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“I don’t understand how we got so toxic and just so divided and so bitter,” Barack Obama wondered at a Kamala rally in Wisconsin.
A day later the Kamala campaign began accusing Trump of being Hitler.
As October surprises go, a Democrat accusing a Republican of being Hitler is as surprising as pint size witches and ghosts showing up on your doorstep on October 31. Ever since FDR accused Wendel Wilkie of using “Hitler tactics” back during the 1940 election, calling your opponent Hitler has been a rite of passage since even before Joe Biden was born.
Goldwater, Reagan and both Bushes, were accused of Hitlerism, Nazism or fascism.
No Democrat was too respectable to get in the game including MLK who claimed, “we see danger signs of Hitlerism in the candidacy of Mr. Goldwater.”
Barry Goldwater was half Jewish, a WWII vet and a lifetime member of the NAACP who helped found the NAACP’s Arizona chapter, and seemingly the worst possible candidate for ‘Hitlerism’.
Except for Trump who has Jewish family members and is performing so well among Jewish, Latino and black voters that his opponent and her media have to compare him to Hitler.
There was a time when comparing your opponent to Hitler was a mostly harmless form of watering down some of the most horrific events of the twentieth century for political gain.
These days however it’s all too easy to find an influential political movement championing the extermination of the Jews with a foothold inside the Kamala campaign and the Democrats.
If the Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah boasted. And the Islamic terrorist group proved it was serious about killing Jews outside Israel with terrorist attacks like the bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires which murdered 86 people.
These days you can spot Hezbollah flags flying at any respectable anti-Israel rally. Including the ones that Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz have defended and are complicit in. Harris, Walz and the party have praised the mobs waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags, chanting in support of the Houthis and assaulting Jewish students, and they want to claim the role of the Allies fighting Hitler when they’re at best the Quislings who are aiding and abetting the Nazis.
Kamala privately met with Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud to urge him to support her campaign. Hammoud had spoken at a rally that included chants of “Death to Israel” and calls for Jews to be returned “back to Poland.”
Hammoud was introduced by Osama Siblani as “the greatest mayor in the United States of America.” “Mr. Bush believes Hezbollah, Hamas and other Palestinian factions are terrorists, but we believe they are freedom fighters,” Siblani had previously told the Washington Post.
Osama had bragged, “If the FBI wants to come after those who support the resistance done by Hezbollah, then they better bring a fleet of buses. I for one would be willing to go to jail.”
“Our martyrs are heroes, our leaders are great,” Osama Siblani said after the death of the Hezbollah leader “And first among them, their leader, the great Sayyed, Hassan Nasrallah.”
Osama had previously met with Ms. Chávez Rodríguez, Kamala’s campaign manager, as part of a delegation to win over the votes of the Hezbollah community in Dearborn, Michigan.
The Biden-Harris administration and the Harris-Walz campaign are complicit with Nazis. Not historical ones or dead ones, but actual movements dedicated to killing Jews today.
After a year in which American Jews have been assaulted, terrorized and threatened, forced out of campuses and systematically discriminated against, Kamala failed to call out those parts of her base that are responsible for it, sometimes condemning the acts, but never the movements.
When mobs wave Hamas flags in front of the White House and openly identify themselves as Hamas supporters, Kamala, Democrats and the media carefully look the other way. When they do that, they’re looking away from public support for the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust by a Muslim Brotherhood movement that got its start being funded by Nazi Germany.
Vice President Kamala Harris and her people refuse to stop meeting with Nazis, Nazi supporters and their political allies, but want to play the game of calling everyone else “Hitler”. This not only trivializes the Holocaust, but ignores an actual attempt to exterminate that which is going on today.
“Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them—even though they exaggerated this issue—he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers,” Muslim Brotherhood ‘spiritual guide’ Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi wished.
Qaradawi, the Qatari backed leader of the Brotherhood, hoped that Islamists would carry on the work of the Nazis. The Obama administration helped the Brotherhood seize power, reached out to Qaradawi and his National Security Council, and met with Qaradawi’s deputy.
The same people telling us that Trump is Hitler met with actual Nazis who are not shy about announcing their desire to kill all the Jews.
If Kamala wants to find Nazis, she needn’t look far, just as far as the nearest mirror.
Let us not forget….
Nazis must be eliminated by any means necessary.
Goose — Gander — Good and all that …
They are Muslim Socialists, or MAZIs for short.
We get called “Nazis”, we call them “Nazis” in return. It seems that when everyone is called a “Nazi” it sort of becomes an increasingly meaningless descriptor.
It does obscure the truth. That truth is that they are Nazi-like or actual Nazis with the same goals as WWII Nazis had. Blaming and killing Jews and domination.
To clarify this for yourself just remember that the left always accuses us of what THEY are or are doing.
Spit on.
The language that Jews and Zionists should now use is …
” Jew Killers ” — and — ” Baby Rapers ” … which more or less describes all of today’s Democrats.
So you favor surrendering the field to those who are misusing the term to viciously lie about the only candidate who will protect Israel.
I am not sure how you could reach such an erroneous conclusion from what I wrote?
I favor not using the descriptor “NazI” unless referring to Nazi Germany and its regime.
It’s a term bandied about so often it is now almost meaningless. The Islamists and the Marxist-Left call Israel and Israelis’ “Nazis”, the Right call the Left and the Islamists “Nazis” ….so?
I agree Trump will be a stronger friend of Israel than Biden/Harris regime but I think he will fall short of taking the fight directly to Iran with US military and neutralize that threat once and for all.
If Trump doesn’t get the US troops to Iran, at least he won’t stop Israel from doing it.
It’s all projection by the Dhimmicrats. Their party has long been permeated with antisemitism- FDR, Breckinridge Long, Peanut Dhimmi Carter, George Ball, William Fulbright, George McGovern, Nazi and Islamic terrorist defender Ramsey Clark, Al Sharpton, Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson, Cynthia McKinney, Cori Bush, Barack Hussein Osama, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Summer Lee (sounds like a hygiene product).
sounds like a litany of toxic chemicals – speaking of toxic chemicals, those cleaning up from the hurricane in North Carolina are getting violently sick and it turns out radioactive waste is in the sludge they are handling and no one told them – cover up after cover up and no FEMA funds for these American folks only for the illegal aliens who are all gangsters and terrorists and drug dealers and human traffickers — it’s treason
Racist! Nazi! Racist!! Nazi!! Everyday all the time for years and years.
The Nazi trope is becoming as meaningless as the racist trope at this point. But that’s all they have ever had since 1948.
Despicable Jew-Hater.; go to Gaza and fight besides Hamas against the IDF.
She supports Hitler’s Youth on campuses, supports the brownshirt punk antisemitic/pro-terror anarchists,
Need one look further?
Well, she did say that they have the “right emotion.”. I guess these days genocidal anti-Semitism is the ” right emotion” to her.
Her parents were communists and she was raised to be a good little commie bed wench. But Kammie’s real problem is she just isn’t all that smart. By any reasonable objective measure, she’s quite dumb, stupid and slow witted. That being the case says more about democrats than it does about her.
A friend of my Mom was in German girls youth groups in the 1930s. She told me some stories, how they were greenie environmentalists with nutzo ideas.
It’s been shocking these past four years watching the escalation of physical
attacks on Jewish people here in America – under the Biden-Kamala
administration. While ignoring Jew-killing Hamas flag-waving demonstrations
at the White House and other Hamas terror-supporting protests – Kamala’s
silence on American Jews being slowly Hitlerized is deafening.
Yet she screeches that Trump is Hitler – to rev up her decidedly stupid and
race-obsessed base. Her association with Nazi-loving Islamists is evil
And so is she.
Perhaps if Jews fought back and put a few of them in stitches the Jew haters wouldn’t be so quick to attack Jews. Jews would be smart to learn Krav Maga, an Israeli invented fighting technique.
Krav Maga is not a martial art and not appropriate for a combat sport. Krav Maga was specifically designed to train Israeli commandos how to use deadly hand to hand combat to quickly incapacitate an enemy and/or kill them if necessary. Kung Fu, Karate and Judo is no match against Krav Maga..
Just saying….
Rob A
What Jews are those, Ace? Ordinary American Jewish people
going about their business while being attacked? Walking
down the street in a supposedly free America – going on
errands or to work or to synagogue – unarmed and blind
Against whom? Either lone wolf Muslim maniacs or Jew
haters OR Palestinian protestors and thugs – backed by an
international globalist cabal and supported by millions of
dollars in Muslim oil money. Just the other day in Chicago,
a Jewish man walking to synagogue in the morning was
shot multiple times by an illegal migrant African Muslim
from Mauritania yelling Allahu Akbar. Even if he’d wanted
to, that Jewish man had no chance to ‘fight back’.
And BTW, there have been a few instances where American
Jewish men caught unawares have fought back and gotten
their lumps in. Typically though, ordinary Jewish people
have been surrounded, outnumbered and beaten by thugs
of that Jew-hating global juggernaut of phony Palestinian
Sure, Jews now would be wise to learn self defense as
Jewish mothers worry themselves sick about their children.
But it’d also be wise for people like you to realize exactly what
overwhelmingly powerful force of destruction the Jews – and
America – are up against.
I’ll make it simple: The strong survive, the weak perish. It’s no more complicated than that. Anything beyond that basic concept is just overwrought sophistry.
Rob A
“Perhaps if Jews fought back and put a few of them
in stitches, the Jew haters wouldn’t be so quick to
attack Jews”.
You make it sound as if ordinary Jews defended
themselves, then their attackers would back off.
I concurred that it’d be wise for Jews to learn self-
defense but said that international force of
destruction to end America and Jewry would never
back off. Of course, that all got by you.
There is nothing of sophistry – of falsehood – in my
replies to you regarding the difficulties American Jews
have in defending themselves. You just can’t grasp it
and want to keep it simple. That’s not surprising.
That is what simpletons do.
I noticed that despite the largish and noisy presence of “Palestinian” flag waiving people at her Ellipse speech the other night (which our glorious “news media” didn’t cover) she didn’t ask them to be quiet or leave the rally. Now imagine the media reaction if there were Nazi flag waiving people at one of Trump’s rallies.
Sometimes I wonder whether you understand that Naziism and Islamic fundamentalism are not at all the same thing. Then I remember. Of course you know. You just pretend that you don’t to spout propaganda and instigate hatred.
Apparently, as your comment indicates, you are yet another individual without critical analytical skills. Self demeaning when you come to this site and try to fly your self-serving political kite without a rational thought and clear lack of both historical and religious understanding of both forms of hatred. Go home and listen to the rhetoric of the infamously unintelligent since you will fit best there where thinking is not required.
They are as close as two evil ideologies have ever been in world history.
I agree with you on these two but would add Communism to them also..
Are you familiar with the term “Ba’athism”? Did you know that it’s the Arab offshoot of Nazism?
Did you know that Saddam Hussein was a Ba’athist? Did you know that the current Syrian ruler is also a Ba’athist? Did you know that Ba’athists advocate for the creation of a one-party state and reject notion of political pluralism?
What is the basis of such notions? Answer: The Koran. Ergo, it’s appropriate to conclude that Nazism and Islamic fundamentalism are two sides of the same coin. QED
Ba’athism was founded in Arab Nationalism (the creation of a single Arab socialist nation) its precursor was the Young Arab Society of 1911 – not German National Socialism of 1930’s? However Arab nationalists courted the German Nazis to support their nationalist aims in the Middle East as they had done previously with Great Britain during WWI ….think “Lawrence of Arabia”.
Of course Islamic Fundamentalism has a genocidal antipathy against Israel and Jews. However historical Islamist genocidal actions were not a solely Nazi era phenomena, how about those in the 1920’s, Hebron etc?
More broadly Nationalism does not equate to Nazism nor does genocide. The Political Instability Task Force (PITF) concluded that 43 genocides occurred between 1956 and 2016, resulting in 50 million deaths.
As I wrote previously I prefer to reserve the descriptor “Nazi” for Nazi Germany. When everyone is a “Nazi” there are no “Nazis”.
Islamic fundamentalism is national/religious umma socialism, they both were supremacist movements about one group being superior to all other groups, and desiring the eradication of competing factions.
It’s always a hoot how you describe yourself when you spout your pathetic Leftist propaganda and instigate hatred. It is the Left that is always playing the Hitler card.
You are a cheap little hypocrite. If you look at what the Nazis did in Germany, and almost succeeded, and what Hamas did in October 2023 killing 1200 Jews and taking 250 Americans and Jews hostage, the similarities are obvious. The only difference, for now, is scale.
When idiots like you call for a two state solution you are really calling for ‘final solution’. When pro-Hamas morons like you burp out the From the River to the Sea on college campuses you are really calling for the elimination of the Jews in Israel.
Clowns like you aren’t fooling anyone. Racking up the downvotes like you do proves my point. You are a pathetic Jew hating wannabe Nazi and a Hamas sympathizer. And a coward.
Some day you may get your chance to kill a few Jews and we will find you on a field next to a Hamasimian, shot to pieces by a newly armed Jew. Yes, Israel has liberalized who can get and own a gun.
Eff off you little Leftist P.O.S. worm.
I remember back in 1995 when Republicans were called NAZIs by Democrat members of Congress over some education bill. Then one dem called the Republicans worse than NAZIs. Of course it’s absurd.
Gutfeld last night had a video clip of Cackling Kamalala and all the deep state flying monkeys from Bill Clinton to Barack Obama to Oprah and everyone in between who started out saying this is the campaign of JOY and now calling President Trump hitler and us, of course garbage
Another clip I saw elsewhere is that Arnold Swarzennegor who I have known since 1972 in a college class at Santa Monica CIty College, a supposed republican is supporting Cackling Kamalala, a witch whore of Babylon – I thought why, Arnold isn’t making any more movies, he’s secure in real estate and his other fortunes – he wants to stay in the HellyWeird mad man by spewing vitriol against President Trump – do you recall the last two seasons of the Apprentice TV show – Donald Trump picked Arnold to host so he could do other stuff – Donald was tired of the rigors of filming a reality show –
The deep state globalists who now own and control the entertainment industry if you want to keep in their graces and continue to work you will come out against President Trump
Arnold, if not for me you might not have enjoyed the career you have enjoyed – those Vietnam vets were going to cut your check and pecs because you were such and arrogant ass – I talked them out of it – they were fresh from the jungle and using the GI Bill to get their life back on track!
Until Obama became president, there was what I would call a non-lethal anti-Semitism in America, characterized by ‘restricted’ professions or vacation hotels or neighborhoods, and quotas.
I think the unrequited lethal anti-Semitism in Europe that resulted in the premature end of what was intended to be a total genocidal Holocaust, which was only stopped with the end of World War II, rebranded itself, cranked up Arab antisemitism to produce a more virulent strain of antisemitism, that is, antizionism, renewing hopes of complete genocide,.
That new hybrid was injected into America’s political and social bloodstream with the coming of Obama, his Biden and now his Harris.
I didn’t think that Nazi Jihad blood was compatible with America’s blood type. But seeing that the race is so incomprehensibly close, I don’t know.
The original “Palestinian” the Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini (Arafat’s uncle) spent WW II in Nazi Germany urging Hitler and Himmler to kills Jews faster and in larger numbers, and to extend the “Final Solution” to the Middle East under his leadership. That’s what people like Hamas and Fatah, as well Greta Thunberg, Susan Sarandon, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Michael Moore mean when they chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.
Like all Cowards they hide their faces like they do but God knows whom they are
Kamala Harris is a true racist. This may be observe with her favoring the ”Palestinians,” Arab/Muslim, who want all of the land that composes the Jewish State of Israel . Likewise, she along with her comrades of the Red/Green alliance is favorable to the murderous Islamic terror entity .Hamas.
Likewise. As Joe Biden, so does kamala Harris supports a policy of appeasement towards those Muslim despots of that Islamic regime of Iran , who hate the Jewish people and Israel with a strong Qur’ an based passion.
For the Qur ‘an teaches that Jews are just “apes and swine” in human form, as seen in the Qu ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60.
That’s why those Arab /Muslims who call themselves “Palestinians” and the jihadists o Hamas and Hezbollah along with those hostile tyrants in power in Iran detest Jews with a spite- full Islamic spirit.
Therefore, considering the associates and friends of Kamala Harris , she is a real racist toward the Jewish people.
The Battle Hymn of the Republic – The United States Army Band
The Horse Whisperer Romantic Dance Scene
Elvis Presley – Amazing Grace (Official Audio)
No one can deny Hitler was a genocidal racist. But people must understand all his anti Jewish laws were carbon copies of Jim Crow laws. Now you tell me. Who learned from whom how to persecute /execute the final solution.
I’m going to put something in front of you, that thing is poetry. Poetry is the basis of your civilization. Without poetry, your civilization does not exist.
In the hierarchy, after God, there is a poet.
I can go back and forth debating the issue with you but it would be an exercise in futility. You have your opinion and I have mine. Obviously you disagree with me but that’s how it goes. Besides, who gives a crap what you and I think anyway?
Be thankful that we live in a free country and are allowed to express different opinions. The left wants to take that away from us. I think you and I can agree that we cannot, must not allow that to happen.
God bless America!!
Rob A
I took your simple approach to complex issues as an
indicator you were on the Left.
Glad you are on our side.
God bless America and President Trump and you too.
islamism is the new nazism.
Islamism predates Nazism by about 1,400 years.
So just why do they always hide their faces like they do who are they really UN Peace Keepers maybe or what or whom else
german nazism of the 1930s and 40s.
stalin’s soviet russia.
pisslam since its inception in the 7th century.
Remember that german nazis and ME pisslims where happy allies during WW2, both against the forces of freedom.
Current AINO-Venezuerican d卐m☭nrats with their whole panoply of antics, corruption, degeneracy and malignancy.
Pure evil, all of them.
They all have something in common: a desperate thirst for the absolute power of a Persian emperor of 400BC.
It is just brute force trying to enslave others.
All of them hate individualism, freedom, the inalienable rights of the individual, private property, assertive free men that want to be left alone to engage in the pursuit of happiness.
They hate, with a vitriol that knows no limits, what is established in the Declaration of Independence.
And they all practice Jew-hating with the abandon of retards. Peculiar, uh?
It’s all the same thing.
Scratch any of them and you find the collectivism of Attila and the witch-“doctor” and a thirst for medieval Dark Ages feudal power, absolute and unquestionable.
It is all the antithesis of what America was founded to be.
And today they are feeding from the corpse of the late Constitutional Republic the United States of America (July 4th, 1776 – November 3rd, 2020)
And there is only one way to solve this.
But we will not apply it because we have become cowards.
The only real region that still, today, admires Hitler is Arab “Palestine.l, ” not much changed since Feb-1941 Sakakini’s poll: 88% pro Axis. Or 1937 Consul Walter Doehle: Arabs of all strata admire Fuhrer; 1938 Goebbels: Palestine Arabs worship the Fuhrer; John Gunther 1939: Hitler – Arabs’ hero; Pathfinder magazine Mar-1940: ‘Palestine’s Arabs admire Hitler for his Jew-baiting.’ CIA summer-1942 most Palestine Arabs are radical await Rommel; Shukairy in his 1969 book: we cheered and prayed for Hitler; PLO’s F. Qaddoumi (2013): we supported the Nazis for Zionists were common enemy.
Sinwar’s interrogator M. Koubi tells how he had many Nein Kampf books and gave them out to kids in the 1980’s when in charge of education and arranged competitions on who kills more Jews. Hundreds of UNRWA have been revealed (2015-2022) in teaching hate and many pro Hitler. Mein Kampf has been a best seller since 1999 there and swastikas are regular features.