When Kamala Harris’ office announced that she was hiring Jamal Simmons as her new communications director after her old one, like a lot of her staff, left for more promising postures, I observed that, “At this rate, Kamala will soon be hiring the staff from Dunkin Donuts to run her office.”
I take that back. The Dunkin Donuts people would have been overqualified.
But arguably the veteran of the Wesley Clark presidential campaign and chief of staff for Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick Cheeks was perfect for Kamala because the communications director has a communications problem.
Somehow, Simmons didn’t think to clean out his past history, which included suggesting that Biden was out to lunch and wondering why ICE doesn’t just arrest the illegal aliens who go on news networks.
He’s right on both counts, but it’s a testament to his history operating in a Congressional Black Caucus environment that is much less politically correct or ideological and has common sense responses to things like this.
But that’s not what Kamala needs.
What she desperately needs are competent and solid establishment vets who can lead her through the process no matter how incompetent she might be.
Her boss has those people. If you think Biden is bad now, imagine if he didn’t have all the hand-holding and the puppetry that enable him to get through 5 minutes without threatening to nuke Kansas or trying to show how far he can spit or telling a Corn Pop story.
That’s not just Biden.
D.C. is full of politicians, POTUSes, Senate and House members, who couldn’t find their pants and have no idea what’s going on without savvy staffers who set their agenda, keep up to date, and make them look like they’re on top of things when they appear on MSNBC or FOX News.
(Spoiler alert: they have no idea what they’re talking about, and they’re not actually familiar with any of the issues.)
Kamala is a joke, but she could look better than she does if she had an even marginally competent staff. Instead, she hires third-string minority outreach people who then fight with her sister before resigning, and have no clue how to even begin making her look good.
No sign that’s going to change.
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