forces on their side.
Voting in American elections requires American citizenship, but California registers false-documented illegals to vote when they get their driver’s license. Democrats won’t say how many illegals actually vote, and the “motor voter” program has never been independently audited. In 2019, attorney general Xavier Becerra hinted that there were 10 million “immigrants” in the state, and that opens up many possibilities, especially with party cadres known as politiqueros coercing illegals into voting for Democrats. Legal voters can have more than a reasonable doubt about Gavin Newsom’s victory in the 2021 recall.
California’s imported electorate is the pattern for Joe Biden, who brought in some ten million illegals, adding to the 22 million already here. In 2014 vice president Biden said the illegals were “already American citizens,” so “let people vote.”
After the debate debacle, Democrats are pressing Biden to step aside. Ten years after the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act,” Kamala Harris could become the nation’s first poontronage president. If her career as attorney general of California is any clue, that would be a victory for illegals, criminals, and terrorist mass murderers.
Ironically, she’s been criticized for being too tough on marijuana offenses. In any case, she is a nightmare waiting to happen if she ever comes into power. I pray God will save us from politicians like Harris. But perhaps it’s too late.
She deserves all the scorn and mockery we can muster. All of her decisions were politically expedient, catering to whatever the base was composed of at that point in time. When she needed to look tough on crime she did, and when it came time to look like a sympathetic fellow traveler she did that, too. Now, instead of espousing a law-and-order policy against illegal drug use, she claims to have smoked pot in college, and that her Jamaican heritage contributed to that as if it were culturally acceptable; her own Jamaican father rebuked her for that claim. She’s odious garbage.
A nightmare scenario, indeed.
A nightmare yes but not nearly as horrific a nightmare as Alzheimer Joe’s handlers, who did far more damage to America and the world the first day they had him in office and had him sign a pile of Executive orders that Bareback Hasbeen Osama managed in eight years.
Did he actually sign over 100 executive orders?
(I know his first set was to stop border security & stop energy independence.)
FJB and the mail-in ballots he rode in on.
From breitbart:
“The latest polling from Emerson College confirms that Democrats are screwed: Kamala Harris polls worse against Donald Trump than Joe Biden.
Democrats are in an impossible situation that they wholeheartedly deserve: even after that disastrous debate that blew apart the Democrat party and corporate media coverup of Biden’s ongoing and dramatic mental and physical collapse, Kamala Harris still polls worse.”
I can’t wait for the Nov. election- the dems are going to get slaughtered no matter who they pick to be on their ticket. The wise men at the DNC just dug their own grave.
How has Dr. Jill responded to the dems’ debacle? She now has her own version of the “hail to the chief” music – let’s call it “hail to the first lady” – which she wants played each time she enters a ceremony at the white house – so now we understand why Poopy Pants will never be allowed to step down.
I didn’t know that about that vainglorious whore, fake Dr Jill but it doesn’t surprise me. That self aggrandizing cunt lives to be the fake first lady and she’s not going to let a trifle like a husband with stage six Alzheimer’s get in her way.
But we can’t get too cocky. Trump slaughtered Beijing Biden in 2020 but Joetard is the one in office.
All too true. Best description of Jill I’ve seen yet.
Wait for the chickenshit DNC operatives like Brennan to stage a “racial incident” or stage another op like the fake bombs in October of 2018, or Jan 6th.
Vigilance against leftist plants is now the rule.
that’s because it ain’t up to the votes cast. Its all about the votes COUNTED… and counted… and counted again. In piles knee deep. And then counted some more.
What must never be ignored or forgotten is the grave threat to the Republic from Democrat voter fraud and indifferent triumphalist Republicans who haven’t lived in the California that has been created by means of decades of ingrained, intrenched politicians no sensible person would ever vote for, but who were triumphantly elected with the manipulation of California voter tallies.
The headline writer here misspelled “Lunacies” ~
Not that I’m one to talk: I typo all the time. ~
I can’t spell werth beins = My blood type is not the only thing about me that is Type O
These professional politicians are monsters that believe we need them to guide our lives. Yes, many of their government dependent constituents do need cradle to the grave watch care. That’s the foundation of he DNC philosophy.
No responsible, self reliant citizen would knowingly choose to turn their future over to the Harris ilk.
Hear, hear! 🍻🇺🇸
I have those selfsame sentiments. (Of course, that might be because of the way I was raised, and that I run my own business.)
According to a philandering California Democ-rat pol’s tell-all book (“Willie Brown: A Biography,” 1996), Kamala Harris has a good head on her shoulders.
That probably means he thinks she gives good head. I wouldn’t let her blow me if she had a bag over it.
When reading the previous comment, I was going to reply similar to yours! LOL
Hey, I don’t want anyone for President who knows what Willie Brown tastes like.
She is not as bad looking as most DEMOcrat women – I’ll give her that! BUT, she’s dumb as a box of rocks! She has no support among the DEMOcrats – less than 2% during their “primary” when Joe was selected! And, what has she accomplished in her many “czarhoods”? Border Czar alone should disqualify her for being considered County Dog Catcher! For someone whose career is owed to an old man and her ORAL skills, she surely has a difficult time putting a sentence together! Well, at least one that makes sense!
And that “$950 PER DAY BAG LIMIT”?? Who in their RIGHT mind thought that was even a STUPID idea? It’s INSANITY on display and has reaped the expected benefits! When a SANE California LAW returns THEFT to the status and PUNISHMENT it should command, there will be RIOTS! I can see the bleeding heart libers now “But it’s THEIR RIGHT TO STEAL – a LITTLE”!
One more “snag” in that $950 PER DAY – or is it PER THEFT – Have they factored in for the back breaking INFLATION brought on by the biden bunglers?
That legislation and Newsom’s election caused my final decision to leave the once-beautiful state of my birth. Time has confirmed to me that it was a wise decision.
A woman who ran her own business did the same.
Homeless bums would camp right next to the entry of her business.
She’d complain to cops about the urine, fecal matter, harassing patrons, etc. Cops said there was nothing they could do.
So she did something about it. She rented a U-Haul and got the hell outta there.
Yet another DEI hire who performs poorly on the job.
Yeah, if DEI stands for Dick Eating Idiot.
I always find it funny, or maybe disturbing, that the Democrats name various bills to make them sound nice and fuzzy warm while doing the exact opposite. Like the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act which has nothing to do with either, and then the Inflation Reduction Act which was always going to do the opposite, then the For The People Act which was only ever going to benefit democrat politicians or anyone else who wanted to cheat their way to power. It’s like the old East Germany and North Korea having Democratic in their country name!
Cackling Kamalalala is one brain fart away from assuming the office of POTUS – the demons are at the gate – no the demons breached the gate and have been f’ing us since the pLandemic – they rigged and stole the 2020 election and we are in a global coup d’etat targeting USA first – As USA goes so goes the world!
She had one job to do, the border. One job. Only the Dems would promote such incompetent tropes as long as they checked the appropriate boxes. Does this not expose their utter contempt for America? What in the hell kind of a show are they putting on here?
Technically she succeeded at that job.
They wanted the gates flung wide open to let in the 3rd world. Her job was to let it stay that way.
The Borderless Biden administration ushered in ten million illegal aliens and there were already twenty two million her prior to that? Those figures are ridiculously low. Not even corrupt ICE cites figures that low. Bidumb and his handlers have ushered in at least twenty million illegal invaders and there were at least thirty million here as far back as the year 2000.
The fact that Heels Up Harris could and likely will eventually end up as America’s first poontronage President unless Trump beats the rampant Dirtbagocrat (and possibly CCP) vote cheating is true though, and poontonage is a funny term for a very unfunny person and she’s come so far with no talent other spreading for an old man who couldn’t score anyone attractive.
Has there ever been a more cringeworthy woman in politics? I think she might even be worse than Hillary, they’re that close on the cringe-o-meter. I wonder if Americans really understand what the country is in for should Harris get into the WH one way or another. A horrifying thought, that.
If forbid, she is ever elected to the highest office (through fraud of course), be rest assured that Putin will bang the shit outta her. Small consolation to the majority of Americans who see this little girl as the ignorant whore she truly is.
Putin is a man of at least some integrity and honesty. No way would he ever stoop to such actions with any high-up in Yank pollitics female. And I believe he’d be putting HER somewhere near ten feet below the surface
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Another great article by Mr Billingsley. However,vhe failed to mention that when Willie Brown was boinking Kamala, he was married.
All this handwrinigng and scaremingering over the possibility of Harris becoming Presiden in ANY scenario wallks right by ONE ISSUE I have yet tosee addressed:
The US Constitution clearly states that the President of this nation MUS be a “Naural Born ciizen”. this is defined as any person havong BOTH parents who are US Citizens a the time of the birth of the person in question.
Kamala Harris is NOT a Natural Born Citizen, thus CANNOT lawfully sit as President.
At the tome she was born, her mother was a citizen of the nation of India, which at the time I believe was a British Protectorat but in NO case a part of the United States
Her father, at the timeof her birth, was Jamaican, also aBritish Protectorate, thus he was a British Subject of some sort. Again, in o sretch of the imagination was he a US Ciien at the tme she was born.
She is quite simply and clearly and inescapably DISQUALIFIED from ever holding the office of President of the United States.
And if America sits quiely by and ALLOWS this fraudulent plan to make her president to become a reality perhaps we DESERVE he shipwreck this will be. \
We are being reduced to the laughingstock of the planet
She just laughs it off.